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ecw:dcw Step-by-Step How To für Deppen wie mich

ins7e end is 02 33 07 what is this?
aes or 3des?

ins7e end didnt changed ...
02 33 07 is the same as before the key changed.
I don't know what this values exacetly mean...
I have some screenshots of diagnostic screens before change and after change when pairing error has occurred.
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Re: 02 33 07
Look after this series 02 33 07 ..before was N 21 Y, after when they something changed is N 19 Y..
and now is N 5250 Y.
I haven't noticed that it has anything to do with changing channels, I think this is generally the same on all channels.
That information is in the part where the so-called ins7e. (4) part, and I think it is constant and the same for all channels.
I haven't noticed that it has anything to do with changing channels, I think this is generally the same on all channels.
That information is in the part where the so-called ins7e. (4) part, and I think it is constant and the same for all channels.

I'm pretty sure that value is changing related to channel change.
Try for yourself... Go to diagnostics in one chanell... than close diag menu, change channel and check again diag.

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Das ist halb wahr!
Viele Leute versuchen zu betrügen, aber wenige haben bereits die Lösung, ich empfehle es nicht, da es nicht jahrelang halten wird
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