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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM


Ist oft hier
9. Juni 2010
Hallo Gemeinde, ich hab seit einigen Tagen ein Problem mit meiner V14 Ich hab sie in meinem IGEL ThinClient und sie liefert mir bei Abfragen auf meinen Programmpaketen ständig ein " not found " Die Karte ist offen, nicht gepaired und läuft in meiner VU einwandfrei ( d.h. macht alle Programme auf) Hab schon einiges rumkonfiguriert, aber komme irgendwie nicht weiter. Wäre nett wenn mal jemand drübergucken kann wo der Fehler liegt Hier mal meine confs. OscamLOG
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] Pincode read: XXXX  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] Parental control disabled  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] ready for requests  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] card detected  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007b --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky DE Sat 19,2  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Sport  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Beate-Uhse.TV  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c0 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Welt Extra  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c8 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Film  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c9 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Welt HD  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ca --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Film HD  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c7 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Welt  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Sport HD  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f0 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky+/Anytime  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | DE Sat 19,2  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Blue Movie Info  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | DE Sat 19,2  
[*]2016/06/29 11:53:11 57D525E2 r   (reader) V14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--  
# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11270 # Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt   [global] disablelog                    = 0  loghistorylines               = 256  serverip                      =  logfile                       = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log  initial_debuglevel            = 0  sysloghost                    =   syslogport                    = 514  logduplicatelines             = 0  pidfile                       = /var/emu/oscam/oscam.pid  disableuserfile               = 1 disablemail                   = 1  usrfileflag                   = 0 clienttimeout                 = 5000  fallbacktimeout               = 2200  fallbacktimeout_percaid       = 01:1200,09CD:330,0963:400,093E:3000,090F:700,17:2000,18:1800,0B:1500,0D:1500,0500:700,5581:400  clientmaxidle                 = 120  bindwait                      = 120  netprio                       = 0  sleep                         = 0  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1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:000C|Sky|NatGeo Wild|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:000D|Sky|National Geographic|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:000E|Sky|Discovery Channel|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0010|Sky|Fox|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0013|Sky|Junior|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0015|Sky|Beate-Uhse.tv|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0016|Sky|Heimatkanal|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0017|Sky|Sky Krimi|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0018|Sky|Unitel Classica|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:001A|Sky|Disney Junior|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,1837,09C4,098C,09C7:001B|Sky|RTL Crime|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:001C|Sky|Disney XD|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1837,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:001D|Sky|RTL Passion|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0022|Sky|Disney Channel|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0024|Sky|Syfy|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:002A|Sky|13th Street|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0032|Sky|TNT Serie|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0034|Sky|Spiegel Geschichte|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00A8|Sky|Motorvision TV|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0206|Sky|Goldstar TV|TV|Sky Welt 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0008|Sky|Sky Comedy|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0009|Sky|Sky Action|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,098C,09C7:000A|Sky|Sky Cinema|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:000B|Sky|Sky Cinema +1|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0014|Sky|Sky Emotion|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0019|Sky|Disney Cinemagic|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0029|Sky|Sky Cinema Hits|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:002B|Sky|Sky Cinema +24|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0203|Sky|MGM|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0204|Sky|Sky Nostalgie|TV|Sky Film 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0011|Sky|Sky Sport News|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1833,09C4,098C:001E|Sky|Sky Sport Austria|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00DD|Sky|Sky Sport 1|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00DE|Sky|Sky Sport 2|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00FD|Sky|Sky Sport 3|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0107|Sky|Sky Sport 10|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0111|Sky|Sky Sport 11|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:011B|Sky|Sky Sport 9|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0125|Sky|Sky Sport 8|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:012F|Sky|Sky Sport 7 / F1 Multisignal|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0139|Sky|Sky Sport 6 / F1 Highlights|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0143|Sky|Sky Sport 5 / F1 Daten|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:014D|Sky|Sky Sport 4 / F1 Cockpit|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:016B|Sky|Sky Sport 12|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0175|Sky|Sky Sport 13|TV|Sky Sport 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00DF|Sky|Sky Bundesliga|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0106|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 1|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0110|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 2|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:011A|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 3|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0124|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 4|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:012E|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 5|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0138|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 6|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0142|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 7|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:014C|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 8|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00FC|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 11|TV|Sky Bundesliga 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0012|Sky|Sky Select Info|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00FB|Sky|Sky Select 1|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:00FE|Sky|Sky Select Event A|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0105|Sky|Sky Select 2|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:010F|Sky|Sky Select 3|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0119|Sky|Sky Select 4|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0123|Sky|Sky Select 5|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:012D|Sky|Sky Select 6|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0137|Sky|Sky Select 7|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0141|Sky|Sky Select 8|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:014B|Sky|Sky Select 9|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0078|Sky|Sky Select HD|TV|Sky Select 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:006A|Sky|Sky Action HD|TV|Sky Film HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:006B|Sky|Sky Cinema Hits HD|TV|Sky Film HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:006F|Sky|Disney Cinemagic HD|TV|Sky Film HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09AF,09C4,098C,09C7:0070|Sky|NatGeo HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0071|Sky|History HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0077|Sky|Sport1 US HD|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0082|Sky|Discovery HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0083|Sky|Sky Cinema HD|TV|Sky Film HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0084|Sky|Eurosport HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:006D|Sky|Eurosport 2 HD|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:007C|Sky|FOX HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0076|Sky|Nat Geo Wild HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0074|Sky|Disney Channel HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:6FB8|Sky|MTV Live HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:6FB9|Sky|MTV Live HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:006E|Sky|Sky Atlantic HD|TV|Sky Film HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:007B|Sky|TNT Serie HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:007A|Sky|Sport1+ HD|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:007D|Sky|AXN HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0080|Sky|E! Entertainment HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:007F|Sky|13th Street HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:007E|Sky|Syfy HD|TV|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0073|SKY|MGM HD|Sky Welt HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0065|SKY|Universal HD|Sky Welt HD 1702,1833,09C4,098C:0075|Sky|Sky 3D|TV|Sky 3D 1702,1833,09C4,098C:0021|Sky|Kinowelt TV|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:0023|Sky|TNT Film (TCM)|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C,0D22:0025|Sky|AXN Action|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,1837,09C4,098C:0026|Sky|Romance TV|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:0038|Sky|Boomerang|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:003A|Sky|History|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C,0100:1485|Sky|Animax|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:0027|Sky|Cartoon Network (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,1837,09C4,098C:2EFE|Sky|RTL Living|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:0039|Sky|Biography Channel|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:4461|Sky|Sat.1 emotions|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C:4462|Sky|Kabel1 Classics|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C,0D00:7001|Sky|MTV Germany|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C,0D00:7009|Sky|MTV Entertainment (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,09C4,098C,0D00:700A|Sky|Nicktoons (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra 1702,1833,1837,09C4,098C:003B|Sky|sportdigital|TV|Sky sonstige 1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,098C,09C7:0201|Sky|Blue Movie Info|TV|Sky Erotik 1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,098C,09C7:0159|Sky|Blue Movie 1|TV|Sky Erotik 1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,098C,09C7:0163|Sky|Blue Movie 2|TV|Sky Erotik 1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,098C,09C7:016D|Sky|Blue Movie 3|TV|Sky Erotik 1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,098C,09C7:0079|Sky|Blue Movie Nights HD|TV|Sky Erotik 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0066|Sky|Sky HD FAN ZONE|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:006C|Sky|Sky Sport News HD|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0081|Sky|Sky Sport HD 1|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0072|Sky|Sky Sport HD 2|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:010C|Sky|Sky Sport HD 3|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0116|Sky|Sky Sport HD 4|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0120|Sky|Sky Sport HD 5|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:012A|Sky|Sky Sport HD 6|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0134|Sky|Sky Sport HD 7|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:013E|Sky|Sky Sport HD 8|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0148|Sky|Sky Sport HD 9|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0152|Sky|Sky Sport HD 10|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:015C|Sky|Sky Sport HD 11|TV|Sky Sport HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0069|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 1|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:010B|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 2|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0115|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 3|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:011F|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 4|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0129|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 5|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0133|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 6|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:013D|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 7|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0147|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 8|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0151|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 9|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:015B|Sky|Sky Bundesliga HD 10|TV|Sky Bundesliga HD 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:010E|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 1|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0118|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 2|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0122|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 3|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:012C|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 4|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0136|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 5|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0140|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 6|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:014A|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 7|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0154|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 8|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:0104|Sky|Eurosport360 HD 9|TV|Eurosport360 HD Feed 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,098C,09C7:013F|Sky|Sport1 US HD1|TV|Sport1 US HD Feed 09C4,098C:1519|Sky|Tele5 HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:151A|Sky|DMAX HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:5273|Sky|NICK/CC HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:5274|Sky|N24 HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF10|Sky|RTL HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF11|Sky|VOX HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF14|Sky|Sport1 HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF15|Sky|RTL2 HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF74|Sky|SAT.1 HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF75|Sky|ProSieben HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF76|Sky|kabel eins HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:EF77|Sky|Sixx HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:2E9B|Sky|Super RTL HD|TV|Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:157F|Sky|Deluxe Music HD|via Astra HD+ 09C4,098C:277E|Sky|. (SD)|TV|Astra HD+ 1843,1830,09C4,0000:283D|HD Deutschland|Das Erste HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2B66|HD Deutschland|ZDF HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF10|HD Deutschland|RTL HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF15|HD Deutschland|RTL2 HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2E9B|HD Deutschland|SUPER RTL HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF77|HD Deutschland|SIXX HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF75|HD Deutschland|ProSieben HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF78|HD Deutschland|ProSieben MAXX HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF74|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF11|HD Deutschland|VOX HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:EF76|HD Deutschland|kabel eins HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1519|HD Deutschland|TELE 5 HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:151A|HD Deutschland|DMAX HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:5273|HD Deutschland|NICK/CC HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:5274|HD Deutschland|N24 HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6DCA|HD Deutschland|Das Erste|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6D66|HD Deutschland|ZDF|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2EE3|HD Deutschland|†RTL‡ Television|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2EF4|HD Deutschland|RTL2|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F1D|HD Deutschland|RTLNITRO|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:445C|HD Deutschland|SAT.1|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4460|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 Gold|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0308|HD Deutschland|SIXX|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:445D|HD Deutschland|ProSieben|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F1C|HD Deutschland|VOX|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:445E|HD Deutschland|kabel eins|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0033|HD Deutschland|TELE 5|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:283E|HD Deutschland|arte HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7034|HD Deutschland|arte|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2B8E|HD Deutschland|3sat HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6D67|HD Deutschland|3sat|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1260|HD Deutschland|3+|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F08|HD Deutschland|SUPER RTL|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2B7A|HD Deutschland|zdf_neo HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6D6E|HD Deutschland|zdf_neo|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0701|HD Deutschland|DAS VIERTE|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7033|HD Deutschland|EinsPlus|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EEC|HD Deutschland|Einsfestival HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7032|HD Deutschland|Einsfestival|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1268|HD Deutschland|SOPHIA TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:526C|HD Deutschland|ANIXE HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:02FC|HD Deutschland|ANIXE SD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1266|HD Deutschland|anixe iTV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1263|HD Deutschland|Fashion One|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:003F|HD Deutschland|DMAX|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:13FF|HD Deutschland|Alice Deutschland|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0293|HD Deutschland|collection|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1523|HD Deutschland|TecTime TV-Zeit für Technik|DATA| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2B84|HD Deutschland|zdf.kultur HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6D70|HD Deutschland|zdf.kultur|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2BA2|HD Deutschland|ZDFinfo HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6D6B|HD Deutschland|ZDFinfo|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F47|HD Deutschland|BR-alpha|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1518|HD Deutschland|sonnenklar.TV HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:157F|HD Deutschland|Deluxe Music HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0041|HD Deutschland|DELUXE MUSIC|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1589|HD Deutschland|Deluxe Music HD Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0304|HD Deutschland|iM1|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:313C|HD Deutschland|Deutsches Musik Fernsehen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2B98|HD Deutschland|KiKA HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6D68|HD Deutschland|KiKA|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:445F|HD Deutschland|N24|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:285B|HD Deutschland|PHOENIX HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7035|HD Deutschland|PHOENIX|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F3A|HD Deutschland|n-tv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7031|HD Deutschland|tagesschau24|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2753|HD Deutschland|Bloomberg Europe TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2856|HD Deutschland|BR Nord HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6DCE|HD Deutschland|Bayerisches FS Nord|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2855|HD Deutschland|BR Süd HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6DCB|HD Deutschland|Bayerisches FS Süd|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2859|HD Deutschland|NDR FS HH HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E41|HD Deutschland|NDR FS HH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2858|HD Deutschland|NDR FS MV HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E40|HD Deutschland|NDR FS MV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2857|HD Deutschland|NDR FS NDS HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E42|HD Deutschland|NDR FS NDS|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:285A|HD Deutschland|NDR FS SH HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E43|HD Deutschland|NDR FS SH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:283F|HD Deutschland|SWR BW HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6DD1|HD Deutschland|SWR Fernsehen BW|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2840|HD Deutschland|SWR RP HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E47|HD Deutschland|SWR Fernsehen RP|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F80|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Aachen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F76|HD Deutschland|WDR Aachen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EA6|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Bielefeld|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E92|HD Deutschland|WDR Bielefeld|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F82|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Bonn|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F78|HD Deutschland|WDR Bonn|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EA7|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Dortmund|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E93|HD Deutschland|WDR Dortmund|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F83|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Duisburg|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F79|HD Deutschland|WDR Duisburg|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EA8|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Düsseldorf|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E94|HD Deutschland|WDR Düsseldorf|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EA9|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Essen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E95|HD Deutschland|WDR Essen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EA5|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Köln|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6DCF|HD Deutschland|WDR Köln|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EAA|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Münster|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E96|HD Deutschland|WDR Münster|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EAB|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Siegen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E97|HD Deutschland|WDR Siegen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F81|HD Deutschland|WDR HD Wuppertal|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F77|HD Deutschland|WDR Wuppertal|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EEB|HD Deutschland|WDR Test A|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E45|HD Deutschland|MDR S-Anhalt|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E44|HD Deutschland|MDR Sachsen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E46|HD Deutschland|MDR Thüringen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E2E|HD Deutschland|rbb Berlin|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E2D|HD Deutschland|rbb Brandenburg|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6DCC|HD Deutschland|hr-fernsehen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2EE6|HD Deutschland|RTL FS|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2EE5|HD Deutschland|RTL HB NDS|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2EE4|HD Deutschland|RTL Regional NRW|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4463|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 Bayern|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E28|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 HH/SH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4464|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 NRW|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E29|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 NS/Bremen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E2A|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 RhlPf/Hessen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6F46|HD Deutschland|SR Fernsehen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:3339|HD Deutschland|L-TV/TVM|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0300|HD Deutschland|RNF|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6EE1|HD Deutschland|Radio Bremen TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:3146|HD Deutschland|rhein main tv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:002F|HD Deutschland|REGIO TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11F8|HD Deutschland|a.tv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11F9|HD Deutschland|Franken Fernsehen|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11FA|HD Deutschland|intv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11FB|HD Deutschland|Ulm-Allgäu|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11FC|HD Deutschland|münchen.tv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11FD|HD Deutschland|rfo Regional Oberbayern|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1201|HD Deutschland|Niederbayern|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11FE|HD Deutschland|Mainfranken|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:11FF|HD Deutschland|ATV Oberfranken|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1200|HD Deutschland|TVA-OTV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:004C|HD Deutschland|EBRU TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0046|HD Deutschland|BB-MV Lokal-TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2E87|HD Deutschland|RTL HD Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7080|HD Deutschland|RTL Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2EA5|HD Deutschland|RTL II HD Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:708A|HD Deutschland|RTL2 Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:708F|HD Deutschland|SUPER RTL A|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E25|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 A|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2E91|HD Deutschland|VOX HD Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7085|HD Deutschland|VOX Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E22|HD Deutschland|ProSieben Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E24|HD Deutschland|Kabel 1 Austria|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7099|HD Deutschland|RTL CH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:3070|HD Deutschland|RTL 2 CH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F09|HD Deutschland|SUPER RTL CH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E26|HD Deutschland|SAT.1 CH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7094|HD Deutschland|VOX CH|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E21|HD Deutschland|ProSieben Schweiz|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:4E23|HD Deutschland|Kabel 1 Schweiz|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:004A|HD Deutschland|joiz|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:526F|HD Deutschland|QVC HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F44|HD Deutschland|QVC Deutschland|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0702|HD Deutschland|QVC|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1580|HD Deutschland|QVC PLUS HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0D42|HD Deutschland|QVC PLUS|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0040|HD Deutschland|QVC BEAUTY&STYLE|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:5270|HD Deutschland|HSE24 HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0028|HD Deutschland|†HSE24‡|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:157D|HD Deutschland|HSE24 EXTRA HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:79EA|HD Deutschland|HSE24 EXTRA|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:004D|HD Deutschland|HSE24 TREND|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:151B|HD Deutschland|Juwelo HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:3148|HD Deutschland|Juwelo TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:3138|HD Deutschland|Juwelo pur|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:157E|HD Deutschland|1-2-3.tv HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0296|HD Deutschland|1-2-3.tv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:151C|HD Deutschland|pearl.tv HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0307|HD Deutschland|MediaShop- Meine Einkaufswelt|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0382|HD Deutschland|MediaShop- Neuheiten|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:002E|HD Deutschland|mediasparTV Homeshopping|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:02FD|HD Deutschland|mediasparTV 2|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:125F|HD Deutschland|ManouLenz.tv|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0381|HD Deutschland|e8 television|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0202|HD Deutschland|JML Shop|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0383|HD Deutschland|meinTVshop|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0295|HD Deutschland|AstroTV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0036|HD Deutschland|Beauty TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F30|HD Deutschland|Channel 21|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0301|HD Deutschland|Channel21|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F3F|HD Deutschland|Channel 21 ALT|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F99|HD Deutschland|CashTV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:315C|HD Deutschland|Fundorado TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:0030|HD Deutschland|ERF 1|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:3139|HD Deutschland|K-TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:33A8|HD Deutschland|Bibel TV HD|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F5A|HD Deutschland|Bibel TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1269|HD Deutschland|Die Neue Zeit TV|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:157C|HD Deutschland|HD+ SmartTV Demo|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:125C|HD Deutschland|HD+ SmartTV Demo|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1581|HD Deutschland|ASTRA 3D Demo|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:5277|HD Deutschland|ASTRA Portal|DATA| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:6E3D|HD Deutschland|ARD-TEST-1|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7036|HD Deutschland|Test-R|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:1252|HD Deutschland|Lokal TV Portal|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:2F5B|HD Deutschland|eUrotic|TV| 1843,1830,09C4,0000:7A4C|HD Deutschland|Sexysat|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:132F|Orf Digital|ORF1 HD|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32C9|Orf Digital|ORF1|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:1330|Orf Digital|ORF2 HD|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32CA|Orf Digital|ORF2|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:332D|Orf Digital|ORF III|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33AC|Orf Digital|ATV HD|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D4|Orf Digital|ATV|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33A7|Orf Digital|ATV2|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:4E27|Orf Digital|PULS 4 Austria|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3332|Orf Digital|sixx Austria|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3330|Orf Digital|LT1-OOE|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:1331|Orf Digital|ServusTV HD Oesterreich|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3337|Orf Digital|ServusTV Oesterreich|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:1332|Orf Digital|ServusTV HD Deutschland|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3336|Orf Digital|ServusTV Deutschland|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32CD|Orf Digital|ORF2 B|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D6|Orf Digital|ORF2E|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D3|Orf Digital|ORF2 K|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32CC|Orf Digital|ORF2 N|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32CE|Orf Digital|ORF2 O|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32CF|Orf Digital|ORF2 S|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D2|Orf Digital|ORF2 St|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D0|Orf Digital|ORF2 T|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D1|Orf Digital|ORF2 V|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32CB|Orf Digital|ORF2 W|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33A5|Orf Digital|ORF SPORT+|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:332F|Orf Digital|Welt der Wunder|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:332E|Orf Digital|GoTV|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3163|Orf Digital|ALT - SUCHLAUF STARTEN|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33AD|Orf Digital|MELODIE TV|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32DA|Orf Digital|Folx TV|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33A6|Orf Digital|Volksmusik|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:527D|Orf Digital|NICK/CC HD Austria|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32DB|Orf Digital|RiC|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:527E|Orf Digital|N24 HD Austria|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:0035|Orf Digital|N24 Austria|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33AB|Orf Digital|DAF Neu|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33A9|Orf Digital|Schau TV|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3159|Orf Digital|Shop24Direct|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33AA|Orf Digital|Starparadies AT|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3355|Orf Digital|BTV|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:315A|Orf Digital|MagicStar Digitalradio Promo|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33AF|Orf Digital|LOKALEINS|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33B0|Orf Digital|LOKALZWEI|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D5|Orf Digital|HITRADIO OE3|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:33B1|Orf Digital|Service 13233|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:1333|Orf Digital|PVoD|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:3333|Orf Digital|VISIT-X.tv|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D7|Orf Digital|Hallo TV German free|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D8|Orf Digital|Hallo TV Espana free|TV| 0D05,1702,09C4:32D9|Orf Digital|Hallo TV Polska free|TV|
# oscam.services generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11270 # Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.services.txt  [srg] caid                          = 0500 provid                        = FFF430,023800,040810,040820,040830 srvid                         = 038F,0385,4331,038B,4332,36B8,4334,36B2,4333,36B3,36E3,36B9,03B7,1260  [sky-ppv] caid                          = 09C4,098C provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0012,0078,0079,00FB,00FE,0105,0108,010F,0119,0123,012D,0137,0141,014B,0159,0163,016D,0096,0097,0098,0099,009A,009B,009C,0045,0046,003B  [sky-hdplus] caid                          = 09C4,098C provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = EF10,EF11,EF14,EF15,EF74,EF75,EF76,EF77,5273,5274,1519,2E9B,151A,157F,007A,EF78,157C,1581,2774,2EAF,2777  [sky-3d] caid                          = 09C4,098C provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0075  [skywelt] caid                          = 1702 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 002A,0018,000E,001A,001C,0010,0206,0016,0013,00A8,000C,000D,001D,001B,0017,0011,0034,0024,0032,0038,0027,0021,700A,0026,0039,0023  [skywelthd] caid                          = 1702,1833 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0082,0084,007C,0071,0076,0070,006C,0086,007B,007D,007F,007E,0080,006D,0065,006A,0087  [skyfilm] caid                          = 1702 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0019,0203,0009,000A,000B,002B,0008,0014,0029,0204,0022  [skyfilmhd] caid                          = 1702,1833 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 006F,0074,0083,006B,006E,0073  [sky3d] caid                          = 1702,1833 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0075  [skyfußballbundesliga] caid                          = 1702 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 00DF,0106,0110,011A,0124,012E,0138,0142,014C,00FC  [skyfußballbundesligahd] caid                          = 1702,1833 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0069,010B,0115,011F,0129,0133,013D,0147,0151,0101,0066,010E,0118,0122,012C,0136,0140,014A,0154,0104  [skysport] caid                          = 1702 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 00DD,00DE,0107,0111,011B,0125,0139,0143,014D,00FD,001E  [skysporthd] caid                          = 1702,1833 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0081,0072,010C,0116,0120,012A,0134,013E,0148,0152,0102,007A,0077,0135  [skyselecthd] caid                          = 1702,1833 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0012,0078,00FB,0105,010F,0119,0123,012D,0137,0141,014B,00FE,014E  [skyerotik] caid                          = 1702 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 0015,0201,0159,0163,016D,0079  [skyorf] caid                          = 1702 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 32C9,32CA,32CB,32CC,32CD,32CE,32CF,32D0,32D1,32D2,32D3,33A5,332D,32D4,33A7,4E27,132F,1330,33AC  [hdplus] caid                          = 1830 provid                        = 000000,003411,008011 srvid                         = 126E,126F,1519,151A,157C,157F,1581,2774,2777,2E9B,2EAF,30D4,5273,5274,EF10,EF11,EF14,EF15,EF74,EF75,EF76,EF77,EF78  [mtvunlimited] caid                          = 0B00 provid                        = 000000 srvid                         = 6FEF,6FF3,6FEE,6FFF,6FF1,6FF0
[account] disabled = 0 user = user pwd = pwd description = Testline hostname = caid = uniq = 0 sleepsend = 0 failban = 0 monlevel = 0 sleep = 0 suppresscmd08 = 0 umaxidle = 0 keepalive = 1 au = 1 emmreassembly = 2 expdate = allowedprotocols = allowedtimeframe = betatunnel = group = 1,13 services = preferlocalcards = -1 ident = chid = class = max_connections = 1 cacheex = 0 cacheex_maxhop = 0 cacheex_ecm_filter = cacheex_drop_csp = 0 cacheex_allow_request = 0 no_wait_time = 0 cacheex_allow_filter = 1 cacheex_block_fakecws = 0 cccmaxhops = 2 cccreshare = -1 cccignorereshare = -1 cccstealth = -1 fakedelay = -1 numusers = -1 penalty = -1 acosc_max_active_sids = -1 acosc_zap_limit = -1 acosc_penalty = -1 acosc_penalty_duration = -1 acosc_delay = -1 lb_nbest_readers = -1 lb_nfb_readers = -1 lb_nbest_percaid = cwc_disable = 0
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM

Dann sag ich mal: Die Karte ist gepaired, also ab in die Sky Kiste damit.
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM

Setze mal bitten den folgenden Parameter:

httpsavefullcfg               = [COLOR=#ff0000]0

Speichere danach deine Configs erneut ab. dann hier im Spoiler posten.
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM


formatiere bitte Deine Konfigs / Logs in Spoiler und nicht in Code-Tags.

Ich schätze so hat niemand nur ansatzweise Lust das zu lesen.


Habs auch gemerkt... bin gerade dabei umzuformatieren, damit es besser lesbar ist...hoffe es geht so, ansonsten setz ich alles nochmal neu in Spoiler Tags


nein gepaired ist die Karte nicht, in meiner VUDuo2 auf OScam läuft sie einwandfrei.....
Hab anscheinend irgendwas in den Confs vermurkst...und sehe den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht woran es liegen kann

Gruss DARK
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM

Lösche mal den ganzen lb Krams:
lb_mode                       = 1 
lb_save                       = 5000 
lb_nbest_readers              = 2 
lb_nfb_readers                = 3 
lb_min_ecmcount               = 5 
lb_max_ecmcount               = 500 
lb_reopen_seconds             = 10 
lb_reopen_invalid             = 1 
lb_force_reopen_always        = 0 
lb_retrylimit                 = 1500 
lb_stat_cleanup               = 24 
lb_max_readers                = 0 
lb_auto_betatunnel            = 1 
lb_auto_betatunnel_mode       = 0 
lb_auto_betatunnel_prefer_beta= 50 
lb_savepath                   = /var/log/ipc/OScamstat 
lb_retrylimits                = 09CD:800 
lb_nbest_percaid              =  
lb_noproviderforcaid          =  
lb_auto_timeout               = 0 
lb_auto_timeout_p             = 30 
lb_auto_timeout_t             = 300
Services beim Reader löschen, den Reader ruhig auch mal posten.
OScam neu starten und Log auf einem Sender posten.

Ich seh schon .... ihr habs schon in spoiler gesetz... Danke :emoticon-0143-smirk

OK... also erstmal den LB-Kram raus

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11270
# Read more:

serverip =
logfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
pidfile = /var/emu/oscam/oscam.pid
fallbacktimeout = 2200
fallbacktimeout_percaid = 01:1200,09CD:330,0963:400,093E:3000,090F:700,17:2000,18:1800,0B:1500,0D:1500,0500:700,5581:400
unlockparental = 1
maxlogsize = 2480
preferlocalcards = 2
dropdups = 1
block_same_ip = 0
emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc/
failbantime = 999
failbancount = 3

max_time = 12
max_hit_time = 30
wait_time = 17:1000,1843:500,098E:150,1830:400,09CD:250,1802:500,09C4:200,098C:150,1810:370,0B00:680,0B01:650,0100:680,1803:700,1861:670,1838:900,0500:650
csp_port = 14530
csp_serverip =
cwcycle_check_enable = 1
cwcycle_check_caid = 1702,09C4,098C,09C7,1830,1843,183D,1810,0500,09CD,1722,1831,1835,1838,0100,0B00,0B01,1802,1803,1861,0604
cwcycle_maxlist = 4000
cwcycle_keeptime = 30
cwcycle_allowbadfromffb = 1
cwcycle_usecwcfromce = 1

port = 16735
serverip =

port = 22000@1830:003411
serverip =
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

port = 12002
serverip =
nodeid = B2692D8C10C014D8
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 1
recv_timeout = 11000

httpport = 16002
serverip =
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httpcss = /var/etc/DarkCode.css
httptpl = /var/etc/picons
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 15
httppollrefresh = 0
httphideidleclients = 0
httpshowpicons = 1
httpshowmeminfo = 1
httpshowuserinfo = 1
httpshowreaderinfo = 1
httpshowcacheexinfo = 1
httpshowecminfo = 1
httpshowloadinfo = 1
httpallowed =
http_status_log = 1

label = V14
description =
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ORF
key =
password =
pincode = none
gbox_max_distance = 2
gbox_max_ecm_send = 3
gbox_reshare = 0
cccam_reshare = 5
readnano =
services =
lb_whitelist_services =
reconnectdelay = 60000
resetcycle = 0
keepalive = 0
smargopatch = 0
autospeed = 0
sc8in1_dtrrts_patch = 0
fallback = 0
fallback_percaid =
localcards =
cacheex = 0
cacheex_maxhop = 0
cacheex_ecm_filter =
cacheex_allow_request = 0
cacheex_drop_csp = 0
cacheex_allow_filter = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws = 0
caid = 098C
atr =
boxid = 12345678
boxkey =
rsakey =
deskey =
ins7e =
ins7e11 = 15
ins2e06 =
fix07 = 1
fix9993 = 0
readtiers = 1
force_irdeto = 0
needsemmfirst = 0
ecmnotfoundlimit = 0
ecmwhitelist = 098C:98,9B,97,57,91
ecmheaderwhitelist =
detect = cd
nagra_read = 0
detect_seca_nagra_tunneled_card= 1
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
ident =
chid =
class =
aeskeys =
group = 2,13
emmcache = 1,1,10,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-unknown = 0
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-s = 1
saveemm-g = 0
blockemm-bylen =
lb_weight = 700
lb_force_fallback = 0
savenano =
blocknano =
dropbadcws = 0
disablecrccws = 0
use_gpio = 0
cccreshare = 1
ccchop = 0
use_ssl = 0
force_ua =
exec_cmd_file =
stmkeys =
deprecated = 0
audisabled = 0
auprovid =
ndsversion = 2
ratelimitecm = 0
ratelimittime = 0
ecmunique = 0
srvidholdtime = 0
cooldown = 0,0
read_old_classes = 1

Hier der reader
label = home
description = heimserver
protocol = cccam
device =,12002
user = xxxx
password = xxxx
inactivitytimeout = 30
group = 1
cccversion = 2.3.0
cccwantemu = 1
ccckeepalive = 1

Und hier der log nach neustart:

  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 3793C5D5 h (webif) Reader V14 restarted by WebIF from
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 00000000 (reader) V14 [videoguard2] creating thread for device /dev/ORF
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75142
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 5970
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 40 time_us 1884
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 57 time_us 32956
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value 5b time_us 1907
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value bf time_us 1917
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value f5 time_us 924
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value fe time_us 2010
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 0f time_us 1948
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value 7d time_us 848
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value f2 time_us 1977
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value af time_us 1939
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value 69 time_us 1056
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value 00 time_us 1812
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value ad time_us 1939
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value f5 time_us 2701
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value f0 time_us 227
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value ff time_us 4054
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value ff time_us 16
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value f5 time_us 1246
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value 73 time_us 1545
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value 3f time_us 895
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Buffers readed 21 bytes total time_us 146215
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:07 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ORF, detect=cd, mhz=358, cardmhz=358)
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 503230D7 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] creating thread for device /dev/ORF
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 7EE7C923 r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] card detected
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75192
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 6014
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 40 time_us 934
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 57 time_us 33954
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value 5b time_us 890
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value bf time_us 2040
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value f5 time_us 1943
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value fe time_us 940
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 0f time_us 1894
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value 7d time_us 2615
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value f2 time_us 223
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value af time_us 2005
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value 69 time_us 5541
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value 00 time_us 18
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value ad time_us 12
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value f5 time_us 1257
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value f0 time_us 890
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value ff time_us 1964
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value ff time_us 2004
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value f5 time_us 807
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value 73 time_us 1950
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value 3f time_us 1907
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Buffers readed 21 bytes total time_us 146254
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ORF, detect=cd, mhz=358, cardmhz=358)
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:08 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75208
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:09 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] ATR: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:09 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:09 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:10 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.49 us reader mhz = 358
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:10 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75155
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:10 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.58 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] FuseByte: 05
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Pincode read: 4712
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] Parental control disabled
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] ready for requests
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] card detected
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007b --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky DE Sat 19,2
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Sport
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Beate-Uhse.TV
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c0 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Welt Extra
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c8 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Film
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c9 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Welt HD
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ca --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Film HD
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c7 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Welt
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky Sport HD
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f0 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Sky+/Anytime
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | DE Sat 19,2
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | Blue Movie Info
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2016/08/10-01:00:00 | DE Sat 19,2
  • 2016/06/29 12:53:11 4AF65D5D r (reader) V14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM

In der oscam.conf lösche diese Zeile (Klassiker)

emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc/

Die EMM werden dann in dem Pfad gespeichert, wo die Oscam Dateien sind.

In der oscam.conf im Abschnitt cccam die Zeile "serverip" löschen.

port = 12002
nodeid = B2692D8C10C014D8
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 1
recv_timeout = 11000

Danach die ganzen Konfigurationen minimieren. Du kannst dazu als Hilfe in mein signature schauen (V14 und HD01 mit oscam)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM


ok...serverip mal rausgeschmissen...

mit der emmlogdir hab ich mal gelassen....verstehe jetzt nicht wirklich wie es mit den ecm in zusammenhang steht....
die emm werden komplett geblockt und ich schreibe die per hand auf die karte... und das loggen funzt auch wunderbar
.. die Karte ist offen... habs in meiner Duo2 überprüft....also würde ich es doch eigentlich als Fehlerquelle ausschliessen
inwiefern ist das ein Klassiker...

Gruss DARK
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM

Wenn Du mit dem Speichern von EMM keine Probleme hast, dann lass es drin, ich hatte es aus dem Topic (fälschlicherweise) anfangs so verstanden, dass Du keine EMM speichern kannst.

Mach jetzt mal ein oscam reboot und zeige uns das logile ... mit Abfragen an die Karte.
Poste ein logfile während ein Programm abgefragt wird.

Deine Karte wäre eine Ausnahme, die mit F0 hell wäre.

Gesendet von meiner Handquetsche
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine EMM

Die Karte rennt jetzt!!! :hell Alles hell
DANKE DODO :352: Es lag an der ECM Whitelist
und danke auch allen anderen für die Mithilfe....

Eine Frage noch: Kann ich den Loadbalancer jetzt wieder eintragen ( aktivieren ) oder
sollte ich den besser rauslassen

Gruss DARK
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine EMM

wenn du nur eine Karte/gleiche Caid hast brauchst du keinen LB
AW: V14 auf IGEL liefert keine ECM


Alles Gut, die Karte rennt und es ist auch alles hell,

nur deine Äusserung fuchst mich noch ein wenig

Deine Karte wäre eine Ausnahme, die mit F0 hell wäre.

wo hast Du denn den F0 Tier gesehen und was bedeutet das für mich.....
muss ich mir jetzt Sorgen machen....

Gruss DARK