Ich weiß nicht ob es ein Problem mit OSCAM ist oder oder oder ...
Ich versuche mich kurz zu fassen:
Vu+ du, VTI 7.0.0, OSCAM 1.20 9969, (auch vorhanden: SCAM 3.59), SKY ungepaired.
Ab und zu Freezer bis hin zum "Stillstand", zu Beginn vor einigen Wochen selten, mittlerweile 1-2 mal täglich.
Schon einiges versucht: VU neu aufgesetzt, OSCAM runter und wieder installiert, auch verschiedene Versionen.
Auch ein Schachtwechsel brachte keine Änderung.
Logdatei, Fehler ist ca. in der Mitte:
---- einige Lines sind absichtlich verändert :agree:-----
die Konfigurationsdateien:
oscam conf:
oscam server:
oscam user:
Wer kann mir einen Tip geben woran das Problem liegen könnte?
So langsam gehen mir die Ideen aus. Leider.
Ich versuche mich kurz zu fassen:
Vu+ du, VTI 7.0.0, OSCAM 1.20 9969, (auch vorhanden: SCAM 3.59), SKY ungepaired.
Ab und zu Freezer bis hin zum "Stillstand", zu Beginn vor einigen Wochen selten, mittlerweile 1-2 mal täglich.
Schon einiges versucht: VU neu aufgesetzt, OSCAM runter und wieder installiert, auch verschiedene Versionen.
Auch ein Schachtwechsel brachte keine Änderung.
Logdatei, Fehler ist ca. in der Mitte:
2014/11/03 18:12:54 5425F0 r sky [internal] card detected
2014/11/03 18:12:54 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] ATR: 3F XX .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. XX 03
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] TEST tempo mhz check = 500 mhz
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] Calculated work ETU is 20.67 us reader mhz = 450
2014/11/03 18:12:55 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:55 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:55 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:56 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:56 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:56 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:57 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:57 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:57 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 5425F0 r sky [internal] PLL Reader: ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 4.50 Mhz (nearest possible mhz specified reader->cardmhz)
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Card type: P1TV
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Rom version: 20AA
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Extended 4C detected
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] FuseByte: 05
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Region Code: 00BO0102
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Country Code: DEU
2014/11/03 18:12:59 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Pincode read: 1310
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] ready for requests
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] found card system videoguard2
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0046, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0058, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:01 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:01 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:01 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:02 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:02 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:02 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #3 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1AEA ANY CHID PMTPID 0060 VPID 00FF
2014/11/03 18:13:03 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:95XX........................XXD4): found (147 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:04 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:A4XX........................XX93): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:11 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:2AXX........................XX3C): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:17 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=32, idx=0, cnt=1: written (16 ms)
2014/11/03 18:13:18 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:B8XX........................XXED): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:25 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/989XX........................XXA1): found (136 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:27 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=36, idx=1, cnt=1: written (13 ms)
hier ist alles gut, dann aber:
2014/11/03 18:15:00 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=46, idx=10, cnt=1: written (17 ms)
2014/11/03 18:15:03 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:84XX........................XX54): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:08 76E02D90 c user1 (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:8CXX........................XXC3): timeout (5001 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:08 76E02D90 c unexpected ecm answer rc=100.
2014/11/03 18:15:09 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] classD1 ins40: (-2) status not ok f8 a9
2014/11/03 18:15:09 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
2014/11/03 18:15:09 76E02D90 c user1 (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:8CXX........................XXC3): not found (5764 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:10 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/11/03 18:15:10 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, pll max=27.00 MHz, wanted mhz=4.50 MHz
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:F5XX........................XXF3): rejected group (12 ms) (no matching reader)
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:F5XX........................XXF3): rejected group (13 ms) (no matching reader)
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:10 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] ATR: 3F XX .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. XX 03
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] TEST tempo mhz check = 500 mhz
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] Calculated work ETU is 20.67 us reader mhz = 450
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:12 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:12 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:12 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:13 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:13 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:13 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 55C430 r sky [internal] PLL Reader: ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 4.50 Mhz (nearest possible mhz specified reader->cardmhz)
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Card type: P1TV
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Rom version: 20AA
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Extended 4C detected
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] FuseByte: 05
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Region Code: 00BO0102
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Country Code: DEU
2014/11/03 18:15:15 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Pincode read: 1310
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] ready for requests
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] found card system videoguard2
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0046, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0058, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:16 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:16 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:16 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:18 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:18 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:18 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #3 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1AEA ANY CHID PMTPID 0060 VPID 00FF
2014/11/03 18:15:19 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:5FXX........................XX5F): found (155 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:23 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=38, idx=0, cnt=1: written (14 ms)
2014/11/03 18:15:24 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:F0XX........................XX70): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:31 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:FEXX........................XXA6): found (136 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:36 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=32, idx=1, cnt=1: written (15 ms)
2014/11/03 18:15:38 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:3EXX........................XX38): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:45 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:B2XX........................XX1E): found (134 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:46 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=39, idx=2, cnt=1: written (14 ms)
2014/11/03 18:12:54 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] ATR: 3F XX .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. XX 03
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] TEST tempo mhz check = 500 mhz
2014/11/03 18:12:55 5425F0 r sky [internal] Calculated work ETU is 20.67 us reader mhz = 450
2014/11/03 18:12:55 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:55 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:55 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:56 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:56 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:56 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:57 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:57 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:57 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 5425F0 r sky [internal] PLL Reader: ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 4.50 Mhz (nearest possible mhz specified reader->cardmhz)
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:58 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Card type: P1TV
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Rom version: 20AA
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Extended 4C detected
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] FuseByte: 05
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Region Code: 00BO0102
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Country Code: DEU
2014/11/03 18:12:59 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] Pincode read: 1310
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] ready for requests
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [internal] found card system videoguard2
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0046, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0058, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:12:59 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:00 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:01 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:01 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:01 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:02 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:13:02 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:13:02 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #3 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1AEA ANY CHID PMTPID 0060 VPID 00FF
2014/11/03 18:13:03 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:95XX........................XXD4): found (147 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:04 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:A4XX........................XX93): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:11 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:2AXX........................XX3C): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:17 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=32, idx=0, cnt=1: written (16 ms)
2014/11/03 18:13:18 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:B8XX........................XXED): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:25 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/989XX........................XXA1): found (136 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:13:27 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=36, idx=1, cnt=1: written (13 ms)
hier ist alles gut, dann aber:
2014/11/03 18:15:00 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=46, idx=10, cnt=1: written (17 ms)
2014/11/03 18:15:03 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:84XX........................XX54): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:08 76E02D90 c user1 (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:8CXX........................XXC3): timeout (5001 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:08 76E02D90 c unexpected ecm answer rc=100.
2014/11/03 18:15:09 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] classD1 ins40: (-2) status not ok f8 a9
2014/11/03 18:15:09 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
2014/11/03 18:15:09 76E02D90 c user1 (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:8CXX........................XXC3): not found (5764 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:10 5425F0 r sky [videoguard2] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/11/03 18:15:10 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, pll max=27.00 MHz, wanted mhz=4.50 MHz
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:F5XX........................XXF3): rejected group (12 ms) (no matching reader)
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:F5XX........................XXF3): rejected group (13 ms) (no matching reader)
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:10 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2014/11/03 18:15:10 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] ATR: 3F XX .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. XX 03
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] TEST tempo mhz check = 500 mhz
2014/11/03 18:15:11 55C430 r sky [internal] Calculated work ETU is 20.67 us reader mhz = 450
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:11 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:12 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:12 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:12 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:13 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:13 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:13 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 55C430 r sky [internal] PLL Reader: ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 4.50 Mhz (nearest possible mhz specified reader->cardmhz)
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:14 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Card type: P1TV
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Rom version: 20AA
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Extended 4C detected
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] FuseByte: 05
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Region Code: 00BO0102
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Country Code: DEU
2014/11/03 18:15:15 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] Pincode read: 1310
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] ready for requests
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [internal] found card system videoguard2
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0046, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0058, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/02/01-00:00:00
2014/11/03 18:15:15 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:16 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:16 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:16 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:17 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:18 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/11/03 18:15:18 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/11/03 18:15:18 76E00468 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #3 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1AEA ANY CHID PMTPID 0060 VPID 00FF
2014/11/03 18:15:19 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:5FXX........................XX5F): found (155 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:23 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=38, idx=0, cnt=1: written (14 ms)
2014/11/03 18:15:24 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:F0XX........................XX70): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:31 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:FEXX........................XXA6): found (136 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:36 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=32, idx=1, cnt=1: written (15 ms)
2014/11/03 18:15:38 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:3EXX........................XX38): found (135 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:45 76E00468 c local (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:B2XX........................XX1E): found (134 ms) by sky
2014/11/03 18:15:46 55C430 r sky [videoguard2] local emmtype=global, len=39, idx=2, cnt=1: written (14 ms)
die Konfigurationsdateien:
oscam conf:
nice = -10
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
maxlogsize = 2000
cachdelay = 120
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 1
usrfile = /tmp/user.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/
emmlogdir = /var/log/
port = 12468
nodeid = 09XX..........FE
version = 2.3.0
# keepconnected = 1
reshare = 0
recv_timeout = 4000
enabled = 1
au = 1
user = local
boxtype = dreambox
httpport = 1525
httpallowed =,,,
httposcamlabel = Oscam WebInterface
nice = -10
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
maxlogsize = 2000
cachdelay = 120
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 1
usrfile = /tmp/user.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/
emmlogdir = /var/log/
port = 12468
nodeid = 09XX..........FE
version = 2.3.0
# keepconnected = 1
reshare = 0
recv_timeout = 4000
enabled = 1
au = 1
user = local
boxtype = dreambox
httpport = 1525
httpallowed =,,,
httposcamlabel = Oscam WebInterface
label = sky
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
group = 1
emmcache = 1,2,10
cardmhz = 2700
autospeed = 1
#ins7e11 = 14
label = sky
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
group = 1
emmcache = 1,2,10
cardmhz = 2700
autospeed = 1
#ins7e11 = 14
user = local
au = 1
group = 1
user = un1
pwd = pw1
au = 0
group = 1
user = un2
pwd = pw2
au = 0
group = 1
user = local
au = 1
group = 1
user = un1
pwd = pw1
au = 0
group = 1
user = un2
pwd = pw2
au = 0
group = 1
Wer kann mir einen Tip geben woran das Problem liegen könnte?
So langsam gehen mir die Ideen aus. Leider.