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Support PETKA 8.5 Support-Thread --> Teil 1 <--

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Kenne den fehler noch nicht ! Hast du mal nach der Länderumstellung auch gepeichert, das sich PETKA neu startet. PETKA startet aber und ist sichtbar ? Da kein Startfenster sehe .
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

You do not have full permissions to your PETKA folders or files. Start PETKA as an administrator or give the user full rights in the properties of the PETKA folder and your problem should be resolved.

Translated with Google translator
Thanks for your answer!
Where are located price date ? In order to give full permission in windows settings
It has already been written that it has to be run as admin. In addition to the installation, it is already stored as an admin. You may have installed incorrectly. Also, you didn't answer my question either. Bad and don't think it's good if someone wants to help you. Also, please try to write with a translator. Since we speak German here. thanks
No answers then no help either. Sorry

Translated with Google translator
@keys 1
Also wenn ich es installiere, muss ich die Installationsdatei als Admin ausführen ... ok, ich fange von vorne an
Ich deinstalliere alles und starte neu und bleibe in Kontakt
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
look your mail It's hard to tell what you did wrong like that. You didn't start the exe from the single folder! ? Also, your error tells you about the data folder, which is wrong.
The start EXE has to be installed separately. The individual are for separate after installation. Say it like that.
I try to help you, but here it will have to write too much here.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@AnthoRZ As it is already written in the error message, write access to the Volkswagen Data folder is missing. As Fairtale just wrote, you have to change it in the settings of the data folder (uncheck the read-only checkbox for the folder x:\ProgramData\Digital-Eliteboard\PETKA\DATA\ as well as for the subfolders and all files inside it).
Wir haben einen Teamviewer mit Schlüssel 1 gemacht und jetzt funktioniert alles perfekt!
Wir deinstallieren das erste PETKA komplett ( Alle Ordner, Dateien, Reg, bezogen auf "ETKA", "PETKA", Lexcom ...) und installieren es erneut im Administrator. Ich denke, das ist der große Unterschied zum ersten Mal. Jetzt kann ich die Preise ohne Probleme aktualisieren und habe die Preise in EUR :)
Vielen Dank an Schlüssel 1 !!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hallo allerseits, ich bekomme nach dem Start folgende Fehlermeldung

Du musst dich Anmelden oder Registrieren um diesen Inhalt sichtbar zu machen!
Hat einer von euch eine Lösung.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Its a shame people have ruined it for others.

I've used my own VM build for ages personally, but to lose VM usage is unfortunate as it allowed my main OS to still run unaffected & any corruption I can just use a saved VM of mine to start again.

Is there any chance VM will be restored as an ability as it's truly helpful to separate your main OS from VM should any software become corrupted & windows needs restoring.

Also, was there an 8.3 fix still or did that get superseded to 8.5 now.

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