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Aktuelles Filezilla


27. Januar 2008
von weit weit weg
2009-02-20 - FileZilla Client 3.2.2

2009-02-20 - FileZilla Client 3.2.2 released
Bugfixes and minor changes:

* Display password prompt if connecting to sites with Ask or Interactive logon type through bookmarks
* Fix parsing of default remote directories in site manager if using non-default server type

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AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

Naja ob das hier unter Dreambox richtig is bezweifle ich aber, auch wenn man damit auf die Dreambox drauf kommt
AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

Deswegen liegt es ja auch unter Dreambox Tools in der Database. opcorm1:
AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

Okey 1:0 für dich Damits nich offtopic wird: Eine super alternative für das DCC wenn man die restlichen Funktionen nicht braucht sondern eben nur FTP! Auch für alle anderen FTP Aufgaben super und vorallem kostenlos!
AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

2009-02-21 - FileZilla Client released

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • Fix local directory creation during downloads. If multiple directory levels were missing, they were created in the reverse order
  • MSW: Restore ability to navigate to drive list through .. entry in local file list
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AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

2009-03-15 - FileZilla Client 3.2.3-rc1 released

New features:

* Add synchronized browsing option to sites and bookmarks
* If synchronized browsing and directory comparison are enabled, changing directories no longer disables comparison
* Add some hotkeys for commonly used menu and toolbar items
* Handle CTRL+A to select all files in queue

Bugfixes and minor changes:

* Less CPU usage during SFTP transfers
* Improve appearance of queue tabs on dark themes
* Allow system file associations with singlequotes around filenames for editing
* Fix rare crash on connection failures
* Activity indicators in lower-right corner of main window were not working properly
* Do not allow multiple entries in quickconnect history that only differ in password
* Fix crash if closing filter edit dialog
* Improve timezone offset detection on servers without seconds resolution in listings
* Fix layout issues in settings dialog

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AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

FileZilla Client 3.2.3

2009-03-21 - FileZilla Client 3.2.3 released
New features:

* made OpenCrystal the default theme on new installations
* setting kiosk mode to 2 in fzdefaults.xml prevents FileZilla from writing to any settings files. Useful if executed from read-only media.

Bugfixes and minor changes:

* Fix crashes and memory corruption if resizing columns in queue if message log is positioned as queue tab

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AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

2009-03-25 - FileZilla Client released
New features:

* Add context menu to data type indicator in status bar
* Do not display file exists dialog after confirming to upload a changed, edited file

Bugfixes and minor changes:

* Classic theme wasn't remembered
* OS X: Option to auto-remove successful transfers in queue could not be toggled
* *nix, OS X: "Remove all" context menu item did not work if no item was selected in successful and failed queue tabs
* MSW: Search PATH environment variable for associated editor if needed
* Fix problems with double-quoted paths with containing single quotes in associations

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AW: Aktuelles Filezilla

2009-07-02 - FileZilla Client released

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • Fix FTP over TLS regressions in provided binaries due to two bugs in GnuTLS causing transfer failures
  • OS X: Revert regression in wxWidgets in provided binaries leading to a crash on drag & drop
  • Keep bookmarks menu sorted after adding new bookmarks
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