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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben


  1. H

    Anfragen Software What's the latest firmware for C4 Grand Picasso 2016 SMEG+?

    Hi Sorry I'm new to this forum and this kind of thing. Just wondered what the latest available firmware of my vehicle is and whether it's as easy as updating the maps which i have just done (thanks to the help of this forum). My current system software shows as: SMEG5.43.A.R2 CD: 26482...
  2. F

    Pyload in freetz zu alt?

    Grundsätzlich scheint Pyload in freetz irgendwie zu funktionieren. Allerdings scheinen die Plugins nicht aktualisiert zu werden und veraltet zu ein. Z.B. laufen share-online Premium Downloads nicht. Wenn ich in Menuconfig "latest git revision" anstatt von "latest tested by freetz-developers"...
  3. A

    Latest Different Valuable Information About Techno Care APK

    What IS Du musst angemeldet sein, um das Element zu sehen.: Today I'm going to explain about technology APK.2019. In recent times techno care APK v2.0 released a new Android security patch. just to bypass Android 8.0 / 8.1 (Oreo) and Android 9.0 / 9.1 (pie). In recent times after the hard reset...
  4. toysoft

    Latest DM800HDpvr DRIVERS 20131228-OE2.0-2-g9d9e640

    Latest DM available drivers for DM800HDpvr, now available for Japhar DM800HD_20131228-OE2.0-2-g9d9e640_by_Japhar Japhar Sim required Download :!qiw2xaRB!4h7IG6acVs5kfWVb8ZvfR8KGfqDtFA44hmEqhsYg7z8 Tutorial Reflash your Sim with the latest Japhar OS v6 Replace in your image...
  5. toysoft

    New OpenPLi 4.0 for DM800HD... with IPTV support ! Latest GStreamer preversion 1.6

    New OpenPLi 4.0 for DM800HD... with IPTV support ! Latest GStreamer preversion 1.6 SuperSim3 Japhar DM800HD : OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV (700 FREE IPTV Channels) for Japhar NC3 SuperSim3 - SEPTEMBER 2015 OpenPLi 4.0 for Japhar-Ferrari, with latest IPTV software working at the best, including 700...
  6. B

    Latest emu keys for the DeltaCam

    Du musst angemeldet sein, um das Element zu sehen. All known keys that work with the integrated emus. ORF (19.2°E) AustriaSat (19.2°E) TNT (19.2°E) British Telecom (13.0°E) Globo TV International (13.0°E) RaiSat (13.0°E) Mezzo/MCM Belgique (13.0°E, 5.0°W) Skylink (23.5°E)...
  7. S

    DM800se Clone und USB-WLAN-Stick DWA-140 (RT2870) auf Gemini (latest)

    Hallo zusammen, habe jetzt schon einige Stunden mit dem Lesen durch Foren und mit Herumprobieren verschwendet:emoticon-0107-sweat Ich will einen USB-Wlan-Stick von D-Link, den DWA-140 mit RT2870-Chipsatz zum Laufen bringen, aber bisher scheitern alle Versuche. Ich habe das aktuelle Gemini-Image...
  8. H

    Angebot Software Navigon 8450 Latest upgrade files

    Hello Which version is the absolut latest and most stable Navigon 8450 softare ? Anybody that can help me find it? I found one in a 2 year old theme but wonder if there is something newer maybe. I have searched in Digital eliteboard but could not find anything. Thanks in advance :)
  9. S

    sky uk problem with latest firmware

    hi, i've tried all of your kindly suggestions but it doesn't work even with p:0963 and i:0 that is set right now with diablo wifi and same readers it works perfectly so it's not a card problem this is log:
  10. R

    Latest UniCam Firmware

    UniCam Sparta 5.40 - MTP function Seca card (f.e. TV Vlaanderen) added! - D02/09 & G02/09 cards function improved, confirmation comments welcome! Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
  11. R

    Latest MaxCam /twin /+ Update

    MAXCAM+ v1.05 * SRG Swiss Provider ID´s AU-Function * D02 card fixed * German HD+ HD03 Support added * stability improved * minor fixes Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. Maxtwin v1.17 * SRG Swiss Provider ID´s AU Function * D02 card fixed * German HD+ HD03 Support added * stability improved * minor...
  12. M

    Support GoPal 4.x Latest Maps and software for GoPal E3230(MD 97150) advice

    Hi, hope you are all well, I have been directed from UK to your site because of the Medion support you have here. I have a MD 97150(Gopal E3230 4.5A-31869) and I would like to update the maps to as new as possible please. I would also like to upgrade to latest software too if this is possible...
  13. M

    Latest Secondstage (SSL) Loader DM7020HD

    Secondstage Loader 85 for Dreambox DM7020HD update dm7020hd secondstage loader - fixed ineffective front usb port - fixed wrong frontpanel key handling - prepare for new kernel versions Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
  14. R

    Hardware & Software Latest ClarkeTech Upd@te RS232/USB

    Latest ClarkeTech Upd@te 07.01.2012 with all activ keys - Canal Digitaal NL (19.2°E) - Bulsatcom / Polaris (39°E)next Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
  15. chiefobrei

    Latest SSL86F for DM800se (Ferrari)

    Aus dem Ferrariboard: ------------- As we have mentioned this SSL is not self patching. We have left the way of so called self patching SSL. This retarded way was popular last year. We have found the self patching SSL are the cause of instability of many images. This SSL is more or less for...
  16. Amnesix

    Latest Version of Sherlock Plugin VU+

    Latest Version of Sherlock Plugin VU+ Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
  17. M

    Latest Driver ET-9000 (First Linux Driver)

    Latest Driver ET-9000 15-10-2011 First LINUX3 Driver Drivers need new LINUX3 image which will be provide soon. Linux3: The new standard for settopboxes - Improved dvb-usb like Vtuner, webcam - Improved wifi usb devices - Improved file system: UBIFS and EXT4 - Improved streaming -...
  18. T

    Latest e2 for Amiko SHD-8900 Allien

    IMG RemovedAR-Projekt E2 for Alien_1.2.31.01. IMG Removed - Update anomalies and raises KartinaTV - Update YouTube (anomaly FlashPlayer) - Increasing the overall stability - Update panel and return to the Blue-Button - A new version of the index classification - A menu of installation and...
  19. T

    Amiko Allien HD Latest key by Traian

    Amiko Allien HD KeY By Traian 20/09/2011/ IMG Removed ¤Bulsat »Hellas sat»39°E»work√ TP:12524 H 30000-12565 H 30000; :12688 H 30000; ¤Canal+ Maghreb»Badr-4/5/6 26°E»work√ TP:12322 V 27500 ;12303 H 27500 ¤ORF 1,2-HD & Austria Sat »Astra 19°E»work√ TP-11876 H 27500;12344 H 27500;12545 H 22000...
  20. T

    Latest Firmware Opticum 402/403p HD SeT BY Traian

    Link veralten (gelöscht) Du musst angemeldet sein, um das Element zu sehen.New opticum HD 402/403P-Open zee tv.. Du musst angemeldet sein, um das Element zu sehen.All key inserted by Traian 20.09.2011. IMG Removed Du musst angemeldet sein, um das Element zu sehen.