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Der Code kam bei mir nicht via Mail,sondern direkt bei chrack.sh,ist aber schon im November gewesen,aber warum sollte das jetzt anders sein

So noch mal geschaut,der Token kam auch per Mail aber als Text ganz normal,ohne Anhang
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Er könnte da vielleicht nochmal nachschauen k.A. wie es genau ist habe crack.sh selber noch nie verwendet.
Bei mir kam vor ein paar Tagen der gefundene Key während der Berechnung per Mail (nicht als Anhang) und nach der Berechnung auch das Endergebnis per Mail (als Anhang)
Session ..........: hashcat
Status ...........: Running
Hash.Type ........: DES (PT = $ salt, key = $ pass)
Hash.Target ......: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Time.Started .....: Mon Jun 15 11:15:24 2020 (5 secs)
Time.Estimated ...: Thu Jul 15 22:56:56 2088 (68 years, 30 days)
Guess.Mask .......:? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1 [8]
Guess.Charset ....: -1 /usr/share/hashcat/charsets/DES_full.charset, -2 Undefined, -3 Undefined, -4 Undefined
Guess.Queue ......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed. # 1 .........: 33537.8 kH / s (113.49ms) @ Accel: 1024 Loops: 1024 Thr: 1 Vec: 4
Recovered ........: 0/1 (0.00%) digests, 0/1 (0.00%) salts
Progress .........: 163577856/72057594037927936 (0.00%)
Rejected .........: 0/163577856 (0.00%)
Restore.Point ....: 0/34359738368 (0.00%)
Restore.Sub. # 1 ...: Salt: 0 Amplifier: 39936-40960 Iteration: 0-1024
Candidates. # 1 ....: $ HEX [731004616e616e61] -> $ HEX [fe7f04fe3e3e3e3e]

wt solution system i3 its very slow
You need to find a faster maschine.
Check out some solutions like mentioned here in the forum, e.g. vaist
To bruteforce a DES key (V13) you need a faster machine (e.g. from vast.ai)...
But you have a V14 card...bruteforce won't work because that's 3DES.
It's work many using with this k1 unique. I don't know how to set vast. ai and how install this server.zip file
so you want a solution on a silver platter? soory, those are sold out. This is the way...
hehe you should find another hobby / buisness then. i ride horses
@jessika you have a V14 card...with that there is no solution. Because you need to bruteforce a 3DES key...which is impossible within a few billions years with current hardware.
Only V13 works, because it uses DES key instead of 3DES.

Also I wonder why you are interested in having Sky when you don't speak German...
You need to find a faster machine.
Check out some solutions like mentioned here in the forum, eg vaist
I tried vast.ai but i could not find how use server.zip file share of @007 . It's not opening in Linux kali Ubuntu.
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