Hallo zusammen,
ich habe ein Problem mit meiner CS Anlage.
Wenn sich zwei Clients an meiner Freetzbox anmelden um sich die keys von der V.13 holen wird bei einem der Clients die Zugriffszeit so schlecht das sich Klötzchen bilden.
Wenn sich mehr Boxen anmelden bleibt nur bei einer Bild und Zugriffszeit im grünen Bereich.
Die HD+ Karte läuft sehr gut
Hier jetzt erstmal meine Hardware konfig:
Fritzbox 7110 mit 29.04.87-freetz-devel-8875M
an dieser Box hängt ein aktiver USB-Hub
an diesem Hub hängen zwei Easymouse 2 USB
Die erste Easymouse ist mit einer HD02 HD+ Karte bestückt (5V, 3,579Mhz, Phoenixmode)
Die zweite Easymouse ist mit einer Sky V13 Karte bestückt (3,3V,6Mhz,Phoenixmode) SKY Vollpaket mit HD+
Im Netzwerk hängen:
2x Kathrein UFS 922
2x Kathrein UFS 913
1x Kathrein UFS 912
1x Kathrein UFS 910
Wobei die Anzahl der Client nicht mit Verschlechterung der Zugriffszeit zu tun hat, da es schon bei zwei angemeldeten Clients auftritt.
So jetzt noch die Freetz konfig:
Bei den Boxen ist die konfig immer gleich:
Jetzt hänge ich zu guter letzt noch das Startlog von Oscam (freetz) an:
So jetzt weiß ich nicht welche Info ich euch noch geben kann.
Ich hoffen mit diesen Informationen kann mir jemand bei meinem Problem helfen.
Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Hilfe
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
ich habe ein Problem mit meiner CS Anlage.
Wenn sich zwei Clients an meiner Freetzbox anmelden um sich die keys von der V.13 holen wird bei einem der Clients die Zugriffszeit so schlecht das sich Klötzchen bilden.
Wenn sich mehr Boxen anmelden bleibt nur bei einer Bild und Zugriffszeit im grünen Bereich.
Die HD+ Karte läuft sehr gut
Hier jetzt erstmal meine Hardware konfig:
Fritzbox 7110 mit 29.04.87-freetz-devel-8875M
an dieser Box hängt ein aktiver USB-Hub
an diesem Hub hängen zwei Easymouse 2 USB
Die erste Easymouse ist mit einer HD02 HD+ Karte bestückt (5V, 3,579Mhz, Phoenixmode)
Die zweite Easymouse ist mit einer Sky V13 Karte bestückt (3,3V,6Mhz,Phoenixmode) SKY Vollpaket mit HD+
Im Netzwerk hängen:
2x Kathrein UFS 922
2x Kathrein UFS 913
1x Kathrein UFS 912
1x Kathrein UFS 910
Wobei die Anzahl der Client nicht mit Verschlechterung der Zugriffszeit zu tun hat, da es schon bei zwei angemeldeten Clients auftritt.
So jetzt noch die Freetz konfig:
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
disableuserfile = 0
fallbacktimeout = 2000
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 100
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
port = 85
reshare = 0
version = 2.2.1
nodeid = 30D5DE61317EDCE5
httpport = 83
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httpcss = /var/tmp/flash/oscam/nfstyle.css
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 1
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
disableuserfile = 0
fallbacktimeout = 2000
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 100
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
port = 85
reshare = 0
version = 2.2.1
nodeid = 30D5DE61317EDCE5
httpport = 83
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httpcss = /var/tmp/flash/oscam/nfstyle.css
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 1
label = sky_v.13
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 09C4
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
ident = 09C4:000000
ins7e11 = 11
nagra_read = 1
ndsversion = 2
label = hdplus
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
caid = 1843
rsakey = BFxxx
boxkey = A7xx
detect = cd
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
group = 1
blockemm-g = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
label = sky_v.13
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 09C4
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
ident = 09C4:000000
ins7e11 = 11
nagra_read = 1
ndsversion = 2
label = hdplus
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
caid = 1843
rsakey = BFxxx
boxkey = A7xx
detect = cd
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
group = 1
blockemm-g = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #7253
# Read more:
user = UFS922_WZ
pwd = WZ
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS913_SZ
pwd = SZ
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS910_ALO
pwd = ALO
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS913_ALOWZ
pwd = ALOWZ
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS910_TEST
pwd = TEST
group = 1
caid = 09c4
#caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS912_HK
pwd = HK
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS922_KAI
pwd = KAI
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
# Read more:
Sie müssen registriert sein, um Links zu sehen.
user = UFS922_WZ
pwd = WZ
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS913_SZ
pwd = SZ
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS910_ALO
pwd = ALO
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS913_ALOWZ
pwd = ALOWZ
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS910_TEST
pwd = TEST
group = 1
caid = 09c4
#caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS912_HK
pwd = HK
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
user = UFS922_KAI
pwd = KAI
group = 1
caid = 1843,09c4
au = 0
Bei den Boxen ist die konfig immer gleich:
logfile = stdout
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
nice = -10
enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = ufs910
user = UFS922_WZ
httpport = 84
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httpallowed =,
logfile = stdout
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
nice = -10
enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = ufs910
user = UFS922_WZ
httpport = 84
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httpallowed =,
label = osc-srv
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device =,85
key = xxx
user = UFS922_WZ
password = WZ
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 7476784
fix9993 = 0
group = 1,2
emmcache = 1,3,2
lb_weight = 100
cccversion = 2.1.1
cccmaxhops = 10
cccmindown = 0
label = orf
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device =,85
key = xxx
user = UFS922_WZ
password = WZ
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 7476784
caid = 0D05
fix9993 = 0
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
lb_weight = 100
cccversion = 2.1.1
cccmaxhops = 10
cccmindown = 0
label = osc-srv
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device =,85
key = xxx
user = UFS922_WZ
password = WZ
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 7476784
fix9993 = 0
group = 1,2
emmcache = 1,3,2
lb_weight = 100
cccversion = 2.1.1
cccmaxhops = 10
cccmindown = 0
label = orf
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device =,85
key = xxx
user = UFS922_WZ
password = WZ
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 7476784
caid = 0D05
fix9993 = 0
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
lb_weight = 100
cccversion = 2.1.1
cccmaxhops = 10
cccmindown = 0
user = UFS922_WZ
pwd = WZ
Group = 1,2
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702
au = 1
user = UFS922_WZ
pwd = WZ
Group = 1,2
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702
au = 1
Jetzt hänge ich zu guter letzt noch das Startlog von Oscam (freetz) an:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Thu Feb 20 18:15:00 2014
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread log_list_thread
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s log_list_thread thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #7253 (mipsel-linux-uclibc)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #7253, system=mipsel-linux-uclibc, nice=-1
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0, filter_sensitive=1
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s max. logsize=100 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 9 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s userdb reloaded: 7 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 789 service-id's loaded in 39ms
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 3 tier-id's loaded
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 181 provid's loaded
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 1 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s can't open whitelist file /var/oscam/cs/oscam/oscam.whitelist
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s can't open cacheex-matcher file /var/oscam/cs/oscam/oscam.cacheex
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s monitor: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s camd33: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s camd35: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s cs378x: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s newcamd: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=85, crypted)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s pandora: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s csp: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s radegast: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread http
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s http thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread reader check
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s reader check thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread check
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s check thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s sky_v.13 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 5A96D0 h HTTP Server: Creating IPv6 socket failed! (errno=124 Address family not supported by protocol)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 5A96D0 h HTTP Server: Trying fallback to IPv4.
2014/02/20 18:15:00 5A96D0 h HTTP Server listening on port 83
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s hdplus [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=357)
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=358, cardmhz=358)
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] card detected
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] card detected
2014/02/20 18:15:08 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] ATR: xxx
2014/02/20 18:15:08 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: xxx
2014/02/20 18:15:09 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2014/02/20 18:15:10 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.58 Mhz
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] detect native nagra card
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] type: NAGRA, caid: 1843, IRD ID: ############
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] ProviderID: XXX
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] active to: xxx
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] -----------------------------------------
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |8011|0066 |2012/07/20 |2013/07/21 |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |8011|0BEA |2013/07/21 |2014/08/26 |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] -----------------------------------------
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] parental lock setting: FF FF FF FF
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Germany (09C4), caid: 09C4
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: xxxx
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] ready for requests
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] found cardsystem videoguard2
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] card detected
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Germany (09C4)
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] found cardsystem nagra
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] tier: 2712, expiry date: 2014/02/22-00:01:00
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] tier: 2710, expiry date: 2013/12/17-00:01:00
2014/02/20 18:15:14 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/02/20 18:15:14 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DA198 c anonymous disconnected from
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DA198 c thread 4409 ended!
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DB998 c anonymous disconnected from
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DB998 c thread 480A ended!
2014/02/20 18:15:38 5DA198 c encrypted cccam-client granted (UFS913_SZ, au=off)
2014/02/20 18:15:38 5DF438 c encrypted cccam-client granted (UFS922_WZ, au=off)
2014/02/20 18:15:41 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:8E46): found (366 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:41 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:8E46): cache1 (126 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:41 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:5285): found (345 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:42 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:5285): cache1 (129 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:45 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3621): found (334 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:46 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:FC58): found (649 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:52 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:1F94): found (334 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:53 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:A9C2): found (661 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:59 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:37AC): found (348 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:00 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:7F4F): found (673 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:06 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:8663): found (354 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:07 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:CF2F): found (685 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:13 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:22A3): found (345 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:14 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:BC30): found (677 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:20 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:B1A4): found (344 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:21 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:C8A0): found (668 ms) by sky_v.13
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Thu Feb 20 18:15:00 2014
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread log_list_thread
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s log_list_thread thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #7253 (mipsel-linux-uclibc)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #7253, system=mipsel-linux-uclibc, nice=-1
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0, filter_sensitive=1
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s max. logsize=100 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 9 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s userdb reloaded: 7 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 789 service-id's loaded in 39ms
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 3 tier-id's loaded
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 181 provid's loaded
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s 1 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s can't open whitelist file /var/oscam/cs/oscam/oscam.whitelist
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s can't open cacheex-matcher file /var/oscam/cs/oscam/oscam.cacheex
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s monitor: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s camd33: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s camd35: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s cs378x: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s newcamd: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=85, crypted)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s pandora: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s csp: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s Starting listener 0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s radegast: disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread http
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s http thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread reader check
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s reader check thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s starting thread check
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s check thread started
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s sky_v.13 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2014/02/20 18:15:00 5A96D0 h HTTP Server: Creating IPv6 socket failed! (errno=124 Address family not supported by protocol)
2014/02/20 18:15:00 5A96D0 h HTTP Server: Trying fallback to IPv4.
2014/02/20 18:15:00 5A96D0 h HTTP Server listening on port 83
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s hdplus [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/02/20 18:15:00 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=357)
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=358, cardmhz=358)
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] card detected
2014/02/20 18:15:03 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] card detected
2014/02/20 18:15:08 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] ATR: xxx
2014/02/20 18:15:08 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: xxx
2014/02/20 18:15:09 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2014/02/20 18:15:10 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.58 Mhz
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] detect native nagra card
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] type: NAGRA, caid: 1843, IRD ID: ############
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] ProviderID: XXX
2014/02/20 18:15:11 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] active to: xxx
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] -----------------------------------------
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |8011|0066 |2012/07/20 |2013/07/21 |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] |8011|0BEA |2013/07/21 |2014/08/26 |
2014/02/20 18:15:12 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] -----------------------------------------
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] parental lock setting: FF FF FF FF
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Germany (09C4), caid: 09C4
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: xxxx
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] ready for requests
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [mouse] found cardsystem videoguard2
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] card detected
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Germany (09C4)
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [mouse] found cardsystem nagra
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5D2200 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] tier: 2712, expiry date: 2014/02/22-00:01:00
2014/02/20 18:15:13 5A7ED0 r sky_v.13 [videoguard2] tier: 2710, expiry date: 2013/12/17-00:01:00
2014/02/20 18:15:14 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/02/20 18:15:14 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DA198 c anonymous disconnected from
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DA198 c thread 4409 ended!
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DB998 c anonymous disconnected from
2014/02/20 18:15:16 5DB998 c thread 480A ended!
2014/02/20 18:15:38 5DA198 c encrypted cccam-client granted (UFS913_SZ, au=off)
2014/02/20 18:15:38 5DF438 c encrypted cccam-client granted (UFS922_WZ, au=off)
2014/02/20 18:15:41 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:8E46): found (366 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:41 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:8E46): cache1 (126 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:41 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:5285): found (345 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:42 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:5285): cache1 (129 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:45 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3621): found (334 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:46 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:FC58): found (649 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:52 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:1F94): found (334 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:53 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:A9C2): found (661 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:15:59 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:37AC): found (348 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:00 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:7F4F): found (673 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:06 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:8663): found (354 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:07 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:CF2F): found (685 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:13 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:22A3): found (345 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:14 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:BC30): found (677 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:20 5DA198 c UFS913_SZ (09C4&000000/0000/0069/B3:B1A4): found (344 ms) by sky_v.13
2014/02/20 18:16:21 5DF438 c UFS922_WZ (09C4&000000/0000/007E/B3:C8A0): found (668 ms) by sky_v.13
So jetzt weiß ich nicht welche Info ich euch noch geben kann.
Ich hoffen mit diesen Informationen kann mir jemand bei meinem Problem helfen.
Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Hilfe
Mit freundlichen Grüßen