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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!


16. August 2011
Moin zusammen,

ich bin damit beschäftigt bei mir einen Sat-Receiver (Client) mit einen Raspberry Pi (Server) entsprechend zu konfigurieren. Weiterhin habe ich hier eine jungfräuliche S*y v14-Karte liegen.

Die Karte soll in einer Easymouse 2 betrieben werden. Die Easymouse wurde bereits eingestellt (oben, unten, unten, unten). Die Seriennummer von dem Reader ist ausgelesen, auf dem Pi in den 'rules' eingetragen und zu '/dev/SkyDE' verlinkt.
Ziel ist es, dass alles mit OSCam (Client und Server) betrieben wird.

Damit ich die Karte nicht gleich verheirate, bitte euch mal auf meine Konfiguration zu schauen. Wo habe ich Fehler eingebaut? Wo fehlt was?
--> Ist beim Server in der oscam.server der Eintrag 'cardmhz' notwendig oder muss ich mittlerweile mit 'autospeed' bzgl einer Easymouse arbeiten? Aus der Wiki bin ich da nicht schlau geworden.

Ich danke Euch für eure Ratschläge!



Server: Raspberry Pi, Debian mit OSCam (1.20-unstable_svn Build: r10634)

usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
maxlogsize = 2048
nice = -1
emmlogdir =

port = 12345

httpport = 8888
# httpuser =
# httppwd =
httphelplang = de
httpallowed =,

label = sky_v14
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/SkyDE
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
mhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,10,0
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-unknown = 1
ndsversion = 2

user = test
pwd = 1234
group = 1
au = 1

Client: XTrend ET4000 mit OpenPli, OSCam (1.20-unstable_svn Build: r10656)

logfile = /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.log
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 2048
emmlogdir =

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = local

httpport = 8081
httpallowed =,,,

label = camd3
protocol = camd35
device = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,12345 # die IP habe ich geschwärzt
user = test
password = 1234
caid = 098C
group = 1

user = local
au = camd3
group = 1

AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

nimm das mal raus saveemm-unknown = 1 ,ist überflüssig
AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Dem entnehme ich aber, dass der Rest in Ordnung ist?!?

AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Wichtig, um das Pairing zu verhindert, sind die 4 blockemm-x = 1 Parameter.
Die sind im Reader, so kann also nichts passieren.

- Steck die Karte in die Easy.
- Starte oscam auf der Raspel neu.
- Schalte den Receiver ein.

Dann postest du erst mal das Logfile (oscam.log) von der Raspel und wir sehen weiter.
AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Und hier ist die oscam.log vom Pi.

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Thu Jun 11 12:15:50 2015
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r10634 (arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi-libusb-pcsc)
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) System name = Linux
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) Host name = OSCam-Server
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) Release = 3.18.7+
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) Version = #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) Machine = armv6l
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 14399
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) signal handling initialized
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (net) cs357x: initialized (fd=6, port=12345)
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/SkyDE
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (stat) loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/06/11 12:15:50 0 s (main) waiting for local card init
2015/06/11 12:15:50 109D2F0 h (webif) webif: decompressed 159579 bytes back into 381416 bytes
2015/06/11 12:15:50 109D2F0 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8888
2015/06/11 12:15:51 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75396
2015/06/11 12:15:51 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75370
2015/06/11 12:15:51 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/SkyDE, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/06/11 12:15:52 0 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/06/11 12:15:52 0 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2015/06/11 12:15:52 0 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2015/06/11 12:15:52 0 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2015/06/11 22:40:35 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] card detected
2015/06/11 22:40:35 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75333
2015/06/11 22:40:36 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/06/11 22:40:36 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2015/06/11 22:40:36 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 38400 bps
2015/06/11 22:40:36 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 26.05 us reader mhz = 357
2015/06/11 22:40:36 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75225
2015/06/11 22:40:36 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 13 to 15
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2015/06/11 22:40:37 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75218
2015/06/11 22:40:38 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 15 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/06/11 22:40:38 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
2015/06/11 22:40:38 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2015/06/11 22:40:38 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.51 us reader mhz = 357
2015/06/11 22:40:38 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75244
2015/06/11 22:40:38 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] FuseByte: 00
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Region Code:
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Pincode read: 0566
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] |------- This card is not active, so no package available! ------|
2015/06/11 22:40:40 109CBF0 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
2015/06/11 22:40:51 109D2F0 h (webif) Restart requested by WebIF from
2015/06/11 22:40:51 109D2F0 h (main) restart oscam requested
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109D2F0 h (webif) HTTP Server stopped
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache saved to /usr/local/etc/oscam.ccache
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (emmcache) saved 0 emmcache records to /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (emmcache) saved 0 emmstat records to /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] Killing reader
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (config) userdb 1 accounts freed
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (config) readerdb 1 readers freed
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) cardserver down

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Thu Jun 11 22:40:56 2015
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r10634 (arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi-libusb-pcsc)
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) System name = Linux
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) Host name = OSCam-Server
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) Release = 3.18.7+
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) Version = #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) Machine = armv6l
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 19582
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) signal handling initialized
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (net) cs357x: initialized (fd=6, port=12345)
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/SkyDE
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (stat) loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/06/11 22:40:56 0 s (main) waiting for local card init
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109CFD0 h (webif) webif: decompressed 159579 bytes back into 381416 bytes
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109CFD0 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8888
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75279
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 6655
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 40 time_us 1433
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 57 time_us 33959
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value 5b time_us 1329
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value bf time_us 1274
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value f5 time_us 1239
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value fe time_us 1525
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 0f time_us 2467
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value 7d time_us 1290
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value f2 time_us 1302
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value af time_us 1276
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value 69 time_us 1234
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value 00 time_us 1398
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value ad time_us 2312
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value f5 time_us 1015
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value f0 time_us 1037
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value ff time_us 918
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value ff time_us 956
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value f5 time_us 1072
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value 73 time_us 2310
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value 3f time_us 1041
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 21 bytes total time_us 148105
2015/06/11 22:40:56 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/SkyDE, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/06/11 22:40:57 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] card detected
2015/06/11 22:40:57 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75352
2015/06/11 22:40:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 15 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/06/11 22:40:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
2015/06/11 22:40:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2015/06/11 22:40:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.51 us reader mhz = 357
2015/06/11 22:40:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75243
2015/06/11 22:40:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] FuseByte: 00
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Region Code:
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] Pincode read: 0566
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] |------- This card is not active, so no package available! ------|
2015/06/11 22:40:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
2015/06/11 22:41:00 0 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/06/11 22:41:00 0 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmcache in 1 ms
2015/06/11 22:41:00 0 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2015/06/11 22:41:00 0 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2015/06/11 22:50:49 10A1BD0 c (client) encrypted cs357x-client granted (test, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/06/11 22:50:49 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:50:49 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:50:49 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:50:49 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:50:49 10A1BD0 c (camd35) test emm-request sent (reader=sky_v14, caid=098C, auprovid=000000)
2015/06/11 22:50:49 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:C3B2FFC129BDC33AFFCCBC17902CA8F6): not found (97 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:50:52 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:50:52 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:50:52 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:50:52 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:50:52 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:77D7153BC2230EC3FCB0388BCA4F8F98): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:50:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:50:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:50:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:50:58 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:50:58 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:77D7153BC2230EC3FCB0388BCA4F8F98): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:50:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:50:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:50:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:50:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:50:59 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:07B01CB72D56CDCC29A2804BED20EC06): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:05 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:07B01CB72D56CDCC29A2804BED20EC06): not found (53 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:06 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:06 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:06 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:06 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:06 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:981D850AF7492B30FED838AB7AB5A36D): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:12 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:981D850AF7492B30FED838AB7AB5A36D): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:13 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:13 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:13 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:13 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:13 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:1BE55B6A1EB06835F642B3C39F28C702): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:19 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:1BE55B6A1EB06835F642B3C39F28C702): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:20 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:20 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:20 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:20 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:20 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:A262883F0D32B6C68B04EE22221432C5): not found (53 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:26 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:A262883F0D32B6C68B04EE22221432C5): not found (58 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:27 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:27 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:27 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:27 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:27 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:78E93A939B31BBE5312FC5236CE55E9A): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:33 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:33 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:33 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:33 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:33 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:78E93A939B31BBE5312FC5236CE55E9A): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:34 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:34 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:34 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:34 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:34 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:10A7A390FE9886B88CD95CE6AF23BCF7): not found (56 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:40 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:40 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:40 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:40 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:40 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:10A7A390FE9886B88CD95CE6AF23BCF7): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:41 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:41 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:41 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:41 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:41 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D9DBAB0E2A2BBE5E90FB2CD062E82FFF): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:47 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:47 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:47 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:47 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:47 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D9DBAB0E2A2BBE5E90FB2CD062E82FFF): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:48 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:48 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:48 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:48 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:48 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:E80577762C4ECD3567E2F469367106B0): not found (56 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:54 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:54 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:54 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:54 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:54 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:E80577762C4ECD3567E2F469367106B0): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:51:55 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:51:55 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:51:55 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:51:55 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:51:55 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:51687B2CCBF33B48FE819666D8BA59FE): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:01 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:01 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:01 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:01 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:01 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:51687B2CCBF33B48FE819666D8BA59FE): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:02 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:02 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:02 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:02 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:02 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6F78C65C6E9F410C896678389947D5C1): not found (57 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:08 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:08 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:08 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:08 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:08 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6F78C65C6E9F410C896678389947D5C1): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:09 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:09 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:09 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:09 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:09 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:DA6F86F77A08B279EA873A67265F9AD7): not found (56 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:15 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:15 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:15 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:15 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:15 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:DA6F86F77A08B279EA873A67265F9AD7): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:16 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:16 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:16 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:16 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:16 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6EA795CBAD1D627DFF6ADAFD16D41176): not found (57 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:22 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:22 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:22 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:22 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:22 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6EA795CBAD1D627DFF6ADAFD16D41176): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:23 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:23 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:23 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:23 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:23 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:E8605980E04051C41AFB08372B762C60): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:29 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:29 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:29 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:29 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:29 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:E8605980E04051C41AFB08372B762C60): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:30 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:30 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:30 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:30 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:30 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:4B008D7972980409D0A7A9FC9F881864): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:36 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:36 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:36 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:36 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:36 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:4B008D7972980409D0A7A9FC9F881864): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:37 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:37 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:37 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:37 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:37 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:2ADFEC216318831925D8CF717F4860A8): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:43 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:43 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:43 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:43 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:43 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:2ADFEC216318831925D8CF717F4860A8): not found (53 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:44 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:44 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:44 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:44 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:44 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:3F65D7AB48B0C4D6BADEB33C2D6B57A9): not found (56 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:50 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:50 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:50 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:50 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:50 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:3F65D7AB48B0C4D6BADEB33C2D6B57A9): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:51 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:51 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:51 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:51 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:51 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:F674805A31C9FC850C8CC4C69830C0A3): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:57 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:57 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:57 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:57 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:57 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:F674805A31C9FC850C8CC4C69830C0A3): not found (54 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:52:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:52:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:52:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:52:59 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:52:59 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:C6E35DDE30AE0BAE028321F80A885816): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:04 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:04 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:04 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:04 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:04 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:C6E35DDE30AE0BAE028321F80A885816): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:05 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:05 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:716B4756D06F5DB5F83F3BA311D113EC): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:09 10A1BD0 c (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] test emmtype=unique, len=39, idx=0, cnt=1: blocked (0 ms)
2015/06/11 22:53:09 10A1BD0 c (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] Successfully added EMM to /usr/local/etc/sky_v14_unique_emm.log
2015/06/11 22:53:11 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:11 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:11 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:11 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:11 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:716B4756D06F5DB5F83F3BA311D113EC): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:12 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:12 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:05E9BC04FE6E9A9CAB4A9E7EA9FC10B9): not found (66 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:18 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:18 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:18 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:18 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:18 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:05E9BC04FE6E9A9CAB4A9E7EA9FC10B9): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:19 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:19 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:5EC044F20E3F21974DE39DBD9E3B44E2): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:25 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:25 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:25 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:25 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:25 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:5EC044F20E3F21974DE39DBD9E3B44E2): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
2015/06/11 22:53:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card isn't active
2015/06/11 22:53:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/06/11 22:53:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> No tier found
2015/06/11 22:53:26 109C878 r (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/06/11 22:53:26 10A1BD0 c (ecm) test (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:695424373335189BCC9F47BC4F0C20ED): not found (55 ms) by sky_v14
AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Karte wird doch eingelsen , schaut gut aus, nun musst du eben warten und loggen.
AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Die ersten EMMs trudeln auch ein:

2015/06/11 22:53:09  10A1BD0 c   (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] test emmtype=unique, len=39, idx=0, cnt=1: blocked (0 ms)
2015/06/11 22:53:09  10A1BD0 c   (reader) sky_v14 [videoguard2] Successfully added EMM to /usr/local/etc/sky_v14_unique_emm.log

Somit alles okay.

Weiterloggen, und mal die Liste der aufgelaufenen EMMs (im Format Beispiel: 82704C, 827035) posten.
AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Die EMMs treffen nun im Halbstundentakt ein. Es sind ausschließlich '82702741'. Das müsste doch nen Verlängerer sein?!? Ich muss dazu sagen, dass die Karte auch schon seit März hier liegt...

Sollte ich da mal ne (neue) Aktivierung anschieben?

AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Das reicht nur für eine Verlängerung bei bereits aktivierten Karten.
Daher Freischaltung anfordern.

Gesendet von meiner Handquetsche
AW: Pi (Server) + xt4000 (Client) Neuinstallation - bitte checkt meine Configs!

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung. Ich habe die Freischaltung angefordert und die ersten "neuen" EMMs treffen bereits ein.
Über das Wochenende lass ich die EMMs nun loggen. Mal gucken was ab Montag hier so brauchbares eintrifft.

Nochmals danke für eure Hilfe!
