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Support PETKA 8.3 Support-Thread

How do I change the text on the links at the bottom marked in yellow. So it is going to make sense and easier to remember which one is price update and data update etc.

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Did you install in correct language? I installed with English and they are in English on mine. You can change the language once in PETKA. Open PETKA and any brand. On the top right there are some icons, select the first one in the second row. The next option to select is the bottom one which is language. Then select English
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
You don't understand my question then.

I know how to change language. But the link in the bottom are customised in the English language to fit the correct functionality. Normally there aren't any price and data update and link to DEB.

In my language those link aren't translated to the right functionality. This translation I'll do by myself. I just need to know which file I need to edit.
OK I understand now. I think report it to XTR3M3 as they are wanting to know if there are any bugs. I don't know how to change these, sorry
Reaktionen: kws
@kws Do you have an older version (v1.0 or v2.0) of PETKA? With the latest version (v3.0) the names should be adapted in all languages.
Reaktionen: kws
Ohh... the version is from summer 2021..
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
@kws But don't worry, you don't have to download and reinstall everything again. It is enough to download a single setup (at best the one with the smallest file size, i.e. ML) and then select only the PETKA program data in the setup (this only updates the program data).
Reaktionen: kws
It did not go well. Now I get this error.

File located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Digital-Eliteboard\PETKA\Program"
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It did not go well. Now I get this error.
It looks like the update did not transfer the previously installed brands to the configuration file. You have to add them manually to each INI file (ETKA_AU.INI, ETKA_ML.INI, ETKA_PO.INI, ETKA_SE.INI, ETKA_SK.INI, ETKA_VW.INI). Only add the brands that are actually installed!

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Kann mir einer sagen wieso es beim PETKA download von XTR3M3 einmal den PETKA 8.3 (Dezember 2021) download gibt und der nur 11,7GB hat und dann gibt es den PETKA 8.3 als VMware [August 2021] mit 31,2 GB wo sind die unterschiede?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann mir einer sagen wieso es beim PETKA download von XTR3M3 einmal den PETKA 8.3 (Dezember 2021) download gibt und der nur 11,7GB hat und dann gibt es den PETKA 8.3 als VMware [August 2021] mit 31,2 GB wo sind die unterschiede?
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