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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Oscam, G09, plus clinie

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.


6. Februar 2016
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe eine G09 Karte von KD mit dem Packet "Kabelanschluss Komfort Premium HD und nutze seit einiger Zeit einen Linux Recive von Octagon mit Openatv Image.

Bin auch sehr zufrieden mit allem und konnte mir bis jetzt immer ganz gut helfen. Bin aber jetzt an einem Punkt angekommen wo ich nicht weiterkomme.

Ich habe vor kurzem (endlich) eine C Linie bekommen. Bis jetzt hat auch alles gut geklappt, allerdings habe ich bei den Programmen die er mir freischaltet Ruckler im Bild, mal mehr mal weniger.

Ich vermute ich glaube auch woran es liegt. Wahrscheinlich versucht oscam die Sender einmal über die interne Karte zu entschlüsseln und einmal über den cccam reader. (Weiß nicht ob ich da richtig liege)

Ich verstehe einfach nicht wie man das Oscam mitteilen kann, das bestimmte Programme über einen anderen Reader entschlüsselt werden. Vielleicht weiß ja jemand Rat.

Ich nehme gerne jeden Tip an, aber bitte nicht sofort über meine configs herziehen. Fehler macht ma ja um es danach besser zu machen... ;)

logfile                       = /mnt/sdc1/logs/oscam.log
nice                          = -5
maxlogsize                    = 5000
cwlogdir                      = /mnt/sdc1/logs/cw.log
emmlogdir                     = /mnt/sdc1/logs/emm.log
ecmfmt                        = /mnt/sdc1/logs/ecm.log


port                          = 11491
nodeid                        = 549ADEDC10761562
version                       = 2.2.1
reshare                       = 1
reshare_mode                  = 0


enabled                       = 1
au                            = 1
pmt_mode                      = 0
delayer                       = 60
user                          = dvbapiau
boxtype                       = dreambox

httpport                      = 83
httphelplang                  = de
httprefresh                   = 10
httppollrefresh               = 10
httphideidleclients           = 0
httpallowed                   =,

user = dvbapiau
pwd =
group = 1,2
monlevel = 4
au = KDG09
services = skyall
caid = 09C7,1722,183


label                         = KDG09
protocol                      = internal
device                        = /dev/sci1
caid                          = 09C7
boxid                         = 12345678
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 357
cardmhz                       = 357
ident                         = 09C7:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,2
ndsversion                    = 2
blockemm-unknown              = 1

# [reader]
# label                         = line_newcamd
# protocol                      = newcamd
# device                        =,35000
# key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
# user                          = tobias
# password                      = 29WolF12
# fallback                      = 1
# group                         = 2

# [reader]
# label                         = keyfile
# enable                        = 0
# protocol                      = constcw
# device                        = /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
# group                         = 6

# [reader]
# label                         = emulator
#  protocol                      = emu
#device                        = emulator
# caid                          = 0D00,0D02,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF,0E00,4AE1
# detect                        = cd
# ident                         = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000C8,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000,007301,001101;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000;0E00:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE
# group                         = 1
# emmcache                      = 2,1,2,1
# emu_auproviders               = 0500:030B00;0604:010200;0E00:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE

label                         = Proxy
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = server.net,portnummer
# key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
user                          = user
password                      = passwort
# reconnecttimeout              = 5
# disableserverfilter           = 1
group                         = 1,2,3,4,5
# audisabled                    = 1


caid   = 1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09AF,098C,09C7
srvid  = 0008,0009,000A,000B,000C,000D,000E,0010,0011,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,001A,001B,001C,001D,0021,0022,0023,0024,

# [skykomplettKD]
# caid   = 1722,1834
# srvid  = 000A,000B,002B,0029,0009,0014,0204,0008,0203,0019,0083,006F,0082,0071,0070,EF14,0084,0EE6,006A,006B,006C,0072,002A,0024,
# 0017,0032,001D,001B,0021,0022,0023,0025,0026,0027,001C,0013,001A,000E,000D,000C,00A8,0206,0016,0018,0034,0015,00DF,0106,0110,011A,
# 0124,012E,0138,0142,014C,0156,0160,00FC,003C,003D,2EFE,4461,4462,003F,003E,3393,0038,003A,0042,0040,700A,0044,0043,0043,6FF1,7009,
# 3331,3395,001E,0096,0097,0098,0099,009A,009B,009C,0015,0201,0159,0163,016D,0046,0011,00DD,00DE,00FD,014D,0143,0139,012F,0125,011B,
# 0107,0111,016B,0175
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Das geht über Services. Hier musst Du die Sender den Readern zuordnen. Am besten Du setzt die "Haken" über das oscam-WI.
Wenn die Sender uaf beiden Readen die Selben sind musst Du i den Services die Sender den einzelnen CAIDs zuordnen. In dem Falle ist ziemlich viel Aufwand nötig Komplette CAIDs zuzuordnen ist da einfacher.
Freezer sollten da aber nicht entstehen, sondern die Entschlüsselung dauert eben länger.

ein log von den "Aussetzern" bitte noch posten.

das macht man über Services

by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)

>> OSCam <<  cardserver log switched at Sat Sep  1 17:20:54 2018
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s >> OSCam <<  cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11209 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) System name    = Linux
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Host name      = sf3038
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Release        = 4.1.24
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Version        = #1 SMP Fri Oct 27 02:20:03 CEST 2017
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Machine        = mips
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Stb model      = dm800se
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Stb vumodel    = vuultimo
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) Stb boxtype    = sf3038
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 13192
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s [Emu] oscam-emu version 728
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s   (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) signal handling initialized
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s      (net) cccam: initialized (fd=5, port=11491)
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s   (reader) KDG09 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s   (reader) Proxy [cccam] creating thread for device gaxxxxy1.oxxxam.net
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s   (reader) emulator [emu] creating thread for device emulator
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (stat) loadbalancer: could not open /tmp/.oscam/stat for reading (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000 s     (main) waiting for local card init
2018/09/01 17:20:54 7F16E239 r key file not found in: /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu
2018/09/01 17:20:54 7F16E239 r key file not found in: /var/keys
2018/09/01 17:20:54 7F16E239 r   (reader) emulator [emu] Reader initialized (device=emulator, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2018/09/01 17:20:54 00000000   [Emu] info: FFDecsa parallel mode = 64
2018/09/01 17:20:54 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, pll max=27.00 MHz, wanted mhz=4.50 MHz)
2018/09/01 17:20:54 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Reader sci internal, detected box type: sf3038
2018/09/01 17:20:54 46C3E945 p   (reader) gxxxet: resolved ip=17xxx01
2018/09/01 17:20:54 46C3E945 p   (reader) Proxy [cccam] connecting to server.com:portnummer
2018/09/01 17:20:54 121945FF h    (webif) webif: decompressed 162662 bytes back into 386696 bytes
2018/09/01 17:20:54 121945FF h    (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2018/09/01 17:20:54 46C3E945 p   (reader) Proxy [cccam] proxy initialized, server server.com:portnummer
2018/09/01 17:20:55 7F16E239 r   (reader) emulator [emu] card detected
2018/09/01 17:20:55 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] card detected
2018/09/01 17:20:56 7F16E239 r   (reader) emulator [emu] found card system emu
2018/09/01 17:20:56 7F16E239 r   (reader) emulator [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1
2018/09/01 17:20:56 7F16E239 r key file not found in: /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu
2018/09/01 17:20:56 7F16E239 r key file not found in: /var/keys
2018/09/01 17:20:56 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] ATR: 3F FD 11 25 02 50 00 03 33 B0 15 69 FF 4A 50 F0 80 03 4B 4C 03
2018/09/01 17:20:56 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=2
2018/09/01 17:20:56 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 82.67 us reader mhz = 450
2018/09/01 17:21:01 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Buffers readed  0 bytes total time_us 4999567
2018/09/01 17:21:01 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] PLL Reader: ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 4.50 Mhz (nearest possible mhz specified reader->mhz)
2018/09/01 17:21:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Card type:   KLPV
2018/09/01 17:21:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Rom version: 10LM
2018/09/01 17:21:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2018/09/01 17:21:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] FuseByte: 25
2018/09/01 17:21:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Region Code: DEU00001
2018/09/01 17:21:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Country Code: DEU
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] Pincode read: 1903
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] type: VideoGuard Kabel Deutschland G02/G09 (09C7), caid: 09C7
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] ready for requests
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [internal] found card system videoguard2
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] card detected
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Kabel Deutschland G02/G09 (09C7)
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2018/10/21-01:00:00 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2018/10/21-01:00:00 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f4 --| 2018/10/21-01:00:00 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fe --| 2018/10/21-01:00:00 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 01 ---|-- 0101 --| 2018/10/21-01:00:02 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 01 ---|-- 0133 --| 2018/10/21-01:00:02 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 01 ---|-- 0137 --| 2018/10/21-01:00:02 |
2018/09/01 17:21:04 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] |-- 01 ---|-- 0190 --| 2018/10/21-01:00:02 |
2018/09/01 17:21:05 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
2018/09/01 17:21:06 00000000 s     (main) init for all local cards done
2018/09/01 17:21:06 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2018/09/01 17:21:06 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2018/09/01 17:21:06 01FD5CFF c   (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2018/09/01 17:21:06 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu/oscam.ccache
2018/09/01 17:21:06 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1 maximum amount of possible filters is 32 (oscam limit is 32)
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 0 CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 02F6 PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 1 CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 02F3 PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 2 CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 02F7 PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 3 CAID: 09FD ECM_PID: 02F5 PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Videostream (MPEG-4)(type: 1b pid: 02ef length: 0)
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 02f0 length: 0)
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 02f1 length: 0)
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in caPMT
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 serving srvid C384 (1834@000000:C384 unknown) on adapter 0000 camask 0002 index 0001 pmtpid 0068
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found channel in cache and matching prio -> start descrambling ecmpid 2
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 2 CAID 09C7 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 02F7 ANY CHID PMTPID 0068 VPID 02EF
2018/09/01 17:21:10 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/BE53837209C7m.6BF0010000): found (346 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:21:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/A09B13AC09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:21:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/9D0F7BA009C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:21:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0FA115C109C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:21:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/8BA7918709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:21:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0E2759A509C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:22:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/2957759809C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:22:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/2B3251E809C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:22:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/1F4AF7E909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:22:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/137489DC09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:22:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/2124C06C09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:22:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/2B38E1C509C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:23:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/64D9128009C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:23:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/7B2E7EB909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:23:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/F45FCF8F09C7m.6BF0010000): found (341 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:23:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/08230D9A09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:23:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/64B8849409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:23:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/53FD826209C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/9497AF9609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/3984C37509C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/A0F3BCB709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/6EBF871F09C7m.6BF0010000): found (346 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 ecmpid 0 CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 1C0E PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 ecmpid 1 CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 1D0E PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 ecmpid 2 CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 190E PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 ecmpid 3 CAID: 09FD ECM_PID: 1E0E PROVID: 000000
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stream Videostream (MPEG-4)(type: 1b pid: 04ff length: 0)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 0503 length: 0)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 0504 length: 0)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in caPMT
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 serving srvid 006E (1834@000000:006E unknown) on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0064
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 found channel in cache and matching prio -> start descrambling ecmpid 1
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 09C7 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1D0E ANY CHID PMTPID 0064 VPID 04FF
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stream Videostream (MPEG-4)(type: 1b pid: 04ff length: 3)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 0503 length: 16)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stream Data-/Audiostream (Subtitles/VBI and AC-3)(type: 06 pid: 0504 length: 16)
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in PMT
2018/09/01 17:24:43 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 serving srvid 006E (1834@000000:006E unknown) on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0064
2018/09/01 17:24:44 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2018/09/01 17:24:44 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/006E1D0E09C71/A600850000006E/480B845A09C7m.A600850000): found (619 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/51145CA109C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:53 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2018/09/01 17:24:53 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/006E1D0E09C71/A600850000006E/1052ACF809C7m.A600850000): found (825 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:24:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/527BD9D209C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:03 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2018/09/01 17:25:03 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/006E1D0E09C71/A600850000006E/830F0F6009C7m.A600850000): found (620 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/618DF1D609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:13 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2018/09/01 17:25:13 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/006E1D0E09C71/A600850000006E/E65D92E909C7m.A600850000): found (547 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/49400EC709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:23 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2018/09/01 17:25:23 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/006E1D0E09C71/A600850000006E/9B8BB0A609C7m.A600850000): found (493 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/D9642F5609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:33 42F18226 r   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2018/09/01 17:25:33 01FD5CFF c   (dvbapi) Demuxer 1 stop descrambling program number 006E (09C7@000000:006E unknown)
2018/09/01 17:25:33 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/006E1D0E09C71/A600850000006E/46A8C0E209C7m.A600850000): found (637 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/8DC8F09C09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/AF45E62D09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:25:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/7B4428BE09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:26:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/95F84F2509C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:26:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/CEDE5AB709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:26:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/5FE2AB3A09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:26:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/12963BDF09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:26:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/5ACF104D09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:26:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/4DB019E209C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:27:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/2E922F6309C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:27:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/43B3E72909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:27:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/940B32B409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:27:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/F272421409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:27:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/8F0D0C8309C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:27:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/6B0324BE09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:28:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/CA71188409C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:28:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0D68EBB609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:28:25 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/14FA318409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:28:35 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/7F914ACC09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:28:45 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/62B2F79C09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:28:55 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/44FC438109C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:29:05 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/8E902B8109C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:29:15 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/AFF045CA09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:29:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/70B323EC09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:29:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/F4D88FA509C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:29:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/3B45DF1C09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:29:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/C37E2E1809C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:30:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/EA3CDA5409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:30:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0A30A89409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:30:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn0000/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/FA7DBD2B09C7m.6BF0010000): found (324 ms) by Proxy (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:30:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/8C89834409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:30:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/F6BD501909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:30:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/3732283709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:31:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/7289733E09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:31:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/DDD9003409C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:31:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/357020A909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:31:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/4AB2355709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:31:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0AAD6BF709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:31:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/F686B38709C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:32:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/FC0BB45309C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:32:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/974093AE09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:32:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/AA389FCF09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:32:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0A29B38F09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:32:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/D2121F8909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:32:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/1E33F00509C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:33:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/FC8F8A6609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:33:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/C6F9BA1609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:33:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/2F031B9309C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:33:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/E36B6C8609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:33:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/114D623609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:33:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/56F577E909C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:34:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/537898A109C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:34:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/BCC8713509C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:34:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/7E36418009C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:34:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/DFEA7DEA09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:34:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/48C4878009C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:34:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/367DC9E509C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:35:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/6128AF6409C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:35:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/6E1CB48D09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:35:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/55A92A4509C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:35:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/1DFE495709C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:35:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/FD83EAEA09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:35:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/0800329909C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:36:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/FE6BBE2609C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:36:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/927A7A8109C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:36:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/A7834BB009C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:36:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/64EC5A6B09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:36:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/37D76C0809C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:36:56 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/5DE6FD6F09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:37:06 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/E1DF81C109C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:37:16 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/236EBD4109C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:37:26 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/A17F994F09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:37:36 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/B084D87A09C7m.6BF0010000): found (337 ms) by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:37:46 01FD5CFF c      (ecm) anonymous (/mn/C38402F709C71/6BF0010000C384/8707F50C09C7m.6BF0010000): found (338 ms)
by KDG09 (P/2/2/2)
2018/09/01 17:52:37 121945FF h    (webif) Restart requested by WebIF from
2018/09/01 17:52:37 121945FF h     (main) restart oscam requested
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000   [Emu] error: accept() failed
2018/09/01 17:52:42 121945FF h    (webif) HTTP Server stopped
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 stop descrambling program number C384 (09C7@000000:C384 unknown)
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache saved to /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu/oscam.ccache
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s (emmcache) saved 0 emmcache records to /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s (emmcache) reader Proxy skipped since emmcache save is disabled
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s (emmcache) reader emulator skipped since emmcache save is disabled
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s (emmcache) saved 0 emmstat records to /usr/keys/oscam_atv_emu/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (client) killing client
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (reader) KDG09 [videoguard2] Killing reader
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (reader) Proxy [cccam] Killing reader
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (config) userdb 1 accounts freed
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s   (config) readerdb 3 readers freed
2018/09/01 17:52:42 00000000 s     (main) cardserver down
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