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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten


Ist oft hier
25. April 2009
Hallo Leute! Ich habe jetzt mein Thin client endlich soweit eingerichtet und er läuft auch einigermaßen, aber ich habe so ein Gefül das es nich ganz richtig läuft. Erstens muss ich sagen, dass der Oscam sich einfach manchmal ausschaltet ( warum? keine Ahnung :-( ) und zweitens die ECM Zeiten manchmal explodieren nach oben, vielleicht kann mir jemand ein guten Rat geben? In meinem System Thin client habe ich Debian installiert mit Oscam stable 1.10rc-svn Rev. 6089. Ich benutze zwei Esymous2 Kartenleser mit zwei S02 Karten. Und das sind meine Einstellungen:


# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.10rc -DEB-Prof.Linux- build #5990
# Read more: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

disablelog = 0
logfile = /usr/local/etc/log/oscam.log
maxlogsize = 1000
clientmaxidle = 120
clienttimeout = 7000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
preferlocalcards = 0
#saveinithistory = 1
waitvorcards = 1
lb_mode = 2
lb_save = 100
lb_max_readers = 2
maxlogsize = 4069
#lb_savepath = /usr/local/etc/.oscam/stat

port = 988
nocrypt =
aulow = 120
hideclient_to = 30
monlevel = 1
appendchaninfo = 1

port = 22111@1702:000000;22112@1833:000000;22114@1843:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
allowed =

port = 22113
reshare = 0
ignorereshare = 1
version = 2.1.1
ignorereshare = 1
updateinterval = -1
keepconnected = 1

httpport = 8388
httphelplang = de
httpuser = xxxxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxxx


# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_by_EasyBuild_svn build #6618
# Read more: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

label                         = s02
protocol                      = mouse
device                        = /dev/ttyUSB0
services                      = sky
caid                          = 1702,1833
boxkey                        = 1122334455667788
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 600
cardmhz                       = 600
ident                         = 1702:000000;1833:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,2
lb_weight                     = 300

label                         = s02plus
protocol                      = mouse
device                        = /dev/ttyUSB1
services                      = sky
caid                          = 1702,1833
boxkey                        = 1122334455667788
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 600
cardmhz                       = 600
ident                         = 1702:000000;1833:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,2
lb_weight                     = 300

label                         = hdplusreader
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = rxxxxxxxxxxxx
user                          = xxxx
password                      = xxxxxxx
services                      = hd+
inactivitytimeout             = 30
reconnecttimeout              = 120
caid                          = 1843
ident                         = 1843:000000,003411,008011
group                         = 3
emmcache                      = 1,1,2
cccversion                    = 2.1.1
ccckeepalive                  = 1

Der dritter Reader ist eine HD+Karte als Reshare von meinem Freund
und da sind meine ECM Zeiten:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Hi! Ich bedanke mich an ALLE, das ist ein toller Forum, da bekommt mann wirklich gute hilfe.
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Ist dein Problem jetzt gelöst?
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Nein, leider nicht
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Poste mal bitte ein Log, aus den Configs kann ich nichts erkennen!

Dann noch eine Frag, warum hast du den Parameter ignorereshare auf 1 gestellt? Dir ist schon klar, dass du so dein Sharepartner hintergehst???

In der Oscam.conf musst du bitte noch folgendes abändern:

waitvorcards = 1

waitforcards = 1
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Das mit ignorereshare 1 habe ich nicht verstanden. Es ist ja so das ich die HD´+ fon einem bekanten bekomme. Und was den Log angeht da sollte warscheinlich auch anders eingestellt sein, bei mir unter Status ist auf 0 eingestellt.
PS: Ich bin kompletter Neuling in dieser Sache.
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

mach mal bitte folgendes, änder mal folgende Zeile ab:

logfile = /var/log/oscam.log

und anschließend einen OScam neustart. Den Log findest du dann in /var/log/oscam.log. Am besten du zappst erstmal ein bisschen, sodass ich dein Problem nachvollziehen kann.
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Ok! Frage wie soll ich Log einstellen? 0....255?
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Text entfernt!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Da ist mein Log.
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Thu Aug 23 11:46:20 2012
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.10rc-svn, build #6089 (i686-pc-linux)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s version=1.10rc-svn, build #6089, system=i686-pc-linux, nice=-1
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s max. logsize=4069 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s client timeout=7000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 2 services loaded, rejected 0
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s userdb reloaded: 29 accounts loaded, 1 expired, 0 disabled
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s 111 service-id's loaded in 0ms
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s 119 tier-id's loaded
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s 3 provid's loaded
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s 22 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s monitor: initialized (fd=7, port=988)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s camd33: disabled
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s camd35: disabled
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s cs378x: disabled
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=8, port=xxxxx, crypted)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s CAID: 1702
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s provid #0: 000000
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=9, port=xxxxx, crypted)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s CAID: 1833
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s provid #0: 000000
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=10, port=xxxxx, crypted)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s CAID: 1843
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s provid #0: 000000
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s cccam: initialized (fd=11, port=xxxxx, crypted)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s radegast: disabled
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s http thread started
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s creating thread for device xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B744B6C0 s waiting for local card init
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B63EFB70 p proxy thread started (thread=B63EFB70, label=hdplusreader, server=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B63EFB70 p connecting to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B6BF0B70 r reader thread started (thread=B6BF0B70, label=s02plus, device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B73F1B70 r reader thread started (thread=B73F1B70, label=s02, device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B73FDB70 h HTTP Server listening on port xxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:20 B63EFB70 p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: resolved ip=
2012/08/23 11:46:23 B6BF0B70 r s02plus card detected
2012/08/23 11:46:23 B73F1B70 r s02 card detected
2012/08/23 11:46:27 B6BF0B70 r ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2012/08/23 11:46:27 B73F1B70 r ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2012/08/23 11:46:28 B73F1B70 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 6 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2012/08/23 11:46:28 B6BF0B70 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 6 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B73F1B70 r detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B73F1B70 r no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B73F1B70 r detect irdeto card
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B6BF0B70 r detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B6BF0B70 r no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B6BF0B70 r detect irdeto card
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B73F1B70 r caid: 1702, acs: 3.84, country code: GER
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B6BF0B70 r caid: 1702, acs: 3.84, country code: GER
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B73F1B70 r providers: 4, ascii serial: xxxxxxxxxxx, hex serial: xxxxxxxxxx, hex base: 1A
2012/08/23 11:46:29 B6BF0B70 r providers: 4, ascii serial: xxxxxxxxxxx, hex serial: xxxxxxxxxx, hex base: 1A
2012/08/23 11:46:32 B73F1B70 r active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2012/08/23 11:46:32 B73F1B70 r found cardsystem irdeto
2012/08/23 11:46:32 B6BF0B70 r active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2012/08/23 11:46:32 B6BF0B70 r found cardsystem irdeto
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0107, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0108, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D2B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D24, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D23, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/13
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 61BD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 04BA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 04C4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D2C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D2D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0107, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0108, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D2B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D24, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D23, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 61BD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 04BA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 04C4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D2C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D2D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D22, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03FF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 05DC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03EC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03EF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03E9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03ED, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F3, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D22, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03FF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05DC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03EC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03EF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03E9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03ED, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F3, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03EB, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F6, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0401, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0402, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F7, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0403, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0404, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03FA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 041A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03EB, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F6, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0401, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0402, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F7, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0403, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0404, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03FA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 041A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 000F, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/09/29
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D21, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03DE, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03DF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 0400, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F1, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03EA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03F2, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 7D27, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/13
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B73F1B70 r chid: 03FD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 000F, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D21, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03DE, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03DF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0400, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F1, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03EA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03F2, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 7D27, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:33 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03FD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 00F0, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/09/29
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0515, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 03E8, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0514, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 044C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 00F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0069, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0102, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 026C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 028B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 00F0, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0515, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 03E8, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0514, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 044C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 00F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0069, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0102, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 026C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 028B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 028C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 028D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 028E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 028F, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0290, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 029E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0291, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0292, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0293, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0294, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 028C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 028D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 028E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 028F, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0290, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 029E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0291, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0292, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0293, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0294, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0295, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 028A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0298, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0299, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 029A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 029B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 029D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 0103, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B73F1B70 r chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0295, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 028A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0298, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0299, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 029A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 029B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 029D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0103, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:34 B6BF0B70 r chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0104, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0406, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0105, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0004, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05DD, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0276, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/13
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05E8, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05F4, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0609, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/13
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 04CE, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0104, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0406, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0105, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0004, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0276, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 04CE, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05DE, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05E7, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05DF, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0605, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 0609, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05DD, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05E8, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05F1, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B6BF0B70 r chid: 05FB, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/02
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05F2, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05E7, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0606, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05DE, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 0605, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05F5, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05F1, date: 2012/04/19 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05FB, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05DF, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:35 B73F1B70 r chid: 05FC, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:36 B6BF0B70 r [irdeto-reader] ready for requests
2012/08/23 11:46:36 B73F1B70 r chid: 05F6, date: 2012/06/05 - 2012/10/14
2012/08/23 11:46:36 B73F1B70 r [irdeto-reader] ready for requests
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B744B6C0 s init for all local cards done
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B744B6C0 s anti cascading disabled
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B90B70 c client connected to xxxxx port
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B84B70 c client connected to xxxxx port
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B78B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B78B70 c thread B5B78B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B6CB70 c client connected to xxxxx port
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B60B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B60B70 c thread B5B60B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B54B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B54B70 c thread B5B54B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B48B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B48B70 c thread B5B48B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B3CB70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B3CB70 c thread B5B3CB70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B30B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B30B70 c thread B5B30B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B24B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B24B70 c thread B5B24B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B18B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B18B70 c thread B5B18B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B0CB70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B0CB70 c thread B5B0CB70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B00B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B00B70 c thread B5B00B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AF4B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AF4B70 c thread B5AF4B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AE8B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AE8B70 c thread B5AE8B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AD0B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AD0B70 c thread B5AD0B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5ADCB70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5ADCB70 c thread B5ADCB70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AC4B70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AC4B70 c thread B5AC4B70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B9CB70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B9CB70 c thread B5B9CB70 ended!
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BA8B70 c client connected to xxxxx port
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BB4B70 c client connected to xxxxx port
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B6CB70 c encrypted newcamd:xxxxx-client xxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx au=on (2 reader))
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B6CB70 c user xxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B6CB70 c AU enabled for user xxx on reader s02
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B84B70 c encrypted newcamd:xxxxx-client xxxxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx au=on (2 reader))
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B84B70 c user xxxxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B84B70 c AU disabled for user xxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BB4B70 c encrypted newcamd:xxxxx-client xxxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx, au=off)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BB4B70 c user xxxxxxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BB4B70 c AU disabled for user xxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B90B70 c encrypted newcamd:xxxxx-client xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx, au=off)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B90B70 c user xxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5B90B70 c AU disabled for user xxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BA8B70 c encrypted newcamd:xxxxx-client xxxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx, au=off)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BA8B70 c user xxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5BA8B70 c AU disabled for user xxx
2012/08/23 11:46:37 B5AB8B70 c encrypted cccam-client xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx, au=off)
2012/08/23 11:46:38 B5B84B70 c housekeeping lb stats thread started

2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5BC1B70 c client connected to xxx port
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5B30B70 c client connected to xxx port
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5BC1B70 c encrypted newcamd:xxx-client xxxxxxxxx granted (xxx, au=off)
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5BC1B70 c user xxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5BC1B70 c AU disabled for user xxx
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5B30B70 c encrypted newcamd:xxx-client xxxxxxxxxxxx granted (xxx, au=off)
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5B30B70 c user xxx authenticated successfully (mgcamd)
2012/08/23 11:50:04 B5B30B70 c AU disabled for user xxx
2012/08/23 11:50:06 B5B30B70 c xxx (1833&000000/006B/93:9C58): found (703 ms) by s02plus(btun) (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Hits HD
2012/08/23 11:50:06 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:DE1A): found (679 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:10 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:3CA6): found (573 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:10 B5B30B70 c xxx (1833&000000/006B/93:4BC3): found (727 ms) by s02(btun) (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Hits HD
2012/08/23 11:50:11 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:532C): found (654 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:50:11 B5B6CB70 c xxx(1702&000000/000B/93:7DFC): found (701 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Cinema +1
2012/08/23 11:50:13 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:9B78): found (677 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:17 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:CBAA): found (574 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:17 B6BF0B70 r xxx emmtype=global, len=137, idx=0, cnt=1: written (581 ms) by s02plus
2012/08/23 11:50:17 B73F1B70 r xxx emmtype=global, len=137, idx=0, cnt=1: written (584 ms) by s02
2012/08/23 11:50:17 B5B30B70 c xxx(1833&000000/006B/93:6382): found (1044 ms) by s02plus(btun) (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Hits HD
2012/08/23 11:50:20 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:8C93): found (677 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:21 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:8284): found (656 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:50:22 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/002A/93:C36E): found (704 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:23 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/002A/93:BD11): found (670 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:23 B6BF0B70 r xxx emmtype=global, len=137, idx=1, cnt=1: written (539 ms) by s02plus
2012/08/23 11:50:23 B73F1B70 r xxx emmtype=global, len=137, idx=1, cnt=1: written (544 ms) by s02
2012/08/23 11:50:24 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:05E0): found (699 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:27 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:CDBB): found (676 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:29 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/002A/93:AFC8): found (658 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:31 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:16A0): found (656 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:50:31 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:9C58): found (575 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:34 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:D925): found (682 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:36 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/002A/93:3DDE): found (655 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:38 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:72B4): found (573 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:41 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:9126): found (661 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:50:41 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:2087): found (635 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:43 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/002A/93:63E2): found (703 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:44 B73F1B70 r xxx emmtype=shared, len=139, idx=2, cnt=1: written (574 ms) by s02
2012/08/23 11:50:45 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:8DB8): found (576 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:48 B5B90B70 c xxx(1702&000000/0032/93:24B5): found (726 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:50 B5B6CB70 c juri (1702&000000/002A/93:84B7): found (620 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:51 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:7448): found (662 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:50:52 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:9B61): found (577 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:50:55 B5B90B70 c xxx(1702&000000/0032/93:38D6): found (724 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:50:57 B5B6CB70 c xxx(1702&000000/002A/93:14C6): found (627 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - 13th Street
2012/08/23 11:50:59 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:42A6): found (584 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:51:01 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:44C4): found (649 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:51:01 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/0023/93:A9DC): found (661 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Film (TCM)
2012/08/23 11:51:02 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:043A): found (681 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:51:06 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:AA5B): found (580 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:51:07 B5B6CB70 c xxx(1702&000000/0023/93:FADF): found (652 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Film (TCM)
2012/08/23 11:51:09 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:FDBD): found (686 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
2012/08/23 11:51:10 B5BB4B70 c xxx (1702&000000/7001/93:8B15): found (600 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - MTV Germany
2012/08/23 11:51:13 B5AB8B70 c xxx (1702&000000/00DE/93:5236): found (579 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - Sky Sport 2
2012/08/23 11:51:14 B5B6CB70 c xxx (1702&000000/0023/93:F2C1): found (599 ms) by s02plus (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Film (TCM)
2012/08/23 11:51:16 B5B90B70 c xxx (1702&000000/0032/93:8B05): found (677 ms) by s02 (of 1 avail 2) - TNT Serie
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

kleiner tipp: xxx mal deinen dns-host und die user aus dem log
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Danke für den Tipp!

Auf einmal kommt sowas:JC_hmmm:
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Das nächste mal wenn du ein Log postest, achte bitte drauf dass du die IP´s Serials und DNS raus nimmst. So gefärdest du nicht nur dich selbst sondern auch alle deine Clienten!

ps. Am Log kann ich nicht erkennen, dass es Probleme gibt. Läuft doch....

pps. Ich habe den Log nicht umsonst gespoilert, damit du den wieder als Quote einstellst ;-) Bitte Log´s grundsätzlich Spoilern.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Igel: Spontane Abstürze und hohe ECM Zeiten

Danke! Hab ich gemacht.