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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config


Ist gelegentlich hier
8. April 2012
Servus und sorry für den Doppelpost aber ich dreh mich hier total im kreis und würde gerne endlich mein Problem gelöst bekommen. Und
zwar habe ich jetzt eine fritzbox 3270 gefreezt mit einem SI image und einem dlink hub h4

FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 [TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD]Firmware: 67.05.54 rev27373[/TD]
[TD="align: right"] Branding: avm[/TD]
[TD]Freetz: devel-11874M[/TD]
und nutze oscam r9842 aber ich bekomme immer noch die freezer mit der v13 und die hdplus steigt nach ner std oder zwei wieder aus.

es kann doch nur an den configs liegen oder??
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 32
emmlogdir = /data/addon/oscam/

delay = 60

port = 62000
reshare = 2
version = 2.3.0

httpport = 12586
httpuser = userif
httppwd = passif
httphelplang = de
httphideidleclients = 1
httpallowed =
label                         = hdplus
protocol                      = mouse
device                        = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid                          = 1843
boxkey                        = A7.......
rsakey                         =  BF.........
detect                        = cd
group                         = 2
emmcache                      = 1,3,2

label                         = skyv13
protocol                      = mouse
device                        = /dev/ttyUSB1
caid                          = 09C4
boxid                         = 12345678
ins7e11                       = 15
detect                        = cd
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,2
blockemm-unknown              = 1
blockemm-s                    = 1
blockemm-g                    = 1
saveemm-u                     = 1
blockemm-bylen                = 1-38,40,42-44,65-124,126-127,131,139-255
ndsversion                    = 2

Hab die freetz jetzt direkt an der dsl leitung hängen und nicht hinter einer fritzbox. Mir ist noch aufgefallen wenn
ich beide reader beim starten der fritzbox angeschlossen habe für alle reader 106 entitlements

Das sieht dann so aus:

v13 106 entitlements
hdplus 106 entitlements
emu 106 entitlements

der oscam server zeigt mir nur hdplus und die v13 hell wenn ich zu erst di fritzbox starte und anschließend erst die reader nacheinander anschließe. dann sieht es so aus mit den entitlements

v13 25 entitlements
hdplus 1 entitlements
emu 106 entitlements

@ Boardadmins: Macht es sinn mich eventuell in einen oscam Bereich zu verschieben?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

Ich hab deinen Beitrag mal zu den OSCAM-Profis geschoben da ich auch denke das es nicht an der Hardware liegt.
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

welche Reader nutzt du?
probier mal diese auch per UDEV Regel einbinden, dann bekommst du eventuell das Start Problem in den griff

ich bekomme immer noch die freezer mit der v13 und die hdplus steigt nach ner std oder zwei wieder aus.
wie sehen die freezer im log des Servers aus? sind die ECM zeiten gut?
das die HDplus aussteigt kann am Hub liegen, wird dieser Passiv oder Aktiv betrieben, mal einen anderen probiert oder mal nur einen Reader direkt an der Fritzbox wenn möglich
vor allem das log hierzu auch posten und wie die Reader eingestellt sind
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

ich nutze 2 x die easy mouse zwei. die v13 liegt so zwischen 140-150ms und die hd02 bei 420 denk ich. ich habe hier drei aktiv hubs. einen Noname einen König 7 port und den dlink h4

die reader sind so eingestellt

hdplus alle unten

v13 oben,unten,unten,unten

[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [mouse] ready for requests 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [mouse] found card system videoguard2 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] card detected 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 271a, expiry date: 2013/09/30-01:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 006a, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 006d, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:00:59   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:02        0 s init for all local cards done 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:02        0 s anti cascading disabled 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:02   5965E0 c anonymous disconnected from 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:04   599F48 c encrypted cccam-client granted (wohnzimmer, au=auto (3 reader)) 
[*]2014/09/06  16:01:10   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:2A7715C403BD793B2F4907908A52B8B1): found  (425 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:12    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:3F3ACAF115FE64ADE476EF51D813241F): found  (422 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:19    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7444253396C98ECA36D10D1A602A4BC3): found  (412 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:26    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D9D6E9F3AB2900A6CB8D98E677708D77): found  (414 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:33    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:54AA233FB490F33D3974A63CABB23E57): found  (413 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:40    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D566DCFDF875B6B3564D1473013BCE40): found  (413 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:47    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5913E88B3AC420269969316FB1CEF44F): found  (422 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:01:54    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:366AF043E196E9552DC70A92D4D7FD4D): found  (412 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:01    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:72B35855F47EC65E802C60B33E80C76D): found  (411 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:08    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7500611863ABCD767CA744117A0CE5AF): found  (411 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:15    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:990728E491FC8466B2C2D93A62659EDB): found  (410 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:22    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:655FBAAA94F5A30B22D1A09093087EBB): found  (412 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:29    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6C90754D91E0CA43F3F2B77EF309B84E): found  (420 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:36    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:A2EC51A312AEF6E449589F4BF7DF7B0D): found  (409 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:43    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:02866B9D150CBD43C6FF850F63002BCA): found  (410 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:50    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:634DB14F293FCDAB96E0964AFE5AC0C1): found  (419 ms) by hdplus 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [nagra] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [nagra] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [nagra] card ejected 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:54   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:54   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:56   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:56   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:02:56   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9106BCAADA14F0409A6F959BEE4B2D6C):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:02:58   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:58    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:3978C8FC5E2F72F81A295CB59210CADC): not  found (177 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:02:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:01   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:01   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:02   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:02   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:04   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F4424F7DE9C05CA73B4DB88FD5B5CA10):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:04   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:04    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:9356F8B76F839A17D878C2A24FEED00E): not  found (177 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:06   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:06   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:07   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:07   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:10   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:10   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:11   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:11   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:11   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:642AB768E21DF9DED40B4259AEF721E1):  rejected group (2 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:12   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:12    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:E959E6D8AD3C2053102998C853F171FE): not  found (172 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:15   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:15   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:16   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:16   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:18   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:18   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:19   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:C8CF519A63A2C5C6455B86B8AC2ED997):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:19   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:19    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:026FF9F390776237A9F66F2CFD1F38AC): not  found (165 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:20   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:20   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:23   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:23   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:26   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:26   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:26   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:3122523604C5B30F30BB6BB8C5EB42F6):  rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:27   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:27   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:27   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:27    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:0AA5BC065340B94C26824C02F1672E8A): not  found (167 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:31   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:31   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:33   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:33   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:34   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:34   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:34   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9862ACF4BA27F58EA84E46720F147D65):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:34   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:34    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:929C5F787E0886E45FB663114F8AE501): not  found (166 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:35   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:35   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:40   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:40   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:41   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:41   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:41   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:CA5785139E4D941B555B037F9948720D):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:42   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:42    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:36C398150EFF5611F8AB539B19521884): not  found (166 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:44   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:44   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:46   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:46   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:47   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:47   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:48   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:48   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:49   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F835E4C9AF141700EF7F9FCA289F991B):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:49   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:49   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:49   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:49    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:5A88A46B0C3725624ED21F7C0810A54D): not  found (165 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:50   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:50   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:54   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:54   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:56   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:56   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:56   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:92B40292CDF7D105299A4664C2DDC5D5):  rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:03:57   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:57    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:5768490460C9110BFDBCB806D6A5D31C): not  found (165 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:03:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:01   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:01   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:02   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:02   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:04   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5D30919572D8DA032E97EF6828357B69):  rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:04   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:04    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:245798D77A3A9022AB019EB5DBFEE0CB): not  found (163 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:06   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:06   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:06   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:06    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:DB20E32CF1168FFD6FEFCE6F9AFC40E6): not  found (164 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:07   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:07   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:10   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:10   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:11   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:11   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:14   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:02E6DDE0584C767C0B4B00B6209CF7A6):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:14   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:14    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:BFDEAC828773E6310CA3ABCB0083D6D3): not  found (164 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:15   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:15   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:16   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:16   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:18   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:18   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:20   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:20   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:21   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:74B95977E29A69E3C521BA457E48B9E4):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:22   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:22    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:6FC9737538E8D54C1BCDC4F3EAE840B6): not  found (164 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:23   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:23   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:26   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:26   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:27   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:27   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:29   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:E63A8B9907C98BB9A21E3DD2ACEA0F06):  rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:29   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:29    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:2D463C25E2393C2F1B57CC9CA63DB2AA): not  found (153 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:31   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:31   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:33   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:33   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:34   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:34   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:35   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:35   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:36   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0FBA828E7B38DB7C8DE7BBDE196A290B):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:37   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:37    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:C0868560A0364B0A7DB288BD2E16A6FC): not  found (163 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:40   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:40   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:41   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:41   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:44   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5E4D5221BBF1EF8C6D5808E6190E716F):  rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:44   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:44   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:44   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:44    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:B20A59F263D0A4E6E51493C6312752F3): not  found (162 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:46   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:46   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:47   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:47   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:48   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:48   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:49   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:49   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:50   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:50   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:51   599F48 c wohnzimmer  (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:32111CF66FD549CBD65F5F367AD6E62C):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader) 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06  16:04:52   57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 =  ok but cw=00 tag 0F: 00 00 20 00 00 00, please report to the developers  with decrypted ins54 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:52    599F48 c wohnzimmer  (09C4&000000/07D2/EF75/B3:3664954EC7D067D1A6247199227E7AA3): not  found (161 ms) by skyv13 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:53   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:54   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:54   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:55   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:56   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:56   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:57   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:58   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:04:59   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:00   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:01   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:01   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:02   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:02   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:03   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:04   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:05   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:06   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:06   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:07   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:07   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:08   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:09   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:10   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:10   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:11   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:11   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:12   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:13   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:14   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:15   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:15   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:16   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:16   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:17   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:18   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:18   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:19   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:20   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:20   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:21   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:22   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:23   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:23   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:24   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:25   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:26   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:26   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:27   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:27   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:28   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:29   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:30   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:31   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:31   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:32   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:33   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:33   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:34   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:34   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:35   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:35   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:36   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:37   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:38   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:39   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:40   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:40   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:41   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:41   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:42   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:43   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:44   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:44   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:45   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:46   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:46   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:47   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:47   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:48   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:48   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:49   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:49   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:50   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:50   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:51   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] ERROR: IO_Serial_GetStatus: ioctl(TIOCMGET): Input/output error 
[*]2014/09/06 16:05:52   57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error getting card status. 
ich habe mal die hdplus karte direkt an der fritzbox hängen gehabt aber selbst da hat sie sich verabschiedet

wie kann ich die reader in die udev einbinden?
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

probier mal für die HDplus die Easymouse der V13 zu nehmen, somit schließt du aus das es an der Maus liegt
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

Ja ausgetestet, selbes Problem
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

stell mal die Maus auf 6Mhz um, im Reader der HDplus mhz auch auf 600 stellen
aber erhoffe mir dadurch auch keinen unterschied wenn es direkt an der Fritte auch so ist
Probier mal dann eine 97XXer Oscam oder so
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

Ich habe die Maus auf 6Mhz gestellt und im Reader

die cardmhz u. mhz auf 600 stellt. aber dadurch wird die karte gar nicht erkannt.

2014/09/06 19:05:22 57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00
2014/09/06 19:05:22 57EA18 r skyv13 [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2014/12/27-00:01:00
2014/09/06 19:05:24 57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] Error activating card.
2014/09/06 19:05:29 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2014/09/06 19:05:29 57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/09/06 19:05:29 57CBE8 r hdplus [mouse] card initializing error
2014/09/06 19:05:30 0 s init for all local cards done

jetzt habe ich es wieder auf die ausgangsposition gestellt und cardmhz u mhz rausgenommen aus dem reader. Und habe die oscam r9761 genommen aber auch hier selbe spiel.

hdplus steigt wieder aus und freezer bei der v13
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

ist die einstellung auf 6mhz
normalerweise geht die taktung immer besser als die 357 bei den Mäusen

wie sehen eigentlich die Freezer der v13 aus? (log)
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config


unten unten oben oben. so wars eingestellt.

hier mal der log von der v13 ist zwar nicht von heute weil meine freundin gerade den fernseher beschlagnahmt hat

aber ist genau das selbe vorhin gewesen

  2014/08/23 20:06:46 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:7C6847EF46DF09D541B705BCD68E5064): found (146 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:06:52 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:2720914EE2742DEAF51B1BFA57DEBB01): found (409 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:06:53 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:57392B27872BACE9BE0FC0024BE71DBF): found (145 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:07:00 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:07454CB044215FBFB6A3BF7362FBA224): found (143 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:07:02 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:18405F23B389C2BD5B753717D6995185): found (403 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:07:12 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:C62F73C2CA3A0CD289652A74500AB4F2): timeout (5003 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:07:12 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:41B93B0BE339D20DE4D492DBCB23B52C): found (405 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:07:22 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:5E7DE41396BF5A7C880302BC716CD719): found (424 ms) by hdplus
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]    2014/08/23 20:07:23 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:26BCD19C980B6A17E9784BE2836A8172): timeout (5002 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:07:27 50B2D8 r sky [videoguard2] classD1 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00
    2014/08/23 20:07:27 50B2D8 r sky [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
    2014/08/23 20:07:29 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:95B8379AED8A966FFDB50882EF2D72C7): timeout (5002 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:07:32 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:D5A1C032493729B1A1C23E5EE69A6FF0): found (426 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:07:34 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:A1681CCF71E5D3AEBD203102EE922C92): timeout (5002 ms) by sky[/B][/COLOR]
    2014/08/23 20:07:37 50B2D8 r sky [videoguard2] classD1 ins40: (-2) status not ok 10 00
    2014/08/23 20:07:37 50B2D8 r sky [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
    2014/08/23 20:07:38 50B2D8 r sky [videoguard2] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
    2014/08/23 20:07:38 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
    2014/08/23 20:07:39 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
    2014/08/23 20:07:40 51E128 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
    2014/08/23 20:07:40 51E128 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=3
    2014/08/23 20:07:40 51E128 r sky [mouse] Setting baudrate to 9600 bps
    2014/08/23 20:07:40 51E128 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 104.20 us reader mhz = 357
    2014/08/23 20:07:40 51E128 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
    2014/08/23 20:07:41 51E128 r sky [mouse] Card type: P1TV
    2014/08/23 20:07:41 51E128 r sky [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
    2014/08/23 20:07:41 51E128 r sky [mouse] Unable to get smartcard credit
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 51E128 r sky [mouse] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 11 to 15
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 51E128 r sky [mouse] found card system videoguard2
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4)
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:718F73A4E279F2BB20238FA7092DAA3F): rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
    2014/08/23 20:07:42 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:9BCDD4B1D154C44419B3657297646D25): found (405 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:07:43 51E128 r sky [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 15 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 15
    2014/08/23 20:07:43 51E128 r sky [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=3
    2014/08/23 20:07:43 51E128 r sky [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
    2014/08/23 20:07:43 51E128 r sky [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.51 us reader mhz = 357
    2014/08/23 20:07:43 51E128 r sky [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
    2014/08/23 20:07:44 51E128 r sky [mouse] Card type: P1TV
    2014/08/23 20:07:44 51E128 r sky [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
    2014/08/23 20:07:44 51E128 r sky [mouse] Unable to get smartcard credit
    2014/08/23 20:07:44 51E128 r sky [mouse] FuseByte: 25
    2014/08/23 20:07:44 51E128 r sky [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
    2014/08/23 20:07:44 51E128 r sky [mouse] Country Code: DEU
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [mouse] Pincode read: 1234
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [mouse] ready for requests
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [mouse] found card system videoguard2
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
    2014/08/23 20:07:45 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 271a, expiry date: 2013/09/30-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006a, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006d, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:46 51E128 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2014/10/13-01:01:00
    2014/08/23 20:07:49 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:4E8DA95CCF8EBAB815D24A7AFA916290): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
    2014/08/23 20:07:52 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:6CAAE6BC3F81C53695E7AFFD883075CD): found (404 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:07:56 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:8E6E3872805130E73AE608D802DA1F79): found (177 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:08:02 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:0B5E633E1644F18D5DEAD6A44F2AA272): found (414 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:08:03 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:F924E7E2C23C5664A9BBF819AC6A8EE1): found (144 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:08:10 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:98CC708E70EC3E75C3AA47D8FDAFAA96): found (146 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:08:12 526988 c dream600 (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:CDC30BFF3708C0F3FDDBBF5BEF3755CA): found (409 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:08:17 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:F08A20211B01EC177AD6614F51CB96E0): found (146 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:08:22 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:8E4F1095E797E3CFD68F0F7C21DAAD5F): found (414 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:08:24 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:666BCE0DB2538D36BAA09426ED07E026): found (146 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:08:31 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:74DFC4A68C70E7748C582842C1DF7814): found (137 ms) by sky
    2014/08/23 20:08:32 526988 c wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF10/89:2D13B99718369483449C67738A838AB1): found (406 ms) by hdplus
    2014/08/23 20:08:38 529948 c dream600 (09C4&000000/0C1F/0069/B3:B7E89A8C7656080C7A403E0CCB861D40): found (142 ms) by sky
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

ist das gleiche spiel
die Karte/Reader? antwortet nicht richtig

ich würde es auf die Hardware schieben, da es schon mit nur einem Reader direkt an der Box auch vorkommt und mit unterschiedlichen Readern
würde mal den Router sich um das Inet/Telefon kümmern lassen und einen Server dahinter stellen, zb. Raspberry PI oder Pogoplug
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

Okay damit bin ich d'accord, welches rasperry Pi brauche ich denn? Auf amazon gibt es zig Variationen.


Easymouse und usb hubs hab ich ja schon dazu habe ich mir noch folgendes bestellt. Fehlt was?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

wenn es ein Raspberry sein soll dann Model B 512 MB
das netzteil sollte dann schon 2A haben
oder mit einem gebrauchtem Raspberry/Pogoplug kommst du günstiger weg über ebay
Pogo E02 ca.20-30€ + Stick 5€
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

Am besten das mit dem besseren Support. Welches ist mir Wayne?

was ist der Unterschied zwischen rasperry b und b plus

was meinst du für einen Stick?
AW: CS Server mit fritz 7270 und nur Probleme mit der Config

Hi, USB Stick ist nötig falls du dich für einen Pogoplug als CS Server entscheidest, da das Debian Linux auf dem Stick installiert wird statt auf einer SD Card wie beim Raspberry Pi. LG Osprey