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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

cccam prozess


16. Januar 2010
hi leute...bin von einem dream 800 auf einen vps debian 6.0 32 bit und hab ipc installiert...aber irgendwie bekomme ich cccam nicht am laufen...und zwar wir der prozess automatisch gekillt. hat irgendjemand einen tipp? sorry falls es schon mal dieses problem hier in forum geloest wurde aber hab nichts gefunden...
ps: wie kann ich am besten den firewall des vps managen...iptables oder cfs? mit beiden hatte ich auch probleme fuer die konfiguration...die ports die ich freigeben moechte sind die standard ports...ha auch den link von iptables gesehen aber irgendwie bleiben die ports immer zu...ich komm uebers netz nicht rein...
danke im vorraus
AW: cccam prozess

aber irgendwie bekomme ich cccam nicht am laufen
Welch Prozessor hat der Server? Cccam läuft auf MIPs und noch paar Andere, aber nicht auf ARM und co.


Dann musst Du auf oscam mit cccam Prodokoll gehen, dann funktioniert es.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: cccam prozess

ps: wie kann ich am besten den firewall des vps managen...iptables oder cfs? mit beiden hatte ich auch probleme fuer die konfiguration...die ports die ich freigeben moechte sind die standard ports
Hi, standartports sind Mist. Ich würde mit niemandem sharen der Standartports benutzt.
Zeige mal die Ausgabe von iptables -L
AW: cccam prozess

es ist ein Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3470 @ 2.93GHz von vps4less...kemsst du einen besseren anbieter?
AW: cccam prozess

Gute Hardware, was willst du uns damit sagen? Für Ports und Firewall bist du verantwörtlich und das bei jedem vps Anbieter. LG Osprey
AW: cccam prozess

Gute Hardware, was willst du uns damit sagen? Für Ports und Firewall bist du verantwörtlich und das bei jedem vps Anbieter. LG Osprey
hallo erstmal...nichts will ich damit sagen nur dass der cccam prozess alleine gekillt wird, und ein mitglied dieses forums mir geschrieben hatte dass cccam nur auf mips funktioniert und nicht auf arm prozessor...was fuer eine architektur hat dieser prozzessor meines vps anibieter?
hiermal die conf von cfs. kam so nicht klar mit iptables und hab cfs installiert...mein ethernetport ist vnet0:0
# SECTION:Initial Settings
# Testing flag - enables a CRON job that clears iptables incase of
# configuration problems when you start csf. This should be enabled until you
# are sure that the firewall works - i.e. incase you get locked out of your
# server! Then do remember to set it to 0 and restart csf when you're sure
# everything is OK. Stopping csf will remove the line from /etc/crontab
# lfd will not start while this is enabled

# The interval for the crontab in minutes. Since this uses the system clock the
# CRON job will run at the interval past the hour and not from when you issue
# the start command. Therefore an interval of 5 minutes means the firewall
# will be cleared in 0-5 minutes from the firewall start

# ================
# Unfortunately, syslog and rsyslog allow end-users to log messages to some
# system logs via the same unix socket that other local services use. This
# means that any log line shown in these system logs that syslog or rsyslog
# maintain can be spoofed (they are exactly the same as real log lines).
# Since some of the features of lfd rely on such log lines, spoofed messages
# can cause false-positive matches which can lead to confusion at best, or
# blocking of any innocent IP address or making the server inaccessible at
# worst.
# Any option that relies on the log entries in the files listed in
# /etc/syslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.conf should therefore be considered
# vulnerable to exploitation by end-users and scripts run by end-users.
# NOTE: Not all log files are affected as they may not use syslog/rsyslog
# The option RESTRICT_SYSLOG disables all these features that rely on affected
# logs. These options are:
# This list of options use the logs but are not disabled by RESTRICT_SYSLOG:
# The following options are still enabled by default on new installations so
# that, on balance, csf/lfd still provides expected levels of security:
# If you set RESTRICT_SYSLOG to "0" or "2" and enable any of the options listed
# above, it should be done with the knowledge that any of the those options
# that are enabled could be triggered by spoofed log lines and lead to the
# server being inaccessible in the worst case. If you do not want to take that
# risk you should set RESTRICT_SYSLOG to "1" and those features will not work
# but you will not be protected from the exploits that they normally help block
# The recommended setting for RESTRICT_SYSLOG is "3" to restrict who can access
# the syslog/rsyslog unix socket.
# For further advice on how to help mitigate these issues, see
# /etc/csf/readme.txt
# 0 = Allow those options listed above to be used and configured
# 1 = Disable all the options listed above and prevent them from being used
# 2 = Disable only alerts about this feature and do nothing else
# 3 = Restrict syslog/rsyslog access to RESTRICT_SYSLOG_GROUP

# The following setting is used if RESTRICT_SYSLOG is set to 3. It restricts
# write access to the syslog/rsyslog unix socket(s). The group must not already
# exists in /etc/groups before setting RESTRICT_SYSLOG to 3, so set the option
# to a unique name for the server
# You can add users to this group by changing /etc/csf/csf.syslogusers and then
# restarting lfd afterwards. This will create the system group and add the
# users from csf.syslogusers if they exist to that group and will change the
# permissions on the syslog/rsyslog unix socket(s). The socket(s) will be
# monitored and the permissions re-applied should syslog/rsyslog be restarted
# Using this option will prevent some legitimate logging, e.g. end-user cron
# job logs
# If you want to revert RESTRICT_SYSLOG to another option and disable this
# feature, change the setting of RESTRICT_SYSLOG and then restart lfd and then
# syslog/rsyslog and the unix sockets will be reset

# This options restricts the ability to modify settings within this file from
# the csf UI. Should the parent control panel be compromised, these restricted
# options could be used to further compromise the server. For this reason we
# recommend leaving this option set to at least "1" and if any of the
# restricted items need to be changed, they are done so from the root shell
# 0 = Unrestricted UI
# 1 = Restricted UI
# 2 = Disabled UI

# Enabling auto updates creates a cron job called /etc/cron.d/csf_update which
# runs once per day to see if there is an update to csf+lfd and upgrades if
# available and restarts csf and lfd
# You should check for new version announcements at

# SECTION:IPv4 Port Settings
# Lists of ports in the following comma separated lists can be added using a
# colon (e.g. 30000:35000).

# Allow incoming TCP ports
TCP_IN = "20,21,22,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,12000,14000,15000,15001,15002,16000,16001,16002"

# Allow outgoing TCP ports
TCP_OUT = "20,21,22,25,53,80,110,113,443,12000,14000,15000,15001,15002,16000,16001,16002"

# Allow incoming UDP ports
UDP_IN = "20,21,53,12000,14000,15000,15001,15002,16000,16001,16002"

# Allow outgoing UDP ports
# To allow outgoing traceroute add 33434:33523 to this list
UDP_OUT = "20,21,53,113,123,12000,14000,15000,15001,15002,16000,16001,16002"

# Allow incoming PING
ICMP_IN = "1"

# Set the per IP address incoming ICMP packet rate
# To disable rate limiting set to "0"
ICMP_IN_RATE = "1/s"

# Allow outgoing PING
ICMP_OUT = "1"

# Set the per IP address outgoing ICMP packet rate (hits per second allowed),
# e.g. "1/s"
# To disable rate limiting set to "0"

# SECTION:IPv6 Port Settings
# IPv6: (Requires ip6tables)
# Pre v2.6.20 kernels do not perform stateful connection tracking, so a static
# firewall is configured as a fallback instead if IPV6_SPI is set to 0 below
# Supported:
# PACKET_FILTER, WATCH_MODE, Advanced Allow/Deny Filters, RELAY_*, CLUSTER_*
# Not supported:
# Partially supported:
# CC_LOOKUPS - reverse DNS only and requires the perl module Socket6 from cpan
# MESSENGER service - not supported: no REDIRECT support in ip6tables as yet
IPV6 = "0"

# IPv6 uses icmpv6 packets very heavily. By default, csf will allow all icmpv6
# traffic in the INPUT and OUTPUT chains. However, this could increase the risk
# of icmpv6 attacks. To restrict incoming icmpv6, set to "1" but may break some
# connection types

# Pre v2.6.20 kernel must set this option to "0" as no working state module is
# present, so a static firewall is configured as a fallback
# A workaround has been added for CentOS/RedHat v5 and custom kernels that do
# not support IPv6 connection tracking by opening ephemeral port range
# 32768:61000. This is only applied if IPV6_SPI is not enabled. This is the
# same workaround implemented by RedHat in the sample default IPv6 rules
# Because connection tracking does not work on such kernels, applications that
# rely on it (e.g. apache, passive ftp, etc) will not function unless you open
# all outgoing ports. To do this set the following:
# TCP6_OUT = "0:65535"
# UDP6_OUT = "0:65535"
# If you allow incoming ipv6 DNS lookups you will need to use the following
# directive in the options{} section of your named.conf:
# query-source-v6 port 53;
# This will force ipv6 incoming DNS traffic only through port 53
# These changes are not necessary if the SPI firewall is used
IPV6_SPI = "1"

# Allow incoming IPv6 TCP ports
TCP6_IN = "20,21,22,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995"

# Allow outgoing TCP ports
TCP6_OUT = "20,21,22,25,53,80,110,113,443"

# Allow incoming UDP ports
UDP6_IN = "20,21,53"

# Allow outgoing UDP ports
# To allow outgoing traceroute add 33434:33523 to this list
UDP6_OUT = "20,21,53,113,123"

# SECTION:General Settings
# By default, csf will auto-configure iptables to filter all traffic except on
# the loopback device. If you only want iptables rules applied to a specific
# NIC, then list it here (e.g. eth1, or eth+)

# By adding a device to this option, ip6tables can be configured only on the
# specified device. Otherwise, ETH_DEVICE and then the default setting will be
# used

# If you don't want iptables rules applied to specific NICs, then list them in
# a comma separated list (e.g "eth1,eth2")

# To switch from the deprecated iptables "state" module to the "conntrack"
# module, change this to 1

# Check whether syslog is running. Many of the lfd checks require syslog to be
# running correctly. This test will send a coded message to syslog every
# SYSLOG_CHECK seconds. lfd will check SYSLOG_LOG log lines for the coded
# message. If it fails to do so within SYSLOG_CHECK seconds an alert using
# syslogalert.txt is sent
# A value of betwen 300 and 3600 seconds is suggested. Set to 0 to disable

# Enable this option if you want lfd to ignore (i.e. don't block) IP addresses
# listed in csf.allow in addition to csf.ignore (the default). This option
# should be used with caution as it would mean that IP's allowed through the
# firewall from infected PC's could launch attacks on the server that lfd
# would ignore

# Enable the following option if you want to apply strict iptables rules to DNS
# traffic (i.e. relying on iptables connection tracking). Enabling this option
# could cause DNS resolution issues both to and from the server but could help
# prevent abuse of the local DNS server

# Enable the following option if you want to apply strict iptables rules to DNS
# traffic between the server and the nameservers listed in /etc/resolv.conf
# Enabling this option could cause DNS resolution issues both to and from the
# server but could help prevent abuse of the local DNS server

# Limit the number of IP's kept in the /etc/csf/csf.deny file. This can be
# important as a large number of IP addresses create a large number of iptables
# rules (4 times the number of IP's) which can cause problems on some systems
# where either the the number of iptables entries has been limited (esp VPS's)
# or where resources are limited. This can result in slow network performance,
# or, in the case of iptables entry limits, can prevent your server from
# booting as not all the required iptables chain settings will be correctly
# configured. The value set here is the maximum number of IPs/CIDRs allowed
# if the limit is reached, the entries will be rotated so that the oldest
# entries (i.e. the ones at the top) will be removed and the latest is added.
# The limit is only checked when using csf -d (which is what lfd also uses)
# Set to 0 to disable limiting

# Limit the number of IP's kept in the temprary IP ban list. If the limit is
# reached the oldest IP's in the ban list will be removed and allowed
# regardless of the amount of time remaining for the block
# Set to 0 to disable limiting

# Enable login failure detection daemon (lfd). If set to 0 none of the
# following settings will have any effect as the daemon won't start.

# Check whether csf appears to have been stopped and restart if necessary,
# unless TESTING is enabled above. The check is done every 300 seconds
LF_CSF = "1"

# IP6TABLES_RESTORE in two ways:
# 1. On a clean server reboot the entire csf iptables configuration is saved
# and then restored where possible to provide a near instant firewall
# startup
# 2. On csf restart or lfd reloading tables, CC_* as well as SPAMHAUS, DSHIELD,
# BOGON, TOR are loaded using this method in a fraction of the time than if
# this setting is disabled
[*]Not supported on all OS platforms
# Set to "0" to disable this functionality

# If you enable this option then whenever a CLI request to restart csf is used
# lfd will restart csf instead within LF_PARSE seconds
# This feature can be helpful for restarting configurations that cannot use

# Enable verbose output of iptables commands

# Enable packet filtering for unwanted or illegal packets. This will drop
# packets that iptables has deemed INVALID (i.e. there is no established TCP
# connection in the state table), or if the TCP flags in the packet are out of
# sequence or illegal in the protocol exchange.
# If you see packets being dropped that you would rather allow then disable
# this option by setting it to "0"

# Perform reverse DNS lookups on IP addresses. (See also CC_LOOKUPS)

# Block outgoing SMTP except for root, exim and mailman (forces scripts/users
# to use the exim/sendmail binary instead of sockets access). This replaces the
# protection as WHM > Tweak Settings > SMTP Tweaks
# This option uses the iptables ipt_owner/xt_owner module and must be loaded
# for it to work. It may not be available on some VPS platforms
# Note: Run /etc/csf/csftest.pl to check whether this option will function on
# this server

# If SMTP_BLOCK is enabled but you want to allow local connections to port 25
# on the server (e.g. for webmail or web scripts) then enable this option to
# allow outgoing SMTP connections to the loopback device

# This is a comma separated list of the ports to block. You should list all
# ports that exim is configured to listen on
SMTP_PORTS = "25,465,587"

# Always allow the following comma separated users and groups to bypass
# Note: root (UID:0) is always allowed
SMTP_ALLOWGROUP = "mail,mailman"

# This option will only allow SMTP AUTH to be advertised to the IP addresses
# listed in /etc/csf/csf.smtpauth on EXIM mail servers
# The additional option CC_ALLOW_SMTPAUTH can be used with this option to
# additionally restrict access to specific countries
# This is to help limit attempts at distributed attacks against SMTP AUTH which
# are difficult to achive since port 25 needs to be open to relay email
# The reason why this works is that if EXIM does not advertise SMTP AUTH on a
# connection, then SMTP AUTH will not accept logins, defeating the attacks
# without restricting mail relaying
# Note: csf and lfd must be restarted if /etc/csf/csf.smtpauth is modified so
# that the lookup file in /etc/exim.smtpauth is regenerated from the
# information from /etc/csf/csf.smtpauth plus any countries listed in
# NOTE: To make this option work you MUST make the modifications to exim.conf
# as explained in "Exim SMTP AUTH Restriction" section in /etc/csf/readme.txt
# after enabling the option here, otherwise this option will not work
# To enable this option, set to 1 and make the exim configuration changes
# To disable this option, set to 0 and undo the exim configuration changes

# SECTION:Port Flood Settings
# Enable SYN Flood Protection. This option configures iptables to offer some
# protection from tcp SYN packet DOS attempts. You should set the RATE so that
# false-positives are kept to a minimum otherwise visitors may see connection
# issues (check /var/log/messages for *SYNFLOOD Blocked*). See the iptables
# man page for the correct --limit rate syntax
# Note: This option should ONLY be enabled if you know you are under a SYN
# flood attack as it will slow down all new connections from any IP address to
# the server if triggered

# Connection Limit Protection. This option configures iptables to offer more
# protection from DOS attacks against specific ports. It can also be used as a
# way to simply limit resource usage by IP address to specific server services.
# This option limits the number of concurrent new connections per IP address
# that can be made to specific ports
# This feature does not work on servers that do not have the iptables module
# xt_connlimit loaded. Typically, this will be with MONOLITHIC kernels. VPS
# server admins should check with their VPS host provider that the iptables
# module is included
# For further information and syntax refer to the Connection Limit Protection
# section of the csf readme.txt
# Note: Run /etc/csf/csftest.pl to check whether this option will function on
# this server

# Port Flood Protection. This option configures iptables to offer protection
# from DOS attacks against specific ports. This option limits the number of
# new connections per time interval that can be made to specific ports
# This feature does not work on servers that do not have the iptables module
# ipt_recent loaded. Typically, this will be with MONOLITHIC kernels. VPS
# server admins should check with their VPS host provider that the iptables
# module is included
# For further information and syntax refer to the Port Flood Protection
# section of the csf readme.txt
# Note: Run /etc/csf/csftest.pl to check whether this option will function on
# this server

# Outgoing UDP Flood Protection. This option limits outbound UDP packet floods.
# These typically originate from exploit scripts uploaded through vulnerable
# web scripts. Care should be taken on servers that use services that utilise
# high levels of UDP outbound traffic, such as SNMP, so you may need to alter
# the UDPFLOOD_LIMIT and UDPFLOOD_BURST options to suit your environment
# We recommend enabling User ID Tracking (UID_INTERVAL) with this feature

# This is a list of usernames that should not be rate limited, such as "named"
# to prevent bind traffic from being limited.
# Note: root (UID:0) is always allowed

# SECTION:Logging Settings
# Log lfd messages to SYSLOG in addition to /var/log/lfd.log. You must have the
# perl module Sys::Syslog installed to use this feature
SYSLOG = "0"

# Drop target for iptables rules. This can be set to either DROP ot REJECT.
# REJECT will send back an error packet, DROP will not respond at all. REJECT
# is more polite, however it does provide extra information to a hacker and
# lets them know that a firewall is blocking their attempts. DROP hangs their
# connection, thereby frustrating attempts to port scan the server.

# Enable logging of dropped connections to blocked ports to syslog, usually
# /var/log/messages. This option needs to be enabled to use Port Scan Tracking

# Enable logging of dropped incoming connections from blocked IP addresses
# This option will be disabled if you enable Port Scan Tracking (PS_INTERVAL)

# Enable logging of dropped outgoing connections
# Note: Only outgoing SYN packets for TCP connections are logged, other
# protocols log all packets
# We recommend that you enable this option

# Together with DROP_OUT_LOGGING enabled, this option logs the UID connecting
# out (where available) which can help track abuse

# Only log incoming reserved port dropped connections (0:1023). This can reduce
# the amount of log noise from dropped connections, but will affect options
# such as Port Scan Tracking (PS_INTERVAL)

# Commonly blocked ports that you do not want logging as they tend to just fill
# up the log file. These ports are specifically blocked (applied to TCP and UDP
# protocols) for incoming connections
DROP_NOLOG = "67,68,111,113,135:139,445,500,513,520"

# Log packets dropped by the packet filtering option PACKET_FILTER

# Log packets dropped by the Connection Limit Protection option CONNLIMIT. If
# this is enabled and Port Scan Tracking (PS_INTERVAL) is also enabled, IP
# addresses breaking the Connection Limit Protection will be blocked

# Enable logging of UDP floods. This should be enabled, especially with User ID
# Tracking enabled

# Send an alert if log file flooding is detected which causes lfd to skip log
# lines to prevent lfd from looping. If this alert is sent you should check the
# reported log file for the reason for the flooding

# Configure csf to watch IP addresses (with csf -w [ip]). This option will add
# overhead to packet traversal through iptables and syslog logging, so should
# only be enabled while actively watching IP addresses. See readme.txt for more
# information on the use of this option

# SECTION:Reporting Settings
# By default, lfd will send alert emails using the relevant alert template to
# the To: address configured within that template. Setting the following
# option will override the configured To: field in all lfd alert emails
# Leave this option empty to use the To: field setting in each alert template

# By default, lfd will send alert emails using the relevant alert template from
# the From: address configured within that template. Setting the following
# option will override the configured From: field in all lfd alert emails
# Leave this option empty to use the From: field setting in each alert template

# By default, lfd will send all alerts using the SENDMAIL binary. To send using
# SMTP directly, you can set the following to a relaying SMTP server, e.g.
# "". Leave this setting blank to use SENDMAIL

# Block Reporting. lfd can run an external script when it performs and IP
# address block following for example a login failure. The following setting
# is to the full path of the external script which must be executable. See
# readme.txt for format details
# Leave this setting blank to disable

# To also run an external script when a temporary block is unblocked. The
# following setting can be the full path of the external script which must be
# executable. See readme.txt for format details
# Leave this setting blank to disable

# In addition to the standard lfd email alerts, you can additionally enable the
# sending of X-ARF reports (see ). Only
# block alert messages will be sent.
# These reports are in a format accepted by many Netblock owners and should
# help them investigate abuse. This option is not designed to automatically
# forward these reports to the Netblock owners and should be checked for
# false-positive blocks before reporting
# Note: The following block types are not reported through this feature:
X_ARF = "0"

# By default, lfd will send emails from the root forwarder. Setting the
# following option will override this

# By default, lfd will send emails to the root forwarder. Setting the following
# option will override this
X_ARF_TO = ""

# SECTION:Temp to Perm/Netblock Settings
# Temporary to Permanent IP blocking. The following enables this feature to
# permanently block IP addresses that have been temporarily blocked more than
# LF_PERMBLOCK_COUNT times in the last LF_PERMBLOCK_INTERVAL seconds. Set
# LF_PERMBLOCK to "1" to enable this feature
# Care needs to be taken when setting LF_PERMBLOCK_INTERVAL as it needs to be
# at least LF_PERMBLOCK_COUNT multiplied by the longest temporary time setting
# (TTL) for blocked IPs, to be effective
# Set LF_PERMBLOCK to "0" to disable this feature

# Permanently block IPs by network class. The following enables this feature
# to permanently block classes of IP address where individual IP addresses
# within the same class LF_NETBLOCK_CLASS have already been blocked more than
# LF_NETBLOCK_COUNT times in the last LF_NETBLOCK_INTERVAL seconds. Set
# LF_NETBLOCK to "1" to enable this feature
# This can be an affective way of blocking DDOS attacks launched from within
# the same network class
# Valid settings for LF_NETBLOCK_CLASS are "A", "B" and "C", care and
# consideration is required when blocking network classes A or B
# Set LF_NETBLOCK to "0" to disable this feature

# SECTION:Global Lists/DYNDNS/Blocklists
# Safe Chain Update. If enabled, all dynamic update chains (GALLOW*, GDENY*,
# chain when updating, and insert it into the relevant LOCALINPUT/LOCALOUTPUT
# chain, then flush and delete the old dynamic chain and rename the new chain.
# This prevents a small window of opportunity opening when an update occurs and
# the dynamic chain is flushed for the new rules.
# This option should not be enabled on servers with long dynamic chains (e.g.
# CC_DENY/CC_ALLOW lists) and low memory. It should also not be enabled on
# Virtuozzo VPS servers with a restricted numiptent value. This is because each
# chain will effectively be duplicated while the update occurs, doubling the
# number of iptables rules

# If you wish to allow access from dynamic DNS records (for example if your IP
# address changes whenever you connect to the internet but you have a dedicated
# dynamic DNS record from the likes of dyndns.org) then you can list the FQDN
# records in csf.dyndns and then set the following to the number of seconds to
# poll for a change in the IP address. If the IP address has changed iptables
# will be updated.
# A setting of 600 would check for IP updates every 10 minutes. Set the value
# to 0 to disable the feature
DYNDNS = "0"

# To always ignore DYNDNS IP addresses in lfd blocking, set the following
# option to 1

# The follow Global options allow you to specify a URL where csf can grab a
# centralised copy of an IP allow or deny block list of your own. You need to
# specify the full URL in the following options, i.e.:
# The actual retrieval of these IP's is controlled by lfd, so you need to set
# LF_GLOBAL to the interval (in seconds) when you want lfd to retrieve. lfd
# will perform the retrieval when it runs and then again at the specified
# interval. A sensible interval would probably be every 3600 seconds (1 hour).
# A minimum value of 300 is enforced for LF_GLOBAL if enabled
# You do not have to specify both an allow and a deny file
# You can also configure a global ignore file for IP's that lfd should ignore


# Provides the same functionality as DYNDNS but with a GLOBAL URL file. Set
# this to the URL of the file containing DYNDNS entries

# Set the following to the number of seconds to poll for a change in the IP
# address resoved from GLOBAL_DYNDNS

# To always ignore GLOBAL_DYNDNS IP addresses in lfd blocking, set the following
# option to 1

# Blocklists are controlled by modifying /etc/csf/csf.blocklists
# If you don't want BOGON rules applied to specific NICs, then list them in
# a comma separated list (e.g "eth1,eth2")

# The following option can be used to select either HTTP::Tiny or
# LWP::UserAgent to retrieve URL data. HTTP::Tiny is much faster than
# LWP::UserAgent and is included in the csf distribution. LWP::UserAgent may
# have to be installed manually, but it can better support https:// URL's
# Unless https:// URL's are manually configured, we recommend leaving this set
# to "1"
# "1" = HTTP::Tiny
# "2" = LWP::UserAgent
URLGET = "1"

# SECTION:Country Code Lists and Settings
# Country Code to CIDR allow/deny. In the following two options you can allow
# or deny whole country CIDR ranges. The CIDR blocks are generated from the
# Maxmind GeoLite Country database
# and entirely relies on that service being available
# Specify the the two-letter ISO Country Code(s). The iptables rules are for
# incoming connections only
# WARNING: These lists are never 100% accurate and some ISP's (e.g. AOL) use
# non-geographic IP address designations for their clients
# WARNING: Some of the CIDR lists are huge and each one requires a rule within
# the incoming iptables chain. This can result in significant performance
# overheads and could render the server inaccessible in some circumstances. For
# this reason (amongst others) we do not recommend using these options
# WARNING: Due to the resource constraints on VPS servers this feature should
# not be used on such systems unless you choose very small CC zones
# WARNING: CC_ALLOW allows access through all ports in the firewall. For this
# reason CC_ALLOW probably has very limited use and CC_ALLOW_FILTER is
# preferred
# Each option is a comma separated list of CC's, e.g. "US,GB,DE"
CC_DENY = ""

# An alternative to CC_ALLOW is to only allow access from the following
# countries but still filter based on the port and packets rules. All other
# connections are dropped

# This option allows access from the following countries to specific ports
# Note: The rules for this feature are inserted after the allow and deny
# rules to still allow blocking of IP addresses
# Each option is a comma separated list of CC's, e.g. "US,GB,DE"

# All listed ports should be removed from TCP_IN/UDP_IN to block access from
# elsewhere. This option uses the same format as TCP_IN/UDP_IN
# An example would be to list port 21 here and remove it from TCP_IN/UDP_IN
# then only counties listed in CC_ALLOW_PORTS can access FTP

# This option denies access from the following countries to specific ports
# Note: The rules for this feature are inserted after the allow and deny
# rules to still allow allowing of IP addresses
# Each option is a comma separated list of CC's, e.g. "US,GB,DE"

# This option uses the same format as TCP_IN/UDP_IN. The ports listed should
# NOT be removed from TCP_IN/UDP_IN
# An example would be to list port 21 here then counties listed in
# CC_DENY_PORTS cannot access FTP

# This Country Code list will prevent lfd from blocking IP address hits for the
# listed CC's
# CC_LOOKUPS must be enabled to use this option

# This Country Code list will only allow SMTP AUTH to be advertised to the
# listed countries in EXIM. This is to help limit attempts at distributed
# attacks against SMTP AUTH which are difficult to achive since port 25 needs
# to be open to relay email
# The reason why this works is that if EXIM does not advertise SMTP AUTH on a
# connection, then SMTP AUTH will not accept logins, defeating the attacks
# without restricting mail relaying
# This option can generate a very large list of IP addresses that could easily
# severely impact on SMTP (mail) performance, so care must be taken when
# selecting countries and if performance issues ensue
# The option SMTPAUTH_RESTRICT must be enabled to use this option

# Set this option to a valid CIDR (i.e. 1 to 32) to ignore CIDR blocks smaller
# than this value when implementing CC_DENY/CC_ALLOW/CC_ALLOW_FILTER. This can
# help reduce the number of CC entries and may improve iptables throughput.
# Obviously, this will deny/allow fewer IP addresses depending on how small you
# configure the option
# For example, to ignore all CIDR (and single IP) entries small than a /16, set
# this option to "16". Set to "" to block all CC IP addresses

# Display Country Code and Country for reported IP addresses. This option can
# be configured to use the MaxMind Country Database or the more detailed (and
# much larger and therefore slower) MaxMind City Database
# "0" - disable
# "1" - Reports: Country Code and Country
# "2" - Reports: Country Code and Country and Region and City

# This option tells lfd how often to retrieve the Maxmind GeoLite Country
# days)

# SECTION:Login Failure Blocking and Alerts
# The following
[*] triggers are application specific. If you set LF_TRIGGER to
# "0" the value of each trigger is the number of failures against that
# application that will trigger lfd to block the IP address
# If you set LF_TRIGGER to a value greater than "0" then the following
# application triggers are simply on or off ("0" or "1") and the value of
# LF_TRIGGER is the total cumulative number of failures that will trigger lfd
# to block the IP address
# Setting the application trigger to "0" disables it

# If LF_TRIGGER is > "0" then LF_TRIGGER_PERM can be set to "1" to permanently
# block the IP address, or LF_TRIGGER_PERM can be set to a value greater than
# "1" and the IP address will be blocked temporarily for that value in seconds.
# For example:
# LF_TRIGGER_PERM = "1" => the IP is blocked permanently
# LF_TRIGGER_PERM = "3600" => the IP is blocked temporarily for 1 hour
# If LF_TRIGGER is "0", then the application LF_[application]_PERM value works
# in the same way as above and LF_TRIGGER_PERM serves no function

# To only block access to the failed application instead of a complete block
# for an ip address, you can set the following to "1", but LF_TRIGGER must be
# set to "0" with specific application
[*] trigger levels also set appropriately
# The ports that are blocked can be configured by changing the PORTS_* options

# Send an email alert if an IP address is blocked by one of the
[*] triggers

[*]Enable login failure detection of sshd connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_SSHD = "5"

[*]Enable login failure detection of ftp connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_FTPD = "10"

[*]Enable login failure detection of SMTP AUTH connections

[*]Enable syntax failure detection of Exim connections

[*]Enable login failure detection of pop3 connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_POP3D = "0"

[*]Enable login failure detection of imap connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LF_IMAPD = "0"

[*]Enable login failure detection of Apache .htpasswd connections
# Due to the often high logging rate in the Apache error log, you might want to
# enable this option only if you know you are suffering from attacks against
# password protected directories

[*]Enable failure detection of repeated Apache mod_security rule triggers

[*]Enable detection of repeated BIND denied requests
# This option should be enabled with care as it will prevent blocked IPs from
# resolving any domains on the server. You might want to set the trigger value
# reasonably high to avoid this
# Example: LF_BIND = "100"
LF_BIND = "0"

[*]Enable detection of repeated suhosin ALERTs
# Example: LF_SUHOSIN = "5"
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

[*]Enable detection of repeated cxs ModSecurity mod_security rule triggers
# This option will block IP addresses if cxs detects a hits from the
# ModSecurity rule associated with it
# Note: This option takes precedence over LF_MODSEC and removes any hits
# counted towards LF_MODSEC for the cxs rule
# This setting should probably set very low, perhaps to 1, if you want to
# effectively block IP addresses for this trigger option
LF_CXS = "0"

[*]Enable detection of repeated Apache mod_qos rule triggers
LF_QOS = "0"

[*]Enable detection of repeated Apache symlink race condition triggers from
# the Apache patch provided by:
# This patch has also been included by cPanel via the easyapache option:
# "Symlink Race Condition Protection"

[*]Enable login failure detection of webmin connections
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone logs in successfully using SSH
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone uses su to access another account. This will
# send an email alert whether the attempt to use su was successful or not
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone accesses webmin
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Send an email alert if anyone logs in successfully to root on the console
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# This option will keep track of the number of "File does not exist" errors in
# HTACCESS_LOG. If the number of hits is more than LF_APACHE_404 in LF_INTERVAL
# seconds then the IP address will be blocked
# Care should be used with this option as it could generate many
# false-positives, especially Search Bots (use csf.rignore to ignore such bots)
# so only use this option if you know you are under this type of attack
# A sensible setting for this would be quite high, perhaps 200
# To disable set to "0"
LF_APACHE_404 = "0"

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds
LF_APACHE_404_PERM = "3600"

# This option will keep track of the number of "client denied by server
# configuration" errors in HTACCESS_LOG. If the number of hits is more than
# LF_APACHE_403 in LF_INTERVAL seconds then the IP address will be blocked
# Care should be used with this option as it could generate many
# false-positives, especially Search Bots (use csf.rignore to ignore such bots)
# so only use this option if you know you are under this type of attack
# A sensible setting for this would be quite high, perhaps 200
# To disable set to "0"
LF_APACHE_403 = "0"

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds
LF_APACHE_403_PERM = "3600"

# System Exploit Checking. This option is designed to perform a series of tests
# to send an alert in case a possible server compromise is detected
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds
# (a value of 300 would seem sensible).
# To disable set to "0"
LF_EXPLOIT = "300"

# This comma separated list allows you to ignore tests LF_EXPLOIT performs
# For the SUPERUSER check, you can list usernames in csf.suignore to have them
# ignored for that test
# Valid tests are:
# If you want to ignore a test add it to this as a comma separated list, e.g.

# Set the time interval to track login and other LF_ failures within (seconds),
# i.e. LF_TRIGGER failures within the last LF_INTERVAL seconds
LF_INTERVAL = "3600"

# This is how long the lfd process sleeps (in seconds) before processing the
# log file entries and checking whether other events need to be triggered
LF_PARSE = "5"

# This is the interval that is used to flush reports of usernames, files and
# pids so that persistent problems continue to be reported, in seconds.
# A value of 3600 seems sensible
LF_FLUSH = "3600"

# Under some circumstances iptables can fail to include a rule instruction,
# especially if more than one request is made concurrently. In this event, a
# permanent block entry may exist in csf.deny, but not in iptables.
# This option instructs csf to deny an already blocked IP address the number
# of times set. The downside, is that there will be multiple entries for an IP
# address in csf.deny and possibly multiple rules for the same IP address in
# iptables. This needs to be taken into consideration when unblocking such IP
# addresses.
# Set to "0" to disable this feature. Do not set this too high for the reasons
# detailed above (e.g. "5" should be more than enough)

# By default csf will create both an inbound and outbound blocks from/to an IP
# unless otherwise specified in csf.deny and GLOBAL_DENY. This is the most
# effective way to block IP traffic. This option instructs csf to only block
# inbound traffic from those IP's and so reduces the number of iptables rules,
# but at the expense of less effectiveness. For this reason we recommend
# leaving this option disabled
# Set to "0" to disable this feature - the default

# SECTION:Directory Watching & Integrity
# Enable Directory Watching. This enables lfd to check /tmp and /dev/shm
# directories for suspicious files, i.e. script exploits. If a suspicious
# file is found an email alert is sent. One alert per file per LF_FLUSH
# interval is sent
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds.
# To disable set to "0"

# To remove any suspicious files found during directory watching, enable the
# following. These files will be appended to a tarball in
# /var/lib/csf/suspicious.tar

# This option allows you to have lfd watch a particular file or directory for
# changes and should they change and email alert using watchalert.txt is sent
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds
# (a value of 60 would seem sensible) and add your entries to csf.dirwatch
# Set to disable set to "0"

# System Integrity Checking. This enables lfd to compare md5sums of the
# servers OS binary application files from the time when lfd starts. If the
# md5sum of a monitored file changes an alert is sent. This option is intended
# as an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and is the last line of detection for
# a possible root compromise.
# There will be constant false-positives as the servers OS is updated or
# monitored application binaries are updated. However, unexpected changes
# should be carefully inspected.
# Modified files will only be reported via email once.
# To enable this feature set the following to the checking interval in seconds
# (a value of 3600 would seem sensible). This option may increase server I/O
# load onto the server as it checks system binaries.
# To disable set to "0"

# SECTION:Distributed Attacks
# Distributed Account Attack. This option will keep track of login failures
# from distributed IP addresses to a specific application account. If the
# number of failures matches the trigger value above, ALL of the IP addresses
# involved in the attack will be blocked according to the temp/perm rules above
# Tracking applies to LF_SSHD, LF_FTPD, LF_SMTPAUTH, LF_POP3D, LF_IMAPD,
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Set the following to the minimum number of unique IP addresses that trigger

# Distributed FTP Logins. This option will keep track of successful FTP logins.
# If the number of successful logins to an individual account is at least
# LF_DISTFTP in LF_DIST_INTERVAL from at least LF_DISTFTP_UNIQ IP addresses,
# then all of the IP addresses will be blocked
# This option can help mitigate the common FTP account compromise attacks that
# use a distributed network of zombies to deface websites
# A sensible setting for this might be 5, depending on how many different
# IP addresses you expect to an individual FTP account within LF_DIST_INTERVAL
# To disable set to "0"
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# Set the following to the minimum number of unique IP addresses that trigger
# LF_DISTFTP. LF_DISTFTP_UNIQ must be <= LF_DISTFTP for this to work

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds

# Distributed SMTP Logins. This option will keep track of successful SMTP
# logins. If the number of successful logins to an individual account is at
# addresses, then all of the IP addresses will be blocked. These options only
# apply to the exim MTA
# This option can help mitigate the common SMTP account compromise attacks that
# use a distributed network of zombies to send spam
# A sensible setting for this might be 5, depending on how many different
# IP addresses you expect to an individual SMTP account within LF_DIST_INTERVAL
# To disable set to "0"

# Set the following to the minimum number of unique IP addresses that trigger
# LF_DISTSMTP. LF_DISTSMTP_UNIQ must be <= LF_DISTSMTP for this to work

# If this option is set to 1 the blocks will be permanent
# If this option is > 1, the blocks will be temporary for the specified number
# of seconds

# This is the interval during which a distributed FTP or SMTP attack is
# measured

# SECTION:Login Tracking
# Block POP3 logins if greater than LT_POP3D times per hour per account per IP
# address (0=disabled)
# This is a temporary block for the rest of the hour, afterwhich the IP is
# unblocked
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LT_POP3D = "0"

# Block IMAP logins if greater than LT_IMAPD times per hour per account per IP
# address (0=disabled) - not recommended for IMAP logins due to the ethos
# within which IMAP works. If you want to use this, setting it quite high is
# probably a good idea
# This is a temporary block for the rest of the hour, afterwhich the IP is
# unblocked
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
LT_IMAPD = "0"

# Send an email alert if an account exceeds LT_POP3D/LT_IMAPD logins per hour
# per IP

# If LF_PERMBLOCK is enabled but you do not want this to apply to
# LT_POP3D/LT_IMAPD, then enable this option

# SECTION:Connection Tracking
# Connection Tracking. This option enables tracking of all connections from IP
# addresses to the server. If the total number of connections is greater than
# this value then the offending IP address is blocked. This can be used to help
# prevent some types of DOS attack.
# Care should be taken with this option. It's entirely possible that you will
# see false-positives. Some protocols can be connection hungry, e.g. FTP, IMAPD
# and HTTP so it could be quite easy to trigger, especially with a lot of
# closed connections in TIME_WAIT. However, for a server that is prone to DOS
# attacks this may be very useful. A reasonable setting for this option might
# be around 300.
# To disable this feature, set this to 0
CT_LIMIT = "0"

# Connection Tracking interval. Set this to the the number of seconds between
# connection tracking scans

# Send an email alert if an IP address is blocked due to connection tracking

# If you want to make IP blocks permanent then set this to 1, otherwise blocks
# will be temporary and will be cleared after CT_BLOCK_TIME seconds

# If you opt for temporary IP blocks for CT, then the following is the interval
# in seconds that the IP will remained blocked for (e.g. 1800 = 30 mins)
CT_BLOCK_TIME = "1800"

# If you don't want to count the TIME_WAIT state against the connection count
# then set the following to "1"

# If you only want to count specific states (e.g. SYN_RECV) then add the states
# to the following as a comma separated list. E.g. "SYN_RECV,TIME_WAIT"
# Leave this option empty to count all states against CT_LIMIT

# If you only want to count specific ports (e.g. 80,443) then add the ports
# to the following as a comma separated list. E.g. "80,443"
# Leave this option empty to count all ports against CT_LIMIT

# SECTION:Process Tracking
# Process Tracking. This option enables tracking of user and nobody processes
# and examines them for suspicious executables or open network ports. Its
# purpose is to identify potential exploit processes that are running on the
# server, even if they are obfuscated to appear as system services. If a
# suspicious process is found an alert email is sent with relevant information.
# It is then the responsibility of the recipient to investigate the process
# further as the script takes no further action
# The following is the number of seconds a process has to be active before it
# is inspected. If you set this time too low, then you will likely trigger
# false-positives with CGI or PHP scripts.
# Set the value to 0 to disable this feature
PT_LIMIT = "60"

# How frequently processes are checked in seconds

# If you want process tracking to highlight php or perl scripts that are run
# through apache then disable the following,
# i.e. set it to 0
# While enabling this setting will reduce false-positives, having it set to 0
# does provide better checking for exploits running on the server

# lfd will report processes, even if they're listed in csf.pignore, if they're
# tagged as (deleted) by Linux. This information is provided in Linux under
# /proc/PID/exe. A (deleted) process is one that is running a binary that has
# the inode for the file removed from the file system directory. This usually
# happens when the binary has been replaced due to an upgrade for it by the OS
# vendor or another third party (e.g. cPanel). You need to investigate whether
# this is indeed the case to be sure that the original binary has not been
# replaced by a rootkit or is running an exploit.
# Note: If a deleted executable process is detected and reported then lfd will
# not report children of the parent (or the parent itself if a child triggered
# the report) if the parent is also a deleted executable process
# To stop lfd reporting such process you need to restart the daemon to which it
# belongs and therefore run the process using the replacement binary (presuming
# one exists). This will normally mean running the associated startup script in
# /etc/init.d/
# If you do want lfd to report deleted binary processes, set to 1

# If a PT_DELETED event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process and passed the executable, pid,
# account for the process, and parent pid
# The action script must have the execute bit and interpreter (shebang) set. An
# example is provided in /usr/local/csf/bin/pt_deleted_action.pl
# WARNING: Make sure you read and understand the potential security
# implications of such processes in PT_DELETED above before simply restarting
# such processes with a script

# User Process Tracking. This option enables the tracking of the number of
# process any given account is running at one time. If the number of processes
# exceeds the value of the following setting an email alert is sent with
# details of those processes. If you specify a user in csf.pignore it will be
# ignored
# Set to 0 to disable this feature

# This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any linux user process
# exceeds the memory usage set (MB). To ignore specific processes or users use
# csf.pignore
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
PT_USERMEM = "200"

# This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any linux user process
# exceeds the time usage set (seconds). To ignore specific processes or users
# use csf.pignore
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
PT_USERTIME = "1800"

# If this option is set then processes detected by PT_USERMEM, PT_USERTIME or
# PT_USERPROC are killed
# Warning: We don't recommend enabling this option unless absolutely necessary
# as it can cause unexpected problems when processes are suddenly terminated.
# It can also lead to system processes being terminated which could cause
# stability issues. It is much better to leave this option disabled and to
# investigate each case as it is reported when the triggers above are breached
# Note: Processes that are running deleted excecutables (see PT_DELETED) will
# not be killed by lfd

# If you want to disable email alerts if PT_USERKILL is triggered, then set
# this option to 0

# If a PT_* event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process and passed the PID(s) of the
# process(es) in a comma separated list.
# The action script must have the execute bit and interpreter (shebang) set

# Check the PT_LOAD_AVG minute Load Average (can be set to 1 5 or 15 and
# defaults to 5 if set otherwise) on the server every PT_LOAD seconds. If the
# load average is greater than or equal to PT_LOAD_LEVEL then an email alert is
# sent. lfd then does not report subsequent high load until PT_LOAD_SKIP
# seconds has passed to prevent email floods.
# Set PT_LOAD to "0" to disable this feature
PT_LOAD = "30"
PT_LOAD_SKIP = "3600"

# This is the Apache Server Status URL used in the email alert. Requires the
# Apache mod_status module to be installed and configured correctly

# If a PT_LOAD event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process. For example, the script could
# contain commands to terminate and restart httpd, php, exim, etc incase of
# looping processes. The action script must have the execute bit an
# interpreter (shebang) set

# Fork Bomb Protection. This option checks the number of processes with the
# same session id and if greater than the value set, the whole session tree is
# terminated and an alert sent
# You can see an example of common session id processes on most Linux systems
# using: "ps axf -O sid"
# On cPanel servers, PT_ALL_USERS should be enabled to use this option
# effectively
# This option will check root owned processes. Session id 0 and 1 will always
# be ignored as they represent kernel and init processes. csf.pignore will be
# honoured, but bear in mind that a session tree can contain a variety of users
# and executables
# Care needs to be taken to ensure that this option only detects runaway fork
# bombs, so should be set higher than any session tree is likely to get (e.g.
# httpd could have 100s of legitimate children on very busy systems). A
# sensible starting point on most servers might be 250

# SECTION:Port Scan Tracking
# Port Scan Tracking. This feature tracks port blocks logged by iptables to
# syslog. If an IP address generates a port block that is logged more than
# PS_LIMIT within PS_INTERVAL seconds, the IP address will be blocked.
# This feature could, for example, be useful for blocking hackers attempting
# to access the standard SSH port if you have moved it to a port other than 22
# and have removed 22 from the TCP_IN list so that connection attempts to the
# old port are being logged
# This feature blocks all iptables blocks from the iptables logs, including
# repeated attempts to one port or SYN flood blocks, etc
# Note: This feature will only track iptables blocks from the log file set in
# IPTABLES_LOG below and if you have DROP_LOGGING enabled. However, it will
# cause redundant blocking with DROP_IP_LOGGING enabled
# Warning: It's possible that an elaborate DDOS (i.e. from multiple IP's)
# could very quickly fill the iptables rule chains and cause a DOS in itself.
# The DENY_IP_LIMIT should help to mitigate such problems with permanent blocks
# and the DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT with temporary blocks
# Set PS_INTERVAL to "0" to disable this feature. A value of between 60 and 300
# would be sensible to enable this feature
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
PS_LIMIT = "10"

# You can specify the ports and/or port ranges that should be tracked by the
# Port Scan Tracking feature. The following setting is a comma separated list
# of those ports and uses the same format as TCP_IN. The default setting of
# 0:65535,ICMP covers all ports
PS_PORTS = "0:65535,ICMP"

# To specify how many different ports qualifies as a Port Scan you can increase
# the following from the default value of 1. The risk in doing so will mean
# that persistent attempts to attack a specific closed port will not be
# detected and blocked

# You can select whether IP blocks for Port Scan Tracking should be temporary
# or permanent. Set PS_PERMANENT to "0" for temporary and "1" for permanent
# blocking. If set to "0" PS_BLOCK_TIME is the amount of time in seconds to
# temporarily block the IP address for
PS_BLOCK_TIME = "3600"

# Set the following to "1" to enable Port Scan Tracking email alerts, set to
# "0" to disable them

# SECTION:User ID Tracking
# User ID Tracking. This feature tracks UID blocks logged by iptables to
# syslog. If a UID generates a port block that is logged more than UID_LIMIT
# times within UID_INTERVAL seconds, an alert will be sent
# Note: This feature will only track iptables blocks from the log file set in
# To ignore specific UIDs list them in csf.uidignore and then restart lfd
# Set UID_INTERVAL to "0" to disable this feature. A value of between 60 and 300
# would be sensible to enable this feature
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:
UID_LIMIT = "10"

# You can specify the ports and/or port ranges that should be tracked by the
# User ID Tracking feature. The following setting is a comma separated list
# of those ports and uses the same format as TCP_OUT. The default setting of
# 0:65535,ICMP covers all ports
UID_PORTS = "0:65535,ICMP"

# SECTION:Account Tracking
# Account Tracking. The following options enable the tracking of modifications
# to the accounts on a server. If any of the enabled options are triggered by
# a modifications to an account, an alert email is sent. Only the modification
# is reported. The cause of the modification will have to be investigated
# manually
# You can set AT_ALERT to the following:
# 0 = disable this feature
# 1 = enable this feature for all accounts
# 2 = enable this feature only for superuser accounts (UID = 0, e.g. root, etc)
# 3 = enable this feature only for the root account
AT_ALERT = "2"

# This options is the interval between checks in seconds

# Send alert if a new account is created
AT_NEW = "1"

# Send alert if an existing account is deleted
AT_OLD = "1"

# Send alert if an account password has changed

# Send alert if an account uid has changed
AT_UID = "1"

# Send alert if an account gid has changed
AT_GID = "1"

# Send alert if an account login directory has changed
AT_DIR = "1"

# Send alert if an account login shell has changed
AT_SHELL = "1"

# SECTION:Integrated User Interface
# Integrated User Interface. This feature provides a HTML UI to csf and lfd,
# without requiring a control panel or web server. The UI runs as a sub process
# to the lfd daemon
# As it runs under the root account and successful login provides root access
# to the server, great care should be taken when configuring and using this
# feature. There are additional restrictions to enhance secure access to the UI
# See readme.txt for more information about using this feature BEFORE enabling
# it for security and access reasons
# 1 to enable, 0 to disable
UI = "0"

# Set this to the port that want to bind this service to. You should configure
# this port to be >1023 and different from any other port already being used
# Do NOT enable access to this port in TCP_IN, instead only allow trusted IP's
# to the port using Advanced Allow Filters (see readme.txt)
UI_PORT = "6666"

# This should be a secure, hard to guess username
# This must be changed from the default
UI_USER = "username"

# This should be a secure, hard to guess password. That is, at least 8
# characters long with a mixture of upper and lowercase characters plus
# numbers and non-alphanumeric characters
# This must be changed from the default
UI_PASS = "password"

# This is the login session timeout. If there is no activity for a logged in
# session within this number of seconds, the session will timeout and a new
# login will be required
# For security reasons, you should always keep this option low (i.e 60-300)
UI_TIMEOUT = "300"

# This is the maximum concurrent connections allowed to the server. The default
# value should be sufficient

# The number of login retries allowed within a 24 hour period. A successful
# login from the IP address will clear the failures
# For security reasons, you should always keep this option low (i.e 0-10)
UI_RETRY = "5"

# If enabled, this option will add the connecting IP address to the file
# /etc/csf/ui/ui.ban after UI_RETRY login failures. The IP address will not be
# able to login to the UI while it is listed in this file. The UI_BAN setting
# does not refer to any of the csf/lfd allow or ignore files, e.g. csf.allow,
# csf.ignore, etc.
# For security reasons, you should always enable this option
UI_BAN = "1"

# If enabled, only IPs (or CIDR's) listed in the file /etc/csf/ui/ui.allow will
# be allowed to login to the UI. The UI_ALLOW setting does not refer to any of
# the csf/lfd allow or ignore files, e.g. csf.allow, csf.ignore, etc.
# For security reasons, you should always enable this option and use ui.allow
UI_ALLOW = "1"

# If enabled, this option will trigger an iptables block through csf after
# UI_RETRY login failures
# 0 = no block;1 = perm block;nn=temp block for nn secs
UI_BLOCK = "1"

# This controls what email alerts are sent with regards to logins to the UI. It
# uses the uialert.txt template
# 4 = login success + login failure/ban/block + login attempts
# 3 = login success + login failure/ban/block
# 2 = login failure/ban/block
# 1 = login ban/block
# 0 = disabled
UI_ALERT = "4"

# This is the SSL cipher list that the Integrated UI will negotiate from

# This is the SSL protocol version used. See IO::Socket::SSL if you wish to
# change this and to understand the implications of changing it

# If cxs is installed then enabling this option will provide a dropdown box to
# switch between applications
UI_CXS = "0"

# There is a modified installation of ConfigServer Explorer (cse) provided with
# the csf distribution. If this option is enabled it will provide a dropdown
# box to switch between applications
UI_CSE = "0"

# SECTION:Messenger service
# Messenger service. This feature allows the display of a message to a blocked
# connecting IP address to inform the user that they are blocked in the
# firewall. This can help when users get themselves blocked, e.g. due to
# multiple login failures. The service is provided by two daemons running on
# ports providing either an HTML or TEXT message.
# This feature does not work on servers that do not have the iptables module
# ipt_REDIRECT loaded. Typically, this will be with MONOLITHIC kernels. VPS
# server admins should check with their VPS host provider that the iptables
# module is included.
# For further information on features and limitations refer to the csf
# readme.txt
# Note: Run /etc/csf/csftest.pl to check whether this option will function on
# this server
# 1 to enable, 0 to disable

# Provide this service to temporary IP address blocks

# Provide this service to permanent IP address blocks

# User account to run the service servers under. We recommend creating a
# specific non-priv, non-shell account for this purpose

# This is the maximum concurrent connections allowed to each service server

# Set this to the port that will receive the HTML message. You should configure
# this port to be >1023 and different from the TEXT port. Do NOT enable access
# to this port in TCP_IN

# This comma separated list are the HTML ports that will be redirected for the
# blocked IP address. If you are using per application blocking (LF_TRIGGER)
# then only the relevant block port will be redirected to the messenger port
MESSENGER_HTML_IN = "80,2082,2095"

# Set this to the port that will receive the TEXT message. You should configure
# this port to be >1023 and different from the HTML port. Do NOT enable access
# to this port in TCP_IN

# This comma separated list are the TEXT ports that will be redirected for the
# blocked IP address. If you are using per application blocking (LF_TRIGGER)
# then only the relevant block port will be redirected to the messenger port

# These settings limit the rate at which connections can be made to the
# messenger service servers. Its intention is to provide protection from
# attacks or excessive connections to the servers. If the rate is exceeded then
# iptables will revert for the duration to the normal blocking actiity
# See the iptables man page for the correct --limit rate syntax

# SECTION:lfd Clustering
# lfd Clustering. This allows the configuration of an lfd cluster environment
# where a group of servers can share blocks and configuration option changes.
# Included are CLI and UI options to send requests to the cluster.
# See the readme.txt file for more information and details on setup and
# security risks.
# Comma separated list of cluster member IP addresses to send requests to

# Comma separated list of cluster member IP addresses to receive requests from

# IP address of the master node in the cluster allowed to send CLUSTER_CONFIG
# changes

# If this is a NAT server, set this to the public IP address of this server

# If a cluster member should send requests on an IP other than the default IP,
# set it here

# Cluster communication port (must be the same on all member servers). There
# is no need to open this port in the firewall as csf will automatically add
# in and out bound rules to allow communication between cluster members

# This is a secret key used to encrypt cluster communications using the
# Blowfish algorithm. It should be between 8 and 56 characters long,
# preferably > 20 random characters
# 56 chars: 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345

# Automatically send lfd blocks to all members of CLUSTER_SENDTO. Those
# servers must have this servers IP address listed in their CLUSTER_RECVFROM
# Set to 0 to disable this feature

# This option allows the enabling and disabling of the Cluster configuration
# changing options --cconfig, --cconfigr, --cfile, --ccfile sent from the
# Set this option to 1 to allow Cluster configurations to be received

# Maximum number of child processes to listen on. High blocking rates or large
# clusters may need to increase this

# SECTION:Port Knocking
# Port Knocking. This feature allows port knocking to be enabled on multiple
# ports with a variable number of knocked ports and a timeout. There must be a
# minimum of 3 ports to knock for an entry to be valid
# See the following for information regarding Port Knocking:
# This feature does not work on servers that do not have the iptables module
# ipt_recent loaded. Typically, this will be with MONOLITHIC kernels. VPS
# server admins should check with their VPS host provider that the iptables
# module is included
# For further information and syntax refer to the Port Knocking section of the
# csf readme.txt
# Note: Run /etc/csf/csftest.pl to check whether this option will function on
# this server
# openport;protocol;timeout;kport1;kport2;kport3[...;kportN],...
# e.g.: 22;TCP;20;100;200;300;400

# Enable PORTKNOCKING logging by iptables

# Send an email alert if the PORTKNOCKING port is opened. PORTKNOCKING_LOG must
# also be enabled to use this option
# SECURITY NOTE: This option is affected by the RESTRICT_SYSLOG option. Read
# this file about RESTRICT_SYSLOG before enabling this option:

# SECTION:Log Scanner
# Log Scanner. This feature will send out an email summary of the log lines of
# each log listed in /etc/csf/csf.logfiles. All lines will be reported unless
# they match a regular expression in /etc/csf/csf.logignore
# File globbing is supported for logs listed in /etc/csf/csf.logfiles. However,
# be aware that the more files lfd has to track, the greater the performance
# hit. Note: File globs are only evaluated when lfd is started
# Note: lfd builds the report continuously from lines logged after lfd has
# started, so any lines logged when lfd is not running will not be reported
# (e.g. during reboot). If lfd is restarted, then the report will include any
# lines logged during the previous lfd logging period that weren't reported
# 1 to enable, 0 to disable

# This is the interval each report will be sent based on the logalert.txt
# template
# The interval can be set to:
# "hourly" - sent on the hour
# "daily" - sent at midnight (00:00)
# "manual" - sent whenever "csf --logrun" is run. This allows for scheduling
# via cron job

# Report Style
# 1 = Separate chronological log lines per log file
# 2 = Simply chronological log of all lines

# Send the report email even if no log lines reported
# 1 to enable, 0 to disable

# Maximum number of lines in the report before it is truncated. This is to
# prevent log lines flooding resulting in an excessively large report. This
# might need to be increased if you choose a daily report

# SECTION:Statistics Settings
# Statistics
# Some of the Statistics output requires the gd graphics library and the
# GD::Graph perl module with all dependent modules to be installed for the UI
# for them to be displayed
# This option enabled statistical data gathering

# This option determines how many iptables log lines to store for reports

# This option indicates whether rDNS and CC lookups are performed at the time
# the log line is recorded (this is not performed when viewing the reports)
# Warning: If DROP_IP_LOGGING is enabled and there are frequent iptables hits,
# then enabling this setting could cause serious performance problems

# This option will gather basic system statstics. Through the UI it displays
# various graphs for disk, cpu, memory, network, etc usage over 4 intervals:
# . Hourly (per minute)
# . 24 hours (per minute)
# . 7 days (per minute averaged over an hour)
# . 30 days (per minute averaged over an hour) - user definable
# The data is stored in /var/lib/csf/stats/system and the option requires the
# perl GD::Graph module
# Note: Disk graphs do not show on Virtuozzo/OpenVZ servers as the kernel on
# those systems do not store the required information in /proc/diskstats
# On new installations or when enabling this option it will take time for these
# graphs to be populated

# Set the maximum days to collect statistics for. The default is 30 days, the
# more data that is collected the longer it will take for each of the graphs to
# be generated

# If ST_SYSTEM is enabled, then these options can collect MySQL statistical
# data. To use this option the server must have the perl modules DBI and
# DBD::mysql installed.
# Set this option to "0" to disable MySQL data collection
ST_MYSQL = "0"

# The following options are for authentication for MySQL data collection. If
# the password is left blank and the user set to "root" then the procedure will
# look for authentication data in /root/.my.cnf. Otherwise, you will need to
# provide a MySQL username and password to collect the data. Any MySQL user
# account can be used
ST_MYSQL_USER = "root"
ST_MYSQL_HOST = "localhost"

# If ST_SYSTEM is enabled, then this option can collect Apache statistical data
# The value for PT_APACHESTATUS must be correctly set

# The following options measure disk write performance using dd (location set
# via the DD setting). It creates a 64MB file called /var/lib/dd_write_test and
# the statistics will plot the MB/s response time of the disk. As this is an IO
# intensive operation, it may not be prudent to run this test too often, so by
# default it is only run every 5 minutes and the result duplicated for each
# intervening minute for the statistics
# This is not necessrily a good measure of disk performance, primarily because
# the measurements are for relatively small amounts of data over a small amount
# of time. To properly test disk performance there are a variety of tools
# available that should be run for extended periods of time to obtain an
# accurate measurement. This metric is provided to give an idea of how the disk
# is performing over time
# Note: There is a 15 second timeout performing the check
# Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable
ST_DISKW = "0"

# The number of minutes that elapse between tests. Default is 5, minimum is 1.

# This is the command line passed to dd. If you are familiar with dd, or wish
# to move the output file (of) to a different disk, then you can alter this
# command. Take great care when making any changes to this command as it is
# very easy to overwrite a disk using dd if you make a mistake
ST_DISKW_DD = "if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/csf/dd_test bs=1MB count=64 conv=fdatasync"

# SECTION:OS Specific Settings
# Binary locations
IPTABLES = "/sbin/iptables"
IPTABLES_SAVE = "/sbin/iptables-save"
IPTABLES_RESTORE = "/sbin/iptables-restore"
IP6TABLES = "/sbin/ip6tables"
IP6TABLES_SAVE = "/sbin/ip6tables-save"
IP6TABLES_RESTORE = "/sbin/ip6tables-restore"
MODPROBE = "/sbin/modprobe"
IFCONFIG = "/sbin/ifconfig"
SENDMAIL = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
PS = "/bin/ps"
VMSTAT = "/usr/bin/vmstat"
LS = "/bin/ls"
MD5SUM = "/usr/bin/md5sum"
TAR = "/bin/tar"
CHATTR = "/usr/bin/chattr"
UNZIP = "/usr/bin/unzip"
GUNZIP = "/bin/gunzip"
DD = "/bin/dd"
TAIL = "/usr/bin/tail"
GREP = "/bin/grep"

# Log file locations
# File globbing is allowed for the following logs. However, be aware that the
# more files lfd has to track, the greater the performance hit
# Note: File globs are only evaluated when lfd is started
HTACCESS_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error.log"
MODSEC_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error.log"
SSHD_LOG = "/var/log/auth.log"
SU_LOG = "/var/log/messages"
FTPD_LOG = "/var/log/messages"
SMTPAUTH_LOG = "/var/log/secure"
POP3D_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log"
IMAPD_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log"
IPTABLES_LOG = "/var/log/messages"
SUHOSIN_LOG = "/var/log/messages"
BIND_LOG = "/var/log/messages"
SYSLOG_LOG = "/var/log/messages"
WEBMIN_LOG = "/var/log/auth.log"

CUSTOM1_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM2_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM3_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM4_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM5_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM6_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM7_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM8_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"
CUSTOM9_LOG = "/var/log/customlog"

# The following are comma separated lists used if LF_SELECT is enabled,
# otherwise they are not used. They are derived from the application returned
# from a regex match in /usr/local/csf/bin/regex.pm
PORTS_pop3d = "110,995"
PORTS_imapd = "143,993"
PORTS_htpasswd = "80,443"
PORTS_mod_security = "80,443"
PORTS_mod_qos = "80,443"
PORTS_symlink = "80,443"
PORTS_suhosin = "80,443"
PORTS_cxs = "80,443"
PORTS_bind = "53"
PORTS_ftpd = "20,21"
PORTS_webmin = "10000"
# This list is extended, if present, by the ports defined by
# /etc/chkservd/exim-*
PORTS_smtpauth = "25,465,587"
PORTS_eximsyntax = "25,465,587"
# This list is replaced, if present, by "Port" definitions in
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PORTS_sshd = "22"

# This configuration is for use with generic Linux servers, do not change the
# following setting:

# If you find ever increasing numbers of zombie lfd processes you may need to
# revert to the old child reaper code by enabling this option

# For internal use only. You should not enable this option as it could cause
# instability in csf and lfd
DEBUG = "0"
AW: cccam prozess

Der Prozessor kann x86/x64 Befehlsatz und CCcam sollte darauf laufen. Welches OS ist auf dem vps installiert 32bit oder 64bit?
AW: cccam prozess

Der Prozessor kann x86/x64 Befehlsatz und CCcam sollte darauf laufen. Welches OS ist auf dem vps installiert 32bit oder 64bit?
Debian 6.0 32 bit...sobald ich den cccam prozess zun laufen bringe ueber die ipc webif oder ueber putty mit "cccam start" komm ich auch auf port 16000, 16001, aber nach 10 sekunden oder weniger wird cccam automatisch gekillt...
AW: cccam prozess

Vielleicht wird das cccam so unter Beschuss genommen auf port 12000 das es zum Absturz gebracht wird. Deshalb solltest du als erstes eine funktionierende Firewall installieren und natürlich auch den server listen port in der CCcam.cfg ändern.
AW: cccam prozess

versuch es mal evtl. so:
beende CCcam über IPC
starte dann CCcam mal über Putty und zwar so:
  /var/emu/cccam/CCcam.x86 -dv
nun solltest du alle Meldungen von CCcam sehen bis zum Absturz.

Du könntest dir außerdem mal das syslog anschauen unter /var/log/ ,ob du da was findest.

Vielleicht wird das cccam so unter Beschuss genommen auf port 12000 das es zum Absturz gebracht wird. Deshalb solltest du als erstes eine funktionierende Firewall installieren und natürlich auch den server listen port in der CCcam.cfg ändern.
alles gemacht aber cccam wird trotzdm immer noch automatisch gekillt...

versuch es mal evtl. so:
beende CCcam über IPC
starte dann CCcam mal über Putty und zwar so:
  /var/emu/cccam/CCcam.x86 -dv
nun solltest du alle Meldungen von CCcam sehen bis zum Absturz.

Du könntest dir außerdem mal das syslog anschauen unter /var/log/ ,ob du da was findest.


/var/emu/cccam/CCcam.x86 -dv
14:04:26.519 CCcam: ======================================================================
14:04:26.519 CCcam: starting CCcam 2.1.3 compiled on Nov 14 2009@00:48:18
14:04:26.519 CCcam: ======================================================================
14:04:26.519 CCcam: online using nodeId 3c28c979211xxxxx
14:04:26.520 CCcam: create 1 cam device(s)
14:04:26.694 CCcam: added 74 keys from /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
14:04:26.694 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/Autoroll.Key or not found
14:04:26.695 CCcam: added 48 keys from /var/keys/constant.cw
14:04:26.695 CCcam: parsed 0 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio
14:04:26.695 CCcam: readProviderfile: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.providers or not found
14:04:26.695 CCcam: readChannelList: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo or not found
14:04:26.695 CCcam: server started on port 42000
14:04:32.173 CCcam: login from 94.39.xx.xxx
14:04:32.238 CCcam: user mio login attempt from 94.39.xx.xxx
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: cccam prozess

starting CCcam 2.1.3 compiled on Nov 14 2009@00:48:18
May 22 14:02:22 xxxxxx CCcam: ======================================================================
May 22 14:02:22 xxxxxx CCcam: online using nodeId 3c28c97921147661
May 22 14:02:22 xxxxxx CCcam: create 1 cam device(s)
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxxx CCcam: added 74 keys from /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxxx CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/Autoroll.Key or not found
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxxx CCcam: added 48 keys from /var/keys/constant.cw
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxxx CCcam: parsed 0 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxxx CCcam: readProviderfile: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.providers or not found
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxx CCcam: readChannelList: cannot open /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo or not found
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxx CCcam: server started on port 42000
May 22 14:02:23 xxxxx kernel: [4503696.496830] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=625 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=43167 DPT=1000 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
May 22 14:02:24 xxxxx kernel: [4503697.496229] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=626 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=43167 DPT=1000 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
May 22 14:02:26 xxxxx CCcam: login from 94.39.xx.xxx
May 22 14:02:26 xxxxx CCcam: user mio login attempt from 94.39.xx.xxx
May 22 14:02:26 xxxxx CCcam: client mio@ce130435876e945e, running CCcam 2.3.0
May 22 14:02:26 xxxxx kernel: [4503699.495576] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=627 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=43167 DPT=1000 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
May 22 14:02:26 xxxxx kernel: [4503699.500656] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=50785 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58120 DPT=1010 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
May 22 14:02:27 xxxxx kernel: [4503700.500044] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=50786 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58120 DPT=1010 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
May 22 14:02:29 xxxxx kernel: [4503702.499479] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=50787 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58120 DPT=1010 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
May 22 14:02:30 xxxxxx kernel: [4503703.494587] Firewall: *TCP_OUT Blocked* IN= OUT=venet0 SRC=95.143.xx.xxx DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=628 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=43167 DPT=1000 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 UID=0 GID=0
- - - - - - - - - -

ja mio ist mein client
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: cccam prozess

wenn du mio deaktivierst, wird CCcam trotzdem gekillt?

Mach evtl. mal die öffentliche IP (176.xxx.xxx.18) deines Server unkenntlich.

AW: cccam prozess

Nein hat nicht geklappt...warum sollte aber mein client die cccam zum absturz führen? Kann es am fail2ban liegen? Oder an meiner config für den firewall? Komm nicht mehr weiter...hab die selben probleme wenn ich nur debian ohne ipc installiere: cccam stürzt ab...