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Talk [Audi/VW/Skoda/Seat] Harman MHI2/MIB2 IFS-root Patch - Doku - DE/ENG/ESP/RUS

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Die anderen Patches können drauf bleiben, M.I.B sucht sich den richtigen raus, wird auch mehrfach geprüft
@CaneTLOTW :
Hi, ich hab mir mal die Mühe gemacht und die entpackte "MU1425-ifs-root-part2-0x00ba0000-68FCF000.ifs" mit meinem selbst erstellten Patch nach Anleitung von ivan13 verglichen.
Und beide unterscheiden sich nur in 1 Byte auf Adresse [0x00 0024]: 6C (M.I.B.) anstatt 68 (ivan13).
Mein Fazit: die MIBRoots beider Patches sind identisch, denn die liegen ab Startadresse: [0x18D 5000] mit Länge: [0x0F5 DADF]. Kannst Du dem zustimmen ?!
Aber was ist dann der Unterschied zwischen
a) FEC-Patch (ändern des originalen FEC-Containers mittels WhatTheFec) zu
b) EL-Patch (Benutzung der ExceptionList) ????
Mich interessiert das. Kannst Du da ein bißchen Licht ins Dunkel bringen.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann mir bitte mal jemand einen Link zu einem aktuell bestellbaren Usb to Lan Adapter geben, der funktioniert.
Hallo zusammen,

ich lese nun schon seit knapp 2 Wochen hier mit und gestern kam mein D-Link USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet Adapter.

Gleich habe ich mich mit dem Equipment in Richtung Auto begeben, aber mehr kam dabei auch nicht raus....

Meine Peripherie ist ein Mac, leider finde ich hier alle Anleitungen für das MIB nur für einen PC mit Putty. Kann mir ggf. jemand weiter helfen, der den Workaround bereits mit einem Mac durchgeführt hat?

War am überlegen mir einen Emulator für den Mac zu holen, der dann putty installiert, aber angeblich soll es auch mit dem TERMINAL und Telnet funktionieren.

Telnet habe ich bereits am Mac Big Sur installiert... Weiter kam ich aber nicht... Danke Euch
das habe ich gemacht und danach bin ich dann gescheitert. Wie verbinde ich mich mit dem Audi. Wie starte ich am Mac das Programm. Welche Befehle muss ich ausführen. Irgendwie finde ich keine Anleitung :-(

Alle sagten, das geht nicht. Dann kam einer und hat es einfach gemacht
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
einfach telnet ip-adresse port im Terminal eingeben, alternativ google nach ner Anleitung für Telnet durchsuchen. Putty ist auch nur ein Telnetclient für Windows
I did that and then I failed. How do I connect to the Audi. How do I start the program on the Mac. What commands do I have to execute. Somehow I can't find any instructions :-(

Everybody said it will not work. Then someone came and just did it


Don't worry, I've been on these forums for about 2 weeks now and I've searched another forum and combined the two records together. Few things.

I haven't used a Mac in a while now, but in short, yes, you can use Terminal and do pretty much anything. The downside is, whether or not you patch your device, the Mac may or may not put extra files and settings into the files.

So I would be careful. Best of all, if it is an Intel-based MAC you can just run a VM box with Windows and proceed from there. I did everything through Linux VM.

To start you now need VCDS or OBD11

1. Activate the green menu. The red menu is available by default, but there's not much you can do other than view the software settings and watch for the MIB toolkit update after you've met the requirements.

2. Once activated, purchase an Ethernet to USB adapter. I bought two just in case; like before i read this thread:

I've theorized that you could possibly buy the same "chipset" and, in short, plug it in and use it because the system will see the same chipset. Then I saw the thread above was able to change the chipset name to the actual dlink and it worked with no problem.

The list gives you an idea of which USB to Ethernet adapters actually work already. But I think you can find everyone who has the chipset from: ASIX AX88772, and ethtool allows you to make the changes by following this exact thread. The first one I bought was identical to this thread's OP in terms of the EEPROM dump, so I made the changes. The second didn't, so I still made the same changes in the same areas and saved it. When I ran ethtool again it showed up as Dlink E100.

And yes, both worked in the car.

As for the car. Here are some tips:

1. With the green menu enabled, go to the IP range and make sure you are on FIXED IP. Save the MMI and restart it.

2. Access your adapter and change the IPV4 settings to match those of the MMI. The last three digits have been changed to 123 instead of the MMI. At, leave DG and DNS alone and save them. I'm running ipconfig or ifconfig on Linux should be the same for you in the terminal. To see that the new settings are actually in.

3. use CM; Ping the MMI IP address. If you don't get any responses, you'll need to perform step 1 again. Go back to the selected dynamic restart, go back to the selected hard and reboot. You can use:

cmd> ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -t in Windows to send the ping command until you cancel it.

4. Open Putty, enter the MMI-IP, click on Telnet and change the port to 123.

5. The login is displayed.

At this point, download the PDF which shows the hash / pass of all the different versions. I haven't gone so far as to find my own softwawr train:

MHI2Q_Aug22_Pxxxxxx etc. I just found the MU version that is mine 1178 and found this on the list and used it:

root as the user
pass as whatever it was that matched my version and it showed connection with the MIB ascii art.

From there, go to backing up etc or whatever you're trying to do. Good luck!
Hi gentlemen, An attempt was made to use a patch on the MHIG_EU_SK_K1552 MU0411 unit, but none of the FECs were activated without success. I used patch and patch for CP off. None activated FECs. MIB was used to create a backup and then the next command was sent to overwrite the exception list and part of IFS root.
mount -uw / net / mmx / fs / sda0 /
mount -uw / net / rcc / mnt / efs-persist
on -f rcc cp -r /net/mmx/fs/sda0/ExceptionList.txt /net/rcc/mnt/efs-persist/FEC/ExceptionList.txt
on -f rcc flashunlock
on -f rcc flashit -v -a 0x00540000 -d -f / net / m Append files mx / fs / sda0 / ifs-root.ifs
to -f rcc flashlock
mount -ur / net / rcc / mnt / efs-persist
Please indicate how FEcs should be activated

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