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Urgent problem with my 2100 max Navigon


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16. Dezember 2009
I have got a 2100 max navigator. Tomorrow I will go in germany and it doesn't works.
I buyed a new 4 GB SD card but I have not the software to use it. I have downloaded Q12012 maps and NFS files.
Can you help me? Tomorrow I leave and I am desperate!
ok but the Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. don't work.
I see in the page different type of downloads but I do not undertand whic files I must download...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Diese Version läuft nur von SD Karte müssen nur noch *.map und *.nfs Dateien ins Map Ordner rein.
SD Karte ins Navi und einen Soft Reset machen.
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Besucherpasswort: amelielidia
Passwort zum entpacken: Boss
Ok. I download the 5 files. I format the SD , I copy all content from PC to SD, I copy maps and NFS files and after soft reset It works? true? Can you link me also the map 2012 and nfs files?
The first file is offline...why?

I installed this version 7.4.1 and it works...it's ok?
i tried but it crash! ufffff
Boss71 where I download new maps and correct NFS files for my navigator?

The problem are the point of interest! where can I find the correct POI?
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Maps & nfs files from 2012 are here:

Link Removed

Don't know whats your problem with pois, the Software works even without.
Why don't you take the software from post #4, it works like a charm. You only have to put the correct maps & nfs into map folder..
Its the same :ja

This files you need (Link Removed):
thank's! and the maps? I already have terrain_eu.nfs but I do not have sat_eu.nfs.
Is a problem?
Ok i download all the rar..(is true this ?
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) and I use your NFS files. I downloaded it from an italian forum...
Is not a problem if I use your NFS files with the maps I already have? In case where are in the forum the maps for my navigator?

The CountryProfiles.nfs must be in settings/core or map?
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Ok. Why in your previus post you do not have mentionned CountryProfiles.nfs?

Can you link me the correct maps please?
You can load any maps of the Thread linked in post #6.
I think you don't need to update the CountryProfiles.nfs.
Try, it should work with the old one.
Ah ok...I have already updated it...is not a problem?

Ok thread 6 but if I open the link there is many thread of maps...whic is the exactly for me?
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