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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?


Ist gelegentlich hier
2. Oktober 2011
Ich muss mich dann jetzt doch hilfsuchend an euch wenden. Ich bekomme einfach keine Sender hell, obwohl die Karte von meinem Oscam anscheinend korrekt erkannt wird. Evtl. hat jemand von euch den entscheidenden Hinweis:

[global]nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log;stdout
maxlogsize = 256
saveinithistory = 1

HttpPort = 3001
HttpUser = admin
HttpPWD = oscam
httptpl = /var/share/oscam/tpl
httpcss = /var/share/oscam/tpl/coolstream-to.css
HttpRefresh = 10
HttpAllowed =
HttpReadOnly = 1

port = 10000@1838:000000,000401,001103;11000@1722:000000
key = 1234567891011121314
keepalive = 1
mgclient = 0


[reader]label = I12
protocol = smartreader
device = SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2
detect = CD
cardmhz = 600
mhz = 600
boxkey = 1122334455667788
caid = 1722, 1838
ident = 1722:000000;1838:000000,000401,001103
ecmwhitelist = 1722:54;1838:92
group = 3
emmcache = 1,1,2
services = UNITYMEDIA,umallstarshd,SKY

[account]User = User1
Pwd = Pass1
AU = 1
Group = 3
caid = 1722, 1838
betatunnel = 1835.0081:1722
services = UNITYMEDIA,umallstarshd,SKY

User = User2
Pwd = Pass2
AU = 1
Group = 3
caid = 1722,1838
betatunnel = 1835.0081:1722
services = UNITYMEDIA,umallstarshd,SKY


srvid=2F45,2F46,2F47,2F49,2F4A,2F48,4E91,5E2F,5E27 ,5E28,5E29,42DC,75A0,5E2A,4E8C,5E30,71B4,620D,75A1 ,5E2C,42D8,3B06,69E0,69E4,5E25,75A2,4E8B,2F4B,2B60 ,4E94,2F4F,2B5E,2F4C,2B63,6DCE,2F4D,2F4E,371A,5667 ,5E2D,2B61,4E8F,4E90,69DF,4E93,4E97,4AA8,620E,5A48 ,4AAC,000E,3331,332E,6210,2F50,3B07,6606,75A3,3339 ,0032,0010,2B64,332D,332F,3335,3338,371F,3333,3334 ,2B66,372B,3718,69E3,3B00,3330,2B65,372C,3337,6211 ,3716,3B03,3B02,6212,3B08,4AAA,0018,3B0C,4AAB,371C ,3AFD,3AFE,371D,3AFF,6217,371E,5270,5271,3719,526E ,526F,5272,526D,3B04,3B05,6DD0,42DA,69EA,5274,5273 ,71B5,71B6,69E9,759B,759C,6DCF,4E96,7D65,7D66,7D67 ,7D68,8150,814D,814E,814F,94D5,94D6,94D7,621B,797F ,75A4,94D8,90EE,90EF,90ED,90F0,4AA7,4AA6,4AA5,4AA4 ,4AA3,4AA2,3EEA,3EE9,3EE8,3EE7,3EE6,3EE5,42CD,42CE ,42CF,42D0,42D1,42D2,42D3,42D4,0201,0159,0163,016D
caid = 1722,1801,1838
provid = 000000
srvid = 6DD0,42DA,69EA,5274,5273,71B5,71B6,69E9,759B,759C, 6DCF,4e96
caid                          = 1722,1831,1835,1838,098E
provid                        =
srvid                         = 002A,0015,0201,0018,000E,001A,001C,0010,0206,0016,0013,00A8,000C,000D,001D,001B,0017,0011,0034,0024,0032,0011,0070,0082,0084,007C,0076,007B,006C,00DD,00DE,0107,0111,011B,0125,012F,0139,0143,014D,00FD,001E,0081,0072,010C,0116,0120,010E,0118,0112,00DF,0106,0110,011A,0124,012E,0138,0142,014C,00FC,0069,010B,0115,011F
Ich sehe den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht mehr.
Mein Oscam log sagt folgendes beim Startup:

2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s >> OSCam <<  cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9908 (i686-unknown-linux-gnu-libusb)2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 10546
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 3 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s signal handling initialized
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=4, port=10000)
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s -> CAID: 1838 PROVID: 000000, 000401, 001103
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=11000)
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s -> CAID: 1722 PROVID: 000000
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s I12 [smartreader] creating thread for device SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/02/03 18:07:56        0 s waiting for local card init
2015/02/03 18:07:56  81786B0 h webif: decompressed 154139 bytes back into 363956 bytes
2015/02/03 18:07:56  81786B0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=3001
2015/02/03 18:07:56  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] Reader initialized (device=SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2, detect=cd, mhz= AUTO, cardmhz=600)
2015/02/03 18:07:57  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] card detected
2015/02/03 18:08:07  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] ATR: 3B *** 
2015/02/03 18:08:07  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] Init card protocol T14, FI=2, F=558, D=1, N=0
2015/02/03 18:08:07  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] Calculated work ETU is 120.90 us reader mhz = 600
2015/02/03 18:08:07  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] Effective reader settings mhz =600 F= 558 D= 1 N=0 T=14 inv=0 parity=NONE
2015/02/03 18:08:08  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] ATR Fsmax is 6 MHz, clocking card to ATR Fsmax for smartreader cardspeed of 6.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/02/03 18:08:09  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2015/02/03 18:08:09  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2015/02/03 18:08:09  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] detect irdeto card
2015/02/03 18:08:09  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] caid: 1722, acs: 3.84, country code: TEL
2015/02/03 18:08:09  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] providers: 4, ascii serial: ##########, hex serial: ######, hex base: ##
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [smartreader] found card system irdeto
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0099, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0097, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0096, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0095, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03DE, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D2B, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 000F, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D21, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04BA, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04C4, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 057A, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D22, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04B1, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 61BD, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0578, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DC, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03E8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03F2, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0424, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:20  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DE, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DF, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05E7, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05F1, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05FB, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0605, date: 2011/07/30 - 2012/04/09
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 379C, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 379D, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37B7, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37AF, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3794, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E45, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E47, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E43, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E44, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37A7, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37A9, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 319C, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 31A6, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 31B1, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 31B3, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 319E, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 319D, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D23, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B9, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4BA, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 30FC, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 30FD, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4C0, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4C1, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:21  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B3, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B4, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4BB, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4BC, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4AF, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0607, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/03/29
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 310B, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3166, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318C, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318E, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3194, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3195, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0609, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 00F0, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D27, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 8303, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3064, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4A8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37AE, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3795, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E46, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37A6, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4C2, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03FD, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0098, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3160, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3192, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3167, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318D, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:22  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3196, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04CE, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0580, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03FF, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DD, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/28
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05E8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0608, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/03/29
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3188, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/04
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318B, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/04
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3189, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/04
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318A, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/04
2015/02/03 18:08:23  817F688 r I12 [irdeto] ready for requests
2015/02/03 18:08:24        0 s init for all local cards done
2015/02/03 18:08:24        0 s anti cascading disabled

Und wenn ich einen verschlüsselten Sender aufrufe:
2015/02/03 18:10:19  8187CB8 c client connected to 11000 port* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8189EE8 c client connected to 10000 port
* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8189EE8 c encrypted newcamd:10000-client granted (User2, au=auto (1 reader))
* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8189EE8 c user User2 authenticated successfully (eyetvCamd)
* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8189EE8 c AU disabled for user User2
* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8187CB8 c encrypted newcamd:11000-client granted (User1, au=auto (1 reader))
* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8187CB8 c user User1 authenticated successfully (eyetvCamd)
* 2015/02/03 18:10:19  8187CB8 c AU enabled for user User1 on reader I12
* 2015/02/03  18:11:02  8189EE8 c User2  (1838&000000/0000/0069/92:ED9165FCCE26F44AEB9186CE1A78435C):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
* 2015/02/03  18:11:09  8189EE8 c User2  (1838&000000/0000/0069/92:651B54F6D9642F85C2E7AD385062BE28):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
* 2015/02/03  18:11:18  8189EE8 c User2  (1838&000000/0000/00DF/92:0E8C4186C164568BA44913F83350E6DC):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
* 2015/02/03  18:11:18  8189EE8 c User2  (1838&000000/0000/00DF/92:7B1A389A496CCF8E37AFA5B01B94157E):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
* 2015/02/03  18:11:28  8189EE8 c User2  (1838&000000/0000/00DF/92:4E0F7ED411951DD7B2BF626EBF50851A):  rejected group (0 ms) (no matching reader)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
kenne die Karte nicht persönlich aber die Caids müssten auf 1722,1835 stehen glaube ich
nicht 1838, das ist UM02

die 1838 auch beim newcamd Protocol ändern auf 1835

beim User hast du ein Leerzeichen bei diesen nach dem komma, darf auch nicht sein

betatunnel komplett falsch
betatunnel = 1835.FFFF:1722

mal anpassen und neu starten

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9105P mit Tapatalk
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

ersetze die oscam.Server mal mit dieser:

[reader]label = I12
protocol = smartreader
device = SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2
detect = CD
cardmhz = 600
mhz = 600
boxkey = 1122334455667788
caid = 1722,1835
ecmwhitelist = 1722:93
group = 3
emmcache = 1,1,2
services = UNITYMEDIA,umallstarshd,SKY
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Danke für die Hilfe, mache ich mal
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Also ich habe es gemacht, aber jetzt ist der neue Logeintrag wie folgt:
newcamd: connecting to server[general.error] failed open /Users/Martin/Documents/eyetvCamd/SoftCam.Key: No such file or directory
[general.error] no keys loaded for softcam!
[core.load] ** registered systems:
[core.load] ** Seca              (pri -10)
[core.load] ** Irdeto            (pri -10)
[core.load] ** Cryptoworks       (pri -10)
[core.load] ** ConstCW           (pri -20)
[core.load] ** Conax             (pri -10)
[core.load] ** Nagra2            (pri -10)
[core.load] ** Nagra             (pri -10)
newcamd: connected to server
newcamd: random bytes received...
newcamd: send DATA_REQ...
newcamd: Authorization done.
newcamd: Cards present:
newcamd:   CAID 1722, IDENT 000000,  PROVIDER DATA 0000000000000000
newcamd:   CAID 1722, IDENT 000001,  PROVIDER DATA 000000000FFFFFFF
newcamd:   CAID 1722, IDENT 000002,  PROVIDER DATA 0000000000000000
newcamd:   CAID 1722, IDENT 000003,  PROVIDER DATA 000000000FFFFFFF
newcamd: connecting to server
newcamd: connect to server failed: Connection refused.
newcamd: server closed connection.
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Da stimmt was nicht:
newcamd: connect to server failed: Connection refused.
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Hm, also ist es in der oscam.conf zu suchen?

Das ist der newcamd-Eintrag meiner oscma.conf:

[COLOR=#333333][newcamd][/COLOR]port = 10000@1838:000000,000401,001103;11000@1722:000000
key = 1234567891011121314
keepalive = 1 [COLOR=#333333]mgclient = 0[/COLOR]

Soll ich da mal den 10000er Server löschen?
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Wo hast denn einen Newcamd Proxy reader.
In deinen Configs sehe ich da gar michts von.
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

in newcamd musss auch 1835:000000 (rest weg) statt 1838 stehen zusätzlich zu 1722

und erst mal keine services verwenden
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Eine proxyreader? Ich habe einen weiteren Oscam-Server hier mit newcamd-Protokoll der mit einer HD01 arbeitet und da ist sowas auch nicht.

1835:000000 kommt rein
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

[COLOR=#333333]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR]>> OSCam <<  cardserver started at Thu Feb  5 21:19:34 2015
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s >> OSCam <<  cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9908 (i686-unknown-linux-gnu-libusb)
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 11161
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s signal handling initialized
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=4, port=10000)
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s -> CAID: 1835 PROVID: 000000
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=11000)
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s -> CAID: 1722 PROVID: 000000
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s I12 [smartreader] creating thread for device SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/02/05 21:19:34        0 s waiting for local card init
2015/02/05 21:19:34  81786B0 h webif: decompressed 154139 bytes back into 363956 bytes
2015/02/05 21:19:34  81786B0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=3001
2015/02/05 21:19:34 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] Reader initialized (device=SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2, detect=cd, mhz= AUTO, cardmhz=600)
2015/02/05 21:19:35 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] card detected
2015/02/05 21:19:45 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] ATR: 3B xxx
2015/02/05 21:19:45 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] Init card protocol T14, FI=2, F=558, D=1, N=0
2015/02/05 21:19:45 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] Calculated work ETU is 120.90 us reader mhz = 600
2015/02/05 21:19:45 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] Effective reader settings mhz =600 F= 558 D= 1 N=0 T=14 inv=0 parity=NONE
2015/02/05 21:19:46 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] ATR Fsmax is 6 MHz, clocking card to ATR Fsmax for smartreader cardspeed of 6.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/02/05 21:19:47 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2015/02/05 21:19:47 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2015/02/05 21:19:47 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] detect irdeto card
2015/02/05 21:19:47 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] caid: 1722, acs: 3.84, country code: TEL
2015/02/05 21:19:47 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] providers: 4, ascii serial: ##########, hex serial: ######, hex base: ##
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [smartreader] found card system irdeto
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No  1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0099, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0097, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0096, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0095, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03DE, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D2B, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 000F, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D21, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04BA, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04C4, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 057A, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D22, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04B1, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 61BD, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0578, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DC, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03E8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03F2, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0424, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:58 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DE, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DF, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05E7, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05F1, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05FB, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0605, date: 2011/07/30 - 2012/04/09
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 379C, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 379D, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37B7, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37AF, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3794, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E45, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E47, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E43, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E44, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37A7, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37A9, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 319C, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 31A6, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 31B1, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 31B3, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 319E, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 319D, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D23, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B9, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4BA, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 30FC, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 30FD, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4C0, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4C1, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:19:59 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B3, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B4, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4BB, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4BC, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4AF, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0607, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/08
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 310B, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3166, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318C, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318E, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3194, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3195, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0609, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 00F0, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 7D27, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 8303, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4B8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3064, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4A8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37AE, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3795, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 5E46, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 37A6, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: D4C2, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03FD, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0098, date: 2012/03/16 - 2012/04/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3160, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3192, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3167, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318D, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:00 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3196, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 04CE, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0580, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 03FF, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05DD, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/05/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 05E8, date: 2011/07/30 - 2011/08/01
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 0608, date: 2014/11/05 - 2015/04/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3188, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318B, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 3189, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] chid: 318A, date: 2015/01/23 - 2015/04/08
2015/02/05 21:20:01 F7200780 r I12 [irdeto] ready for requests
2015/02/05 21:20:02        0 s init for all local cards done
2015/02/05 21:20:02        0 s anti cascading disabled
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7204658 c client connected to 11000 port
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7206480 c client connected to 10000 port
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7206480 c encrypted newcamd:10000-client granted (User2, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7206480 c user User2 authenticated successfully (eyetvCamd)
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7206480 c AU disabled for user User2
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7204658 c encrypted newcamd:11000-client granted (User1, au=auto (1 reader))
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7204658 c user User1 authenticated successfully (eyetvCamd)
2015/02/05 21:20:07 F7204658 c AU enabled for user User1 on reader I12
2015/02/05 21:20:17 F7204658 c User1 (1722&000000/0000/00DF/93:9405E071078B241F2BD32E50A5B49529): not found (328 ms) by I12 (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:19 F7204658 c User1 (1722&000000/0000/00DF/93:C59AFEC23F4F28DE857F6EE6D738FF0D): not found (329 ms) by I12 (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:28 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/00DF/93:2062548E347E50CF41CAF63C8B5C0B48): not found (330 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:29 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/00DF/93:2E691348242BEAAF8444FD9D74AA1570): not found (459 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:36 F7204658 c User1 (1722&000000/0000/00DF/93:CDCF795D75D24560FCE6841603FC5D15): not found (331 ms) by I12 (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:44 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/0069/93:91107A99869AE47DE9FEC6B2C1631592): not found (329 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:49 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/0069/93:9CAA242154AAA65A6E176AA6257EF65A): not found (329 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:20:59 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/0069/93:05345B436726F70C9A777E5B67C015A1): not found (330 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:21:09 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/0069/93:E3F24624DE66CCECEB8BAD98718C78CD): not found (330 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)
2015/02/05 21:21:19 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/0069/93:BF9C473947285A3DACB6D00EEE839C76): not found (330 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00) [COLOR=#333333]2015/02/05 21:21:29 F7206480 c User2 (1722&000000/0000/0069/93:DD013EF0D9CFFB731F2EAAAC8B428BF7): not found (329 ms) by I12(btun 1835) (I12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 10 00)[/COLOR]

Das ist das neue Log.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Hast Du die oscam.Server wie ich gesagt habe angepasst?

Hast Du überhaupt Bundesliga gebucht auf der Karte?
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

Ja, Bundesliga ist gebucht. Ist mit Sky. Meine Server habe ich wie vorgeschlagen angepasst und die sieht jetzt so aus:

[COLOR=#333333][reader][/COLOR]label = I12
protocol = smartreader
device = SRv2;Serial:SmartRe2
detect = CD
cardmhz = 600
mhz = 600
boxkey = 1122334455667788
caid = 1722,1835
ecmwhitelist = 1722:93
group = 3
emmcache = 1,1,2 [COLOR=#333333]#services = UM-HD-Option,UM-HD-Option-Digital-TV,UM-HD-Option-Digital-TV-Allstars,UM-Digital-TV-Highlights,UM-Digital-TV-Allstars,UM-Bonus,UM-Kino,UM-MusicChoice,sky_i12[/COLOR]

Oder ist da noch ein Fehler drin?
AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?


lass mal alle Filter raus, wie z.B whitelist.

AW: Unitymedia I12 mit Oscam - was mache ich nur falsch?

welche abos hast du überhaupt auf der i12 ?
deine services waren immer unterschiedlich