Pacific / Troja 4.51
Change Log for Pacific / Troja firmware
Special stuff:
- paired V13&V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working
- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- Telenet emulator support
- paired V13&V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working (you just have to insert the card and block emm like in past to prevent new pairing)
- fixed Telenet emulator
Hier bitte, jetzt Gut ?:kez_03:
Change Log for Pacific / Troja firmware
Special stuff:
- paired V13&V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working
- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- Telenet emulator support
- paired V13&V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working (you just have to insert the card and block emm like in past to prevent new pairing)
- fixed Telenet emulator
Hier bitte, jetzt Gut ?:kez_03:
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