bei mir lief IPC mit Oscam seit Jahren einfach super auf Debian in Virtualbox.... DANKE dafür!
Jetzt hab ich die Hardware getauscht und seit dem Verabschiedet sich Oscam nach ca. 30 min. Im Webi steht immer noch Cardok aber oscam hat aufeinmal Probleme mit der Karte (schwarze HD+) in Smartmouse...
....ich hab schon den IPC neu aufgesetzt, einanderen Reader(Smargo) getestet, immer das selbe, kein Plan was da schief läuft, wenn ich oscam neu starte läuft es wieder ne weile und das wars dann....
kann es sein das die Karte ein knacks weg hat?
Danke schon mal...!
bei mir lief IPC mit Oscam seit Jahren einfach super auf Debian in Virtualbox.... DANKE dafür!
Jetzt hab ich die Hardware getauscht und seit dem Verabschiedet sich Oscam nach ca. 30 min. Im Webi steht immer noch Cardok aber oscam hat aufeinmal Probleme mit der Karte (schwarze HD+) in Smartmouse...
- 2016/03/30 13:16:39 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:A946F9B788822F44D9E78353E37BDA45): found (378 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:16:46 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:531B871C6EA4F4BA8AE9CE1965729973): found (378 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:16:53 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:BD6DE1CE9213C676393D6BC1C371E500): found (378 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:00 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:C9D4BFC809A40148D2F1BE4368E57651): found (377 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:07 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:B3440C662DAF70FC4F81C7BFCEFBE853): found (377 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:14 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:83ECADC12B0F08AF099D776067EFD0C1): found (376 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:24 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
- 2016/03/30 13:17:26 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:8039DA7287BD4F60AD2FFABEBA63C0B4): timeout (5000 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:31 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:8039DA7287BD4F60AD2FFABEBA63C0B4): timeout (5001 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:36 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
- 2016/03/30 13:17:36 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75366
- 2016/03/30 13:17:36 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:F64A027B26513DB8F19FE8190D833E4D): timeout (5000 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:37 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
- 2016/03/30 13:17:37 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
- 2016/03/30 13:17:37 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
- 2016/03/30 13:17:37 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
- 2016/03/30 13:17:37 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75292
- 2016/03/30 13:17:37 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.68 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
- 2016/03/30 13:17:41 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/151A/89:F64A027B26513DB8F19FE8190D833E4D): timeout (5000 ms) by HD+ - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:44 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/0DAE/151A/98:33C60828D0B7C87341D831BBD32969A3): not found (344 ms) by SKY-server - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:44 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/0DAE/151A/98:33C60828D0B7C87341D831BBD32969A3): not found (0 ms) by SKY-server - DMAX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:49 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
- 2016/03/30 13:17:51 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/EF77/89:6A7C4FC1938E192E9FE29259158AED26): timeout (5000 ms) by HD+ - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:54 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:40AED4283D3EE1D37A3A3BD30376942F): not found (412 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:54 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:40AED4283D3EE1D37A3A3BD30376942F): not found (0 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:54 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:57814A06B195303E3834A3266CA3A0A2): rejected (0 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:55 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:57814A06B195303E3834A3266CA3A0A2): rejected (1 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:17:59 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
- 2016/03/30 13:18:00 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/EF77/89:0C367C95DE0DEF9F5240EE0E6013D7F3): timeout (5000 ms) by HD+ - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:18:05 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/EF77/89:0C367C95DE0DEF9F5240EE0E6013D7F3): timeout (5001 ms) by HD+ - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:18:08 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:598FD2DB3E4C21A6460190A1C71CBAF6): not found (542 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:18:08 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:598FD2DB3E4C21A6460190A1C71CBAF6): not found (0 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:18:10 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
- 2016/03/30 13:18:11 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75676
- 2016/03/30 13:18:12 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
- 2016/03/30 13:18:12 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
- 2016/03/30 13:18:12 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
- 2016/03/30 13:18:12 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
- 2016/03/30 13:18:12 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75170
- 2016/03/30 13:18:12 3AA0D5C9 r (reader) HD+ [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.68 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
- 2016/03/30 13:18:13 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (1843@000000/0000/EF77/89:C8C3E4FAB57F0B12E157A4C9B314FF90): timeout (5000 ms) by HD+ - SIXX HD
- 2016/03/30 13:18:23 2266A5F6 c (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
- 2016/03/30 13:18:23 2266A5F6 c (ecm) Debian-V8 (098C@000000/07D4/EF77/98:678B8233EAF707B05F5908A86E92B24F): not found (186 ms) by SKY-server - SIXX HD
....ich hab schon den IPC neu aufgesetzt, einanderen Reader(Smargo) getestet, immer das selbe, kein Plan was da schief läuft, wenn ich oscam neu starte läuft es wieder ne weile und das wars dann....
kann es sein das die Karte ein knacks weg hat?
Danke schon mal...!