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3rd Edition No GPS signal after standbye


11. August 2019

My TomTom one 3rd edition 32mb works very good with a fresh start, but when i let him go in standby and i start it back.
Sometimes work it goods, but mostly doesn't he find GPS signal (Sometimes finds gps'es back after standby but then is the location not 100% good (we are driving on the fields,...), but when i reset it and i turn it back on then he works good.

With a fresh restart it looks like he is looking for all the satellites. And when it is on standby, it seems to me that it is only looking for the satellites with which it was connected. (To me it seems that way)
And if he comes out of standby and he finally finds his satellites after a while then it is disastrous (you drive through rivers through fields, through houses on the map) but then you give him a reset at that moment and you restart it. Does it work perfectly.

I was using this Navcore:

I also tried for Navcores like 9.510 but i have the same problems (no gps signal after stand-bye)

This is my problem (short):
Fresh start: GPS device starts up, everything works fine and everything goes well (time ok :smile:)
Standby start: GPS device almost never finds GPS signal, if it finds it then the location is not 100%, you drive straight through the fields.

But every time I give him a fresh start, he works well again.
I find it strange that he can never find a GPS signal after a standby and always works perfectly with a fresh start.

My GPS chip is Global Locate V1.

Thanks in advance
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Your problem is already known. It has to do with your SIRFIII - GPS-Receiver and the "Week Rollover" on April 6th, 2019. You can update your GPS-Chip from the firmware GSW3.2.4 to GSW3.2.5

Please take a look at this thread:

The best thing for you is to use the Google Translator for the thread ;-)

Best regards
Hello @Lecter ,
Thanks for the information.
unfortunately, I don't have a SIRF 3 chipset in my device, but a Global Locate 1 chipset.

For the time 00:00 i use already the fix from @treysis
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Thanks in advance
But then i wonder how you can have a "Standby-Problem" then? The Global Locate Chip (GL1 FFF)
has no "Standby-Problem" at all, but instead the "Time-Problem" (Time = 00:00)

Still, i hope that your device now works well again with the "Time-Fix" from @treysis ;-)

Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Yes, I don't get it either but it goes like this.
Fresh start: GPS device starts up, everything works fine and everything goes well (time ok :smile:)
Standby start: GPS device almost never finds GPS signal, if it finds it then the location is not 100%, you drive straight through the fields.

When i don't use the fix of @treysis then my time is still 00:00.
Thanks in advance and best wishes
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Unfortunately i have no further solution for the problem. Maybe your device is already a little bit too old ;-)
How many minutes does the new Sat-Fix take after the standby ?

If you do not use the "Time-Fix" of @treysis, the time will of course remain at 00:00 :grinning:

Best regards
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Fresh start: he finds gps signal in 2 minutes.
After standby, he either finds a GPS signal within 10 minutes or simply doesn't. Usually it's just nothing after standby, the first months after the installation of the navcore 9.541 SE (autostart) everything worked fine. I had set the standby time to 6 hours but, for example, after one hour he also no longer finds a GPS signal.
After 5 minutes I usually just push it out with the reset button, and then everything works fine again.

That GPS signal after standby that he then finds goes straight through the fields with me.

If you do not use the "Time-Fix" of @treysis, the time will of course remain at 00:00 :grinning:

Yes if i don't use the time-fix then go the time to 00:00.

Thanks in advance
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I have a ONE3rd (Y4), the same as you. But never such kind of problems. He's working perfect with the treysis.fix.
A NC 9.541 is not recommended for 32 MB devices, i use this WNRO-fixed 9.510:
Please delete the file "suicide.dat" in the main directory and take the missing folders "voices" and "LoquendoTTS" (if existing) from your current NC.
Ja Alfred - das wäre jetzt auch mein nächster Vorschlag gewesen, dass er mal die WNRO-gefixte Navcore Version 9.510 testen soll :grinning:

Eine andere Idee habe ich jetzt leider auch nicht mehr...

Viele Grüße
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Yeah i will try that version tomorrow, but i would like a version with autostart (many short distances)
Buth i would thank both of our for the information and help.

i had tested 2 weeks a go a 9.510 SE (With autostart) edition and i had the same problems as with the 9.541 SE.
But do you could turn of the legal notice in the 9.510?
Thanks in advances
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
No, unfortunately. The "Legal notice" cannot be turned off.

And this topic has already been discussed with you here:

Best regards
Thanks for the information, i will try it and i will let you now something

Best regards and the best wishes!

Thanks for the version, i have installed the version.

But in the root folder there is a folder config and in that folder are there 2 files, model.txt and setconfig.txt.
model.txt and setconfig.txt but i tried to change some settings but it doesn't work (no of both files)

How do i can edit in these version the settings?
How do i can edit in these version the settings?
Nothing to editing, you have looked for a proven "auto-on"-NC for a ONE3rd without satellite-problems and no "legal notes" at the beginning. You've got this NC. Try it out and don't look for new problems straight away...

P.S: This NC has a setting for an ONE3rd (34 at the beginning of the file reskin). You can edit the file "reskin" in the folder "skins" for other device-emulations, but not recommended...
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