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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Argon One Pi 4 Power Button & Fan Control Installation


13. November 2019
Hallo. Ich habe mir einen Raspberry Pi 4 Argon One als Gehäuse gekauft.

Ich habe alles eingerichtet und SSH aktiviert. Über SSH kann ich jetzt von meinem Computer Linux Befehle an Raspberry Pi 4 schicken.

Auf dem Raspberry Pi 4 ist Libreelec und Kodi installiert.

Für die Einstellungen des Lüfters und Ausschaltknopf soll ich folgende Zeile eingeben:

curl | bash

Das klappt leider nicht und ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung 27916 (23) Failed writing body

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich das installieren kann?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ok es klappt. Bekomme folgendes:

# wget
Connecting to download.argon40.com (
saving to 'argon1.sh'
argon1.sh 100% |********************************| 20128 0:00:00 ETA
'argon1.sh' saved

Dann steht danach

# ./argon1.sh

Wenn ich dann einfach Enter drücke, dann bekomme ich

-sh: ./argon1.sh: Permission denied

chmod u+r+x /argon1.sh
Habe ich mir Rechte gegeben.

Dann wieder

und als Ergebnis

./argon1.sh: line 21: syntax error: unexpected "("

Zeile 21 beinhaltet

pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)


argon_create_file() {
if [ -f $1 ]; then
sudo rm $1
sudo touch $1
sudo chmod 666 $1
argon_check_pkg() {
RESULT=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep "installed")

if [ "" == "$RESULT" ]; then
echo "NG"
echo "OK"

pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)
for curpkg in ${pkglist[@]}; do
sudo apt-get install -y $curpkg
RESULT=$(argon_check_pkg "$curpkg")
if [ "NG" == "$RESULT" ]
echo "********************************************************************"
echo "Please also connect device to the internet and restart installation."
echo "********************************************************************"



sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial 0

if [ ! -f $daemonconfigfile ]; then
# Generate config file for fan speed
sudo touch $daemonconfigfile
sudo chmod 666 $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Argon One Fan Configuration' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# List below the temperature (Celsius) and fan speed (in percent) pairs' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Use the following form:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# min.temperature=speed' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Example:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# 55=10' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# 60=55' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# 65=100' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Above example sets the fan speed to' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# NOTE: Lines begining with # are ignored' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Type the following at the command line for changes to take effect:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Start below:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '55=10' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '60=55' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '65=100' >> $daemonconfigfile

# Generate script that runs every shutdown event
argon_create_file $shutdownscript

echo "#!/usr/bin/python" >> $shutdownscript
echo 'import sys' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'import smbus' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'import RPi.GPIO as GPIO' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'rev = GPIO.RPI_REVISION' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'if rev == 2 or rev == 3:' >> $shutdownscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(1)' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'else:' >> $shutdownscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(0)' >> $shutdownscript

echo 'if len(sys.argv)>1:' >> $shutdownscript
echo " bus.write_byte(0x1a,0)" >> $shutdownscript
echo ' if sys.argv[1] == "poweroff" or sys.argv[1] == "halt":' >> $shutdownscript
echo " try:" >> $shutdownscript
echo " bus.write_byte(0x1a,0xFF)" >> $shutdownscript
echo " except:" >> $shutdownscript
echo " rev=0" >> $shutdownscript
sudo chmod 755 $shutdownscript

# Generate script to monitor shutdown button

argon_create_file $powerbuttonscript

echo "#!/usr/bin/python" >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import smbus' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import RPi.GPIO as GPIO' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import os' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import time' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'from threading import Thread' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'rev = GPIO.RPI_REVISION' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'if rev == 2 or rev == 3:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(1)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'else:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(0)' >> $powerbuttonscript

echo 'GPIO.setwarnings(False)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'shutdown_pin=4' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'GPIO.setup(shutdown_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)' >> $powerbuttonscript

echo 'def shutdown_check():' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' while True:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' pulsetime = 1' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' GPIO.wait_for_edge(shutdown_pin, GPIO.RISING)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(0.01)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' while GPIO.input(shutdown_pin) == GPIO.HIGH:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(0.01)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' pulsetime += 1' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if pulsetime >=2 and pulsetime <=3:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' os.system("reboot")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' elif pulsetime >=4 and pulsetime <=5:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' os.system("shutdown now -h")' >> $powerbuttonscript

echo 'def get_fanspeed(tempval, configlist):' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' for curconfig in configlist:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' curpair = curconfig.split("=")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempcfg = float(curpair[0])' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fancfg = int(float(curpair[1]))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if tempval >= tempcfg:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return fancfg' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return 0' >> $powerbuttonscript

echo 'def load_config(fname):' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' newconfig = []' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' with open(fname, "r") as fp:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' for curline in fp:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if not curline:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tmpline = curline.strip()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if not tmpline:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if tmpline[0] == "#":' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tmppair = tmpline.split("=")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if len(tmppair) != 2:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempval = 0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanval = 0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempval = float(tmppair[0])' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if tempval < 0 or tempval > 100:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanval = int(float(tmppair[1]))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if fanval < 0 or fanval > 100:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' newconfig.append( "{:5.1f}={}".format(tempval,fanval))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if len(newconfig) > 0:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' newconfig.sort(reverse=True)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return []' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return newconfig' >> $powerbuttonscript

echo 'def temp_check():' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanconfig = ["65=100", "60=55", "55=10"]' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tmpconfig = load_config("'$daemonconfigfile'")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if len(tmpconfig) > 0:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanconfig = tmpconfig' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' address=0x1a' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' prevblock=0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' while True:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' temp = os.popen("vcgencmd measure_temp").readline()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' temp = temp.replace("temp=","")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' val = float(temp.replace("'"'"'C",""))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' block = get_fanspeed(val, fanconfig)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if block < prevblock:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(30)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' prevblock = block' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' bus.write_byte(address,block)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except IOError:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' temp=""' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(30)' >> $powerbuttonscript

echo 'try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t1 = Thread(target = shutdown_check)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t2 = Thread(target = temp_check)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t1.start()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t2.start()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t1.stop()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t2.stop()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' GPIO.cleanup()' >> $powerbuttonscript

sudo chmod 755 $powerbuttonscript

argon_create_file $daemonfanservice

# Fan Daemon
echo "[Unit]" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "Description=Argon One Fan and Button Service" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "After=multi-user.target" >> $daemonfanservice
echo '[Service]' >> $daemonfanservice
echo 'Type=simple' >> $daemonfanservice
echo "Restart=always" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "RemainAfterExit=true" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 $powerbuttonscript" >> $daemonfanservice
echo '[Install]' >> $daemonfanservice
echo "WantedBy=multi-user.target" >> $daemonfanservice

sudo chmod 644 $daemonfanservice

argon_create_file $removescript

# Uninstall Script
echo '#!/bin/bash' >> $removescript
echo 'echo "-------------------------"' >> $removescript
echo 'echo "Argon One Uninstall Tool"' >> $removescript
echo 'echo "-------------------------"' >> $removescript
echo 'echo -n "Press Y to continue:"' >> $removescript
echo 'read -n 1 confirm' >> $removescript
echo 'echo' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" = "y" ]' >> $removescript
echo 'then' >> $removescript
echo ' confirm="Y"' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
echo '' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" != "Y" ]' >> $removescript
echo 'then' >> $removescript
echo ' echo "Cancelled"' >> $removescript
echo ' exit' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ -d "/home/pi/Desktop" ]; then' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm "/home/pi/Desktop/argonone-config.desktop"' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm "/home/pi/Desktop/argonone-uninstall.desktop"' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ -f '$powerbuttonscript' ]; then' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo systemctl stop '$daemonname'.service' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo systemctl disable '$daemonname'.service' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo /usr/bin/python3 '$shutdownscript' uninstall' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm '$powerbuttonscript >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm '$shutdownscript >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm '$removescript >> $removescript
echo ' echo "Removed Argon One Services."' >> $removescript
echo ' echo "Cleanup will complete after restarting the device."' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript

sudo chmod 755 $removescript

argon_create_file $configscript

# Config Script
echo '#!/bin/bash' >> $configscript
echo 'daemonconfigfile=/etc/'$daemonname'.conf' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "--------------------------------------"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "Argon One Fan Speed Configuration Tool"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "--------------------------------------"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "WARNING: This will remove existing configuration."' >> $configscript
echo 'echo -n "Press Y to continue:"' >> $configscript
echo 'read -n 1 confirm' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" = "y" ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' confirm="Y"' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript
echo '' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" != "Y" ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Cancelled"' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "Thank you."' >> $configscript

echo 'get_number () {' >> $configscript
echo ' read curnumber' >> $configscript
echo ' re="^[0-9]+$"' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ -z "$curnumber" ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-2"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [[ $curnumber =~ ^[+-]?[0-9]+$ ]]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curnumber -lt 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-1"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [ $curnumber -gt 100 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-1"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' fi ' >> $configscript
echo ' echo $curnumber' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-1"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo '}' >> $configscript
echo '' >> $configscript

echo 'loopflag=1' >> $configscript
echo 'while [ $loopflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Select fan mode:"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 1. Always on"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 2. Adjust to temperatures (55C, 60C, and 65C)"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 3. Customize behavior"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 4. Cancel"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "NOTE: You can also edit $daemonconfigfile directly"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n "Enter Number (1-4):"' >> $configscript
echo ' newmode=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [[ $newmode -ge 1 && $newmode -le 4 ]]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' loopflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo 'done' >> $configscript

echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ $newmode -eq 4 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Cancelled"' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'elif [ $newmode -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" > $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Argon One Fan Speed Configuration" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Min Temp=Fan Speed" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo 1"="100 >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Fan always on."' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'elif [ $newmode -eq 2 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Please provide fan speeds for the following temperatures:"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" > $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Argon One Fan Speed Configuration" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Min Temp=Fan Speed" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' curtemp=55' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $curtemp -lt 70 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=1' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $errorfanflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n ""$curtemp"C (0-100 only):"' >> $configscript
echo ' curfan=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curfan -ge 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' echo $curtemp"="$curfan >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' curtemp=$((curtemp+5))' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript

echo ' sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Configuration updated."' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript

echo 'echo "Please provide fan speeds and temperature pairs"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript

echo 'loopflag=1' >> $configscript
echo 'paircounter=0' >> $configscript
echo 'while [ $loopflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'do' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=1' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=1' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $errortempflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n "Provide minimum temperature (in Celsius) then [ENTER]:"' >> $configscript
echo ' curtemp=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curtemp -ge 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [ $curtemp -eq -2 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' loopflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $errorfanflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n "Provide fan speed for "$curtemp"C (0-100) then [ENTER]:"' >> $configscript
echo ' curfan=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curfan -ge 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [ $curfan -eq -2 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' loopflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $loopflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $paircounter -eq 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" > $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Argon One Fan Speed Configuration" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Min Temp=Fan Speed" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' echo $curtemp"="$curfan >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' ' >> $configscript
echo ' paircounter=$((paircounter+1))' >> $configscript
echo ' ' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "* Fan speed will be set to "$curfan" once temperature reaches "$curtemp" C"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo 'done' >> $configscript
echo '' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ $paircounter -gt 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Thank you! We saved "$paircounter" pairs."' >> $configscript
echo ' sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Changes should take effect now."' >> $configscript
echo 'else' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Cancelled, no data saved."' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript

sudo chmod 755 $configscript

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable $daemonname.service

sudo systemctl start $daemonname.service

if [ -d "/home/pi/Desktop" ]; then
sudo wget -O /usr/share/pixmaps/ar1config.png
sudo wget -O /usr/share/pixmaps/ar1uninstall.png
# Create Shortcuts
echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $shortcutfile
echo "Name=Argon One Configuration" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Comment=Argon One Configuration" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/ar1config.png" >> $shortcutfile
echo 'Exec=lxterminal -t "Argon One Configuration" --working-directory=/home/pi/ -e '$configscript >> $shortcutfile
echo "Type=Application" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Terminal=false" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Categories=None;" >> $shortcutfile
chmod 755 $shortcutfile

echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $shortcutfile
echo "Name=Argon One Uninstall" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Comment=Argon One Uninstall" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/ar1uninstall.png" >> $shortcutfile
echo 'Exec=lxterminal -t "Argon One Uninstall" --working-directory=/home/pi/ -e '$removescript >> $shortcutfile
echo "Type=Application" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Terminal=false" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Categories=None;" >> $shortcutfile
chmod 755 $shortcutfile

echo "***************************"
echo "Argon One Setup Completed."
echo "***************************"
if [ -d "/home/pi/Desktop" ]; then
echo Shortcuts created in your desktop.
echo Use 'argonone-config' to configure fan
echo Use 'argonone-uninstall' to uninstall

Bin ich damit fertig, oder muss ich da noch was machen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich glaube, dass mir diese Packages fehlen, welche ich glaube ich nicht installieren kann bei LibreElec.

pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)

Auf der Herstellerseite des Cases ist das Problem wohl bekannt. Leider ist deren Webseite nicht zu erreichen.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Du versuchst ein "Raspian" Script unter LibreELEC zu installieren, das funktioniert nicht!
./argon1.sh: line 21: syntax error: unexpected "("
Zeile 21 beinhaltet
pkglist=(raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools)
Bei LibreELEC ist kein "Python" vorhanden/installiert, das kann man zwar aus einer "libreelec Repository" nach installieren, aber da unter LibreELEC "Python" nicht in das "Standart" Verzeichniss installiert wird, müsste der "argon" Script komplett überarbeitet werden (bzw. neu erstellt werden).
Unter LibreELEC gibt es auch keine "rc.lokcal", für einen "auto Start" muss eine "Autostart.sh" angelegt/vorhanden sein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hab es hinbekommen wie es beim argon40 Link beschrieben wurde. Die Webseite ist wieder online. Man musste ein paar Addons installieren und dann funktionierten die Linuxbefehle wie gewünscht.

Da die Webseite wieder down ist:

Here's a quick guide on how to install the Argon ONE case for LibreElec.

How to install Argon ONE Power Button and Fan Control

>Connect LibreElec to the internet.
-this can be done with either ethernet or WiFi
-to check if the Ethernet or WiFi adapters are enabled, go to Settings>LibreElec>Network

>Enable SSH. You need another computer to access the terminal of LibreElec
-this can be done upon installation
-to check if SSH is enabled, go to

>Install Raspberry Pi Tools and System Tools
-these can be installed by going to
Addons>Install from Repository>LibreElec Addons>Program Addons

>Connect via SSH. The default username for LibreElec is root while the default password is libreelec
-for Windows users, the best way to use SSH is through using the IP address of the Pi as the port.
-Linux users on the other hand need to look for the IP address of their PC and go to the terminal to
ssh root@[ip address of device].
>if connecting to the device for the first time, users will be asked if they want to connect to the
device. Confirm by typing yes.
>otherwise, the password must then be typed to connect to the device.

>Use curl | bash

>Use reboot to reboot the Pi after installing the script
Note: The LibreElec Script installs the config files as executables. If you want to use the argonone-config and argonone-uninstall files, you need to use the ./ command to use those files (e.g. ./argonone-config)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Und falls noch jemand das Problem hat, daß die Addons sich nicht über die grafische Oberfläche installieren lassen:

Per ssh mit dem Pi verbinden. Im kodi.log lassen sich dann (nach dem erfolglosen ersten Versuch der Installation) die URLs zu den Addons finden. Mit einem 'wget URL' addons runterladen (sind zip Dateien). Dann über die grafische Oberfläche diese beiden addons "aus Zip Datei installieren".
Hallo, ich habe leider auch Probleme. Die Installation läuft bei mir durch und ich kann auch in die argonone-config einsteigen, jedoch ohne Effekt nach neustart des Raspi. Die LED leuchtet orange und der Lüfter läuft auf Standardumdrehung durch. (Ziemlich laut leider, wodurch ich den Raspi derzeit absolut nicht laufen lassen kann) Bei mir läuft openhabian. hat jemand von euch eine Idee?
Die Ein/Aus Temperaturen solltest du im Phyton Script eingeben können, an der Standartdrehzahl/Lautstärke kannst du nicht ändern, ausser du verwendest einen anderen "leiseren" Lüfter.
Da alle Links in's Leere laufen, hier mal ein aktueller - , falls jemand mal braucht...
Hello, I'm having problems too. The installation goes through for me and I can also enter the argonone-config , but without any effect after restarting the Raspi. The LED lights up orange and the fan runs at standard rotation. (Quite loud unfortunately, which means I can't run the Raspi at all at the moment ) I run openhabian. Does one of you have an idea?
hello, did you ever get this to work @ wHiSk3y