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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

V14 - Freezer am Server


Ist gelegentlich hier
11. August 2011
Hallo Zusammen,
ich versuche jetzt schon seit ein paar Tagen die Ursache für Freezer zu finden und komme nicht weiter.
Folgendes Problem. Ich habe eine V14 (mit HD+) in einer DM 800se laufen. Oscam Version ist 1.20 r1256. Das ist der Server und ich gucke auch an dieser Box. Die Clients (6 Clients) sind alle per CCCam (2.3.0) angebunden. In unregelmäßigen Abständen kommt es zu freezern bei mir am Server. Die Clients haben komischerweise keine Probleme (zumindest nichts gemerkt). Mal bleibt des Bild nur für ca. 2 sek. stehen, mal ca. 5 sec. Meistens häufen sich die Freezers auch direkt wenn einer kommt, d.h. der zweite kommt kurz danach. Ich habe die Logs durchsucht und nur zwei Punkte gefunden, welche ggf. ein Problem darstellen:

2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] IFD: Receive succesful
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] TRACE: SW1: 90
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] IFD: Setting timeout to 230400 ETU (1190400 us)
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] IFD: Receive size 1 bytes, delay 0 us, timeout=1190400 us
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] IO: Read timeout 1190400 us, read delay 0 us, to read 1 char(s), chunksize 1 char(s)
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] IO: Receiving:
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 00
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] IFD: Receive succesful
2015/02/03 22:03:19 6C1F58 r HDPlus [videoguard2] TRACE: SW2: 00


2015/02/03 22:03:20 76C00AE8 c HDPlus [videoguard2] EMM: caid 098C has no provider
2015/02/03 22:03:20 76C00AE8 c [EMM Filter] 0 activated emm filters
2015/02/03 22:03:21 76C00AE8 c [EMM Filter] 0 activated emm filters
2015/02/03 22:03:21 6D7978 h WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/02/03 22:03:21 76C00AE8 c [DVBAPI] new events occurred on 1 of 3 handlers after 7007 ms inactivity
2015/02/03 22:03:21 76C00AE8 c [DVBAPI] now handling fd 15 that reported event 3
2015/02/03 22:03:21 76C00AE8 c [DVBAPI] Readed:
2015/02/03 22:03:21 76C00AE8 80 70 95 00.....

Meine Config sieht wie folgt aus:

logfile = /etc/tuxbox/config/log/oscam.log
netprio = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 2000
preferlocalcards = 1
dropdups = 1


port = xxxxx
nodeid = 7BC2D31810C81534
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 3
stealth = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
delayer = 60
user = local
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = xxxxx
httpuser = xxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxx
httprefresh = 5
httpallowed =


label = HDPlus
description = V14
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
services = skygermanymithdplus
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
boxkey = xxxxxxxxxxxx
rsakey = xxxxxxxxxx
ins7e11 = 15
ecmwhitelist = 098C:52,57,64,6A,9B,9C,A1,91,96,97,98
detect = cd
cardmhz = 2700
mhz = 450
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
ndsversion = 2

label = emulator
protocol = emu
device = emulator
caid = 0D00,0D02,0D03,0D05,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF
detect = cd
ident = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;0D03:000000,000004,000008,000024,000028;0D05:000000,000004,000010;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
auprovid = 030B00


user = local
caid = 1702,1833,09C4,098C,1830,1843
uniq = 3
au = HDPlus
keepalive = 1
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702
group = 1,2
services = hdplus,skygermany,skygermanymithdplus

user = User1
pwd = Password1
caid = 1702,1833,09C4,098C,1830,1843
uniq = 3
group = 1,2
services = hdplus,skygermany,skygermanymithdplus
cccmaxhops = 0
au = 0
keepalive = 1

Was habe ich schon probiert:
- OScam Version geändert
- Autoupdate bei Clients aktiviert/deaktiviert
- Mhz des readers korrigiert

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe!!
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

Leider direkt wieder hängen geblieben :emoticon-0124-worri
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

mach mal oscam.server so;
label = v14
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
autospeed = 1
cardmhz = 2700
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,10
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-unknown = 1
ndsversion = 2

oscam.user so;
user = local
au = v14
group = 1
du hast doch nur eine karte??
warum hast du box / rsakey?
und betatunnel?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

Also, Bild ist gerade wieder hängen geblieben...
Zu deinen Fragen. Ja, hab jetzt nur eine Karte in Slot 2. Kann ich den Eintrag Betatunnel, Boxkey und Rsakey einfach löschen?
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

hast du meine cfg genommen?
oscam.conf und oscam.user so übernehmen..

betatunnel rsa und boxkey brauchst du nicht..!!
du hast ja keine hd+ karte.. hättest du eine.. dann bräuchtest du die auch..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

Hab jetzt meine Configs soweit angepasst. Vielen Dank erst einmal! Werde es morgen weiter beobachten.
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

bitte dazu ein log vom Fehler posten, im Debug level auf 0 aber, das reicht
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

Hallo Zusammen,

die letzten Tage konnte ich leider nicht mehr testen. Heute sehe ich etwas Bundesliga und es ruckelt wieder.
Folgend der Log auf Debug 0. Gegen 21:08 war der Freezer. Ich kann eigentlich nichts erkennen....
Ich habe zudem noch ein Delay von 50 eingebaut. Hatte das in einem anderen Posting gelesen. Falls das totaler quatsch ist, sagt mit bitte Bescheid.

Nun der Log:

2015/02/06 21:07:13 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:45054166A1740C4BA55FFF98F3BD499A): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:20 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:F986555E82A1B38600B064266627DAFA): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:20 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:F986555E82A1B38600B064266627DAFA): cache2 (66 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:20 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:F986555E82A1B38600B064266627DAFA): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:27 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:9B9AFE1C4ED85DC64FFD9BA8D591EAC0): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:27 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:9B9AFE1C4ED85DC64FFD9BA8D591EAC0): cache2 (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:27 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:9B9AFE1C4ED85DC64FFD9BA8D591EAC0): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:30 76B10E78 c client(7691F4B0) duplicate user 'User3' from 89.0.xx.xxx (prev set to fake (uniq=3)
2015/02/06 21:07:31 76B10E78 c encrypted cccam-client 89.0.xx.xxx granted (User3, au=off)
2015/02/06 21:07:34 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DCA99774DC980A8FF0F44D29CA45FECF): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:34 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DCA99774DC980A8FF0F44D29CA45FECF): cache2 (68 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:34 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DCA99774DC980A8FF0F44D29CA45FECF): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:41 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:F033D0111EB71A2665FF46BA0421AF11): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:41 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:F033D0111EB71A2665FF46BA0421AF11): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:41 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:F033D0111EB71A2665FF46BA0421AF11): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:48 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A65FD17FB3F90AB6E5E5542D51ED89D6): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:48 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A65FD17FB3F90AB6E5E5542D51ED89D6): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:48 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A65FD17FB3F90AB6E5E5542D51ED89D6): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:55 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:3F6437787731FD27CBA5654449E74C1F): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:55 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:3F6437787731FD27CBA5654449E74C1F): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:07:55 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:3F6437787731FD27CBA5654449E74C1F): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:02 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:23FEF8BE4374BFDA6858E28378C6C144): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:02 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:23FEF8BE4374BFDA6858E28378C6C144): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:02 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:23FEF8BE4374BFDA6858E28378C6C144): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:09 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:45A24EB21558C16D2AD87AC6DC94776E): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:09 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:45A24EB21558C16D2AD87AC6DC94776E): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:09 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:45A24EB21558C16D2AD87AC6DC94776E): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:16 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:35A8632D8D73C6AF51D6BE7F9575A44A): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:16 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:35A8632D8D73C6AF51D6BE7F9575A44A): cache2 (70 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:16 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:35A8632D8D73C6AF51D6BE7F9575A44A): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:23 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E96D4C9965DF966428D32C789AE322F5): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:23 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E96D4C9965DF966428D32C789AE322F5): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:23 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E96D4C9965DF966428D32C789AE322F5): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:30 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E8A3782D368C7130554DE62E08282182): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:30 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E8A3782D368C7130554DE62E08282182): cache2 (67 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:30 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E8A3782D368C7130554DE62E08282182): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:37 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:03F965CF213CCCBB495CCDC8D886086B): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:37 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:03F965CF213CCCBB495CCDC8D886086B): cache2 (70 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:37 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:03F965CF213CCCBB495CCDC8D886086B): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:44 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:29B2690F17CE7A1943C02E297F95051F): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:44 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:29B2690F17CE7A1943C02E297F95051F): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:44 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:29B2690F17CE7A1943C02E297F95051F): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:51 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:22C42F05C659567D3113CBFC2970467F): found (76 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:51 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:22C42F05C659567D3113CBFC2970467F): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:51 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:22C42F05C659567D3113CBFC2970467F): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:58 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:917546CB4F3C2D63871E0A0CCEECBD49): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:58 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:917546CB4F3C2D63871E0A0CCEECBD49): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:08:58 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:917546CB4F3C2D63871E0A0CCEECBD49): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:09:05 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:86B674E52257ABEECA764F41191A8147): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:09:05 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:86B674E52257ABEECA764F41191A8147): cache2 (70 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:09:05 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:86B674E52257ABEECA764F41191A8147): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:09:12 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:1B263218F7CF8DB830CE095D16FCA28A): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:09:12 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:1B263218F7CF8DB830CE095D16FCA28A): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:09:12 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:1B263218F7CF8DB830CE095D16FCA28A): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1


In diesem Segment waren 3 Freezer

2015/02/06 21:26:36 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:95686C6B5CC9C1A029F9A85DC4910CF6): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:42 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:660865DD79FBC8CC073558ED11E2A5FA): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:42 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:660865DD79FBC8CC073558ED11E2A5FA): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:43 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:660865DD79FBC8CC073558ED11E2A5FA): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:49 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:0676597D865F600B659B2918E5652FEB): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:49 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:0676597D865F600B659B2918E5652FEB): cache2 (70 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:50 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:0676597D865F600B659B2918E5652FEB): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:56 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:2A38445FB3BD50A1FAEDE692B7ACA06B): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:56 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:2A38445FB3BD50A1FAEDE692B7ACA06B): cache2 (73 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:26:57 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:2A38445FB3BD50A1FAEDE692B7ACA06B): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:03 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DC02891A7F6414D7A9087487B3FF64CD): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:03 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DC02891A7F6414D7A9087487B3FF64CD): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:04 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DC02891A7F6414D7A9087487B3FF64CD): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:10 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:C7B89D3D939F27FA6D6CC77EECC1F174): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:10 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:C7B89D3D939F27FA6D6CC77EECC1F174): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:11 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:C7B89D3D939F27FA6D6CC77EECC1F174): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:17 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:78D36E6F34821AB77A6D9451012CEFBA): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:17 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:78D36E6F34821AB77A6D9451012CEFBA): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:18 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:78D36E6F34821AB77A6D9451012CEFBA): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:24 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:96A041E558AA2044511340E5A254B600): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:24 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:96A041E558AA2044511340E5A254B600): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:25 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:96A041E558AA2044511340E5A254B600): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:31 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:92924A9B2906E77D277AA2531C8B1A15): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:31 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:92924A9B2906E77D277AA2531C8B1A15): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:32 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:92924A9B2906E77D277AA2531C8B1A15): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:38 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:908A16B17232B7B52D477C328DAF5F1C): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:38 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:908A16B17232B7B52D477C328DAF5F1C): cache2 (69 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:39 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:908A16B17232B7B52D477C328DAF5F1C): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:45 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E83B895EE1F4BDD1969708F893092DF4): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:45 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E83B895EE1F4BDD1969708F893092DF4): cache2 (73 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:46 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E83B895EE1F4BDD1969708F893092DF4): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:52 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:7EF0B258DC94799785707D44C67FE3A2): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:52 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:7EF0B258DC94799785707D44C67FE3A2): cache2 (72 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:53 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:7EF0B258DC94799785707D44C67FE3A2): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:59 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D225B29CCD2BFCD004D6A8CD6354CFA0): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:27:59 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D225B29CCD2BFCD004D6A8CD6354CFA0): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:00 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D225B29CCD2BFCD004D6A8CD6354CFA0): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:06 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E50E1ECE355FCC831A4D70232A39020B): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:06 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E50E1ECE355FCC831A4D70232A39020B): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:07 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E50E1ECE355FCC831A4D70232A39020B): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:13 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A8ED1A61185E8AD965FB66F3EB1DC74C): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:13 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A8ED1A61185E8AD965FB66F3EB1DC74C): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:14 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A8ED1A61185E8AD965FB66F3EB1DC74C): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:20 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E61FAD1E233358FD81E4B12462CF42C2): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:20 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E61FAD1E233358FD81E4B12462CF42C2): cache2 (73 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:21 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:E61FAD1E233358FD81E4B12462CF42C2): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:27 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:6526A3E5190C664D1D092CB8926AFA9C): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:27 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:6526A3E5190C664D1D092CB8926AFA9C): cache2 (71 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:28 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:6526A3E5190C664D1D092CB8926AFA9C): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:34 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:3C2508051BF0896A5BFB250EF280CB63): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:34 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:3C2508051BF0896A5BFB250EF280CB63): cache2 (65 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:35 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:3C2508051BF0896A5BFB250EF280CB63): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:41 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D731B6AB3E211205CE9E927348DEFAB7): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:42 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D731B6AB3E211205CE9E927348DEFAB7): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:48 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D58BE06B0E74E97E18D80622F756DE5B): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:49 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:D58BE06B0E74E97E18D80622F756DE5B): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:55 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:0EC323033675BA777D2C60F24725C48E): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:28:56 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:0EC323033675BA777D2C60F24725C48E): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:02 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:77C716DA9A715C78BAC6623FB4CCA107): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:03 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:77C716DA9A715C78BAC6623FB4CCA107): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:09 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:083E3283AB65B67D7A550CE008CDD72F): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:10 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:083E3283AB65B67D7A550CE008CDD72F): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:16 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:063460BE1D68479989C4FE365A6CAE97): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:17 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:063460BE1D68479989C4FE365A6CAE97): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:23 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:9C8DF951DDC68C76727445361A35499E): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:24 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:9C8DF951DDC68C76727445361A35499E): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:30 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DB8D7894CF5B5B582DBE882068CD87C1): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:31 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:DB8D7894CF5B5B582DBE882068CD87C1): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:37 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A2E1F1536EB6C5FB09770405C4E104DD): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:38 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:A2E1F1536EB6C5FB09770405C4E104DD): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:44 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:991D418BB426D2D05CB2837390A76BA9): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:45 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:991D418BB426D2D05CB2837390A76BA9): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:45 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0B5B/0084/97:4C20675DC88A208385865C7052EA7D2E): found (73 ms) by HDPlus - Eurosport HD
2015/02/06 21:29:48 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0B5B/0084/97:95C934EC45F2C12F426C76F082BE08C8): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Eurosport HD
2015/02/06 21:29:51 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:1B8E8F3761AF440BDF3BE1D5AEDB2DEB): found (75 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:52 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:1B8E8F3761AF440BDF3BE1D5AEDB2DEB): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:58 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:610165D8FA0BE0A3298521E80464DA1B): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:29:59 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:610165D8FA0BE0A3298521E80464DA1B): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:30:05 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:7F3212FC84750B737227AD8B169EFCF1): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:30:06 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:7F3212FC84750B737227AD8B169EFCF1): cache1 (50 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:30:12 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0B5B/0084/97:E9D8EE1013682F923E088F5E3F8CE115): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Eurosport HD
2015/02/06 21:30:12 76B041B8 c User1 (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:996F7E3880F6AA45D11FAB55DDFDFA38): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:30:13 D35828 c local (098C&000000/0C1F/0069/98:996F7E3880F6AA45D11FAB55DDFDFA38): cache1 (51 ms) by HDPlus - Sky Bundesliga HD 1
2015/02/06 21:30:16 76B00468 c User2 (098C&000000/0B5B/0084/97:03CF105CFD233FC412F4A99E4F6055EF): found (74 ms) by HDPlus - Eurosport HD
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server


welcher user machte Schwierigkeiten. Ich sehe nur, dass user3 sich anmeldet und keine Anfrage mehr stellt. Die anderen scheinen ok zu sein.

AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

Die Freezer treten am Server auf. Also bei local.
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

in welchen abständen hast du die freezer und für wie lange etwa?
poste mal deine cfg bitte..
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server

Freezer treten in unregelmäßigen Abständen auf und dauern ca. 5 sec. Kann das auch nicht wirklich reproduzieren.
Hier noch einmal die cfg:

disablelog = 1
logfile = /dev/null
netprio = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 2000
preferlocalcards = 1
dropdups = 1

delay = 50

port = xxxxxx
nodeid = 7BC2D31810C81534
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 3
stealth = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
delayer = 60
user = local
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = xxxxxx
httpuser = xxxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxxx
httprefresh = 5
httpallowed =


label = HDPlus
description = V14
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
services = skygermanymithdplus
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
autospeed = 1
cardmhz = 2700
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,10
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
ndsversion = 2

label = emulator
enable = 0
protocol = unknown
device = emulator
caid = 0D00,0D02,0D03,0D05,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF
detect = cd
ident = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;0D03:000000,000004,000008,000024,000028;0D05:000000,000004,000010;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
auprovid = 030B00


user = local
caid = 1702,1833,09C4,098C,1830,1843
uniq = 3
keepalive = 1
au = HDPlus
group = 2
services = hdplus,skygermany,skygermanymithdplus

user = User1
pwd = xxxxxxxx
caid = 1702,1833,09C4,098C,1830,1843
uniq = 3
keepalive = 1
group = 2
services = hdplus,skygermany,skygermanymithdplus
cccmaxhops = 0
AW: V14 - Freezer am Server


laut Log nichts zu beanstanden. Alle 7 sec eine Anfrage, die auch beantwortet wird. Da tippe ich auf Hardware oder Signal.
