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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2


Ist oft hier
18. Dezember 2008

ich kaempfe derzeit auch mit selbigen problem..

hab das ganze nun mal mit udev verlinkt.. mal schauen ob es hilft..

hab nun auch mal ein netzteil an den hub gemacht. nicht das es vielleicht daran lag..

habe 2x die smartmouse.. am usbhub mit einem freetz auf einer 7270v2.

so leider hat das mit dem udev auch nicht funktioniert.. nach 2h wieder ausfall..

jemand noch eine idee ???
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

Habe dir mal einen eigenen Thread gegeben.
Bitte nicht einfach die Threads der anderen User für die eigenen Probleme nutzen. Danke.

Poste bitte deine komepletten Configs (oscam.conf, oscam.user und ocam.server) und ein aussagekräfiges Logfile.
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

hey hallo,
sorry fuer den falschen thread.. dachte nur weil der fehler sehr aehnlich war/ist.
also hier meine daten
Ich nutz eine 7270v2 mit dem CI_7270_v2_05.54-freetz-devel-13179M.de_20150622-205938.image
oscam version oscam-1.20-emu-r10908
usbhub ist einer von koenig. activ mit netzteil.
die reader sind die smartmouse2 premium
einstellung fuer die skyv14 karte oben,unten,unten,unten,
fuer die hd+hd01 karte unten,unten,unten,unten
hier die oscam.conf
# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r10908
# Read more:
logfile = /var/media/ftp/uStor05/addon/oscam/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout = 2000
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 10000
preferlocalcards = 2
cwlogdir = 0
emmlogdir = /var/media/ftp/uStor05/addon/oscam/
failbantime = 5
failbancount = 3
port = 15000
nodeid = 348B88EA106714DC
version = 2.3.0
minimizecards = 1
recv_timeout = 4000
httpport = 83
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httpcss = /data/addon/oscam/Blue_Shadow_V.2.css
httprefresh = 10
httphideidleclients = 1
httpallowed =,
hier die oscam.user
# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r10908
# Read more:
user = xxx
pwd = xxx
uniq = 1
au = skyv14,hdplus
group = 1,2
services = hdplus,sat-sky-starter-v14,sat-sky-welt-extra-v14,sat-sky-welthd-v14,sat-sky-film-v14,sat-sky-filmhd-v14,sat-sky-sportsd-v14,sat-sky-sporthd-v14,sat-sky-bundesligasd-v14,sat-sky-bundesligahd-v14,sat-sky-eurosport360-v14,!sat-sky-bluemovie-v14,sat-sky-sonstige-v14
cccmaxhops = 0
cccreshare = 0
# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r10908
# Read more:
label = skyv14
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/skyv14
services = sat-sky-starter-v14,sat-sky-welt-extra-v14,sat-sky-welthd-v14,sat-sky-film-v14,sat-sky-filmhd-v14,sat-sky-sportsd-v14,sat-sky-sporthd-v14,sat-sky-bundesligasd-v14,sat-sky-bundesligahd-v14,sat-sky-eurosport360-v14,!sat-sky-bluemovie-v14,sat-sky-sonstige-v14
autospeed = 0
fallback = 1
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
readtiers = 2
ecmwhitelist = 098C:52,57,64,6A,9B,9C,A1,91,96,97,98
ecmheaderwhitelist = 81709800000120,80709800000120,8170950000011D,8070950000011D,8070940000011C,8170940000011C,8170540000011D,8070540000011D
detect = cd
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
group = 1
emmcache = 1,2,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
lb_weight = 300
ndsversion = 2
label = hdplus
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/hdplus
services = hdplus
caid = 1830
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
ecmwhitelist = 1830:92
ecmheaderwhitelist = 80308F078D,81308F078D
detect = cd
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011
group = 2
emmcache = 1,2,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
label = emulator
enable = 0
protocol = emu
device = emulator
caid = 0D00,0D02,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF,0E00,4AE1
detect = cd
ident = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000C8,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000,007301,001101;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000;0E00:000000;4AE1:000000
group = 3
emmcache = 1,1,2,1
emu_auproviders = 0500:030B00;0604:010200;0E00:000000;4AE1:000000
so wenn ich nun den server starte laeuft erstmal alles astrein.. und es laeuft die skyv14 und die hd+ karte einwandfrei..
nach etwa 5-60min ist total unterschiedlich passiert folgendes.. der log hierzu...
2015/09/09 22:56:30 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:865A8E82C2DD8BC918DD4BAAF2B793F8:000000): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:56:42 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:251D03719EED793662D40EB730097D8F): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:56:54 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:B0727AE636A506235A0A49DAE684B3B0): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:56:57 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins40: (-2) status not ok 00 00
2015/09/09 22:56:57 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
2015/09/09 22:56:59 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:68F5A06940811B5BFAB5D313585F2159): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:05 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:F1DA2FC1D0295576EDC4BA8BA5AB3C77): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:17 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:F2397DA1FC8AB97FFB228801CD7FFC45): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:17 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:57:29 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:FD6D024E3BC14FF6106B182C969AFEA4): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:34 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:4C73F9F8352400D90B4C4865B715FDCB): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:37 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:57:40 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:EBF0AA299055F8A63D12C7B168514885): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:52 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:AB09E7D1A26C1E82C8C0FF9C4FBDFBEF): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:57:57 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:58:04 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:45097B2CC7320E433A75EFBDFB9B9CD1): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:09 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:AC2B9A04703BAC0728581FF947B31CC8): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:15 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:018491E71744112C3D582E60CD89E49E): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:17 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:58:27 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:334F8FD2DA0BC7EF8FF4F05CF7F2B450): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:37 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:58:39 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:B93E63437E6C37B65745ECFC2BF3DD29): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:44 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98F2EE895D76B86D1BC79AB384DE98F72): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:50 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:E3A161575914C6D371FE21585BDDDC1B): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:58:57 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:59:02 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:64AD7574F31F841CFB3480F75B84DF30): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:59:14 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:EC8CA0B6493D6DE66573C7D24DE2120B): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:59:17 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:59:19 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:C5076EBC7CB5DE218A1FF453800643A4): timeout (5002 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:59:25 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:1D28866A660C27075815EC5543A9BF12): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:59:37 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:7A24E774122DBD4CAF9D9483BFEE3EDF): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/09/09 22:59:37 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins5C: failed
2015/09/09 22:59:47 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] classD1 ins40: (-2) status not ok e4 34
2015/09/09 22:59:47 7974B763 r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety
2015/09/09 22:59:49 7A25094D c (ecm) dreambox (098C@000000/025B/0083/98:FD5B383574E5627683053AEDA255B315): timeout (5001 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Cinema HD
wie man sieht die erste zeile bis dahin lief alles einwandfrei und dann pleotzlich timeout und nur noch fehler..
bei der hd+ karte die auch sporadisch ausfaellt passiert folgendes.
2015/09/09 23:44:01 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:65067E3FFCBFBDFE3E4D40B7A7B91AE3): found (317 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:44:15 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:76E750A1412B2B97CD34295522417E59): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:44:20 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2015/09/09 23:44:27 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:FDCEEEA88075CD04DEA332FC9524A1DB): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:44:32 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2015/09/09 23:44:32 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75441
2015/09/09 23:44:34 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/09/09 23:44:34 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/09/09 23:44:34 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/09/09 23:44:34 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/09/09 23:44:34 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75321
2015/09/09 23:44:34 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/09/09 23:44:38 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:C705CFD3BE7E1757B90F45CA1786E494): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:44:45 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2015/09/09 23:44:55 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:C055ABE9900A94A87A2B38BCDF9CC1B2): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:44:55 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2015/09/09 23:45:07 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:94D63D2BE932BB63C51C34877CED4183): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:45:07 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2015/09/09 23:45:07 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75448
2015/09/09 23:45:09 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/09/09 23:45:09 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/09/09 23:45:09 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/09/09 23:45:09 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/09/09 23:45:09 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 81208
2015/09/09 23:45:09 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/09/09 23:45:18 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:CF85C05695F33C67AD740C6A6E367C78): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:45:20 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2015/09/09 23:45:30 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2015/09/09 23:45:35 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:C854ADB912256B2D506E267F9B392A7E): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:45:42 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2015/09/09 23:45:42 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75399
2015/09/09 23:45:44 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/09/09 23:45:44 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/09/09 23:45:44 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/09/09 23:45:44 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/09/09 23:45:44 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75388
2015/09/09 23:45:44 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/09/09 23:45:47 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:F7E07F313C2DA7045A599BB56E951E72): timeout (5002 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:45:55 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2015/09/09 23:45:58 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:A2B141BF1555C7F38E05898AE9D85B14): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:46:05 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2015/09/09 23:46:15 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:4105C44B1E5CF0C071E703DFC3409B39): timeout (5001 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:46:17 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2015/09/09 23:46:17 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75321
2015/09/09 23:46:19 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/09/09 23:46:19 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/09/09 23:46:19 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/09/09 23:46:19 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/09/09 23:46:19 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75315
2015/09/09 23:46:19 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/09/09 23:46:27 56DE20E0 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:CEC6037A879207FDC6146C55734525A0): timeout (5002 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/09 23:46:30 7AFE6974 r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
also ich bin wirklich am verzweifeln.... ich weiss nicht was ich noch probieren soll..
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

Das logfile fehlt noch - also Oscam reboot und dann den Ausschnitt aus der Datei
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

hmm.. leider weiss ich nicht wie ich dahin komme.. geht das irgendwie ueber das webinterface ? oder wie komm ich dahin ?
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

Wie Du bei einer FB an das log-file kommst, weiss ich jetzt leider nicht.
Ich vermute, der Fehler wird aber von einem defekten USB-Hub oder USB-Kabeln herrühren.
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

das logfile habe ich gefunden..

>> OSCam << cardserver log switched at Wed Sep 23 16:19:33 2015
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-emu, build r10908 (mipsel-linux-uclibc-libusb)
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) Host name = fritz.fonwlan.box
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) Release =
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 Sat Mar 28 12:32:56 CET 2015
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) Machine = mips
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 23091
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 13 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s [Emu] oscam-emu version 716
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 19 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) 37 provid's loaded
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) 2091 service-id's loaded in 74 ms
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) WARNING: You risk high CPU load and high ECM times with more than 2000 service-id's!
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) HINT: --> use optimized lists from
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (config) 184 tier-id's loaded
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=15000)
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (reader) skyv14 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/skyv14
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (reader) hdplus [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/hdplus
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (stat) loadbalancer: could not open /tmp/.oscam/stat for reading (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2015/09/23 16:19:33 00000000 s (main) waiting for local card init
2015/09/23 16:19:33 4BA1503D h (webif) webif: decompressed 104715 bytes back into 278924 bytes
2015/09/23 16:19:33 4BA1503D h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75310
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 76215
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 13007
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 14216
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 40 time_us 358
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 00 time_us 9444
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 57 time_us 17716
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value 5b time_us 385
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value bf time_us 8629
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value f5 time_us 381
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value fe time_us 141
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 56 time_us 21896
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 0f time_us 2753
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value 7d time_us 440
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value f2 time_us 142
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value af time_us 1344
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value 69 time_us 752
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value 00 time_us 369
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value ad time_us 144
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value ff time_us 9251
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value f5 time_us 1185
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value f0 time_us 242
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value ff time_us 242
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value ff time_us 166
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value f5 time_us 448
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value 73 time_us 145
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value 3f time_us 1827
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value 00 time_us 16931
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value 76 time_us 9441
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value 7e time_us 19447
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 71 time_us 9531
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value 80 time_us 19214
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Buffers readed 21 bytes total time_us 139140
2015/09/23 16:19:33 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/skyv14, detect=cd, mhz=358, cardmhz=358)
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value 1d time_us 19233
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value ff time_us 19440
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value dd time_us 19455
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value 8d time_us 19470
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value 7d time_us 19441
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value 35 time_us 19465
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value f5 time_us 19449
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value 73 time_us 19476
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value d3 time_us 19459
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value b3 time_us 19457
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value fb time_us 19467
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value b5 time_us 19470
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 22 value 59 time_us 19436
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 23 value 91 time_us 19472
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 24 value 1d time_us 19428
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 25 value 3d time_us 19451
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 26 value 93 time_us 19468
2015/09/23 16:19:33 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 27 value 79 time_us 9476
2015/09/23 16:19:34 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Buffers readed 27 bytes total time_us 558938
2015/09/23 16:19:34 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/hdplus, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/09/23 16:19:34 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] card detected
2015/09/23 16:19:34 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] card detected
2015/09/23 16:19:34 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75309
2015/09/23 16:19:34 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75648
2015/09/23 16:19:35 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 15 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/09/23 16:19:35 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
2015/09/23 16:19:35 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2015/09/23 16:19:35 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.49 us reader mhz = 358
2015/09/23 16:19:35 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75308
2015/09/23 16:19:35 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.58 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/09/23 16:19:35 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/09/23 16:19:35 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/09/23 16:19:35 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/09/23 16:19:36 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/09/23 16:19:36 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75449
2015/09/23 16:19:36 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/09/23 16:19:36 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 251
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] FuseByte: 05
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
2015/09/23 16:19:36 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2015/09/23 16:19:37 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] detect native nagra card
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] Pincode read: 0322
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0046 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky HD+ (Gratisjahr)
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007b --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Sport
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0081 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Bundesliga
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Beate-Uhse.TV
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c0 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Welt Extra
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c7 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Welt
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c8 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Film
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c9 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Welt HD
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ca --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Film HD
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e4 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Bundesliga HD
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Sport HD
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f0 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky + / Sky Anytime
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Blue Movie Info
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky Blue Movie HD
2015/09/23 16:19:37 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2015/10/25-01:00:00 | Sky AT/DE / 19.2E / de
2015/09/23 16:19:37 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] ready for requests
2015/09/23 16:19:37 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [mouse] found card system nagra
2015/09/23 16:19:37 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/09/23 16:19:37 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2015/09/23 16:19:37 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] REV: R e v G C 6
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1830
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] active to: 2015/11/14 11:59
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] |8011|0064 |2010/01/28 |2011/01/29 |
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2011/07/29 |2015/10/11 |
2015/09/23 16:19:38 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/09/23 16:19:39 14DE1BAB r (reader) skyv14 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins76--
2015/09/23 16:19:40 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/09/23 16:19:40 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 56 emmcache records from /data/addon/oscam/oscam.emmcache in 20 ms
2015/09/23 16:19:40 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 53 emmstat records from /data/addon/oscam/oscam.emmstat in 14 ms
2015/09/23 16:19:40 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2015/09/23 16:19:40 059502B3 c (client) anonymous disconnected from 1x1
2015/09/23 16:19:40 47EAE172 c (client) encrypted cccam-client granted (dreambox, au=on (2 reader))
2015/09/23 16:19:40 1D66499F c (client) encrypted cccam-client 8x4 granted (erguen, au=on (1 reader))
2015/09/23 16:19:40 0F05ACDB c (client) encrypted cccam-client 8x4 granted (test1, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:40 36B0102B c (client) encrypted cccam-client 7x0 granted (schwester, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:40 2A450999 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2x9 granted (blach, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:40 2FDA0C4C c (client) encrypted cccam-client 9x8 granted (manuel, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:40 6EC52EB9 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 8x2 granted (recep, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:40 25D5B852 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 7x2 granted (dirks, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:40 086F6EB2 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1x9 granted (lukas, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:42 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:CF05CDA3D76532CBB54D822C039A3281): found (318 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:19:48 20E3E697 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1x1 granted (andreas, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:19:52 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:96D4CBB7AF6B58D2D8F7BBEFB74DF756): found (329 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:20:02 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:07B0B0E641E952327A786A3E54588DEF): found (330 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:20:12 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:B4923D529DD543EE2C00B66E03B2CEC7): found (323 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:20:22 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:CC82AA80375FDA6C3C9814BDBC07BEF1): found (323 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:20:32 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:FD2FFA519790DB53CD35CBB3F37B47AE): found (352 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:20:42 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:35622730CF3F6ACE9211C8659412AAEB): found (352 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:20:52 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:46AF550271C66D6B2D1D2B76300EED63): found (392 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:21:02 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:342973A449EA8C7F65A06064385EED66): found (353 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:21:12 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:26BFC143E14EE1A27DD6D70ED6DDFD8A): found (363 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:21:22 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:2B178C7D4A6C524442C63E1047ACAEFD): found (393 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:21:32 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:A2F7859AF9D0E9056434AA70A44F5B34): found (372 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:21:42 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:1DC947E519431297BF20F2FC6DD36A41): found (402 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:21:52 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:C99C3336BB37D2F790A65D0B4C7E2B12): found (417 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:02 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:5DCA39DA39339250FEB7EB8B1D36F126): found (428 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:12 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:50483FF969A6B780CE3798BEBCCCD5DD): found (433 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:22 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:656242F5E91BCF8D1EC3030DAAC2902D): found (423 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:32 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:89212073C8D9F63BC7BFD4010DEE8C44): found (493 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:42 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:338C9FF5B5F58550F9906FE3B63EE618): found (402 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:52 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:B4D63F0C997E0316CFB148F039A2EC98): found (500 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:22:56 50EBBA2F c (client) encrypted cccam-client 7x0 granted (schwester, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:23:02 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:F6307894A1B84850D6511B882DE48EB5): found (498 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:23:12 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:DF916DF15F6BF889AC146BA5DB2733E6): found (570 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:23:22 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:4BB4EC0D29856E1D99C0DBC4B41DE57D): found (563 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:23:24 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2015/09/23 16:23:24 01F5F4FF r (reader) hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command succesfull ifsc = 251
2015/09/23 16:23:32 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:0F2885A8A329124D91C1E4C4CD62D364): found (553 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:23:42 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:02DBB71DDA973F4B411D790A6EE7FD6A): found (492 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/09/23 16:23:48 2D457F6B c (client) encrypted cccam-client 8x0 granted (wolfgang, au=off)
2015/09/23 16:23:52 47EAE172 c (ecm) dreambox (1830@000000/0000/EF10/92:D290A6853282EDB6D356EF2BA82BD7D9): found (571 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD

komisch ist auch das ich bis zum welchsel auf v14 und auf die smartmouses absolut keine probleme hatte.. damals benutzte ich 2 smargos..

ich hab alles neu hier.. also einen zweiten hub. andere kabel usw.. nicht das ich sowas schon getestet hab... immer das selbe problem..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

sie sind beide jeweils in der easymouse

habe nun einfach mal die skyv14 karte direkt an die fb gesteckt ohne was dazwischen..

habe selbst die kabel schon auf 10cm gewechselt weil ich dachte da koennte das problem herkommen.

nun mal abwarten wie lange ich bild habe...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2

Die Fritte ist ingesamt für solche Sachen eher nicht geeignet. Gerade die älteren Modelle.
Die schafft i.d.R. den Fastmode nicht, der aber für V13 und V14 absolut nötig ist.
Gerade dann erforderlich, wenn mehere Clients über das I-Net kommen.

Wird der Reader an seine Grenze gebracht, dann bricht die Kommunikation zum Reader/Karte häufig mit eine I/O Error ab.

D.h. wenn du Ruhe haben willst, dann nutze z.B. einen Raspberry Pi, Pogo, Igel, oder auch einen Linuz-Receiver für diese Ausgaben.
Die Entscheidung liegt bei dir.
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2


habe die selben Probleme mit meiner Fritz 7270 V3...hatte eigentlich einen stabilen Server mit einem Smargo Kartenleser am laufen. Da dieser irgendwann den Geist aufgegeben hat hatte ich mir ne Smartmouse V2 Premium zugelegt...und bekomme nie eine stabile Verbindung hin. Immer fast zur selben Tageszeit bricht die Verbindung ab. Meine auch was im Log mit I/O Error gelesen zu haben. Also kann es sein das die V3 auch auf einmal überfordert ist ?!? Zumal die V3 zu V2 ja noch wesentlich besser für CS benutzbar ist.

Bin nun auch stark am überlegen ob ich das nicht versuche mit einem Raspberry Pi zu lösen....

Gruß X
AW: Readerausfall auf einer 7270v2


so nach langer abwesenheit und langem testen und hin und her habe ich folgendes herausgefunden..
mit der normalen zusammenstellung wie hier bereits beschrieben habe ich mehrmals am tag io fehler.. total willkuerlich und kein muster dahinter..
auch total egal welcher hub ob aktiv oder passiv usw usw..
dann habe ich den tip hier befolgt und habe einfach eine smartmouse direkt an die fritte gesteckt.. und sie da... tagelang ohne ausfall.. egal ob die v14 oder die hd01
beide laufen perfekt...
steck ich sie jedoch an ein hub war ein ausfall nach knapp 30min wieder da..

ich habe mir nun einen raspberry pi 2 besorgt eine sd karte und nun sitz ich hier.. davon habe ich ja absolut garkeine ahnung...

gibt es da schon irgendwo ein projekt oder vielleicht sogar fertige images ???

danke fuer die hilfe...