Leider ist mir vor ein paar Tagen, meine Festplatte komplett kaputt gegangen.
Habe dadurch meine ganzen Einstellungen für ProgDVB verloren.
Bin schon seid mehreren Tagen dran, SKY ORF zum laufen zu bekommen, aber es klappt einfach nicht.
HD+ bekomme ich zwar zum laufen.
Hier meine Einstellung, die ich zu Zeit nutze und herum Versuche.
Wenn ich ACamd Datei in den DVBViewer einstelle, dann geht alles, nur in ProgDVB nicht.
Würde gerne in ProgDVB weiter arbeiten.
Hätte da jemand eine Idee oder eine Tipp für mich, wo mein Fehler vielleicht liegt?
Was komisch ist, wenn ich ProgDVB installiere oder Programme suche, zeigt mir der Name vom Sender immer Lücken drin (zB "Sky Cine ma HD" , " Sky Cine ma+ 1 ")
Woran kann es liegen?
Hat jemand sonst eine Aktuelle Senderliste, für Astra?
Wäre sehr dankbar für Eure Hilfe oder Tipps.
Server Einstellung:
Newcamd525 ports:
D+ Spain
Port:20151 - 1810&000000
Canaal Digital, TV Vlaanderen
Port:20152 - 0100&00006A,00006C
Sky Deutschland HD
Port:20153 - 098C&000000
Port:20154 - 0D95&000004
MTV (Technisat)
Port:20155 - 0B00&000000
HD Plus (Deutschland)
Port:20158 - 1830&000000,008011
Habe dadurch meine ganzen Einstellungen für ProgDVB verloren.
Bin schon seid mehreren Tagen dran, SKY ORF zum laufen zu bekommen, aber es klappt einfach nicht.
HD+ bekomme ich zwar zum laufen.
Hier meine Einstellung, die ich zu Zeit nutze und herum Versuche.
Wenn ich ACamd Datei in den DVBViewer einstelle, dann geht alles, nur in ProgDVB nicht.
Würde gerne in ProgDVB weiter arbeiten.
Hätte da jemand eine Idee oder eine Tipp für mich, wo mein Fehler vielleicht liegt?
Was komisch ist, wenn ich ProgDVB installiere oder Programme suche, zeigt mir der Name vom Sender immer Lücken drin (zB "Sky Cine ma HD" , " Sky Cine ma+ 1 ")
Woran kann es liegen?
Hat jemand sonst eine Aktuelle Senderliste, für Astra?
Wäre sehr dankbar für Eure Hilfe oder Tipps.
Server Einstellung:
Newcamd525 ports:
D+ Spain
Port:20151 - 1810&000000
Canaal Digital, TV Vlaanderen
Port:20152 - 0100&00006A,00006C
Sky Deutschland HD
Port:20153 - 098C&000000
Port:20154 - 0D95&000004
MTV (Technisat)
Port:20155 - 0B00&000000
HD Plus (Deutschland)
Port:20158 - 1830&000000,008011
18:57:48.285: structloaders: registering loader keys
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd35
18:57:48.285: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 1000
18:57:48.285: structloaders: registering loader cardclient config
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient EmuBox03
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient GboxN
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient MboxN
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast
18:57:48.285: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 1001
18:57:48.285: feature: using feature SMARTCARD
18:57:48.285: registering Irdeto smartcard (id 49726474)
18:57:48.285: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 1002
18:57:48.286: registering Seca smartcard (id 53656361)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 1003
18:57:48.286: registering Viaccess smartcard (id 56696173)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Conax, pri -10, ident 1004
18:57:48.286: registering Conax smartcard (id 436f6e78)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Cryptoworks, pri -10, ident 1005
18:57:48.286: registering Cryptoworks smartcard (id 4372576f)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Nagra, pri -10, ident 1006
18:57:48.286: registering Nagra smartcard (id 4e616772)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-NDS, pri -10, ident 1007
18:57:48.286: registering NDS smartcard (id 56694732)
18:57:48.287: ACamd v0.6.0.3
18:57:48.287: structloaders: registering loader smartcard data
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:1810 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:1830 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:0B00 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:0D95 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:098C Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1833 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1702 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1722 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1833 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1834 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09AF Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09C4 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09C7 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1861 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1837 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0648 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09C4 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0650 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0D98 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0500 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1836 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Engine MD-API
18:57:48.327: loading smartcard data from G:\ProgDVB\Plugins\Acamd\smartcard.conf
18:57:48.327: loaded 9 smartcard data from G:\ProgDVB\Plugins\Acamd\smartcard.conf
18:57:48.327: loading cardclient config from G:\ProgDVB\Plugins\Acamd\cardclient.conf
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20151 emm=0 emmCaids 1810/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20152 emm=0 emmCaids 0100/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20153 emm=0 emmCaids 098c/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20154 emm=0 emmCaids 0d95/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20155 emm=0 emmCaids 0b00/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=serv14.net port=20158 emm=0 emmCaids 1830/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20151 emm=0 emmCaids 1810/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20152 emm=0 emmCaids 0100/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20153 emm=0 emmCaids 098c/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20154 emm=0 emmCaids 0d95/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20155 emm=0 emmCaids 0b00/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20158 emm=0 emmCaids 1830/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: ** registered systems:
18:57:48.328: ** SC-NDS (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Nagra (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Cryptoworks (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Conax (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Viaccess (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Seca (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Irdeto (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** Cardclient (pri -15)
18:57:48.328: no smartcard interface defined!
18:57:49.570: Ch: 107 - Discovery Channel
18:57:49.570: Programm crc: CF3E8F62
18:57:49.570: PMT: ACamd_PMT.txt, search, not found PMT=006B (AND SID=000E)
18:57:49.757: Incomming PackageSize [184]
18:57:49.849: I: 1702:00000000
18:57:49.849: I: 1833:00000000
18:57:49.849: I: 09C4:00000000
18:57:49.849: I: 09AF:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 1702:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 1833:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 1836:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 09C4:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 09AF:00000000
18:57:49.906: Auto search...18:57:49.906: P: 098C:00000000
18:57:49.906: P: 098C:00000000
, not found...
18:57:49.906: 0x006B 0x000E 0x098C 0x00000000 0x1A20 0x1008 11110000
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Camd35
18:57:48.285: systems: registering CA system Cardclient, pri -15, ident 1000
18:57:48.285: structloaders: registering loader cardclient config
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient EmuBox03
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Gbox
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient GboxN
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient MboxN
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Newcamd
18:57:48.285: cardclients: registering cardclient Radegast
18:57:48.285: systems: registering CA system SC-Irdeto, pri -10, ident 1001
18:57:48.285: feature: using feature SMARTCARD
18:57:48.285: registering Irdeto smartcard (id 49726474)
18:57:48.285: systems: registering CA system SC-Seca, pri -10, ident 1002
18:57:48.286: registering Seca smartcard (id 53656361)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Viaccess, pri -10, ident 1003
18:57:48.286: registering Viaccess smartcard (id 56696173)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Conax, pri -10, ident 1004
18:57:48.286: registering Conax smartcard (id 436f6e78)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Cryptoworks, pri -10, ident 1005
18:57:48.286: registering Cryptoworks smartcard (id 4372576f)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-Nagra, pri -10, ident 1006
18:57:48.286: registering Nagra smartcard (id 4e616772)
18:57:48.286: systems: registering CA system SC-NDS, pri -10, ident 1007
18:57:48.286: registering NDS smartcard (id 56694732)
18:57:48.287: ACamd v0.6.0.3
18:57:48.287: structloaders: registering loader smartcard data
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:1810 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:1830 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:0B00 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:0D95 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Preferred: CAID:098C Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1833 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1702 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1722 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1833 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1834 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09AF Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09C4 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09C7 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1861 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1837 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0648 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:09C4 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0650 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0D98 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:0500 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Ignore: CAID:1836 Provider:00000000
18:57:48.327: Engine MD-API
18:57:48.327: loading smartcard data from G:\ProgDVB\Plugins\Acamd\smartcard.conf
18:57:48.327: loaded 9 smartcard data from G:\ProgDVB\Plugins\Acamd\smartcard.conf
18:57:48.327: loading cardclient config from G:\ProgDVB\Plugins\Acamd\cardclient.conf
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20151 emm=0 emmCaids 1810/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20152 emm=0 emmCaids 0100/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20153 emm=0 emmCaids 098c/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20154 emm=0 emmCaids 0d95/ffff
18:57:48.327: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.327: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.327: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.327: hostname=serv14.net port=20155 emm=0 emmCaids 0b00/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=serv14.net port=20158 emm=0 emmCaids 1830/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20151 emm=0 emmCaids 1810/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20152 emm=0 emmCaids 0100/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20153 emm=0 emmCaids 098c/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20154 emm=0 emmCaids 0d95/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20155 emm=0 emmCaids 0b00/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: now using protocol version 525 (cdLen=8)
18:57:48.328: hostname=srv196.com port=20158 emm=0 emmCaids 1830/ffff
18:57:48.328: Newcamd: username=xxx password=xxx key=0102030405060708091011121314 providers=none
18:57:48.328: client 'Newcamd' ready
18:57:48.328: ** registered systems:
18:57:48.328: ** SC-NDS (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Nagra (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Cryptoworks (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Conax (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Viaccess (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Seca (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** SC-Irdeto (pri -10)
18:57:48.328: ** Cardclient (pri -15)
18:57:48.328: no smartcard interface defined!
18:57:49.570: Ch: 107 - Discovery Channel
18:57:49.570: Programm crc: CF3E8F62
18:57:49.570: PMT: ACamd_PMT.txt, search, not found PMT=006B (AND SID=000E)
18:57:49.757: Incomming PackageSize [184]
18:57:49.849: I: 1702:00000000
18:57:49.849: I: 1833:00000000
18:57:49.849: I: 09C4:00000000
18:57:49.849: I: 09AF:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 1702:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 1833:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 1836:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 09C4:00000000
18:57:49.906: I: 09AF:00000000
18:57:49.906: Auto search...18:57:49.906: P: 098C:00000000
18:57:49.906: P: 098C:00000000
, not found...
18:57:49.906: 0x006B 0x000E 0x098C 0x00000000 0x1A20 0x1008 11110000
# When use a sample line remove first char #
# Index PMT & SID, When same entries then name is add to index
#0501,1F42,0100,00000080,0633,0000,C CINEMA EMOTION (fra)
# [P] Preferred
# Same CAID is possible, the higer line and with a providerid is prefered.
# When zero provider-id then preferred caid
# CAID Provider Name
#P:0100:00000000:caid only
#P:0100:0000006A:caid and provider
# Ignore
# CAID Provider Name
# [R] Rename from to
# CAID Provider CAID Provider Name
# [A] Rename from to (after search)
# CAID Provider CAID Provider Name
# A:1833:00000000:1702:00000000:HD-Mapping
# [F] Filter PMT data, minimal 1 byte, max 49 bytes
# CAID Filterdata Name
#F:0100:006CFF: Filter all 006C
#F:0100:006AFFFF: Filter Canal Digital 6A Seca3
#F:0622:09040622: Filter Irdeto 2
# Sample
#P:0100:0000006Areferred Canal Digital
#I:0622:00000000:Ignore Canal Digital Irdeto
#I:0100:0000006B:Ignore Canal Digital 6B
#I:0100:0000006C:Ignore Canal Digital 6C
#I:0100:0000006D:Ignore Canal Digital 6D
#F:0100:006AFF00:Filter Canal Digital 6A Seca2
#F:0100:006AFFFF:Filter Canal Digital 6A Seca3
P:1810:00000000:caid only
P:1830:00000000:caid only
P:0B00:00000000:caid only
P:0D95:00000000:caid only
P:098C:00000000:caid and provider
I:1833:00000000:caid only
I:1702:00000000:caid only
# Index PMT & SID, When same entries then name is add to index
#0501,1F42,0100,00000080,0633,0000,C CINEMA EMOTION (fra)
# [P] Preferred
# Same CAID is possible, the higer line and with a providerid is prefered.
# When zero provider-id then preferred caid
# CAID Provider Name
#P:0100:00000000:caid only
#P:0100:0000006A:caid and provider
# Ignore
# CAID Provider Name
# [R] Rename from to
# CAID Provider CAID Provider Name
# [A] Rename from to (after search)
# CAID Provider CAID Provider Name
# A:1833:00000000:1702:00000000:HD-Mapping
# [F] Filter PMT data, minimal 1 byte, max 49 bytes
# CAID Filterdata Name
#F:0100:006CFF: Filter all 006C
#F:0100:006AFFFF: Filter Canal Digital 6A Seca3
#F:0622:09040622: Filter Irdeto 2
# Sample
#P:0100:0000006Areferred Canal Digital
#I:0622:00000000:Ignore Canal Digital Irdeto
#I:0100:0000006B:Ignore Canal Digital 6B
#I:0100:0000006C:Ignore Canal Digital 6C
#I:0100:0000006D:Ignore Canal Digital 6D
#F:0100:006AFF00:Filter Canal Digital 6A Seca2
#F:0100:006AFFFF:Filter Canal Digital 6A Seca3
P:1810:00000000:caid only
P:1830:00000000:caid only
P:0B00:00000000:caid only
P:0D95:00000000:caid only
P:098C:00000000:caid and provider
I:1833:00000000:caid only
I:1702:00000000:caid only