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Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!


Ist gelegentlich hier
7. Dezember 2010
Hallo zusammen,
ich hab folgendes Problem, ggf. ist das einem von euch ja bekannt, oder ihr habt Lösungsansütze:

Zunächstm zu meinem system:
- Debian 8 VM auf einem ESXi Server
- Smargo Reader mit ner HD02
- PCSC Reader mit ner V13 (vollabo)
- IPC 11.5
- OsCam
- IPv6 benötigt, da DSLite Anschluss

Ich hatte die OsCam r10680 laufen, wollte aber ne höhere Version um den Payload im WIF auslesen zu können.
Frage 1: Kann mir jmd. sagen, ab welcher Version das fehlerfrei funktioniert?

Ich hatte über das IPC WIF eine neue OsCam compiliert, allerdings funktioniert da dann der IPv6 support nicht mehr. Ich hab es mehrfach versucht, das Häckchen ist drin, aber unter der Versionsinfo steht immer IPv6 support: no..
Habe dann alternativ über die Shell mit o compile versucht, da geht der IPv6 support, aber der PCSC Reader funzte nimmer, wurde nicht mit eingebaut.
Nach einigen reboots und langem hin und her hab wollte ich dann eine ältere Version kompilieren, onnte aber in der Shell keine 5 stellige Zahl angeben, das Script ging dann auch ungütlige Eingabe. Ich hab dann das neuste compile script (v1.30 ??) aus dem Netz gezogen, welchen auch 5 stellige Versionsnummern akzeptierte. Nach weiterem Hin und Her und eig nichts anders gemacht als vorher, hatte er mit die neuste Version gebaut, Reader ging auch, IPv6 Support war an, aber alle Clients wurden nach 1-2 sec automatisch wieder disconnceted.
Letztlich hab ich ein Downgrad auf r9989 gemacht, damit läuft es jetzt wieder stabil, aber eben ohne Payload Anzeige.

Habt ihr ne Idee, wo die Fehler beim kompilieren her kommen?

Ich würde es eben gern nochmal versuchen eine Verison zu bauen, welchen die payload anzeige drin hat, aber nicht 11xxx ist, da diese offensichtlich mit IPv6 nicht klar kommen. Bei Versionen mit 10xxx geht das zumindest mal.

Danke euch!
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Hab ich doch?
Das meinte ich mit Shell, sprich über putty auf die kiste und dann o compile, aber da fehlt dann der PCSC support....
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Das kannst du doch alles einstellen, wenn du danach gefragt wirst. Bei Select category
Hab bei mir nichst abgewählt
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Hi, du solltest die pcsc Module noch installieren und dannach nochmal compilieren.
Die neuen Versionen von oscam machen keine Probleme mit pcsc und auch nicht mit ipv6
apt-get update && apt-get install pcscd build-essential libssl-dev libpcsclite-dev mercurial cvs subversion libncurses-dev
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!


also ich habe das gerade mal auf meinem ESXer nachgestellt (Ausgabe von "o compile", aktuelle Oscam-Version, alles "angetaggert"):

You have selected the following components:

WEBIF : on
TOUCH : on
WITH_LB : on



Card readers:

Bereite 64bit Kompilierung vor..

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- pthread found. Adding pthread support
-- Looking for openssl/aes.h
-- Looking for openssl/aes.h - found
status SSL is added by config file Y compiling with ssl included
-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so (found version "1.0.1k")
-- openssl found.
-- Looking for time.h
-- Looking for time.h - found
-- librt found (needed by libusb).
-- Looking for libusb-1.0/libusb.h
-- Looking for libusb-1.0/libusb.h - found
-- Looking for libusb-1.0/libusb.h
-- Looking for libusb-1.0/libusb.h - found
-- libusb 1.0 found (libusb-1.0.so) Adding smartreader support
-- Looking for PCSC/wintypes.h
-- Looking for PCSC/wintypes.h - found
-- PCSC headers found (/usr/include/PCSC). Adding PCSC support

HOSTCC webif/pages_gen
GEN webif/pages.c
GEN Compressed 396448 template bytes into 166206 bytes. 230242 saved bytes (58.08%).
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Utils: operating system: Linux
-- Utils: target system: x86_64-linux-gnu
-- utils use system libusb functions
-- operating system: Linux
-- target system: x86_64-linux-gnu
-- revision: 11194
-- use system libcrypto functions
-- use system pcsc functions
-- use system pthread functions
-- use system libusb functions
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/compile/oscam-svn/build_dir

Folgendes kompilieren kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen...

Druecken Sie bitte <Enter> um fortzufahren...
Scanning dependencies of target csmodules
[ 1%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-radegast.o
[ 2%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-webif-tpl.o
[ 3%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi-azbox.o
[ 4%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-ghttp.o
[ 4%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi.o
[ 5%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi-stapi.o
[ 6%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-cw-cycle-check.o
[ 7%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-camd33.o
[ 8%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi-mca.o
[ 8%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-ird-guess.o
[ 9%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-webif-lib.o
[ 10%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-newcamd-des.o
[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-stat.o
[ 12%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-lcd.o
[ 12%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-gbox-sms.o
[ 13%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-newcamd.o
[ 14%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-serial.o
[ 15%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-camd35-cacheex.o
[ 16%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-cccam-cacheex.o
[ 16%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-led.o
[ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi-chancache.o
[ 18%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-gbox.o
[ 19%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-webif.o
[ 20%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-gbox-cards.o
[ 21%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-scam.o
[ 21%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-camd35.o
[ 22%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-gbox-helper.o
[ 23%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-cccam.o
[ 24%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi-coolapi.o
[ 25%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-monitor.o
[ 25%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-csp.o
[ 26%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-constcw.o
[ 27%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-cccshare.o
[ 28%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-dvbapi-stapi5.o
[ 29%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-cacheex.o
[ 29%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-anticasc.o
[ 30%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/module-pandora.o
[ 31%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csmodules.dir/webif/pages.o
Linking C static library libcsmodules.a
[ 31%] Built target csmodules
Scanning dependencies of target svnversion-log
[ 31%] Built target svnversion-log
Scanning dependencies of target csoscam
[ 32%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-conf.o
[ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-array.o
[ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-log.o
[ 34%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-config-reader.o
[ 35%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-cache.o
[ 36%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-conf-chk.o
[ 37%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-lock.o
[ 37%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-log-reader.o
[ 38%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-client.o
[ 39%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-chk.o
[ 40%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-aes.o
[ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-llist.o
[ 41%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-emm-cache.o
[ 42%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-simples.o
[ 43%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-config.o
[ 44%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-hashtable.o
[ 45%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-conf-mk.o
[ 46%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-net.o
[ 46%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-work.o
[ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-ecm.o
[ 48%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-string.o
[ 49%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-config-global.o
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-reader.o
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-config-account.o
[ 51%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-emm.o
[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-files.o
[ 53%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-time.o
[ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-failban.o
[ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/oscam-garbage.o
[ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csoscam.dir/config.o
Linking C static library libcsoscam.a
[ 55%] Built target csoscam
Scanning dependencies of target csreaders
[ 56%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-dgcrypt.o
[ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-conax.o
[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-griffin.o
[ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-videoguard-common.o
[ 59%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-cryptoworks.o
[ 60%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-videoguard2.o
[ 61%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-videoguard12.o
[ 62%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-nagra.o
[ 62%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-videoguard1.o
[ 63%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-tongfang.o
[ 64%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-viaccess.o
[ 65%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-seca.o
[ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-dre.o
[ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-bulcrypt.o
[ 67%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-common.o
[ 68%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csreaders.dir/reader-irdeto.o
Linking C static library libcsreaders.a
[ 68%] Built target csreaders
Scanning dependencies of target svnversion
[ 68%] Built target svnversion
Scanning dependencies of target minilzo
[ 69%] Building C object minilzo/CMakeFiles/minilzo.dir/minilzo.o
Linking C static library libminilzo.a
[ 69%] Built target minilzo
Scanning dependencies of target csctapi
[ 69%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_mp35.o
[ 70%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/io_serial.o
[ 71%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_azbox.o
[ 72%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/protocol_t1.o
[ 73%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/protocol_t0.o
[ 73%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_stapi.o
[ 74%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_sci.o
[ 75%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_stinger.o
[ 76%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_phoenix.o
[ 77%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_smartreader.o
[ 78%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/icc_async.o
[ 78%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_db2com.o
[ 79%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_sc8in1.o
[ 80%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/atr.o
[ 81%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_cool.o
[ 82%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_pcsc.o
[ 82%] Building C object csctapi/CMakeFiles/csctapi.dir/ifd_smargo.o
Linking C static library libcsctapi.a
[ 82%] Built target csctapi
Scanning dependencies of target cscrypt
[ 82%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/rc6.o
[ 83%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_sqr.o
[ 84%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/mem.o
[ 85%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_mul.o
[ 86%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_print.o
[ 86%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/des.o
[ 87%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/aes.o
[ 88%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_add.o
[ 89%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_div.o
[ 90%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_asm.o
[ 90%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/i_cbc.o
[ 91%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_shift.o
[ 92%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/sha1.o
[ 93%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_word.o
[ 94%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_lib.o
[ 94%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/md5.o
[ 95%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/i_skey.o
[ 96%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_ctx.o
[ 97%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/bn_exp.o
[ 98%] Building C object cscrypt/CMakeFiles/cscrypt.dir/i_ecb.o
Linking C static library libcscrypt.a
[ 98%] Built target cscrypt
Scanning dependencies of target oscam
[ 99%] Building C object CMakeFiles/oscam.dir/oscam.o
Linking C executable oscam
[ 99%] Built target oscam
Scanning dependencies of target list_smargo
[100%] Building C object utils/CMakeFiles/list_smargo.dir/list_smargo.o
Linking C executable list_smargo
[100%] Built target list_smargo

Die neue oscam.x86_64 befindet sich in /var/emu/oscam/

Neue oscam-svn build 11194 erfolgreich erstellt!


Soll OScam jetzt neu gestartet werden?
[J]a | []Nein


Fertig! ;-)

root@IPC ~ > ~

So schaut das aus:

Du musst angemeldet sein, um Bilder zu sehen.

Funktioniert einwandfrei, ich musste auch keine Pakete wie vorgeschlagen von @Osprey nachinstallieren.

AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Also, habs jetzt gerade nchmal durch getestet.
Über Putty zu compilieren funktioniert nun, incl PCSC und IPv6 support.
ABER: Alle Versionen, welche ich getestet hab, beginnend mit 11xxx laufen nicht mit IPv6. Die clients connecten und werden nach 1-2 sec disconnected.

Nutze ich eine ältere Version, z.B. 9989 oder 10680 oder 10998 passiert dies nicht.
Habe jetzt mind 5 versch. 11er Versionen probiert, aber immer das gleiche Problem... Allmählich bin ich ratlos was das sein kann.
Leider wird bei der 10998 der Payload nicht angezeigt. Das feld ist zwar da, aber der Inhalt ist leer. Bei der 11er Versionen funktioniert die Anzeige, nützt mich aber auch ncohts, wenn die clients nimmer funktionieren....
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

OK, das kann ich leider nicht "reproduzieren", da kein IPv6-Anschluss.

Gibt hier aber sicher ein paar Profis, die weiterhelfen können.

Mal rein interessehalber, wieso IPC in einer VM? Ein Raspberry, Igel etc. tuts doch auch?

AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Müsste an der VM liegen das Problem. Bei mir am Server oscam 11189 sind die ipv6 connected ohne Abrüche.
LG Osprey

Gesendet von meinem SM-T535 mit Tapatalk
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Sicher würds ein rpi auch tun, aber da ich nen ESXi so oder so laufen hab, da ich auch andere Severdienste hoste, kann eben auch gleich mein OSCam da mit drauf laufen ;)

Ich glaub nicht, dass es an der VM liegt, da es mit den tieferen Versionen ja absolut problemlos und stabil läuft. Nur die neuen machen Probleme und ich kann mir ja nicht vorstellen, dass diese mit einer VM auf einmal nicht mehr klar kommen?!
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!


hier ist das reine Testgeschichte, ESXi.

Poste doch mal ein Log von dem Fehler von Version >11bla
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

Hab gerade die neuste revision compiliert, debug auf max und hier mal das log:

>> OSCam << cardserver log switched at Sat Dec 5 13:21:44 2015
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r11196 (i586-linux-gnu)
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) Host name = xxx
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.16.0-4-686-pae
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6 (2015-11-09)
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) Machine = i686
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 20207
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 3 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 7 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (config) 13 provid's loaded
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (config) 173 service-id's loaded in 0 ms
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (config) 61 tier-id's loaded
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=xxx, prio=1)
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] creating thread for device 0
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] creating thread for device Serial:Reader xxxxx
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (stat) loadbalancer: could not open /tmp/.oscam/stat for reading (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2015/12/05 13:21:44 00000000 s (main) waiting for local card init
2015/12/05 13:21:44 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Reader initialized (device=0, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2015/12/05 13:21:44 3B3C520F h (webif) webif: decompressed 164742 bytes back into 393024 bytes
2015/12/05 13:21:44 3B3C520F h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip=:: port=xxxx
2015/12/05 13:21:44 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] Reader initialized (device=Serial:Reader xxxxx, detect=cd, mhz= AUTO, cardmhz=343)
2015/12/05 13:21:45 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] card detected
2015/12/05 13:21:45 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] PCSC was opened with handle: 190380340
2015/12/05 13:21:45 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] card detected
2015/12/05 13:21:45 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] ATR: xxx
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Card type: P1TV
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Rom version: 10A7
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 11 to 15
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] found card system videoguard2
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/12/05 13:21:46 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4)
2015/12/05 13:21:47 75667E4C r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] creating thread for device 0
2015/12/05 13:21:47 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] Reader initialized (device=0, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2015/12/05 13:21:48 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] PCSC was opened with handle: 1646306057
2015/12/05 13:21:48 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/12/05 13:21:48 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] ATR: xxx
2015/12/05 13:21:48 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] ATR: xxx
2015/12/05 13:21:48 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/12/05 13:21:48 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] Calculated work ETU is 5.99 us reader mhz = 534
2015/12/05 13:21:48 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] Exxxxtive reader settings mhz =534 F= 512 D= 16 N=0 T=1 inv=1 parity=ODD
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Card type: P1TV
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Rom version: 10A7
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] FuseByte: 25
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Region Code: 00BO0102
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Country Code: DEU
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] Pincode read: xxxx
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] ready for requests
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [pcsc] found card system videoguard2
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- af ---|-- af2c --| 2015/10/25-01:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:49 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 27 ---|-- 2710 --| 2012/12/01-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:49 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to ATR Fsmax for smartreader cardspeed of 5.34 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/12/05 13:21:49 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 28
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0037 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Starter (1)
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0038 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Starter (2)
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 003a --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Entertain SD/HD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 003b --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Pro7FUN HD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 003c --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Cinema SD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 003d --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Kabel1Classics
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 003e --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Cinema HD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0065 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0066 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky HD Bundesliga Fanzone
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0067 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] detect native nagra card
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0068 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0069 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006a --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006b --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006f --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0070 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0071 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0072 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0073 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0074 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0075 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0077 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 |
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Sport SD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0081 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Bundesliga SD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Beate-Uhse.tv
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e4 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Bundesliga HD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Sport HD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Blue Movie (Info, 1-3)
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky Blue Movie HD
2015/12/05 13:21:50 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2016/01/30-00:01:00 | Sky AT/DE / 19.2E / de
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] ready for requests
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [smartreader] found card system nagra
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] REV: R e v G C 6
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] CAID: 1830
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] active to: 2016/01/25 11:59
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/12/26 |2016/01/31 |
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] |8011|0064 |2011/02/02 |2012/02/03 |
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2015/12/05 13:21:51 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/12/05 13:21:52 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins76--
2015/12/05 13:21:53 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/12/05 13:21:53 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 24 emmcache records from /var/etc/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2015/12/05 13:21:53 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 101 emmstat records from /var/etc/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2015/12/05 13:21:53 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
2015/12/05 13:21:53 11C2F46A c (client) anonymous disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:21:53 51CC17A6 c (client) anonymous disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:21:53 7F6D85F9 c (client) encrypted cccam-client xxxx:4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:21:59 69490E59 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:21:59 345CF438 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:22:03 3B3C520F h (webif) all debug_level=65535
2015/12/05 13:22:03 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:04 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:04 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:04 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=19
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:04 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:04 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:04 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:05 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:05 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=18
2015/12/05 13:22:05 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:05 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] write to cardreader
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (reader) D1 5C 00 00 04
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] IO: sending 5 bytes to PCSC : D1 5C 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:05 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] IO: received 6 bytes from PCSC with rv=0 : 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:05 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] IO: PCSC doapi (0 ) (T=0), 6
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:06 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:06 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:06 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=17
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:06 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:06 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:06 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:06 7F6D85F9 c (work) add client job action 26 queue length 1 xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:06 7F6D85F9 c (cccam) ccc idle xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:06 7F6D85F9 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: keepalive after maxidle is reached
2015/12/05 13:22:06 7F6D85F9 c (client) xxx disconnected from xxxx:4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:22:06 7F6D85F9 c (main) thread B7151B40 ended!
2015/12/05 13:22:06 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:07 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:07 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:07 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=16
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:07 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:07 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:07 7F6D85F9 c (cccam) exit cccam1/3
2015/12/05 13:22:07 7F6D85F9 c (cccam) exit cccam2/3
2015/12/05 13:22:07 7F6D85F9 c (cccam) exit cccam3/3
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 s (main) [OSCAM] new event 1 occurred on fd 6 after 3774 ms inactivity
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 s (work) start client thread action 25
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 s (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:07 00000000 s (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (work) data from add_job action=25 client c anonymous
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: new connection from xxxx:4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) send ccc checksum
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) receive ccc checksum
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) ccc username received xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) ccc passwdhash received xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (client) encrypted cccam-client xxxx:4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) ccc user authenticated xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: send ack:
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 43 43 63 61 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: cli data:
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 76 00 00 5D 63 73 6A 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 61 BD F9 D6 D2 8F 4E
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 01 32 2E 33 2E 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 33 33 36 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: client 'xxx' (3761BDF9D6D28F4E) running v2.3.0 (3367)
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 76 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) ccc send srv_data xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: send server data
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: auto build set for version: 2.3.0 build: 3367
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: version: 2.3.0, build: 3367 nodeid: 3761BDF9D6D28F4E
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 76 08 00 48 06 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 41 32 2E 33 2E
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33 36 37
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:07 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:08 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:08 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:08 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=15
2015/12/05 13:22:08 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:08 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:08 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:08 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: extended sid mode activated
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) ccc send cards xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (work) add client job action 28 queue length 1 xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (work) add client job action 28 queue length 2 xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) reported 2 cards for xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) ccc connected and waiting for data xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 76 0F 01 53 00 00 00 64 00 01 00 00 09 C4 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 96 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 2A 0F DA 00 39 00 25 00 15 00 18 00 0E
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 1C 00 1A 00 10 02 06 00 16 00 13 00 A8 00 0C
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 0D 00 26 00 1D 00 1B 2E FE 12 5D 00 17 00 34
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 11 00 24 00 32 01 93 01 94 01 91 00 22 00 7F
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 7D 00 82 00 8A 00 80 00 84 00 7C 00 76 00 71
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 70 00 6A 00 8C 00 6E 00 89 00 6C 00 7E 00 88
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 7B 00 65 00 90 00 0A 00 0B 00 2B 00 09 00 08
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 14 02 04 00 19 00 29 02 03 00 21 44 62 01 95
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 74 00 6B 00 6F 00 83 00 73 00 86 00 87 00 1E
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 DD 00 DE 01 07 01 11 01 1B 01 25 01 2F 01 39
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 43 01 4D 00 FD 00 6D 00 81 00 72 01 0C 01 16
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 20 01 2A 01 34 01 3E 01 48 01 52 01 02 00 7A
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 77 01 0E 01 18 01 22 01 2C 01 36 01 40 01 4A
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 54 01 04 01 35 00 8F 00 DF 01 06 01 10 01 1A
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 24 01 2E 01 38 01 42 01 4C 00 FC 00 66 00 69
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 0B 01 15 01 1F 01 29 01 33 01 3D 01 47 01 51
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 01 02 01 01 59 01 63 01 6D 00 79 00 12 00 FB
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 01 05 01 0F 01 19 01 23 01 2D 01 37 01 41 01 4B
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 FE 01 4E 00 78 01 92 00 8E 00 75 32 5F 01 06
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 41
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 76 0F 00 63 00 00 00 65 00 02 00 00 18 30 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 17 00 00 34 11 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 11 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) EF 10 EF 11 EF 14 15 81 EF 15 EF 74 EF 75 EF 76
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) EF 77 52 73 52 74 15 19 27 7E 2E 9B 15 1A 15 7F
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) EF 78 15 7C 27 74 2E AF 27 77 30 D4 00 02 01 06
2015/12/05 13:22:08 72583636 c (cccam) 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 41
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:09 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:09 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:09 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=14
2015/12/05 13:22:09 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:09 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:09 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:09 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:10 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:10 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:10 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=13
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:10 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:10 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:10 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:10 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:11 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:11 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:11 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=12
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:11 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:11 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:11 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:12 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:12 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:12 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=11
2015/12/05 13:22:12 69490E59 c (work) add client job action 26 queue length 1 Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:12 69490E59 c (cccam) ccc idle Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:12 69490E59 c (cccam) cccam(s) Xxx: keepalive after maxidle is reached
2015/12/05 13:22:12 69490E59 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:22:12 69490E59 c (main) thread B7178B40 ended!
2015/12/05 13:22:12 345CF438 c (work) add client job action 26 queue length 1 xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:12 345CF438 c (cccam) ccc idle xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:12 345CF438 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: keepalive after maxidle is reached
2015/12/05 13:22:12 345CF438 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:22:12 345CF438 c (main) thread B715EB40 ended!
2015/12/05 13:22:12 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:12 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:12 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:12 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:13 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=10
2015/12/05 13:22:13 69490E59 c (cccam) exit cccam1/3
2015/12/05 13:22:13 69490E59 c (cccam) exit cccam2/3
2015/12/05 13:22:13 69490E59 c (cccam) exit cccam3/3
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (main) [OSCAM] new event 1 occurred on fd 6 after 232 ms inactivity
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (work) start client thread action 25
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (work) data from add_job action=25 client c anonymous
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: new connection from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) send ccc checksum
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) receive ccc checksum
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) ccc username received Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) ccc passwdhash received Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) ccc user authenticated Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: send ack:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 43 43 63 61 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: cli data:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 18 00 00 5D 4F 67 67 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 CB F9 75 7E 93 38 05
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 32 2E 33 2E 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 33 33 36 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam(s) Xxx: client 'Xxx' (80CBF9757E933805) running v2.3.0 (3367)
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 18 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) ccc send srv_data Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: send server data
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: auto build set for version: 2.3.0 build: 3367
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam(s) Xxx: version: 2.3.0, build: 3367 nodeid: 80CBF9757E933805
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 18 08 00 48 06 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 40 32 2E 33 2E
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33 36 37
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 345CF438 c (cccam) exit cccam1/3
2015/12/05 13:22:13 345CF438 c (cccam) exit cccam2/3
2015/12/05 13:22:13 345CF438 c (cccam) exit cccam3/3
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (main) [OSCAM] new event 1 occurred on fd 6 after 9 ms inactivity
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (work) start client thread action 25
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 s (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (work) data from add_job action=25 client c anonymous
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: new connection from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) send ccc checksum
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) receive ccc checksum
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) ccc username received xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) ccc passwdhash received xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) ccc user authenticated xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: send ack:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 43 43 63 61 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: cli data:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) F5 00 00 5D 70 61 70 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6F C0 8F F1 41 83 2F 98
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 01 32 2E 33 2E 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 33 33 36 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: client 'xxx' (6FC08FF141832F98) running v2.3.0 (3367)
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) F5 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) ccc send srv_data xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: send server data
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: auto build set for version: 2.3.0 build: 3367
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: version: 2.3.0, build: 3367 nodeid: 6FC08FF141832F98
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) F5 08 00 48 06 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 40 32 2E 33 2E
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33 36 37
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 6EC174E4 c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:13 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:13 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:13 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:13 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:14 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:14 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:14 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:14 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:14 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:14 00000000 (cccam) share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=9
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam(s) Xxx: extended sid mode activated
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) ccc send cards Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (work) add client job action 28 queue length 1 Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (work) add client job action 28 queue length 2 Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) reported 2 cards for Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) ccc connected and waiting for data Xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) cccam: send:
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 18 0F 01 53 00 00 00 64 00 01 00 00 09 C4 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 35 03 BA 01 96 00 00 00 00 00 35
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 03 00 00 2A 0F DA 00 39 00 25 00 15 00 18 00 0E
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 1C 00 1A 00 10 02 06 00 16 00 13 00 A8 00 0C
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 0D 00 26 00 1D 00 1B 2E FE 12 5D 00 17 00 34
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 11 00 24 00 32 01 93 01 94 01 91 00 22 00 7F
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 7D 00 82 00 8A 00 80 00 84 00 7C 00 76 00 71
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 70 00 6A 00 8C 00 6E 00 89 00 6C 00 7E 00 88
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 7B 00 65 00 90 00 0A 00 0B 00 2B 00 09 00 08
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 14 02 04 00 19 00 29 02 03 00 21 44 62 01 95
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 74 00 6B 00 6F 00 83 00 73 00 86 00 87 00 1E
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 DD 00 DE 01 07 01 11 01 1B 01 25 01 2F 01 39
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 43 01 4D 00 FD 00 6D 00 81 00 72 01 0C 01 16
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 20 01 2A 01 34 01 3E 01 48 01 52 01 02 00 7A
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 77 01 0E 01 18 01 22 01 2C 01 36 01 40 01 4A
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 54 01 04 01 35 00 8F 00 DF 01 06 01 10 01 1A
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 24 01 2E 01 38 01 42 01 4C 00 FC 00 66 00 69
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 0B 01 15 01 1F 01 29 01 33 01 3D 01 47 01 51
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 01 02 01 01 59 01 63 01 6D 00 79 00 12 00 FB
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 01 05 01 0F 01 19 01 23 01 2D 01 37 01 41 01 4B
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 FE 01 4E 00 78 01 92 00 8E 00 75 32 5F 01 06
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 40
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 18 0F 00 63 00 00 00 65 00 02 00 00 18 30 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 48 EA 6E 10 03 17 00 00 34 11 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 11 00 00 00 00
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) EF 10 EF 11 EF 14 15 81 EF 15 EF 74 EF 75 EF 76
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) EF 77 52 73 52 74 15 19 27 7E 2E 9B 15 1A 15 7F
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) EF 78 15 7C 27 74 2E AF 27 77 30 D4 00 02 01 06
2015/12/05 13:22:14 5035AF9C c (cccam) 9C 3D 1D 10 00 13 40
2015/12/05 13:22:14 6EC174E4 c (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
2015/12/05 13:22:14 6EC174E4 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: extended sid mode activated
2015/12/05 13:22:14 6EC174E4 c (cccam) ccc send cards xxx

Mit niedrigerem debuglevel sieht das dann so aus:

2015/12/05 13:22:30 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:30 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:30 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:30 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:30 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:30 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:30 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:31 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:31 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:31 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:31 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:31 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:31 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:32 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:32 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:32 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:32 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:32 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:32 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:32 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:33 618BFF85 r (reader) SkyV13 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:33 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:33 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/12/05 13:22:33 3B3C520F h (webif) all debug_level=65531
2015/12/05 13:22:33 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:33 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:33 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:33 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:34 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:34 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:34 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:34 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:34 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:35 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:35 78EC67C5 c (work) add client job action 26 queue length 1 xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:35 78EC67C5 c (cccam) ccc idle xxx
2015/12/05 13:22:35 78EC67C5 c (cccam) cccam(s) xxx: keepalive after maxidle is reached
2015/12/05 13:22:35 78EC67C5 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:22:35 78EC67C5 c (main) thread B7151B40 ended!
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (work) start reader thread action 13
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:35 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:35 618BFF85 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r SkyV13
2015/12/05 13:22:35 5F54F638 r (work) data from add_job action=13 client r HDplusHD01
2015/12/05 13:22:36 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:36 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:36 00000000 (main) starting thread client work
2015/12/05 13:22:36 00000000 (main) client work thread started
2015/12/05 13:22:36 5F54F638 r (reader) HDplusHD01 [nagra] IFD: the status of card in or out old procedure for v1 2
2015/12/05 13:22:36 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Received stale header from (nonce=2dadb1cdbd7e8ac68ca0d81961e4e4ec, expectednonce=d83f1349beea03ef218a093e0469eb9b, opaque=cda0b359654c09f6f26d78466b7d7b99).
2015/12/05 13:22:36 3B3C520F h (webif) WebIf: Origin checked. Result: access from => allowed
2015/12/05 13:22:36 78EC67C5 c (cccam) exit cccam1/3
2015/12/05 13:22:36 78EC67C5 c (cccam) exit cccam2/3
2015/12/05 13:22:36 78EC67C5 c (cccam) exit cccam3/3
2015/12/05 13:22:36 3B3C520F h (webif) all debug_level=0
2015/12/05 13:22:36 00408A1A c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:22:40 0FC43AF0 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:22:40 41EBA4CA c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:22:41 7434ECD3 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:22:41 5BE43908 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:22:49 00408A1A c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:22:50 6BA21D1A c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:22:54 7434ECD3 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:22:54 5BE43908 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:22:55 703EFAD5 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:22:55 65522B08 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:03 6BA21D1A c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:23:04 0E1DD722 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:23:08 703EFAD5 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:23:08 65522B08 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:23:09 5105C441 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:09 0C5BB5E9 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:18 0E1DD722 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:23:19 4C792AC7 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:23:22 5105C441 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:23:22 0C5BB5E9 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:23:23 6857B625 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:23 58E09B5F c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:32 4C792AC7 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:23:33 5B8019B2 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:23:36 6857B625 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:23:36 58E09B5F c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:23:37 4D20FC05 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:37 143C2F87 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:46 5B8019B2 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:23:47 5A47498B c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:23:50 4D20FC05 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:23:50 143C2F87 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:23:51 70E07BE1 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:23:51 76534BB8 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:00 5A47498B c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:24:02 6F24FB3E c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:24:04 70E07BE1 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:24:04 76534BB8 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:24:05 58EB22A4 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:05 097B44A8 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:15 6F24FB3E c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:24:16 221B8FA6 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:24:18 58EB22A4 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:24:18 097B44A8 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:24:19 067E605B c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:19 6749426C c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:29 221B8FA6 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:24:30 597D4769 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:24:32 067E605B c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:24:32 6749426C c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:24:33 700DE931 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:33 2D1F82CC c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:43 597D4769 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:24:44 5F50D4C1 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:24:46 700DE931 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:24:46 2D1F82CC c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:24:47 29D1E643 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:47 7BA96478 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:24:57 5F50D4C1 c (client) xxx disconnected from 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1
2015/12/05 13:24:59 2DAEEA97 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 2xxx4ba0:xxxx:1aa::1 granted (xxx, au=off)
2015/12/05 13:25:00 29D1E643 c (client) Xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.11
2015/12/05 13:25:00 7BA96478 c (client) xxx disconnected from 1xx.1xx.0.12
2015/12/05 13:25:01 68C3BB04 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.11 granted (Xxx, au=auto (3 reader))
2015/12/05 13:25:01 1E68D362 c (client) encrypted cccam-client 1xx.1xx.0.12 granted (xxx, au=auto (3 reader))

Letztlich seh ich immer nur connect, disconnect. Ohne wirklichen Grund. Wie gesagt, sobald ich auf eine tiefere version downgrade, kein Ding. Das lüppt wie eins.
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!


Unix starttime: 1449318355
Starttime: 05.12.2015 13:25:55
Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r10998
Compiler: i586-linux-gnu
Box type: generic (generic)
TempDir: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir: /var/etc/
WebifPort: xxxx

Web interface support: yes
LiveLog support: yes
jQuery support intern: yes
Touch interface support: yes
SSL support: no
DVB API support: yes
DVB API with AZBOX support: no
DVB API with MCA support: no
DVB API with COOLAPI support: no
DVB API with STAPI support: no
DVB API with STAPI5 support: no
DVB API read-sdt charsets: yes
Irdeto guessing: yes
Anti-cascading support: yes
Debug mode: yes
Monitor: yes
Loadbalancing support: yes
Cache exchange support: yes
CW Cycle Check support: yes
LCD support: no
LED support: no
Clockfix with realtime clock: yes
IPv6 support: yes

camd 3.3x: no
camd 3.5 UDP: yes
camd 3.5 TCP: yes
newcamd: yes
CCcam: yes
CCcam share: yes
gbox: yes
radegast: yes
scam: yes
serial: yes
constant CW: yes
Pandora: yes
ghttp: yes

Reader support: yes

Nagra: yes
Irdeto: yes
Conax: yes
Cryptoworks: yes
Seca: yes
Viaccess: yes
NDS Videoguard: yes
DRE Crypt: yes
Bulcrypt: yes
Griffin: yes
DGCrypt: yes

cardreader_phoenix: yes
cardreader_internal_azbox: no
cardreader_internal_coolapi: no
cardreader_internal_sci: yes
cardreader_sc8in1: yes
cardreader_mp35: yes
cardreader_smargo: yes
cardreader_pcsc: yes
cardreader_smartreader: yes
cardreader_db2com: yes
cardreader_stapi: no
cardreader_stapi5: no
cardreader_stinger: yes


# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r10998
# Read more:

label = SkyV13
description = SCM
protocol = pcsc
device = 0
services = !hdplus,skygermany,!orf
lb_whitelist_services = skygermany
autospeed = 0
caid = 09C4
boxid = xxxx
ins7e11 = 15
readtiers = 2
ecmwhitelist = 09C4:51,56,9B,A0,69,B2,B3
detect = cd
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
ident = 09C4:000000
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,8,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
ndsversion = 2

label = HDplusHD01
description = Smargo
protocol = smartreader
device = Serial:Reader xxxx
services = hdplus,!skygermany,!orf
lb_whitelist_services = hdplus
smargopatch = 1
caid = 1830
boxkey = xxxx
rsakey = xxxx
ecmwhitelist = 1830:92
detect = cd
mhz = 534
cardmhz = 343
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
saveemm-g = 1

label = ORFemu
description = camd3emu
enable = 0
protocol = cs357x
device = xxxx
user = xxxx
password = !xxxx$
services = !hdplus,!skygermany,orf
lb_whitelist_services = orf
caid = 0D05,0D95
group = 3
audisabled = 1


# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11193
# Read more:

logfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 1
fallbacktimeout = 3000
clientmaxidle = 0
netprio = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 10420
preferlocalcards = 1
dropdups = 1
block_same_ip = 0
usrfile = /var/log/ipc/OScamusr.log
emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc/OScamemm
failbantime = 44640
failbancount = 1


port = xxxx
nodeid = xxxx
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 1
stealth = 1
keepconnected = 0

httpport = xxxx
httpuser = admin
httppwd = xxxx!
httptpl = /var/etc/picons
httppiconpath = /var/etc/picons
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 30
httpshowpicons = 1
httppiconsize = 50
httpshowecminfo = 1
httpshowloadinfo = 1
httpallowed =,xxx,::1


# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11193
# Read more:

user = xxxx
pwd = xxxx
caid = 09C4,1830,0D05,0D95
monlevel = 4
au = 1
group = 1,2,3
services = hdplus,skygermany,orf
cccmaxhops = 2
cccreshare = 2
cccignorereshare = 0
cccstealth = 0
AW: Problem beim OsCam kompilieren?!

keepconnected = 1
