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OScam CAK7 Patch aus dem familienforum

I don’t mind. It would be great to have the correct emm handling for HD+ and 1817-1819 in the cak7 patch. If it works out I could send you the emm handling for 1884 too. I haven’t finished 1884 yet. Problem there is that the 83 s-emm use only two parts of serial and not 3 as HD+ and there are 87 s-emm and global is different. So we will be glad to test your merged patch.
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Canal Digitaal continue using its Nagra 1817 cards with cak7. To new clients they try to sell a CI+ module with cak8. But you can still register a cak7 Nagra with overtaking paper from former client. Believe it or not 1817 works perfectly with mega45 cak7.
Thanks for your patch. I will test it in the evening.
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Hi, I just build a client oscam with your merged patch: Remote EMM update works for 1817, 1818, 1819 and HD+. Thanks a lot. I hope it could be integrated into trunk.
So now, dear ohmza, here is the next challenge: it would be cool to include remote update also for polish 1884. Attached you can see, what I found out so far.
Update: file removed
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Anyone here know which CAK7 patch that works with CAID 1830? So, I can merge that patch to this one, accordingly. I tried to force reader->hasunique = 0 on the latest one whenever CAID 1830 is detected but it doesn't work. :(
@adas With the patch above? Did you set cak7_mode = 1?

Let me be clear on this, I never meant that running AA80 is impossible. It's possible with other pre-compiled oscam, which you already mentioned in other threads. I have checked that oscam already it features its own cak7 patch which is definitely not the one above. That patch has three commands that is definitely not on the patch above. I'm asking for a source code that works with AA80 here because I have a plan to merge all variant cak7 oscam patches into one universal cak7 oscam patch that is working with as many CAIDs as possible. So, please don't tell me to use A oscam or B oscam or C oscam, etc. I already knew that. In fact, I have those oscam downloaded already.
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@adas You and your friend (Vlado Fogo) have pretty similar personality that you both are struggle to understand such a basic thing, or in this case, a basic question.

The question that I asked you before was required a simple answer, either “Yes, I can run AA80 card with the patch above.” or “No, I can’t run AA80 card with the patch above.”

I intended to add a clarification paragraph on my previous reply to make sure that you won’t misunderstand me and will understand what is my actual goal here. Nothing that mean personally to you.

I know that DT05_20 is a command that told the oscam to go into unique mode but do you realize that AA80 has some channels on unique mode and some on global mode (and the oscam that you advertised on the other threads only capable of opening channels in global mode)? These are all the reasons why DT05_20 is there during card init. And, of course, a special treatment will be required to run this card. I suggest to take a look at log level 4 of the oscam that you advertised on the other threads and compare it with the patch above. Compare command by command, you will understand.

I hope I would not have a headache talking to you like I had on the other day with Vlado Fogo on Streamboard
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You want to lecture me? :eek:

I don't know who you are, but isn't that the new VF nick? :ROFLMAO:

Cau Adas
If you not sure whether I’m VF, why don’t you ask him? He is your best friend. Do you remember?

Whether you thought that was a lecture or not. It solely depends on yourself. If you knew yourself that you did not behave properly, you would thought this was a lecture for sure. However, if you knew yourself that you didn’t do anything inappropriate, you would have thought that was just an ordinary clarification nothing special at all. Let me emphasize this, it solely depends on you.
TATA and MAX, great diversity in the topic, i don't support PS.

Cau Adas
Ihr befindet Euch nicht im internationalen Bereich.
Schreibt bitte deutsch.

@tem_invictus Du brauchst da keinen Daumen runter zu geben, für Fremdsprachen gibt es hier den internationalen Bereich.
Da könnt Ihr Euch gerne in Fremdsprachen unterhalten.
Hier ist aber der deutsche Bereich.
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