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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF


Ist oft hier
27. März 2010

ich habe von Freetz auf Igel portiert und das hat auch soweit alles funktioniert, d.h. Sky und HD+ laufen ohne Probleme.

Leider funktioniert die ORF ICE nun nicht mehr, was aber bisher der Fall war...

[COLOR=#666666][FONT=Courier New]2013/06/09 21:45:14 96B41C8 c XX (0D95&000004/0000/32C9/B8:7206E8B346264C5C763E189A6915D4E8): rejected group (0 ms) (0/0/0/0) - ORF 1 (no matching reader) [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666][FONT=Courier New]2013/06/09 21:47:01 96B41C8 c XX emm-request sent (reader=sky2, caid=1702, auprovid=000000) [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666][FONT=Courier New]2013/06/09 21:47:01 96B41C8 c XX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:58CE9C81C2B6387D02E1B1E3742FA4F2): found (634 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666][FONT=Courier New]2013/06/09 21:47:02 96B41C8 c XX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:4DF52D51823F79A85F022907EB8AEC23): found (614 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666][FONT=Courier New]2013/06/09 21:47:06 96B41C8 c XX emm-request sent (reader=orf, caid=0D95, auprovid=000004) [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666][FONT=Courier New]2013/06/09 21:47:06 96B41C8 c XX (0D95&000004/0000/32C9/B8:74E409E369F158E349D9BEC43D77FB4B): rejected group (1 ms) (0/0/0/0) - ORF 1 (no matching reader)[/FONT][/COLOR]

Gibt es in der Version vielleicht ein Problem mit ORF!?

AW: OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF


zeig uns bitte mal deine ganzen Oscamconfigs und einen kompletten Log vom Neustart bis zum connecten der Clients!
wie schauen die Entitlements der ICE aus?
AW: OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF

Hier mal meine Konfigs... sollte noch etwas anderes drin vorkommen, was verbesserungswürdig ist nehme ich Vorschläge gern entgegen...


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label                         = orf
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caid                          = 0D95
boxid                         = 12345678
boxkey                        = 1122334455667788
ecmwhitelist                  = 0D95:80,B8,F0
detect                        = cd
chid                          = 0D95:000004,000010
group                         = 3
emmcache                      = 1,3,2
lb_weight                     = 300


caid                          = 1702,1833
provid                        = 000000
srvid                         = 0008,0009,000A,000B,000C,000D,000E,0010,0011,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,001A,001B,001C,001D,0021,0022,0023,0024,0025,0026,0027,0029,002A,002B,0032,0034,001E,0037,0038,0039,003A,003C,003D,003E,003F,0040,0041,0042,0043,0044,0046,0069,0070,0071,0072,006A,006B,006C,006E,006F,0074,0075,0076,0077,0078,0079,007A,007B,007C,007D,007E,007F,0080,0081,0082,0083,0084,00A8,00DD,00DE,00DF,00FB,00F2,00FC,00FD,00FE,0105,0106,0107,0108,010F,0110,0111,0119,011A,011B,0123,0124,0125,012D,012E,012F,0137,0138,0139,0141,0142,0143,014B,014C,014D,0156,0159,0160,0163,016B,016D,0175,0201,0203,0204,0206,07FF,2EFE,3331,4461,4462,6FB8,6FF1,7001,7009,700A,3335
caid                          = 1830,1843,1860
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caid                          = 0D95
provid                        = 000004
srvid                         = 132F,1330,32C9,32CA,32CB,32CC,32CD,32CE,32CF,32D0,32D1,32D2,32D3,32D4,3332,4E27,33A5,33A7,332D

# Sky Deutschland

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:000C|Sky|NatGeo Wild|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:000D|Sky|National Geographic|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:000E|Sky|Discovery Channel|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0010|Sky|Fox Serie|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0013|Sky|Junior|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0015|Sky|Beate-Uhse.tv|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0016|Sky|Heimatkanal|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0017|Sky|Sky Krimi|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0018|Sky|Classica|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:001A|Sky|Playhouse Disney|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,1837,09C4,09C7:001B|Sky|RTL Crime|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:001C|Sky|Disney XD (Jetix)|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1837,1834,09C4,09C7:001D|Sky|RTL Passion|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0022|Sky|Disney Channel|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0024|Sky|Syfy|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:002A|Sky|13th Street|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0032|Sky|TNT Serie|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0034|Sky|Spiegel Geschichte|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00A8|Sky|Motorvision TV|TV|Sky Welt
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0206|Sky|Goldstar TV|TV|Sky Welt

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:0096|Sky|Deutsche Charts|Radio|Sky MCE
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:0097|Sky|Rock Hymnen|Radio|Sky MCE
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:0098|Sky|Love Songs|Radio|Sky MCE
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:0099|Sky|60er/70er|Radio|Sky MCE
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:009A|Sky|80er/90er|Radio|Sky MCE
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:009B|Sky|R&B/Hip Hop|Radio|Sky MCE
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4:009C|Sky|Country|Radio|Sky MCE

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0008|Sky|Sky Comedy|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0009|Sky|Sky Action|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,09C7:000A|Sky|Sky Cinema|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:000B|Sky|Sky Cinema +1|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0014|Sky|Sky Emotion|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0019|Sky|Disney Cinemagic|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0029|Sky|Sky Cinema Hits|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:002B|Sky|Sky Cinema +24|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0203|Sky|MGM|TV|Sky Film
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0204|Sky|Sky Nostalgie|TV|Sky Film

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0011|Sky|Sky Sport Info|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1833,09C4:0035|Sky|Sky Sport Austria|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00DD|Sky|Sky Sport 1|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00DE|Sky|Sky Sport 2|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00FD|Sky|Sky Sport 00FD|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0107|Sky|Sky Sport 0107|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0111|Sky|Sky Sport 0111|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:011B|Sky|Sky Sport 011B|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0125|Sky|Sky Sport 0125|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:012F|Sky|Sky Sport 2 / F1 Multisignal|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0139|Sky|Sky Sport 2 / F1 Highlights|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0143|Sky|Sky Sport 2 / F1 Daten|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:014D|Sky|Sky Sport 2 / F1 Cockpit|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:016B|Sky|Sky Sport 016B|TV|Sky Sport
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0175|Sky|Sky Sport 0175|TV|Sky Sport

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:001E|Sky|Sky Sport Austria|TV|Sky Sport

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00DF|Sky|Sky Bundesliga|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0106|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 1|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0110|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 2|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:011A|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 3|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0124|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 4|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:012E|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 5|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0138|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 6|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0142|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 7|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:014C|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 8|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0156|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 9|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0160|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 10|TV|Sky Bundesliga
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00FC|Sky|Sky Bundesliga 11|TV|Sky Bundesliga

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00FB|Sky|Sky Select 00FB|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:00FE|Sky|Sky Select 00FE|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0105|Sky|Sky Select 0105|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0108|Sky|Sky Select 0108|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:010F|Sky|Sky Select 010F|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0119|Sky|Sky Select 0119|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0123|Sky|Sky Select 0123|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:012D|Sky|Sky Select 012D|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0137|Sky|Sky Select 0137|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0141|Sky|Sky Select 0141|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:014B|Sky|Sky Select 014B|TV|Sky Select
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0078|Sky|Sky Select HD|TV|Sky Select

1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0069|Sky|Sky Sport HD Extra|TV|Sky Sport HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:006A|Sky|Sky Action HD|TV|Sky Film HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:006B|Sky|Sky Cinema Hits HD|TV|Sky Film HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:006C|Sky|Sky Sport News HD|TV|Sky Sport HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:006F|Sky|Disney Cinemagic HD|TV|Sky Film HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09AF,09C4,09C7:0070|Sky|NatGeo HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0071|Sky|History HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0072|Sky|Sky Sport HD 2|TV|Sky Sport HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0077|Sky|ESPN America HD|TV|Sky Sport HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0081|Sky|Sky Sport HD 1|TV|Sky Sport HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0082|Sky|Discovery Channel HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0083|Sky|Sky Cinema HD|TV|Sky Film HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0084|Sky|Eurosport HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:007C|Sky|FOX HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0076|Sky|Nat Geo Wild HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:0074|Sky|Disney Channel HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:6FB8|Sky|MTV Live HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:6FB9|Sky|MTV Live HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:006E|Sky|Sky Atlantic HD|TV|Sky Film HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:007B|Sky|TNT Serie HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:007A|Sky|Sport1+ HD|TV|Sky Sport HD
1702,1722,1833,1834,09C4,09C7:007D|Sky|AXN HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1833,09C4,098C:007F|Sky Germany|13th Street HD|TV|Sky Welt HD
1702,1833,09C4,098C:007E|Sky Germany|Syfy HD|TV|Sky Welt HD

1702,1833,09C4:0075|Sky|Sky 3D|TV|Sky 3D

1702,1833,09C4:003C|Sky|Kinowelt TV.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0021|Sky|Kinowelt TV|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:003D|Sky|TNT Film (TCM).|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0023|Sky|TNT Film (TCM)|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D22:003E|Sky|AXN Action.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D22:0025|Sky|AXN Action|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,1837,09C4:003F|Sky|Romance TV.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,1837,09C4:0026|Sky|Romance TV|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0042|Sky|Boomerang.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0038|Sky|Boomerang|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0044|Sky|History.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:003A|Sky|History|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D22:3331|Sky|ESPN America (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D22:3335|Sky|ESPN America|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0100:07FF|Sky|Animax|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0040|Sky|Cartoon Network(S).|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0027|Sky|Cartoon Network (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0041|Sky|Eurosport 2.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0037|Sky|Eurosport 2|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,1837,09C4:2EFE|Sky|RTL Living|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0043|Sky|Biography Channel.|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:0039|Sky|Biography Channel|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:4461|Sky|Sat.1 Comedy|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:4462|Sky|Kabel1 Classics|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4:6FF1|Sky|VH1 Classic|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D00:7001|Sky|MTV Germany|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D00:7009|Sky|MTV Entertainment (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra
1702,1833,09C4,0D00:700A|Sky|Nicktoons (S)|TV|Sky Welt Extra

1702,1833,1837,09C4:0045|Sky|sportdigital.|TV|Sky sonstige
1702,1833,1837,09C4:003B|Sky|sportdigital|TV|Sky sonstige

1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,09C7:0201|Sky|Blue Movie Info|TV|Sky Erotik
1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,09C7:0159|Sky|Blue Movie 1|TV|Sky Erotik
1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,09C7:0163|Sky|Blue Movie 2|TV|Sky Erotik
1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,09C7:016D|Sky|Blue Movie 3|TV|Sky Erotik
1702,1722,1833,1834,1836,09C4,09C7:0079|Sky|Blue Movie Nights HD|TV|Sky Erotik


0D95:132F|ORF|ORF 1 HD|
0D95:1330|ORF|ORF 2 HD|
0D95:32C9|ORF|ORF 1|
0D95:32CA|ORF|ORF 2|
0D95:32CB|ORF|ORF 2 Wien|
0D95:32CC|ORF|ORF 2 NiederÖsterreich|
0D95:32CD|ORF|ORF 2 Burgenland|
0D95:32CE|ORF|ORF 2 OberÖsterreich|
0D95:32CF|ORF|ORF 2 Salzburg|
0D95:32D0|ORF|ORF 2 Tirol|
0D95:32D1|ORF|ORF 2 Vorarlberg|
0D95:32D2|ORF|ORF 2 Steiermark|
0D95:32D3|ORF|ORF 2 Kärnten|
0D95:33A5|ORF|ORF Sport+|
0D95:3332|ORF|Austria 9 TV|
0D95:4E27|ORF|Puls 4 Austria|
0D95:332D|ORF|ORF 3|

# Astra HD+

1830,1843:EF10|SES Astra HDplus|RTL HD
1830,1843:EF11|SES Astra HDplus|VOX HD
1830,1843:0000|SES Astra HDplus|HD+ Info
1830,1843:EF74|SES Astra HDplus|SAT1 HD
1830,1843:ef75|SES Astra HDplus|PRO7 HD
1830,1843:EF76|SES Astra HDplus|KABEL1 HD
1830,1843:EF14|SES Astra HDplus|Sport1 HD
1830,1843:EF15|SES Astra HDplus|RTL2 HD
1830,1843:EF77|SES Astra HDplus|Six HD
1830,1843:5273|SES Astra HDplus|NICK/CC HD
1830,1843:5274|SES Astra HDplus|N24 HD
1830,1843:1519|SES Astra HDplus|Tele 5 HD
1830,1843:2E9B|SES Astra HDplus|Super RTL HD
1830,1843:151A|SES Astra HDplus|DMAX HD
1830,1843,1860:157F|SES Astra HDplus|Deluxe Music HD
1830:126E|SES Astra HDplus|.1.|TV
1830:126F|SES Astra HDplus|.2.|TV
1830:1270|SES Astra HDplus|.3.|TV


1702:000000|Sky-SD|Astra 19.2E|German
1833:000000|Sky-HD|Astra 19.2E|German

# HDplus
1830:000000|HD+|Astra 19.2E|German
1860:000000|HD+|Astra 19.2E|German

0D95:000000|HD+|Astra 19.2E|German


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Jun 10 20:01:55 2013
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r8692 (i486-linux-gnu)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 18019
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 3 services loaded, rejected 0
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s signal handling initialized
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s 174 service-id's loaded in 1ms
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s 143 tier-id's loaded
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s 5 provid's loaded
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s camd35: initialized (fd=5, port=22357)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=33359)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s sky [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/sky
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s sky2 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/sky2
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s hdplus [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/hdplus
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s hdplus2 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/hdplus2
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s orf [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/orf
2013/06/10 20:01:55 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/06/10 20:01:55 96A5618 h webif: decompressed 52128 bytes back into 150400 bytes
2013/06/10 20:01:55 96A5618 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2013/06/10 20:01:55 96A0E78 r hdplus2 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/hdplus2, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 9698CA8 r sky [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sky, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sky2, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/hdplus, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2013/06/10 20:01:55 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/orf, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2013/06/10 20:01:56 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] card detected
2013/06/10 20:01:56 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] card detected
2013/06/10 20:01:56 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] card detected
2013/06/10 20:01:57 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] ATR:
2013/06/10 20:01:57 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2013/06/10 20:01:57 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] Setting baudrate to 19200 bps
2013/06/10 20:01:57 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 52.10 us
2013/06/10 20:01:57 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] ATR Fsmax is: 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed of 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/06/10 20:01:57 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] ATR:
2013/06/10 20:01:57 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] Init card protocol T14, FI=2, F=558, D=1, N=0
2013/06/10 20:01:57 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 93.00 us
2013/06/10 20:01:57 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is: 6 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed of 6.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] ATR:
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is: 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed of 3.68 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 251
2013/06/10 20:01:58 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] card detected
2013/06/10 20:01:58 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] type: CryptoWorks
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] detect irdeto card
2013/06/10 20:01:58 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] type: CryptoWorks, caid: 0D95, ascii serial: #########, hex serial: ##########
2013/06/10 20:01:58 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] caid: 1702, acs: 3.84, country code: GER
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] detect native nagra card
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] providers: 4, ascii serial: ##########, hex serial: ######, hex base: ##
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] issuer: CryptoWorks, id: 04, bios: v3, pin: unknown, mfid: 3F02
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] providers: 4 (04,08,0C,10)
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [mouse] found card system cryptoworks
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] provider: 1, id: 04, name: Operator: FFFF
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: F000, date: 2011/02/02 - 2011/03/04, name: Product F000
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: 000D, date: 2011/02/02 - 2011/03/04, name: Product 000D
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: 0002, date: 2013/05/19 - 2014/01/24, name: Product 0002
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: 0001, date: 2013/05/17 - 2014/01/22, name: Product 0001
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: 7FFB, date: 2013/05/10 - 2013/06/09, name: Product 7FFB
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: FFD8, date: 2013/05/05 - 2013/07/04, name: Product FFD8
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] chid: 7FF7, date: 2013/05/18 - 2013/05/28, name: Product 7FF7
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] provider: 2, id: 08, name: Operator: FFFF
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] provider: 3, id: 0C, name: Operator: FFFF
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [mouse] found card system nagra
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] REV: R e v G C 6
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1830
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2013/08/01 12:59
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] provider: 4, id: 10, name: Operator: FFFF
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2013/06/10 20:01:59 96A2A38 r orf [cryptoworks] ready for requests
2013/06/10 20:01:59 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0064 |2011/04/09 |2012/04/09 |
2013/06/10 20:02:00 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/06/08 |2014/07/14 |
2013/06/10 20:02:00 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2013/06/10 20:02:00 969F2B8 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [mouse] found card system irdeto
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0107, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0108, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D2B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D24, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 61BD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 04BA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 04C4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D2C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D2D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D22, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03FF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05DC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03EC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03EF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03E9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03ED, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F3, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03EB, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F6, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0401, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0402, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F7, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0403, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0404, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03FA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 041A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:02 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 000F, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D21, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03DE, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03DF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0400, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F1, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03EA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03F2, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D27, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03FD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 00F0, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0515, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 03E8, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0514, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 044C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 00F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0069, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0102, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 026C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 028B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 028C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 028D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 028E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 028F, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0290, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 029E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0291, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0292, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0293, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0294, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:03 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0295, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 028A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0298, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0299, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 029A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 029B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 029D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0103, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0104, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0406, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0105, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0004, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05F2, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05DD, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05E7, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 04CE, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0606, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05DE, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:04 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05DF, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0276, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05FB, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0605, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05FC, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 0609, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05F4, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05E8, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/02
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05F6, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 7D23, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05F1, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] chid: 05F5, date: 2013/03/13 - 2013/08/01
2013/06/10 20:02:05 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] ready for requests
2013/06/10 20:02:06 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/06/10 20:02:06 0 s ERROR: anti cascading is enabled but ac_logfile is not set.
2013/06/10 20:02:06 9701440 c encrypted camd35-client granted (tester, au=auto (5 reader))
2013/06/10 20:02:07 9701440 c XXX emm-request sent (reader=sky2, caid=1702, auprovid=000000)
2013/06/10 20:02:07 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:CAA1D30A49F24A7FC16FBA5D26460402): found (635 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:07 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:CAA1D30A49F24A7FC16FBA5D26460402): cache2 (635 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:10 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:0E6E064C884E6E93C2916AB25779430E): found (619 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:20 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:0BADE8916368F60772A84A626B505EAC): found (622 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:30 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:3F1D81A8D3FDB898CCA1B0F7D6F8E918): found (624 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:38 969A868 r sky2 [irdeto] tester emmtype=shared, len=139, idx=0, cnt=1: written (697 ms)
2013/06/10 20:02:40 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:99E023BD081E3948EDFF80A1F72AF808): found (622 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:50 9701440 c XXX (1702&000000/0000/000A/93:9D822E3E9B8039D754561A4A2B072DF8): found (621 ms) by sky2 - Sky Cinema
2013/06/10 20:02:59 9701440 c XXX emm-request sent (reader=orf, caid=0D95, auprovid=000004)
2013/06/10 20:02:59 9701440 c XXX (0D95&000004/0000/32C9/B8:2543F96C00E8307070E0064AABD497A3): rejected group (0 ms) (0/0/0/0) - ORF 1 (no matching reader)

ORF Entitlements

Entitlements for orf

[TABLE="class: stats"]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, colspan: 3"]Cardsystem[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, colspan: 2"]Valid To[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]IRD ID (nagra)[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, colspan: 2"]Provider[/TH]
[TR="class: e_header"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, colspan: 3"]cryptoworks[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, colspan: 2"]n/a[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE"]FF FF FF FF[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, colspan: 2"]00 00 00 04 (sysid)
00 00 00 08
00 00 00 0C
00 00 00 10[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, colspan: 2"]Serial[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, colspan: 2"]Rom[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC, colspan: 4"]ATR[/TH]
[TR="class: e_header"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, colspan: 4"][/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Type[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Caid[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Provid[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]ID[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Class[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Start Date[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Expire Date[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Name[/TH]
[TR="class: e_expired"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]000000000000F000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2011-02-02[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2011-03-04[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
[TR="class: e_expired"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]000000000000000D[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2011-02-02[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2011-03-04[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
[TR="class: e_valid"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0000000000000002[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]2013-05-19[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]2014-01-24[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
[TR="class: e_valid"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0000000000000001[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]2013-05-17[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]2014-01-22[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
[TR="class: e_expired"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0000000000007FFB[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2013-05-10[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2013-06-09[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
[TR="class: e_valid"]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]000000000000FFD8[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]2013-05-05[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]2013-07-04[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E6FEBF"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
[TR="class: e_expired"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]chid[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]000004[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0000000000007FF7[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]00000000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2013-05-18[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]2013-05-28[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFF3E7"]0D95:000004 unknown[/TD]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF

versuch es mal mit diesem zusätzlichen Parameter in deinem ORF-Reader:
lb_whitelist_services = orf
Das ist ein neues Parameter, welche leider noch nicht dokumentiert wurde.
add new parameter "lb_whitelist_services" in reader configuration.
Now, positive services ("services" parameter) are handled normally.
If someone want services that are whitelist for lb, could set positive (only positive, negative does not have effect) services in new parameter.
AW: OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF

Der Parameter bringt leider auch keinen Effekt... alles so wie vorher :fie:
Trotzdem danke für die Info!

Vielleicht noch jemand einen Tipp?!
AW: OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF

Die Karte mal im Irdeto Modus getestet ? Caid 0648

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
AW: OSCAM 8692: Funktionierende Konfig, alles geht ausser ORF

hmm, noch nicht gemacht... wollte ich mir eigentlich ersparen... komme aber wohl nicht drumherum. Aber wieso läuft die im Crypto nicht?!