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OpenBox S9/S10 Firmware Tool 0.5 by MST


10. März 2011
OpenBox S9/S10 Firmware Tool 0.5 by MST

This tool allows you to:
- analyze Openbox S9/S10 firmware file (*.abs)
- extract and replace channel list with TP_PROG.dbs file (e.g. you can extract list from .abs edited with SetEditHD100 tool)
- extract and replace channel list with TP_PROG.udf file (e.g. you can edit TP_PROG.udf file with SetEditHD100 tool, then import it back to *.abs)
- preview, extract and replace background logo file (Back_logo.m2v)
- preview, extract and replace boot logo file (Boot_logo.m2v) (preview is not working for firmwares with non pure m2v format boot logo)
- check block's CRC and fix it
- extract and replace whole blocks and blocks's data only
- find firmware duplicates (firmwares with the same maincode block CRC, but for e.g. different logo or channel list)

Things that tool cannot do, but maybe be able to do in future:
- decrypt maincode, for example to get firmware release date
- preview boot logo for some firmwares with non pure m2v format

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