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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Odroid C2 ECM Probleme


Power Elite User
3. Februar 2011
Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein seltsames Problem...
Normalerweise läuft meine G09 und HD01 an eine raspi1 und das super stabil.
Jetzt wollte ich eine lokale ORF Karte dazu stecken und da der raspi nur 2 USB Ports hat, hab ich einen Odroid C2 von @Derek Buegel erstanden (danke dafür) und wollte dort die 3 Karten mit 3x Easymouse 2 betreiben.

Laufen tut das ganze unter Armbian (Linux odroidc2 3.14.79-odroidc2 #4 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 11 09:30:29 CEST 2018 aarch64 GNU/Linux)

Leider habe ich mit dem Gesamtsetup massive Probleme die ich mir nicht erklären kann.

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11400
# Read more:

disablelog = 1
serverip =
logfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
pidfile = /var/run/
maxlogsize = 2480
preferlocalcards = 2


port = xxxxx
serverip =
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
stealth = 1
updateinterval = 20
recv_timeout = 4000

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 4
listen_port = 11500
user = mdvbapi
boxtype = pc

httpport = xxx
httpuser = xxx
httppwd = xxx
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 15
httphideidleclients = 0
httpshowpicons = 1
httpallowed =,
httpemmsclean = 256
httpemmgclean = 256

user = mdvbapi
description = VKD + SAT
au = G09,HD01,ORFC8
group = 2

label = G09
enable = 0
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/G09
caid = 09C7
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
readtiers = 2
detect = cd
nagra_read = 2
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
ndsversion = 2

label = HD01
enable = 0
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/HD01
autospeed = 0
caid = 1830
boxkey = A...C
rsakey = BF...D5
detect = cd
cardmhz = 368
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-s = 1
saveemm-g = 1

label = ORF-CW
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ORFC8
caid = 0D95
detect = cd
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-s = 1

Leider habe ich Aussetzer und extrem schwankende ECM Zeiten

2018/06/04 17:14:10 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:9B4099E50742D9FE88692B2AAE44F29E:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (68 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:14:20 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:508350C3E41FA6AA9A9B35C7265EADBC:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (364 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:14:30 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:198697FE5D634DD68C8E2D0AD3D4A041:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:14:40 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:037A61A992AB6456EAF1F3AB8EC75BD0:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (334 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:14:50 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:4A1DF9469CFD9E5B189DBDC2C91CFB0D:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:15:00 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:1813942A35C12978BD588CC27F44243B:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (313 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:15:10 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:24CADF294C2748FED7610AE74951033E:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:15:20 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:635D2A3C95A2D1A8834B470491EB727F:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (333 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:15:30 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:C03B9B13AC41A48742F0F92331B100D6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:15:40 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:31176C00BA308D9414B300F96A2E9A9C:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:15:50 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:48CDC0A02CB164384D26254AC6867CFF:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:16:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B93287C1D1C5148220F3F8B47F042DE7:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (331 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:16:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:4B92964D290363D6BC9E48CDA5CBF566:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (627 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:16:20 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:0A4AB357A5ACAC58D4ACFCABCF3B0471:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:16:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:D931AC8E929C17A782435457252542A5:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (333 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:16:40 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:6C303FF80B4B4C0886ED5483B6177331:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:16:50 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:4A44CF368B204358BE46414304866AE2:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:17:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:3BE235A25C7CA3F21EEB1DAFE85F57B0:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (330 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:17:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:8FA3EBBC851365B5F50696D16F006E74:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (644 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:17:20 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:589B9FC1808B8D3010DDF3F05B950C00:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:17:30 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:BC7B393FFB9BDCB8AB70C938C83EB0F3:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:17:40 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:39265004150C73826AE5A8D2BA3B36F6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:17:50 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:DAD2BF004AE1B2FDA90E93F5B5622DE9:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:18:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:8ACD2F03E02A891B96113C153D54967A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (330 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:18:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:9C72447483E80717B7564EA885ECB9CD:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (628 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:18:20 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B055B509F8723233B1E97CEA87C8426D:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:18:30 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:060B0015F00C837FCF7A610053F5D8E9:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:18:40 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:C6DCC554879D4CD4CBE7AB7789F35C00:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:18:50 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:8A0763443686429DAC523E417A85811A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:19:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:05244797E5B09FE93E93FFA3A190CDB9:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (331 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:19:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:E414594E50481734923528CA81772022:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (612 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:19:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:AA58B60555D67F586505E2A8B373C958:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:19:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:950822963E154562757865239A46EE09:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:19:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:E3DC87F3B151078A5A93CA5AFAED43A8:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:19:52 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:808F4270D2767B1102989C65FE64D5C6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (1039 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:20:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B1D7035B3D864D2A2ADD761B48687A1A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:20:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:8632E19ECFB29D6838F4D7CC3B37445A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:20:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:986028EA754B625096432B18C8FB1F9A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:20:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:4C6FD3096911FB807BCC0EFDA3546449:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:20:42 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:55BA87FCF416050BE0DF9AA076317989:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (1089 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:20:51 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:3C41BD2B68F84C5A5DB8ECFD631DD8A5:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:21:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B9564E0CE0EFE375742F83AEB93137D6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (348 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:21:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:F19F123120DB128F42E4482DED270596:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:21:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:9AE7EA207E09CFB4CC01CFE25F1713A4:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:21:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:3A9389581C5412A2E8A0261F169A1A64:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:21:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:3A4999CA3E28B7C49CA33FEE51149AE1:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:21:52 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B900C6AD29D7C37A0E6EF0EEE6A8FDDA:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (1069 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:22:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:1AE591ABB48754B3BF82287BA4D3EBDF:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:22:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:5B8C0206900B5682A5C2842474404A92:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (346 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:22:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:7E223EA3F0A4621747B239ABB381DBC4:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (626 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:22:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:0AD8A92F72B21C229F6B8EA1FDEC9843:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (904 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:22:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B5737353AD0943B3B2DB4CF0463D7FC8:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (133 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:22:51 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:22B74FE6EB7BBC27DCD10DC932DF6F64:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (415 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:23:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:136E84E64D9D7F424FE536A358326B8A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (696 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:23:12 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:8885ABFC10351A2F448A7B0B277894FC:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (974 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:23:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:734CA3DD6E18C90ABEBC77464887FEE9:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:23:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:389699436B8431E4465C2A0B76F4D906:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (348 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:23:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:4EC722D5F12D260101611A1ED396B4A9:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (627 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:23:51 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:4C77C43AB8520403144748D068D5F80C:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (908 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:24:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:ADC39E0CAD3F2AC8B0D32D9C616BBCF6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (73 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:24:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:B9B98FA92B04922CF71D8B03024AB9E2:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (352 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:24:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:90E4A3899B4BD20058D2DE9B6D2FA354:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (631 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:24:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:265943841AC2C9924A7523004B60E753:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (910 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:24:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:F8353D59BC32060D6C7BAF603AC78BC5:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:24:51 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:2C614D6F410A1E240B5A32936DEA8064:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (347 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:25:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:A815F0BF8B569552E22F513B2D7847B7:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (624 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:25:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:AD5A582FAA3D0CA5D87BAE39B5ECADC6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (937 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:25:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:C99D51287849D480AC930C1D618AA3B8:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (68 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:25:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:D076E4FA526D296401491F0301F705F6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (349 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:25:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:86F8A24A97E54AD04A3B45DC63D35B69:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (628 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:25:51 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:8C1C12769A68B2840D2793F047534446:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (906 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:26:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:2691CC173C4B3AA948F96CB2AD6D2F8A:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (70 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:26:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:563C672CAC0DD2332322786E6296BA5F:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (385 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:26:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:971C0EDE3CEF6A9A91022A4869BAE4F6:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (664 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:26:31 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:63CBBF15B2B022FC7AE4237C8218048F:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (942 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:26:41 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:38C70DF905857CE395FBC300942127F3:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:26:51 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:83C59DDA972399A0E84A7CA8DC19BBFE:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (348 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:27:01 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:2A4AE947ACD4BC1A329AD6687A6CF761:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (626 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:27:11 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:CA00C1BD53807F4D596824F8488E9815:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (938 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany
2018/06/04 17:27:21 3F3E5EC4 c (ecm) mdvbapi (09C7@000000/0695/006F/A6:90C5F426E964F9B91CC61EBA3CD888FE:0F06000000000002:Sky Cinema HD): found (69 ms) by G09 (L/1/2/2) - Disney Cinemagic HD Germany

Kann mir das jemand erklären?

Es gab zum Zeitpunkt des logs keinen weitern Zugriff auf die Karte.

Ich musste jetzt wieder auf den raspi zurück und die ORF Karte eben abklemmen weil mit dem Odroid C2 kein sinnvolles schauen möglich war...

Danke schonmal!

Grüße bl0w
Hi ,
Hatte den auch mal getestet als Cs Server.
Musste auch wieder zurück auf den raspi.
Alles getestet,aber nichts als freezer ...
Finde den Thread gerade nicht mit dem Handy

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk
Warum betreibst Du nicht den RPI 2 mit Hub Am bessten aktiv 2,5A. Der Hub kann dann auch gleich die Stromversorgung übernehmen.

Ich brauch aber nen Kiste für CS ;-)

Der aktive Hub ist ne Option aber halt wieder ein Teil mehr was rum steht und nen Platz in der Steckdose nimmt...
Du kannst evtl mal @Alex fragen.
Ich meine er hat auch einen odroiden mit armbian.
Hab ich zwar auch getestet,aber is ja schon ne Weile her. Evtl. gibt es da ja Fortschritte....

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk
Also ich nutze meinen Odroid C2 nach wie vor für CS. So krasse Schwankungen wie du in deinem Log hatte ich auch nie. Mein Kernel sieht aber auch etwas anders aus.
Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.41.180312 nightly Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.14.26-odroidc2   
System load:   0.42 0.47 0.46      Up time:       1 day       
Memory usage:  4 % of 1976MB     IP:  
Usage of /:    22% of 7.0G
Konnte damals bei meiner V13/14 auch immer mal wieder nen Ausreißer nach oben beobachten aber nie so stark
Den 4.14 kernel hatte ich auch probiert, nur leider war da das Ergebnis noch viel schlimmer wie mit dem alten 3.x Kernel.
Da konnte ich gar net freez-frei was schauen, selbst wenn ich den "setserial" workaround angewendet hab.
Echt ärgerlich aber ich werde da dann wohl auf einen raspi3 umsteigen oder wie @Derek Buegel vorgeschlagen hat mit einem aktiven USB hub arbeiten.

Danke für euer Feedback
Hi ,

in einem anderen Thema hatte ein User mit K wie Kabeltod einen sehr interessanten Hinweis gegeben um vernünftige bzw. saubere ECM Zeiten beim Odroiden C2 zu erzielen.

Man nutzt den Micro USB mit Adapter auf USB.
Dann wird es knifflig. Man braucht einen USB Hub 1.1 ,wenn man mehrere Karten verwenden möchte.

Getestet hab ich es mit Armbian Buster und IPC,wobei ich noch Probleme hatte beim Kompilieren mit Emu.Ohne Emu lief es ohne Problem.

Wichtig ist noch, dass der Jumper J1 zwingend entfernt werden muss!!!
