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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Olli K

Ist gelegentlich hier
8. November 2008
Danke erst mal Euch allen, habe es hin bekommen. Mein Fernseher ist jetzt gerootet :) Jetzt kommt meine nächste Herausforderung, habe Freetz Oscam mit einer V14 in einem Smargo Reader. So hab jetzt Oscam auf mein Samsung installiert, weiß aber nicht so genau was ich im Oscam Client und im Oscam Server Einstellen muss? Vielleicht kann mir da ja auch Jemand helfen? Danke


@Olli_K: Die Konfiguration von oscam hat nichts mit dem FTP-Zugriff auf dem TV zu tun, daher bekommst du ein neuen Thread.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Firmware Update mit SamyGo FTP Zugriff

Im OscamServer musst du die User Daten von deinem Server eintrage z.B.
Oscam.server auf dem TV:
label = Samsung
protocol = (cccam, newcam usw)
device = xxx
user = USERNAME von deinem Server
password = PASSWORT von deinem Server
caid = xxx
group = 1
(cccversion = 2.3.0 Nur bei Cccam!!!
ccckeepalive = 1 Nur bei Cccam!!!

Oscam.User vom TV muss so aussehen:
user = dvbapi
pwd = 1
caid = xxx
group = 1

Oscam.dvbapi vom TV muss so ausshen:
P: (CAID der Karte)
I: 0

Und in der Oscam.conf des TV's muss dieser Eintrag sein:
enabled = 1
boxtype = pc
au = 0
pmt_mode = 6
user = dvbapi
pwd = 1

Achtung! Der Username und das Passwort in der Oscam.conf und oscam.user muss gleich sein!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Hast du es am laufen?

Falls nicht poste bitte deine derzeitigen aktuellen Configs dan bekommen wir das schon hin.
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

ja danke, es läuft jetzt bei mir :) Ich bin jetzt an den Feinheiten dran, z.B. das Oscam schneller startet. Hast du vielleicht ein Idee?
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Wie lange dauert es denn, bis die Entschlüsselung startet?
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Komplett bis zur Entschlüsselung dauert es 190 Sekunden! Vom Einschalten bis zum free TV Bild 20 Sekunden, dann 30 Sekunden bis SamyGo gestartet ist. Die Restlichen 140 Sekunden braucht Oscam.
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen...
Bei mir dauert es bis oscam läuft ca. 30 sec.

Welche FW hast du auf welcher Kiste?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

FW 1122 UE55F8090
Oscam r9768
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Poste mal bitte die oscam.log vom oscam start an.

Hast du den ntpclient aktiv?
Ist dein TV am I-Net angeschlossen?
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

TV ist über Lankabel am Router angeschlossen, ntpclient ist aktiv (Endung .dis im inetd Ordner entfernt).


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Tue Jan 20 17:52:30 2015


2015/01/20 17:52:30 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9768 (arm-v7a8v3r1-linux-gnueabi-libusb)

2015/01/20 17:52:30 0 s creating pidfile /dtv/oscam.pid with pid 2167

2015/01/20 17:52:30 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled

2015/01/20 17:52:30 0 s signal handling initialized

2015/01/20 17:52:30 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 119 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:31 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 118 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:32 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 117 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:33 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 116 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:34 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 115 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:35 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 114 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:36 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 113 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:37 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 112 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:38 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 111 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:39 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 110 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:40 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 109 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:41 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 108 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:42 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 107 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:43 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 106 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:44 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 105 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:45 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 104 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 103 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 102 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 101 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 100 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 99 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 98 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 97 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 96 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 95 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 94 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 93 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 92 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 91 seconds

2015/01/20 17:52:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 90 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 89 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:01 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 88 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:02 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 87 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:03 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 86 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:04 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 85 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:05 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 84 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:06 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 83 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:07 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 82 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:08 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 81 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:09 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 80 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:10 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 79 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:11 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 78 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 77 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 76 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 75 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 74 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 73 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 72 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 71 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 70 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 69 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 68 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 67 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 66 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 65 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 64 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 63 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 62 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 61 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:29 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 60 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:30 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 59 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:31 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 58 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:32 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 57 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:33 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 56 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:34 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 55 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:35 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 54 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:36 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 53 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:37 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 52 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:38 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 51 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:39 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 50 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:40 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 49 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:41 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 48 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:42 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 47 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:43 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 46 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:44 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 45 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:45 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 44 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 43 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 42 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 41 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 40 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 39 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 38 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 37 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 36 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 35 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 34 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 33 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 32 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 31 seconds

2015/01/20 17:53:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 30 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 29 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:01 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 28 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:02 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 27 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:03 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 26 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:04 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 25 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:05 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 24 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:06 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 23 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:07 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 22 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:08 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 21 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:09 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 20 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:10 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 19 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:11 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 18 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 17 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 16 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 15 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 14 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 13 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 12 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 11 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 10 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 9 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 8 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 7 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 6 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 5 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 4 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 3 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 2 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 1 seconds

2015/01/20 17:54:29 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), giving up

2015/01/20 17:54:29 0 s home [cccam] creating thread for device

2015/01/20 17:54:29 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /mtd_rwcommon/oscam/stat

2015/01/20 17:54:29 0 s anti cascading disabled

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12CEFE8 p resolved ip=

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12CEFE8 p home [cccam] connecting to

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dvbapi, au=off)

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c Using SamyGO dvbapi v0.1

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12C6FC0 h webif: decompressed 151000 bytes back into 358860 bytes

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12C6FC0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=13444

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12CEFE8 p home [cccam] proxy initialized, server

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1833 ECM_PID: 180F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1B0F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09AF ECM_PID: 1F0F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1A0F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c Found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in PMT

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid 006C on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0000

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c New program number: 006C (1833:006C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!

2015/01/20 17:54:29 12D2560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!

2015/01/20 17:54:30 12D2560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!

2015/01/20 17:54:30 12D2560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #3 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1A0F ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 03FF

2015/01/20 17:54:31 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:B50FAC6A448BE73EEC3413D36262C244): found (296 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:54:31 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:8152B935A957DE718A82C7DED97AE4B7): found (557 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:54:38 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:385B340F1C979D2B3B021D844CD3EBA4): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:54:45 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:CAAAD0F8B323FE9EA3DB921DC53F8AA2): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:54:52 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:0748AA2BCB5DCAB42BF009BDCB0CF993): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:54:59 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:AD150AAB9139A2CDF056C86F58B4922F): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:06 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:A2AE150E9E4E949BBCB3E7A6C61AA379): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:13 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:1B5AD01EE11C407E38FD09D412A81B38): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:20 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:723D01F95AF7D7E3B56ECAA51E051EEA): found (289 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:27 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:DD34FB2111ACAE6274BBA2106A4D3AC0): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:34 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:91613A6E088833B24F4EE2E6CC31F304): found (288 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:41 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:BB675E8589CCD9B813BFCED776C2CA6F): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:48 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:A51B7048506E8FAB9BAA8FF354A6A29D): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:55:55 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:3646750517D729AC668AFA474340C10E): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:02 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:22186C3D22AE6EA9060DE58EB8CE3392): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:09 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:597794024C138112ECF30DA427F2D426): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:16 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:34E41C8158656DA8C760B89EEFC6535D): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:23 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:7E46B9FD33C986617A2CCB3A25FB4E67): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:30 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6512B0FD28E0FD67A9A007577B8F29AD): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:37 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:45DD6D2BEAFC56E3A4D969F38B523C65): found (289 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:44 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:44D93E7FAC917FD7EB0F1F07C34EAAA1): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:51 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:3D39C5DAC2E976D57B2AF80BA990030D): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:56:58 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:8163F6AEF7A2AA104ACD53A8D21AD04B): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:05 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:7E4BC8584FB67402160783AC96E22EC2): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:12 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:E3BFF6E6AF22BECA420D64E6F5A1B5EB): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:19 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:28A11147B5859899A70F70F1F67C4F47): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:26 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:BAAE80A520B917002FD93E7C1802138A): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:33 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:B61243563029A7D52166BA1363972A81): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:40 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:7C1B51F4467E6878D75E1AF2312E36F4): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:47 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:48B5FDF38BDA31487A9085420A284D49): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:57:54 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:E89171A4117D82854616FE627BB3DBC0): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:01 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6688A30CEF154B89E8A4445D2EFF1965): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:08 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:32048293C8915679C0675569824EE38E): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:15 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:86A74D42432ABA0DF49B4EA70DA9C668): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:22 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:0994140F608CBA717F00B8653642E7E6): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:29 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:5206777D27BD87DA2B001F58E5C5C99B): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:36 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:67FCC498FCBA273DC12CFE4EE5B3A51B): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:43 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:F3056C4D070BBF12F9CBA5E5C7F942BA): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:50 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:6102647DBB5AE05D862C9DFE76713D0D): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:58:57 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:46DB1BCE44D7B200D6DE1682400208A1): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:04 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:4DA403EC545B5ED193FED2C9457552F7): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:11 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:B310F2334B169D7E70AE6E0A1C920C88): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:18 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:628FADF7A12F8B7EE0E5A4FC0F8FBCE6): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:25 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:1C7903269D982C6D58362A50D471F879): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:32 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:43D6A66FC1BDF827D1DC5AB9380BB6FA): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:39 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:417C1F6FDC60A8E2B45463E8B123B72F): found (284 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:46 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:9001BD758304482F270E66839D0B18AB): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 17:59:53 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:A9CB2EB0647734DE36F112BE90F689FE): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:00 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:99F18638C477E45158A4F96953FB395E): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:07 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D024914C2B2244C4163CA41070183FB8): found (292 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:14 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D3BC7FB95867D58C2AF3028B7733064B): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:21 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:CCC6E9DBF024A96D48A2D1A70612A3EB): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:28 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:088F95443D25E33BBCD1E6DA45386BD1): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:35 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:92C10DCA36C7BDCA2639754DEFD24C0C): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:42 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D2F913B0CAC48A2DBCDF8925C7F1AF88): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:49 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:EA7B0D05A90C71D8C7CF9E75658CDBE9): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:00:56 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:9DF265C95C50471014CFD638CDAE978A): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:01:03 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:1EC61A7179F3C474A609DE8967174955): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:01:10 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:16215E8131E724E920A57210B199378D): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:01:17 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:8A41EC1341AA1177FF8CC7995FE20824): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:01:24 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:22B45D17657E38196E7B463E6AA1C98C): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:01:31 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:EA88F625B06956373B6C7B28EDE9B98B): found (284 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:01:38 12D2560 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:0EA1B03673A6DA7750FA5F2FE9A6F066): found (284 ms) by home


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Tue Jan 20 18:03:00 2015


2015/01/20 18:03:00 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9768 (arm-v7a8v3r1-linux-gnueabi-libusb)

2015/01/20 18:03:00 0 s creating pidfile /dtv/oscam.pid with pid 1978

2015/01/20 18:03:00 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled

2015/01/20 18:03:00 0 s signal handling initialized

2015/01/20 18:03:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 119 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:01 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 118 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:02 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 117 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:03 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 116 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:04 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 115 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:05 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 114 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:06 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 113 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:07 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 112 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:08 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 111 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:09 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 110 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:10 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 109 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:11 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 108 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 107 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 106 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 105 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 104 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 103 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 102 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 101 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 100 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 99 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 98 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 97 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 96 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 95 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 94 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 93 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 92 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 91 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:29 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 90 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:30 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 89 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:31 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 88 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:32 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 87 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:33 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 86 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:34 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 85 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:35 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 84 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:36 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 83 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:37 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 82 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:38 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 81 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:39 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 80 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:40 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 79 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:41 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 78 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:42 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 77 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:43 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 76 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:44 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 75 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:45 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 74 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 73 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 72 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 71 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 70 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 69 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 68 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 67 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 66 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 65 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 64 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 63 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 62 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 61 seconds

2015/01/20 18:03:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 60 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 59 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:01 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 58 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:02 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 57 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:03 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 56 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:04 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 55 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:05 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 54 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:06 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 53 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:07 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 52 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:08 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 51 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:09 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 50 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:10 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 49 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:11 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 48 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 47 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 46 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 45 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 44 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 43 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 42 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 41 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 40 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 39 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 38 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 37 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 36 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 35 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 34 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 33 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 32 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 31 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:29 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 30 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:30 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 29 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:31 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 28 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:32 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 27 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:33 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 26 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:34 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 25 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:35 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 24 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:36 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 23 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:37 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 22 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:38 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 21 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:39 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 20 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:40 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 19 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:41 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 18 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:42 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 17 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:43 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 16 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:44 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 15 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:45 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 14 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 13 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 12 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 11 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 10 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 9 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 8 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 7 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 6 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 5 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 4 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 3 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 2 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 1 seconds

2015/01/20 18:04:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), giving up

2015/01/20 18:04:59 0 s home [cccam] creating thread for device

2015/01/20 18:04:59 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /mtd_rwcommon/oscam/stat

2015/01/20 18:04:59 0 s anti cascading disabled

2015/01/20 18:04:59 1116FE8 p resolved ip=

2015/01/20 18:04:59 1116FE8 p home [cccam] connecting to

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dvbapi, au=off)

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c Using SamyGO dvbapi v0.1

2015/01/20 18:04:59 110F080 h webif: decompressed 151000 bytes back into 358860 bytes

2015/01/20 18:04:59 110F080 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=13444

2015/01/20 18:04:59 1116FE8 p home [cccam] proxy initialized, server

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1833 ECM_PID: 180F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1B0F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09AF ECM_PID: 1F0F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1A0F PROVID: 000000

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c Found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in PMT

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid 006C on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0000

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c New program number: 006C (1833:006C unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!

2015/01/20 18:04:59 111A578 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!

2015/01/20 18:05:00 111A578 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 4 ecmpids!

2015/01/20 18:05:00 111A578 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #3 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1A0F ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 03FF

2015/01/20 18:05:00 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:B614ED62B820E69C22C17EEAE1E4EE38): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:01 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:8A512C0A4381E2C26298D8E5CFC4970E): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:08 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:0E7790BE1F27560EC6674AF7DB31DDA3): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:15 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:53B9C57A3B4D207DC3455A34D45153EF): found (285 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:22 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D862E7F22D02485C8748A45546BDF0D3): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:29 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:B926E8DB2842C740BA0F2DDA3CC380E2): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:36 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:F0BBCF5CC5304A55C2BFEDF5281D92C0): found (275 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:43 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:5B5F7996208737A46ED05316FCA2C1B5): found (278 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:50 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:B1DCE4CC26B6641AE974523AAF383D4B): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:05:57 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:65C8EC605B7D7852C2F414E7D4F79371): found (275 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:04 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:BCB2F8049D85A705026E2CD493EE61C2): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:11 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:720D7FCA4AAC610549304D8EDB2B8481): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:18 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:40D1A5405F26B476559573283A14087A): found (286 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:25 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:585449C028091EB60775C325FF277D13): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:32 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:9C49CBA8E1432CBC4CE649F2043A57DC): found (287 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:39 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:D34B5B4862CAA9EE685D9EAE5A8A2378): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:46 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:03929DDAECB9E7B21809240600379DDF): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:06:53 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:AA4D5F04C6112C979D4566C121EF1F4E): found (283 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:00 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:ACA8C6F6684F7A7669CDE7933763EBC2): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:07 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:33960D870420833C8A9B2B9A0262CD9E): found (281 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:14 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:8F45380B6F0F3711ED1242B281ED0BFE): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:21 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:EFF84EF19FEAE5D5A2720C5BFF170DD3): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:28 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:784180D025FB18DA6CCC9DEE61F02C40): found (279 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:35 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:68551A728D5A09BA2AC9C3907724EA02): found (282 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:42 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:55772684B0A47F48BD2F688322DC1AE6): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:49 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:828A9FDA029BDB85DEC12E3D94B14CCD): found (280 ms) by home

2015/01/20 18:07:56 111A578 c dvbapi (098C&000000/0C20/006C/98:A844E3FFB550FE33CE81C679722F65FE): found (281 ms) by home
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

So wie ich das Sehe hast du ein loggin Problem!
Aber tausche mal die Oscam Version auf die Aktuelle:
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.

AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

oscam-samygo ist aktualisiert, hat sich aber leider nichts geändert.


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Tue Jan 20 19:45:22 2015


2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r10233 (arm-v7a8v3r1-linux-gnueabi-libusb)

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s System name = Linux

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s Host name = (none)

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s Release = 3.0.33

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s Version = #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 10 17:40:57 KST 2013

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s Machine = armv7l

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s creating pidfile /dtv/oscam.pid with pid 2161

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s signal handling initialized

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s LED support is not active. Can't detect machine type.

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 119 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 118 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 117 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 116 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 115 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 114 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 113 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:29 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 112 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:30 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 111 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:31 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 110 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:32 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 109 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:33 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 108 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:34 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 107 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:35 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 106 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:36 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 105 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:37 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 104 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:38 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 103 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:39 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 102 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:40 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 101 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:41 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 100 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:42 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 99 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:43 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 98 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:44 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 97 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:45 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 96 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 95 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 94 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 93 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 92 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 91 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 90 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 89 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 88 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 87 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 86 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 85 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 84 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 83 seconds

2015/01/20 19:45:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 82 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 81 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:01 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 80 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:02 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 79 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:03 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 78 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:04 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 77 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:05 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 76 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:06 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 75 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:07 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 74 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:08 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 73 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:09 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 72 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:10 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 71 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:11 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 70 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 69 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 68 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 67 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 66 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 65 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 64 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 63 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 62 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 61 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 60 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 59 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 58 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 57 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 56 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 55 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 54 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 53 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:29 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 52 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:30 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 51 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:31 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 50 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:32 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 49 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:33 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 48 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:34 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 47 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:35 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 46 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:36 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 45 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:37 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 44 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:38 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 43 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:39 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 42 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:40 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 41 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:41 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 40 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:42 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 39 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:43 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 38 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:44 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 37 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:45 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 36 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 35 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 34 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 33 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 32 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 31 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 30 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 29 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 28 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 27 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 26 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 25 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 24 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 23 seconds

2015/01/20 19:46:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 22 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 21 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:01 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 20 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:02 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 19 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:03 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 18 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:04 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 17 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:05 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 16 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:06 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 15 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:07 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 14 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:08 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 13 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:09 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 12 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:10 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 11 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:11 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 10 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 9 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 8 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 7 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 6 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 5 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 4 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 3 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 2 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 1 seconds

2015/01/20 19:47:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), giving up

2015/01/20 19:47:21 0 s home [cccam] creating thread for device

2015/01/20 19:47:21 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /mtd_rwcommon/oscam/stat

2015/01/20 19:47:21 0 s anti cascading disabled

2015/01/20 19:47:21 16E8948 p resolved ip=

2015/01/20 19:47:21 16E8948 p home [cccam] connecting to

2015/01/20 19:47:21 16EBF58 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dvbapi, au=off)
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Kannst du mal deine Oscam Conf, Server, User, DVBapi onlone setzen?
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Du hast höchstwahrscheinlich einen Fehler in der oscam.conf.

2015/01/20 19:45:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 119 seconds

Daher kommt die lange Startzeit zustande.

Poste bitte deine Configs, dann sehen wir weiter.
AW: Konfiguration von oscam auf dem Samsung TV

Meine Configs im TV

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r9768

# Read more:


logfile = /mtd_rwcommon/oscam/oscam.log

pidfile = /dtv/oscam.pid

nice = -1

maxlogsize = 256

waitforcards = 0

cwlogdir = /dtv/







port = 13500

serverip =

nodeid = 3CC8DBEA107F158C

version = 2.3.0


enabled = 1

reopenonzap = 1

au = 0


user = dvbapi

boxtype = pc

pmt_mode = 0



httpport = 13444

httpuser = Samsung

httppwd = Samsung

httprefresh = 10

httpallowed =,

# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r9768

# Read more:


label = home

protocol = cccam

device =,13500

user = Samsung

password = Samsung

caid = 098C

keepalive = 1

group = 1

cccversion = 2.3.0
# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r9768

# Read more:



user = dvbapi

description = Samsung TV

caid = 098C

group = 1

Configs in der Fritzbox

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r10150
# Read more:
logfile = /dev/tty
fallbacktimeout = 2000
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 100
preferlocalcards = 1
cwlogdir = 0
failbantime = 5
failbancount = 3
#port = 13500
#serverip =
port = 13500
nodeid = 30D5DE61317EDCE5
version = 2.3.0
#reshare = 0
#reshare_mode = 0
#ignorereshare = 1
httpport = 1xx83
httpuser = Oxxxx
httppwd = Rxxxxxxxxxx0
httprefresh = 10
httphideidleclients = 1
httpallowed =
httpdyndns = xxxxxxxxxxxxx.myfritz.net

label = skyV14
protocol = smargo
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
ins7e11 = 15
ndsversion = 2
# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-emu SVN r10150
# Read more:

user = administrator
pwd = rxxxxxxxx
description = V14-Sky
caid = 098C
monlevel = 1
suppresscmd08 = 1
keepalive = 1
au = 1
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 0

user = Wohnzimmer
pwd = rxxxxxxx
description = V14-Sky
caid = 098C
suppresscmd08 = 1
keepalive = 1
au = 1
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 0

user = Samsung
pwd = Samsung
description = UE55F8090
caid = 098C
group = 1
