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Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

I have just a contact with a tester. So i can't talk with them directly. Anyway they said:
- nagra , they have other priority (implement other systems) but in future will be added
- who wrote the txt probably make a mistake.
- the big delay during the switch, is an hardware limitation

@hhbb76: what you mean with "Funcard it has made a malfunction"? Does it works with card info enabled and doesn't works with card info disabled? Funcard is sim or smart?

Who can explain (in english) the problem with the emulator and mt* and vt*?
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module


the Funcard doesn't work with Card Info enabled option, when its used in Simcard-Slot! In this config. is showing the Message "malfunction" under the SIM-Info! I must use two Smartcards, because the Emulator is not really useable!

The Problem with the Emulator is, that MT* and other Channels are "dark", but they should go! Why? Because it's the same key.bin that are in use with Diablo Cams and there isn't that Problem with Channels like MT*! So it seems scary and not really logic for us Users of the Jackcam! Understand?
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AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

Jackcam mit neuster Software und HD+Karte in einem "Samsung D8090 TV" funktioniert nicht so gut.
Das Bild bleibt stündlich stehen und läuft erst wieder nach einem TV Neustart oder Jackam raus und wieder reinstecken.
Schade :boredom:
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

The developers are working to fix the problem on mt* and said not exists any "malfunction" message, they need the exact string you have. I suppose that your funcard is a sim, do you have also a funcard to use like smartcard? Can you try this if it has the same problem? You don't answer to my previous question, the funcard don't works with card info disabled but it works with card info enabled?

@Satschauer, after how much time does it crash?
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module


ok, in german was the word "Fehlfunktion" in the Simcard menu - in english the word iswould be "malfunction", but its possible that there would be stand "Card Error" or so, if I would change the Language into english of the Jackcam menu. Now the Language is choose to german. The Funcard is a Smartcard that I use with a Sim-to-Smartcard-Adapter. The Adapter is ok and it works fine with another Cam I have. If I take the Funcard into the Smartcard-Slot and the other Smartcard Sky V13 into the Sim-Adapter it works with the option card info enabled! But it very slowy because the initiialisating Process of the cards is very slow. Thats a big Problem especially when I switch between the Smartcard, because the Jackcam are initiialing again the Smartcard for the actually access. Is this problem are noted for fixing in the future?

Thank you for your engagement!

AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

"The funcard don't works with card info disabled but it works with card info enabled?" - Yes, so it is! But only the Funcard is in the Simcard-Slot withe the Adapter! In Smartcard-Slot it works with card info disabled option!

Excuse me, I forgot to answer your question!
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

In fact the current Fausto keys.bin doesn't make the EMU music channels MT* and VH* "light". The same Fausto keys.bin works in Diablo 2 without problems and make the channels MT* and VH* "light" using the EMU. So that must be a Jack FW problem with CW encryption for MT* and VH* using the current Fausto keys.bin in EMU mode.

Unfortunately I can't fix my Win7 64bit problem to use it with my Jack programmer :-(. The device manager shows the Jack as USB disc device. And also the disc manager shows the new drive letter but without additional information regarding file system. If I try to access I get at first "no disc insert" or "I/O error". I also tried to remove and reinstall the device driver. but unfortunately without success. I also tried to push the reset button during Jack plug in - also without success. That make me crazy...
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

- nagra , they have other priority (implement other systems) but in future will be added
- who wrote the txt probably make a mistake.

Because of this mistake in the txt file i've bought the jackcam module... Thats annoying. Anyways, i'm looking forward for a update with nagra/nagra2 support. Thank you for information.
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

Jackcam mit neuster Software und HD+Karte in einem "Samsung D8090 TV" funktioniert nicht so gut.
Das Bild bleibt stündlich stehen und läuft erst wieder nach einem TV Neustart oder Jackam raus und wieder reinstecken.
Schade :boredom:

After about one to two hours of the crash. TV reboot or module out and tuck, then everything is working for an hour (Jackcam with 1.2.7 Software in "Samsung UE40D8090 TV" with HD+ card).
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AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

@Satschauer, did you tried with the last firmware (1.3.1)? Does mt* and vh* are on on 19° ?
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

mt* and vh* are also on 19.2°E!
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module


hier wurde doch über schnellere Umschaltzeiten (1-2 Sek.) mit dem Jack Modul geredet. Kann ich so leider nicht bestätigen!
Habe die 1.2.7 Version mit einer weißen freigeschalteten HD+ Karte in meinem TechniSat Receiver laufen. Die Umschaltzeiten haben sich nicht verbessert, sie sind gleich geblieben! Leider.
Ein anderer Forumuser hat eine schwarze HD+ Karte. Bei ihm haben sich die Umschaltzeiten auf 1-2 Sek. verkürzt (bei mir 3-4 Sek.). Liegt es an der HD+ Karte?!?!?

AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

Kann sein!

Hier mal die Unterschiede zwieschen den HD+-Karten:
HD01 (weiß)
ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
CAID: 1830
Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11

HD02 (schwarz)
ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
CAID: 1843
Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11

Gravierendster Unterschied ist das ROM!

Ich hab mein Jackcam mit der Sky V13 ausprobiert und da waren die Umschaltzeiten schon sehr kurz! Sonst habe ich ein Maxcam+ dort im Einsatz, ein Unicam war da auch mal im Einsatz! Die kürzeren Umschaltzeiten fallen schon auf! Von den grausigen Umschaltzeiten eines Diablo Cam 2 mal ganz zu schweigen! Probier mal die neue Jackcam-Firmware 1.3.1, vielleicht gehts damit besser?!

AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

Habe jetzt auf die Version 1.3.1 geupdated. Leider kein Erfolg. Immer noch die selben langen Umschaltzeiten wie ohne Jack Modul! Schade.
AW: Jackcam Ci Modul DigiCrypt Jack Module

Habe jetzt auf die Version 1.3.1 geupdated. Leider kein Erfolg. Immer noch die selben langen Umschaltzeiten wie ohne Jack Modul! Schade.

War ja ein Versuch wert! Aber danke für die Info, dann weiß ich Bescheid, hab nämlich noch eine abgelaufene HD01 (weiß) liegen! Dann kann mir für das JackCam gleich eine schwarze HD02 besorgen, wenn es soweit ist!
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