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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins54: n


Ist gelegentlich hier
29. Juni 2013
Hallo zusammen, bei mir ist seit heute Nachmittag auch alles dunkel. Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins54: no cw --> card needs pairing/extra data" "555E68 r"und danach direkt: "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired" "555E68 r"
Bin leider im Moment unterwegs und kann keine komplette logfile posten! Ist das Problem bekannt? Kann ich das von hier aus lösen? oder nur zu Hause direkt an der Box? Meine Frau ist Game of Thrones süchtig und dreht grad voll ab! :emoticon-0107-sweat
Danke schon mal vorab...

(SKY V14, Smargo, FB 7330 mit Freetz & Oscam in 2. Reihe, CS auf Dreamboxen)
AW: Laberthread Sky V14 Pairing

Deine Tiers sind abgelaufen! Musst du den Verlängerer schreiben
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Ok...und das heisst?! Bei mir steht grad einer aufm Schlauch...:emoticon-0138-think
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Du betreibst doch deine V14 in oscam und blockst doch alle EMM das Sky nichts auf die Karte schreiben kann um diese zu pairen. Diese EMM sollten gesichert werden damit du dann wenn es so weit ist den Verlängerer schreiben kannst der dir die Karte wieder 40Tage frei schaltet
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Ja genau...und das ist jetzt neu?! bei mir läuft das schon seit juni 2013 so durch...bisher ohne Probleme...
Heisst ich muss künftig die Einstellung der EMM's ändern...die nicht mehr blocken! Und wie kann ich die Karte wieder entsperren? Im Original SK...Reciever geht das nicht?!
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Heißt das du hast die EMM nicht geblockt? Dann zeig doch mal deine configs und lies mal den Payload aus damit wir wissen woran wir sind. Die Karte nicht in den Sky Reci., außer du willst sie immer nur dort benutzen!
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Keine Freischaltung! Zeig deine configs und ließ den Payload aus
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 1500
preferlocalcards = 1
emmlogdir = /var/log/

port = 99999
nodeid = 06B1A8231086144C
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
reshare_mode = 1
stealth = 1

httpport = 83
httpuser = 99999
httppwd = 99999
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 30
httpallowed =
Die oder?!

label = SKYv14
protocol = smartreader
device = Serial:12345678
services =
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
mhz = 343
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
ndsversion = 2
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
ndsversion = 2

Wie lese ich den Payload aus???
Hier mal noch die letzte Logfile...villeicht hilft die ja weiter...

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Thu Apr 23 18:36:49 2015
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-emu, build r10014 (mips-linux-uclibc-libusb)
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 15011
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 1 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s [Emu] OSEmu (built-in) version 708
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s userdb reloaded: 7 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s signal handling initialized
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s 159 service-id's loaded in 8 ms
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s 161 tier-id's loaded
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s 4 provid's loaded
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=12002)
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s SKYv14 [smartreader] creating thread for device Serial:12345678
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s emulator [emu] creating thread for device emulator
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/04/23 18:36:49 0 s waiting for local card init
2015/04/23 18:36:49 567200 h webif: decompressed 155538 bytes back into 368232 bytes
2015/04/23 18:36:49 567200 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2015/04/23 18:36:49 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Reader initialized (device=Serial:12345678, detect=cd, mhz= AUTO, cardmhz=369)
2015/04/23 18:36:49 56A178 r reading key file: /var/media/NEW_LINK/addon/oscam/SoftCam.Key
2015/04/23 18:36:50 56A178 r emulator [emu] Reader initialized (device=emulator, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/04/23 18:36:50 56A178 r emulator [emu] card detected
2015/04/23 18:36:50 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] card detected
2015/04/23 18:36:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Reading atr
2015/04/23 18:36:51 56A178 r emulator [emu] found card system emu
2015/04/23 18:36:51 56A178 r emulator [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/04/23 18:36:51 56A178 r reading key file: /var/media/NEW_LINK/addon/oscam/SoftCam.Key
2015/04/23 18:36:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Reading atr
2015/04/23 18:36:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] ATR: 3F FD 15 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2015/04/23 18:36:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
2015/04/23 18:36:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Calculated work ETU is 4.35 us reader mhz = 534
2015/04/23 18:36:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Effective reader settings mhz =534 F= 372 D= 16 N=2 T=0 inv=1 parity=ODD
2015/04/23 18:36:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to ATR Fsmax for smartreader cardspeed of 5.34 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Card type: P1TV
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Rom version: 20AA
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Extended 4C detected
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] FuseByte: 25
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Region Code: 00BO0102
2015/04/23 18:36:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Country Code: DEU
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] Pincode read: 3909
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] ready for requests
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [smartreader] found card system videoguard2
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/04/23 18:36:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2015/04/23 18:37:07 0 s init for all local cards done
2015/04/23 18:37:07 0 s anti cascading disabled
2015/04/23 18:37:07 57E290 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/04/23 18:37:07 59F580 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/04/23 18:37:07 57C460 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/04/23 18:37:07 580F40 c encrypted cccam-client granted (guenther, au=off)
2015/04/23 18:37:07 582D70 c encrypted cccam-client granted (marcspieler, au=off)
2015/04/23 18:37:07 56D370 c encrypted cccam-client granted (harald, au=off)
2015/04/23 18:41:35 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 18:41:35 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 18:41:35 582D70 c marcspieler (098C&000000/0C1E/006B/98:A0E441A747D70A0DBB95F6A30660A1C2): not found (158 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema Hits HD
2015/04/23 19:26:50 59F580 c encrypted cccam-client granted (alex, au=off)
2015/04/23 19:57:55 5A2568 c encrypted cccam-client granted (gerd, au=auto (2 reader))
2015/04/23 20:00:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:02 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:50E8F631DEDF2FEE26EE4809F347625F): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:00:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:04 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:7C4F6471D374CA237A20A6D89F0A39F1): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:00:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:10 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:D5910CC7E4476AFB879AF386C495EC3B): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:00:17 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:17 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:17 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:4C8532DC75996D0C936427424AF93B4C): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:00:24 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:24 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:24 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:FABEFF3D0D96FEC79381AA979D82F149): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:00:31 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:31 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:31 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:1F129260901329E7A79C6940AC8C8A9D): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:00:38 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:38 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:38 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/012F/002B/98:213BB521A818569A1CD5D82AB27DCDD8): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/04/23 20:00:46 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:46 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:46 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/012F/002B/98:2DF8CC6F39F89909E93232BA672F5366): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/04/23 20:00:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:00:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:00:55 5A2568 c gerd (098C&000000/012F/002B/98:F597C60CA3EF3F9DE933CC3746094459): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/04/23 20:01:32 5A2568 c gerd disconnected from
2015/04/23 20:01:38 57D618 c encrypted cccam-client granted (gerd, au=auto (2 reader))
2015/04/23 20:02:17 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:02:17 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:02:17 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/025B/0083/9B:2081C2412CA3F8A22F7AD2E3D27CF393): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:02:24 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:02:24 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:02:24 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:C0E9789091E635DBC95314795C24C6F5): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:02:31 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:02:31 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:02:31 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/025B/0083/98:7C6E3E91D30697DD4C1EECD38B30FD41): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Cinema HD
2015/04/23 20:02:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:02:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:02:32 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0259/0081/98:3CFCE1FBE1DB5E8D01F02394266CE643): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Sport HD 1
2015/04/23 20:02:39 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:02:39 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:02:39 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0259/0081/98:BA0E16D7F7C0E2B3C4E7334E390447FD): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Sport HD 1
2015/04/23 20:14:44 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:14:44 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:14:44 59F580 c alex (098C&000000/025A/0082/98:9871F8DA7C9871274647F71881C6B412): not found (186 ms) by SKYv14 - Discovery HD
2015/04/23 20:14:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:14:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:14:53 59F580 c alex (098C&000000/025A/0082/98:23BC45D83AB9F0D0209A158B39C47915): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14 - Discovery HD
2015/04/23 20:16:36 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:16:36 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:16:36 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/07D5/EF78/98:D6F81FA84EF5A54806A53B6F631830A5): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 20:16:44 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:16:44 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:16:44 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0B58/0074/98:AE822462682B91D6042519EF0FCBAADF): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 20:16:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:16:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:16:51 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0B58/0074/98:78F80FC78119D6AD5670CD109AAB1BA9): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 20:16:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:16:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:16:58 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0B58/0074/98:2FA796EC2BC51CA474BFF876C6A26BC5): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 20:17:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:17:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:17:05 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0B58/0074/98:4B318F933E67594EA7788E21FEF159C6): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 20:17:11 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:17:11 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:17:11 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0B58/0074/98:9A0241943ED40051667E6033C69CC4E5): not found (160 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 20:49:15 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:49:15 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:49:15 59F580 c alex (098C&000000/025A/0082/98:552CC63331C0C6CA7CD430858AC91D52): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Discovery HD
2015/04/23 20:49:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 20:49:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 20:49:18 59F580 c alex (098C&000000/0B58/0074/98:ACFB384F47629DA4D14FDACD070EA2C5): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:15:53 5A2568 c encrypted cccam-client granted (chrischa, au=off)
2015/04/23 21:16:49 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:16:49 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:16:49 59F580 c alex (098C&000000/025A/0082/98:4F8D842D7ECE85F0F47C5F405135AABC): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Discovery HD
2015/04/23 21:24:01 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:24:01 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:24:01 59F580 c alex (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:DD1EC6E8EA8BA5CD7F39FBFE9C1060E4): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Action HD
2015/04/23 21:44:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:44:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:44:43 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:FAD750FC27610686E3C950D74FC5BB42): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:44:50 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:44:50 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:44:50 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:392FC934B94F5DB62CF1754BEFAE7830): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:44:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:44:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:44:57 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:3D85DFEC88B3012CA127CE75F82E9670): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:45:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:45:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:45:03 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:DA91A75EF31955C30719CABFF9A683C8): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:45:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:45:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:45:10 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:20C8650574521FB44E3CBD2571C7C47A): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:45:17 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:45:17 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:45:17 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:11FDDB72F5373AED4BE38E45ED9E1D1E): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 21:49:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:33 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:79079D12C534EB08AA0F17815F2302E8): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - SAT.1 HD
2015/04/23 21:49:41 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:41 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:41 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:95AE394BA49ED7B1797557F9A91FC9F7): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - SAT.1 HD
2015/04/23 21:49:50 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:50 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:50 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:6DB0796617DE92041AA1C087F4E20FD1): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/23 21:49:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:51 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:C8CFB645095F55E5B3109CC45BC99A41): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 21:49:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:51 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:0E28844F4A8709954202626A20E7635B): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - SAT.1 HD
2015/04/23 21:49:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:53 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/07D4/EF77/98:E1116393DE8D3635118D1FE354C282B4): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14 - Sixx HD
2015/04/23 21:49:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:49:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:49:53 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:002525D1E8B319355109B829FC944279): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/23 21:50:01 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:50:01 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:50:01 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/07D4/EF77/98:B6A7B780AD0DF321764F14EDDA78BE59): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sixx HD
2015/04/23 21:50:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:50:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:50:03 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:39D8D413A8D11C75A1481B3CAF9F0D6B): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/23 21:50:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:50:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:50:05 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0644/EF15/98:FD0E61F153EB04046F4099977BC03DB4): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL2 HD
2015/04/23 21:50:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:50:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:50:10 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:C92011259FB9931B7D0C6CD2C870E539): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/23 21:50:16 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:50:16 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:50:16 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:041274B920A5DA83096937F668E6B1BA): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/23 21:50:21 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:50:21 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:50:21 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0CE8/0023/98:D23FC1901525593366964A266E1487F7): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - TNT Film (TCM)
2015/04/23 21:51:35 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:51:35 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:51:35 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0641/EF10/98:50F3407634E8C80F23C6CB68B4066055): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL HD
2015/04/23 21:51:40 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:51:40 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:51:40 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:F42C0B2C78C613C906C57470D40A1FF8): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/23 21:51:47 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:51:47 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:51:47 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:D7D609C979563E2F8583BAA807D02B0B): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 21:51:54 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:51:54 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:51:54 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:B958E1BC253266262E78D85E50087E68): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 21:52:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:02 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:E3E6811400CF80EA22FF7BFD406CC16A): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 21:52:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:03 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:002636580E6E6C22E07D4F3281F1E65A): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/23 21:52:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:04 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:AB5DFC06002B6302542B242F2E76B8E1): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 21:52:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:05 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:163D8441756863F8B59962A2E6DFF987): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/23 21:52:08 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:08 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:08 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0643/EF14/98:105FD9816FC4605360613C8389F793AB): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sport1 HD
2015/04/23 21:52:11 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:11 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:11 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:D72C38AB8AB94EA2DA16535F0990DACE): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 21:52:12 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:12 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:12 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0643/EF14/98:3A8FA9A8064E8B1C3944CF4172FAB458): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sport1 HD
2015/04/23 21:52:19 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:19 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:19 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0643/EF14/98:FE6A346A297F780BE4E7585B86D9C34B): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sport1 HD
2015/04/23 21:52:36 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:36 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:36 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0BB9/0072/98:26039D612B532E2FE11052C21752ACE2): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Sport HD 2
2015/04/23 21:52:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 21:52:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 21:52:43 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/0BB9/0072/98:D88265CD2F674DD09FE8F5F4CC6C7503): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky Sport HD 2
2015/04/23 22:03:46 56D370 c harald (0D05&000004/0000/132F/9C:13BA17C58FAE0B06DDD1D07C12F794B8): found (5 ms) by emulator
2015/04/23 22:03:52 56D370 c harald (0D05&000004/0000/1330/9C:62D2839D55EDB6C3EECF67A07D758BBC): found (4 ms) by emulator
2015/04/23 22:03:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:03:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:03:56 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/05DF/332D/98:FB0FBB1559A3CC928BA45033906C7AFA): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:04:00 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:04:00 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:04:00 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0321/4E27/98:7A3517F4D283510ADFB840160C5AA71A): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:04:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:04:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:04:02 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0520/33AC/98:F73CB3B9790B55FBE811CC5AD40649D8): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:04:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:04:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:04:04 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0E12/33A7/98:4A2CC9C9F3A071FD0CCCA93C54D8419A): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:04:14 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:04:14 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:04:14 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/10D1/2EAF/98:D937FCCCCE949AA8F855957C6F96FA53): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:04:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:04:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:04:20 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/07D4/EF77/98:D76E33F596D1B2725ED6CE96467CCF3E): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Sixx HD
2015/04/23 22:04:28 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:04:28 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:04:28 56D370 c harald (098C&000000/0E12/33A7/98:307D6EB07A02BAAC0C2DC761E0BC1D75): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:04:36 56D370 c harald (0D05&000004/0000/132F/9C:0CBB7635AF7B8E70ED36AB2A3ABBA612): found (4 ms) by emulator
2015/04/23 22:05:29 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:29 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:29 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:EFF0C813B7EE7AC6315FEB1E41D765E9): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 22:05:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:32 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:0602AFF5084D1B75E11305772CD99C19): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 22:05:38 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:38 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:38 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:8691FE367D9909F7D7731A6A231737BA): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/23 22:05:42 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:42 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:42 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:AE0E80AB88A9F5494D1E5BF26D23A1EE): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:05:49 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:49 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:49 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:58211EC826BA71906CDE0E071FCC34DE): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:05:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:56 580F40 c guenther (098C&000000/11FA/0087/98:E749A6D64FCF0A92D08632A355AEE249): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14
2015/04/23 22:05:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:05:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:05:58 57D618 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:ED473A7D64704E1BFC384DC672D800D5): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/23 22:06:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:06:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:06:04 57D618 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:BA167A26AE22BCCF1F606D8660F71A1E): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/23 22:06:11 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:06:11 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:06:11 57D618 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:5B7416B9833D9D7D368B5A48568D598C): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/23 22:06:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:06:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:06:18 57D618 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:C6D952F59260A802BDB7FA57E5C48129): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/23 22:06:25 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:06:25 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:06:25 57D618 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:A45B4607B4D94FE5F472004C73E82DFF): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/23 22:06:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/23 22:06:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/23 22:06:32 57D618 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:431755FDFFEFC6272BA25FF26759786F): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/24 00:57:57 59F580 c alex disconnected from
2015/04/24 01:02:30 56D370 c harald disconnected from
2015/04/24 02:31:14 5A2568 c chrischa disconnected from
2015/04/24 03:02:43 57C460 c encrypted cccam-client granted (gerd, au=auto (2 reader))
2015/04/24 03:03:18 580F40 c encrypted cccam-client granted (marcspieler, au=off)
2015/04/24 06:57:56 582D70 c encrypted cccam-client granted (guenther, au=off)
2015/04/24 07:00:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 07:00:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 07:00:03 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/0643/EF14/98:15DF56BA581A1BF2D4715871FA4ED2C8): not found (171 ms) by SKYv14 - Sport1 HD
2015/04/24 07:00:13 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 07:00:13 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 07:00:13 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/0643/EF14/98:787359B836DE4A135F9970DD490F7DED): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sport1 HD
2015/04/24 09:22:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:22:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:22:18 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:17E32811EE3B902B4C942282917D7B84): not found (157 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 09:22:28 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:22:28 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:22:28 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:D6302FEFEAA5B9734ACC47313950AEC6): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 09:22:37 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:22:37 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:22:37 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:8C4A72A7F93DE62013E49E5654AFA62B): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 09:33:48 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:33:48 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:33:48 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:5C59DC932554C5112FE84AA179D5AEA2): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 09:33:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:33:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:33:51 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/0644/EF15/98:8CB346877F9BB206AAF97F27F81EF6E8): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL2 HD
2015/04/24 09:33:54 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:33:54 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:33:54 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:DEAC40D7481F6DA612CC40BD7886244E): not found (146 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 09:34:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:34:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:34:03 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:0434C33CC929C398B82B226014C85A3A): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 09:44:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:44:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:44:56 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:6F49C8E639C8366CBDF1A1AB6497296D): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/24 09:45:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 09:45:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 09:45:04 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:2CF5A244E0A6C19C794CFA133E4FFC1D): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/24 12:03:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 12:03:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 12:03:05 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/0641/EF10/98:0486EE763ACD1C1D437EB1F34D32C9D8): not found (159 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL HD
2015/04/24 12:03:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 12:03:10 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 12:03:10 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:DAE738661691D8215B447B444A631270): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 12:03:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 12:03:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 12:03:18 582D70 c guenther (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:4145978776358D4EB3A766694F7F6451): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 13:26:55 59F530 c encrypted cccam-client granted (harald, au=off)
2015/04/24 13:29:59 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 13:29:59 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 13:29:59 57C460 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:AB3433C03971549E900091D9C5FA5B38): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/24 13:30:06 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 13:30:06 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 13:30:06 57C460 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:38AA2BE366B3135B69AB844086FFC736): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/24 13:30:13 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 13:30:13 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 13:30:13 57C460 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:4B60CCF25D7F8A1373E1942CFB92B45F): not found (151 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/24 13:30:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 13:30:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 13:30:20 57C460 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:280B89F17D8244A86979F6782E7B1250): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/24 13:30:26 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 13:30:26 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 13:30:26 57C460 c gerd (098C&000000/100D/0075/98:7E50A53D95DFEAE2E066B7D1556B7763): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - Sky 3D
2015/04/24 13:56:38 5A2518 c encrypted cccam-client granted (alex, au=off)
2015/04/24 14:51:39 56ED30 c encrypted cccam-client granted (chrischa, au=off)
2015/04/24 15:20:34 5A2518 c encrypted cccam-client granted (alex, au=off)
2015/04/24 15:38:08 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:08 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:08 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:5847424E6AA19A19444225815BF44C34): not found (162 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:38:15 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:15 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:15 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:07FAA4F53F0321E34C968ABFC5C076C1): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:38:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:20 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0644/EF15/98:66D59C1F398F4A931A126C761F4A4D59): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL2 HD
2015/04/24 15:38:23 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:23 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:23 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:802D92A0535A488A92B2226B411F46F2): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:38:27 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:27 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:27 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0644/EF15/98:931E600C0ED0FD58E023FA74C189F45E): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL2 HD
2015/04/24 15:38:29 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:29 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:29 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/07D3/EF76/98:951CBE76CA7E93FAD1884783DFC4B788): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - kabel eins HD
2015/04/24 15:38:30 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:30 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:30 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/07D2/EF75/98:D2276E581515327D941C1C50DF7D8690): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - ProSieben HD
2015/04/24 15:38:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:33 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0641/EF10/98:E2C5FA132566D9A2DEE68D7D95C71996): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL HD
2015/04/24 15:38:34 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:34 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:34 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0641/EF10/98:E2DEE5D5F7C45C1F3011AD68139C7A89): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - RTL HD
2015/04/24 15:38:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:43 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:7C46586EFE11290ACF20B6BC2C8ABDE7): not found (147 ms) by SKYv14 - SAT.1 HD
2015/04/24 15:38:46 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:38:46 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:38:46 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:30921DC6D02321A4AF7D512295475049): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - SAT.1 HD
2015/04/24 15:39:07 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:39:07 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:39:07 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/00DD/0206/98:43688EBED1B83A3445153E2FA04D023D): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - Goldstar TV
2015/04/24 15:39:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:39:18 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:39:18 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:EAA50702F99F6A611C77614973BAEF8C): not found (150 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:39:25 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:39:25 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:39:25 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:32A0BCA078A955F9AB7E75AC7753276B): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:39:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:39:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:39:33 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:4C165FE3A10A4DCE4BA0CD6DAB2FD150): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:39:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:39:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:39:43 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:D3BFD74DFF2A294B765EF55A587C1488): not found (149 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:39:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:39:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:39:53 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:B41903EF901249085A4FEB4861A663E2): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 15:40:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Card needs pairing/extra data
2015/04/24 15:40:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2015/04/24 15:40:03 59F530 c harald (098C&000000/0642/EF11/98:5DE3F05BC0BA5F41CF8CDE50B0599E26): not found (148 ms) by SKYv14 - VOX HD
2015/04/24 16:22:24 567200 h all debug_level=2
2015/04/24 16:23:19 567200 h all debug_level=6
2015/04/24 16:23:19 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:19 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:20 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:20 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:21 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:21 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:22 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:22 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:23 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:23 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:24 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:24 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:25 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:25 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:26 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:26 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:27 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:27 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:28 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:28 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:29 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:29 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:30 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:30 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:31 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/04/24 16:23:31 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:31 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:32 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:32 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:33 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:33 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:34 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:34 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:35 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:35 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:36 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:36 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:37 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:37 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:38 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:38 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:39 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:39 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:40 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:40 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:41 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:41 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:42 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:42 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:43 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:43 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:44 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:44 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:45 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:45 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:46 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:46 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:47 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:47 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:48 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:48 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:49 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:49 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:50 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:50 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:51 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:51 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:52 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:52 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:53 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:53 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:54 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:54 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:55 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:55 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:56 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:56 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:57 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:57 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:58 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:58 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:59 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:23:59 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:00 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:00 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:01 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:01 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:02 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:02 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:03 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:03 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:04 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:04 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:05 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/04/24 16:24:05 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:05 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:05 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:06 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/04/24 16:24:06 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:07 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:07 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:08 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:08 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:08 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/04/24 16:24:08 56A178 r emulator [emu] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
2015/04/24 16:24:09 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/04/24 16:24:09 555E68 r SKYv14 [videoguard2] cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Morgen zusammen...danke erstmal für die Hilfe...hab das von wylly31 gelesen...ich blicke aber noch nicht ganz durch...
Wie schalte ich denn die Karte wieder frei...? Über Sk*??? Telefonisch?
Und mit den EMM's schreiben...gute und böse??? Ich komm da grad nicht weiter...

Was kann ich denn jetzt genau über das Oscam-WebInf machen um das Problem zu lösen??? Payload hatte ich was gelesen...mit ziffer 2 und 4 und dann in 2. Reihe...
Bin da gerade etwas ratlos...

In der Logfile schreibt er jetzt das hier...:emoticon-0124-worri
"cardreader_do_checkhealth: reader->card_status = 2, ret = 1"
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Moin zusammen , ich habe da mal ne Frage dazu .:
Hast du die Karte einfach geholt und in die OSCAM gesteckt ?
Welchen Receiver , server oder ähnliches ?
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Nein...die karte läuft seit fast 2 Jahren in einem Smargo...mit aktiv USB an einer FB 7330 in 2. Reihe...
Und die Karte ist bis vor 2 Tagen noch normal gelaufen...
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Da müssen spezialisten rann , ich kann es fast nicht glauben das die 2 Jahre gelaufen sein soll ohne emm zu schreiben , oder hat er nix geblockt und einfach nur glück gehabt ?
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

Ein Client beim CS kann da aber nicht der Ursprung gewesen sein...auf Select was probiert zu kaufen oder so...?
AW: Im Log (Über Oscam Manager App) kann ich lesen, "SKYv14(Videoguard2) classD3 ins5

nein, das geht nur auf Serverseite.
Lese den Payload aus, im Livelog unten auf ShowSettings und bei Switch Debug from 0 to klickst du auf die 4. Dann den Block mit Decrypded payload suchen und dort dann die zweite Zeile.