Digital Eliteboard - Das Digitale Technik Forum

Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.


Ist oft hier
29. August 2012
Ein stiller Ort in Bayern
Hallo @ all,
nun nach 3 Wochen Googlen und hier im besten Forum komm ich leider nicht mehr weiter. Möchte Home bzw. später auch CS mit 4 Teilnehmer.
Server bei mir , ein Igel , Smargo Reader V 2 , zum testen einen Edision Apache ip , und eine SKY Karte V 14. Dyndns Acc. hab ich auch.
Auf`m Server ist Debian.
Hier mal ein log aus meiner OSCAM.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Feb 2 16:40:02 2014


2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9450 (i486-linux-gnu)

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 2682

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s signal handling initialized

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=5, port=988)

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=13001, ip=192.168.2.xxx)

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s -> CAID: 1702 PROVID: 000000

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=xxxxx)

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s waiting for local card init

2014/02/02 16:40:02 90AF928 h webif: decompressed 67795 bytes back into 191100 bytes

2014/02/02 16:40:02 90AF928 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=xxx

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s init for all local cards done

2014/02/02 16:40:02 0 s anti cascading disabled

2014/02/02 16:40:02 90B4F10 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)

2014/02/02 16:40:02 90B4F10 c ERROR: Could not detect DVBAPI version.

2014/02/02 16:40:04 90AF928 h unauthorized access from

Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar wenn ihr mir hier weiterhelft, denn auf diesen Gebiet bin ich total Newbie wie ihr so schön sagt.





logfile = /var/log/oscam.log

maxlogsize = 200

nice = -1

preferlocalcards = 1

fallbacktimeout = 2500




Key = woher ???

serverip = 192.168.2.xxx

Port =13001@1702:000000



port = 988

aulow = 120

hideclient_to = 15

monlevel = 4

appendchaninfo = 1


port = 12xxx

reshare = 1

ignorereshare = 0

version = 2.3.0

keepconnected = 1

#stealth = 1

#stealth ist alternativ




enabled = 1

au = 1

boxtype = ???

user = ???



httpport = 1xx

httphelplang = de

httpuser = oscam

httppwd = oscam

httprefresh = 10

httpallowed =,

aulow = 120








Label = skyv14

Description = SkyDE

Enable = 1

Protocol = smartreader

services = sky_blue, sky_sportdigital, sky_select, sky_3d, sky_sport_hd, sky_buli, sky_sport, sky_film_hd, sky_film, sky_welt_extra, sky_welt_hd, sky_welt, sky_austriasat

Device = /dev/ttyUSB0

CAID = 098C

Detect = CD

Mhz = 357

CardMhz = 357

Fallback = 0

Group = 1

EMMCache = 1,1,2






user = dyndns

pwd = dyndns

group = 1

au = smargi

cccmaxhops = 2

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.


dazu könntest du eine oscam.conf, oscam.user und oscam.server haben. In der letzteren hast du ganz sicher einen Fehler bei dem Parameter Device. Post bitte mal diese Dateien.

AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.

Besser währen die configs gewesen.
oscam.dvbapi brauchst Du auf dem Server nicht. CAID 1702 kann auch nicht sein. ....
Poste mal die oscam.conf, oscam.user und oscam.server. Keys und persönliche Daten, Dyn usw. unkenntlich machen.

AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.


versuch erstmal die Karte zu lesen. Ändere das
protocol = mouse

AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.

Au = smargi wird wohl auch nix bringen.
Dann schon lieber:
AU = skyv14
AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.


so nun mit geänderter AU und mouse.


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Feb 2 17:51:03 2014


2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9450 (i486-linux-gnu)

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 2733

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s signal handling initialized

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=5, port=988)

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=13001, ip=192.168.2.xxx)

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s -> CAID: 1702 PROVID: 000000

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=12xxx)

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s waiting for local card init

2014/02/02 17:51:03 969F928 h webif: decompressed 67795 bytes back into 191100 bytes

2014/02/02 17:51:03 969F928 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=1xx

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s init for all local cards done

2014/02/02 17:51:03 0 s anti cascading disabled

2014/02/02 17:51:03 96A4F10 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)

2014/02/02 17:51:03 96A4F10 c ERROR: Could not detect DVBAPI version.

2014/02/02 17:51:04 969F928 h unauthorized access from
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.

...so nun kenn ich mich überhaupt nicht mehr aus.


>> OSCam << cardserver log switched at Sun Feb 2 18:00:46 2014


2014/02/02 18:00:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 14 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:46 0 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9450 (i486-linux-gnu)

2014/02/02 18:00:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 13 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 12 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 11 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 10 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 9 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 8 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 7 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 6 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 5 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 4 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 3 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 2 seconds

2014/02/02 18:00:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 1 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), giving up

2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat

2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s waiting for local card init

2014/02/02 18:01:00 917E8B8 h webif: decompressed 67795 bytes back into 191100 bytes

2014/02/02 18:01:00 917E8B8 h HTTP Server couldn't bind on port 101 (errno=98 Address already in use). Not starting HTTP!

2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s init for all local cards done

2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s anti cascading disabled

2014/02/02 18:01:00 9183F10 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)

2014/02/02 18:01:00 9183F10 c ERROR: Could not detect DVBAPI version.


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Feb 2 18:01:02 2014


2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9450 (i486-linux-gnu)

2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 4836

2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s signal handling initialized

2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=5, port=988)

2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 119 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:03 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 118 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:04 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 117 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:05 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 116 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:06 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 115 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:07 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 114 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:08 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 113 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:09 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 112 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:10 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 111 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:11 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 110 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:12 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 109 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:13 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 108 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:14 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 107 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:15 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 106 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:16 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 105 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:17 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 104 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:18 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 103 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:19 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 102 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:20 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 101 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:21 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 100 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:22 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 99 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:23 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 98 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:24 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 97 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:25 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 96 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:26 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 95 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:27 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 94 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:28 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 93 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:29 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 92 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:30 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 91 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:31 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 90 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:32 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 89 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:33 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 88 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:34 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 87 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:35 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 86 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:36 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 85 seconds

2014/02/02 18:01:37 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 84 seconds


>> OSCam << cardserver log switched at Sun Feb 2 18:00:46 2014
2014/02/02 18:00:46 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 14 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:46 0 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9450 (i486-linux-gnu)
2014/02/02 18:00:47 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 13 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:48 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 12 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:49 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 11 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:50 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 10 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:51 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 9 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:52 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 8 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:53 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 7 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:54 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 6 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:55 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 5 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:56 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 4 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:57 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 3 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:58 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 2 seconds
2014/02/02 18:00:59 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 1 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address already in use), giving up
2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/02/02 18:01:00 917E8B8 h webif: decompressed 67795 bytes back into 191100 bytes
2014/02/02 18:01:00 917E8B8 h HTTP Server couldn't bind on port 101 (errno=98 Address already in use). Not starting HTTP!
2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/02/02 18:01:00 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/02/02 18:01:00 9183F10 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2014/02/02 18:01:00 9183F10 c ERROR: Could not detect DVBAPI version.
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Feb 2 18:01:02 2014
2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9450 (i486-linux-gnu)
2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 4836
2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=5, port=988)
2014/02/02 18:01:02 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 119 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:03 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 118 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:04 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 117 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:05 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 116 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:06 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 115 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:07 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 114 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:08 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 113 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:09 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 112 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:10 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 111 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:11 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 110 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:12 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 109 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:13 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 108 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:14 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 107 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:15 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 106 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:16 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 105 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:17 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 104 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:18 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 103 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:19 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 102 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:20 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 101 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:21 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 100 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:22 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 99 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:23 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 98 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:24 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 97 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:25 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 96 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:26 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 95 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:27 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 94 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:28 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 93 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:29 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 92 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:30 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 91 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:31 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 90 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:32 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 89 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:33 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 88 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:34 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 87 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:35 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 86 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:36 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 85 seconds
2014/02/02 18:01:37 0 s newcamd: Bind request failed (Address already in use), waiting another 84 seconds
AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.


ich habe fast das Gefühl, dass alles, was im Spoiler deiner oscam.conf steht (Post #1), auch nur in einer Datei, nämlich der oscam.conf steht. Sollte es so sein, dann kann ich das nicht wirklich glauben
nun nach 3 Wochen Googlen und hier im besten Forum
oder nur gegoogelt, jedoch nichts gelesen.

Reader und Account gehören in extra Dateien.

AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.

Hallo bombadil,

ja, leider es ist so .... hab alle in der oscam.conf . ohh Gott ich schäme mich.

In welche Ordner gehört denn der Reader und Account hin.

Ich denke das sind nicht einzigen Fehler, oder ?


AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.

Also gelesen ja, evtl. auch verstanden, aber nicht angewendet.
Diese 3 Dateien werden zwingend benötigt.
Aus Deiner conf mal den Teil, wo [Reader] drübersteht, in Oscam.server verlagern.
Das mit [Account] kommt in oscam.user.
AW: HIILFEEE: Bin total am Ende.

Korrektur war schon durch :good:

Normal werden die o.g. Dateien bei der Installation von oscam automatisch angelegt.