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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben



5. April 2013
ich muss bei meiner DM8000 sehr oft das Oscam neustarten. Keinen Ahnung warum. Starte ich das Oscam direkt neu, green screen, gehe ich auf auswahl und neustarten läuft es wieder. Habe ein daily Images NN2 am laufen.
ich nutze in meine 8000 seit jahren die reine cccam 2.2.1 als reine client box , lüpt wie ne sau

wieso versuchst du es auch nicht mal ??
wenn du einen GS bekommst,liegt auf der HDD auch eine crashlog ,lade die mal hier hoch.
Wenn du die OScam vom Onlinefeed hast,ist das nicht normal,grade bei NN2 nicht
        <crashdate>Fri Nov 11 18:48:18 2016</crashdate>
        <compiledate>Jun 16 2016</compiledate>
        <!-- Please email this crashlog to above address -->
        <kernelcmdline>ubi.mtd=root root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw console=null debug bmem=102M@154M</kernelcmdline>
NIM Socket 0:
    Type: DVB-S2
    Name: BCM4506 (internal)
    Has_Outputs: no
    Frontend_Device: 0
    I2C_Device: 3
NIM Socket 1:
    Type: DVB-S2
    Name: BCM4506 (internal)
    Has_Outputs: no
    Frontend_Device: 1
    I2C_Device: 3
NIM Socket 2:
    Type: DVB-S2
    Name: BCM4505
    Has_Outputs: no
    Frontend_Device: 2
    I2C_Device: 2
NIM Socket 3:
creator=newnigma2 Team <team@newnigma2.to>
* http://www.newnigma2.to   *
*  the next step is done    *

opendreambox 2.0.0 %h

            <!-- Cannot allocate memory -->
            <!-- Cannot allocate memory -->
            <!-- Cannot allocate memory -->
 ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
prepare_sat System 0 Freq 12187500 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 192 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
tuning to 1587 mhz
OURSTATE: tuning
allocate Channel: res 0
allocate demux
setInputSource input0 to A
[FanControl]: setting fan values: fanid = 0, voltage = 15, pwm = 0
setLCDBrightness 127
[SEC] lock 0
[SEC] set static current limiting
[SEC] setVoltage 2
(0)setVoltage 18V
[SEC] sleep 400ms
[SEC] invalidate current switch params
[SEC] sendDiseqc: e01003(DiSEqC peripherial power on)
[SEC] sleep 150ms
[SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f3
[SEC] sleep 50ms
[SEC] setTone 1
(0)setTone On
[SEC] sleep 10ms
[SEC] update current switch params
[SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
[SEC] setFrontend 1
(0)setting frontend
(0)fe event: status 0, freq 1587500, inversion off, m_tuning 1 F
[SEC] unlock
[SEC] sleep 500ms
(0)fe event: status 1, freq 1587500, inversion off, m_tuning 1 N
(0)fe event: status 1f, freq 1586265, inversion off, m_tuning 2 N
[eDVBCAService] channel 0x6e5ba818 running
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] channel 0x6e5ba818 running
no version filtering
0014:  70 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  fc 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
[eEPGCache] channel 0x6e5ba818 running
[EPGC] next update in 2 sec
stop release channel timer
no version filtering
0012:  4e 2f 1c 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
ok ... now we start!!
no version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (00a7), and 1 audio stream(s) (0088), and the pcr pid is 00a7, and the text pid is 0047
allocate demux
disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
decoder state: play, vpid=167, apid=136
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xa7) - pcr - ok
DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x88) - audio - ok
DEMUX_START - audio - ok
Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux3
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0xa7) - video - ok
DEMUX_START - video - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x47) - ttx - ok
DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
not pauseable.
[TeleText] serviceInfoChanged
[TeleText] TXT PID 71 DEMUX 3
[TeleText] send array('B', [1, 0, 71, 3])
+ 1/1 TID 00
use pmtpid 002f for service_id 2f1c
no version filtering
002f:  02 2f 1c 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
doing version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 0b 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
+ 1/1 TID 02
[eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] add demux 3 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] demux 3 mask 08
[eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
recheck 0x6db57f54 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
HBBTV broadcast data on pid 00fb
recheck 0x6db57f54 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
start ait on pid 0048
no version filtering
0048:  74 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
have 1 video stream(s) (00a7), and 1 audio stream(s) (0088), and the pcr pid is 00a7, and the text pid is 0047
decoder state: play, vpid=167, apid=136
HBBTV broadcast data on pid 00fb
[TeleText] serviceInfoChanged
[TeleText] TXT PID 71 DEMUX 3
[TeleText] send array('B', [1, 0, 71, 3])
doing version filtering
002f:  02 2f 1c 03 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[SEC] set dynamic current limiting
-+ 1/2 TID 4e
+ 1/1 TID 74
[eHbbtv] aitChanged pid=0x48
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:VOX Startleiste
[eHbbtv] New Application: VOX Startleiste (orgid=33, appid=200, urlBase=http://cdn.digitaltext.vox.de/launchbar/, initalPath=index.html, controlCode=1, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.200
[eHbbtv] We have 1 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.200' resolved to 'http://cdn.digitaltext.vox.de/launchbar/index.html'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:Kochbar
[eHbbtv] New Application: Kochbar (orgid=33, appid=204, urlBase=http://cdn.hbbtv.kochbar.de/, initalPath=index.html, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.204
[eHbbtv] We have 2 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.204' resolved to 'http://cdn.hbbtv.kochbar.de/index.html'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:Clipfish
[eHbbtv] New Application: Clipfish (orgid=33, appid=203, urlBase=http://hbbtv-app.akamai.rtl.de/, initalPath=application.html, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.203
[eHbbtv] We have 3 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.203' resolved to 'http://hbbtv-app.akamai.rtl.de/application.html'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:Digitaltext
[eHbbtv] New Application: Digitaltext (orgid=33, appid=205, urlBase=http://cdn.digitaltext.vox.de/, initalPath=index.html, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.205
[eHbbtv] We have 4 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.205' resolved to 'http://cdn.digitaltext.vox.de/index.html'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:VOX Specials
[eHbbtv] New Application: VOX Specials (orgid=33, appid=206, urlBase=http://cdn.specials.digitaltext.vox.de/, initalPath=index.html, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.206
[eHbbtv] We have 5 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.206' resolved to 'http://cdn.specials.digitaltext.vox.de/index.html'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:VOX externe Specials (CDN)
[eHbbtv] New Application: VOX externe Specials (CDN) (orgid=33, appid=210, urlBase=http://cdn.specials.digitaltext.vox.de/extern/, initalPath=index.php, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.210
[eHbbtv] We have 6 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.210' resolved to 'http://cdn.specials.digitaltext.vox.de/extern/index.php'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:VOX smartpages
[eHbbtv] New Application: VOX smartpages (orgid=33, appid=215, urlBase=http://smartpages-live.netrtl.com/, initalPath=spc_hbb.php, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.215
[eHbbtv] We have 7 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.215' resolved to 'http://smartpages-live.netrtl.com/spc_hbb.php'
[eOipfApplication] Profile 0000, Version 1.1.1
[eOipfApplication] deu:VOX Spiele
[eHbbtv] New Application: VOX Spiele (orgid=33, appid=216, urlBase=http://mg-rtl.spielecenter.tv/spielecenter/, initalPath=?pid=vox, controlCode=2, visibility=2)
[eHbbtv] Resolving Application Locator: dvb://current.ait/33.216
[eHbbtv] We have 8 app(s) for service 1.1089.12060
[eHbbtv] 'dvb://current.ait/33.216' resolved to 'http://mg-rtl.spielecenter.tv/spielecenter/?pid=vox'
[HbbTV].readButtonApplicationReady, appid=33.200
[HbbTV].textApplicationReady, appid=33.205
doing version filtering
0048:  74 00 00 0b 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
++ 2/2 TID 4e
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 2f 1c 23 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
sdt update done!
[EPGC] start caching events(1478886474)
allocating new converter!
reused converter!
reused converter!
allocating new converter!
reused converter!
reused converter!
reused converter!
allocating new converter!
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/VOX.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/RTL2.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_0_1_2EF4_441_1_C00000_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/RTL2.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
action ->  ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites
find old format eServiceReference string
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/dbe0.png
find old format eServiceReference string
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/FAVORITEN HD -TV.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_7_1_0_0_0_0_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/Favoriten HD -TV.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
find old format eServiceReference string
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/dbe0.png
find old format eServiceReference string
[Picon Renderer] not found: /media/hdd/piconHD/.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/SKY.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_7_1_0_0_0_0_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/SKY.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
nr_read 14353 nr_write 620547
sum 634900 prev_sum 634898
hdd was accessed since previous check!
[IDLE] 0 300 False
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
[EPGC] nownext finished(1478886482)
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/SKY CINEMA HD.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_0_19_83_6_85_C00000_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/Sky Cinema HD.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
It's now  Fri Nov 11 18:48:03 2016
[timer.py] next activation: 1478886584 (in 99999 ms)
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/SKY CINEMA +1 HD.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_0_19_86_8_85_C00000_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/Sky Cinema +1 HD.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/SKY CINEMA HD.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_0_19_83_6_85_C00000_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/Sky Cinema HD.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
action ->  OkCancelActions ok
playing 1:0:19:83:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 3 for service 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:1:2F1C:441:1:C00000:0:0:0:
[TeleText] service stopped
[TeleText] send array('B', [1, 0, 0, 0])
decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1
DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
start release channel timer
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/SKY CINEMA HD.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/1_0_19_83_6_85_C00000_0_0_0.png
[Picon Renderer] not found: /picons/piconlcd/Sky Cinema HD.png
[Picon Renderer] Sorry, i give up!
[TeleText] service started
[ZaptoService] was called unnecessary!
not pauseable.
RemovePopup, id = ZapError
[eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x6e5ba818
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] remove channel 0x6e5ba818
[eEPGCache] remove channel 0x6e5ba818
[EPGC] abort caching events !!
(0) preClose
allocate channel.. 0006:0085:00c00000
[eDVBCAService] new channel 0x3100920!
RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff
prepare_sat System 1 Freq 11914500 Pol 0 SR 27500000 INV 2 FEC 9 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0
tuning to 1314 mhz
OURSTATE: tuning
allocate Channel: res 0
allocate demux
setInputSource input0 to A
[SEC] lock 0
[SEC] set static current limiting
[SEC] update current switch params
[SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000
[SEC] setFrontend 1
(0)setting frontend
(0)fe event: status 0, freq 1314500, inversion off, m_tuning 1 F
[SEC] unlock
[SEC] sleep 500ms
(0)fe event: status 1, freq 1314500, inversion off, m_tuning 1 N
(0)fe event: status 1f, freq 1313324, inversion off, m_tuning 2 N
[eDVBCAService] channel 0x3100920 running
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] channel 0x3100920 running
no version filtering
0014:  70 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  fc 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
[eEPGCache] channel 0x3100920 running
[EPGC] next update in 2 sec
stop release channel timer
no version filtering
0012:  4e 00 83 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
ok ... now we start!!
no version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 00 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0503), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0020
allocate demux
disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und)
decoder state: play, vpid=1279, apid=1283
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x4ff) - pcr - ok
DEMUX_START - pcr - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x503) - audio - ok
DEMUX_START - audio - ok
Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0
demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux3
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x4ff) - video - ok
DEMUX_START - video - ok
DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x20) - ttx - ok
DEMUX_START - ttx - ok
not pauseable.
[TeleText] serviceInfoChanged
[TeleText] TXT PID 32 DEMUX 3
[TeleText] send array('B', [1, 0, 32, 3])
+ 1/1 TID 00
use pmtpid 0064 for service_id 0083
no version filtering
0064:  02 00 83 00 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 00 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 00 00 00
doing version filtering
0000:  00 00 00 2f 00 00
mask:  ff 00 00 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
+ 1/1 TID 02
[eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:83:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] add demux 3 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:83:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
[eDVBCAService] demux 3 mask 08
[eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:19:83:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
recheck 0x2f6be3c 1:0:19:83:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
check Slot 0
check Slot 1
check Slot 2
check Slot 3
recheck 0x2f6be3c 1:0:19:83:6:85:C00000:0:0:0:
check Slot 0
check Slot 1
check Slot 2
check Slot 3
[eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT
eventNewProgramInfo 0 0
have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 2 audio stream(s) (0503, 0504), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0020
decoder state: play, vpid=1279, apid=1283
[TeleText] serviceInfoChanged
[TeleText] TXT PID 32 DEMUX 3
[TeleText] send array('B', [1, 0, 32, 3])
doing version filtering
0064:  02 00 83 3d 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[SEC] set dynamic current limiting
+- 1/2 TID 4e
++ 2/2 TID 4e
[EPGC] start cleanloop
doing version filtering
0012:  4e 00 83 3f 00 00
mask:  ff ff ff 3f 00 00
mode:  00 00 00 3e 00 00
[EPGC] stop cleanloop
[EPGC] 3007798 bytes for cache used
[EPGC] start caching events(1478886488)
sdt update done!
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Receiver time is 'Fri Nov 11 18:48:09 2016'
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Transponder time is 'Fri Nov 11 18:48:09 2016'
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] diff is 0
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time
[eDVBLocalTimeHandler] not changed
[91m[getPng] cache hit div-h.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit emu-rest.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit installer.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit info.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit emu-edit.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit osd-settings.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit installer.png[m
[91m[getPng] cache hit system-setting.png[m
Looking for embedded skin
allocating new converter!
[EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
[EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading
[EPGC] nownext finished(1478886495)
action ->  SetupActions ok
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 46, in action
    res = self.actions[action]()
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Menu/MainMenu.py", line 102, in keyOK
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Menu.py", line 47, in __call__
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/eCamdCtrl/plugin.py", line 34, in emurestart
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0x2c7d4e0>>,('SetupActions', 'ok')) failed)
            <!-- Cannot allocate memory -->
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
mmh dachte ich habe flashexpander laufen

Hatte schon mal flodder laufen hatte dann aber Abstürze.
Ok Speicher ist bei 141 MB voll, Flash 95 Mb, was sollte ich machen
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Arbeitsspeicher hat nichts mit Flashspeicher zu tun.

Schalte das Caching vom Videotext aus und richte eie Swap Datei ein.
Flash 95MB; Speicher 121MB; Auslagerung 0MB; Gesamt 122MB / 178MB
Danke, schauen wir mal, obs funktioniert.
Schönen Freitag Abend

Wollte eigentlich auf sd Karte anlegen gibt er mir aber nicht an, obwohl sie initialisiert ist?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator: