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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Problema errore 9995 ancora

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26. November 2009
mi e appena stasta piallata la nuova card,dentro lo sckifo box iri sera verso mezzanotte lo tolta funzionante dal dream lo messa in camera da letto nello skifo fino alle due o continuato a vedere tutto ok, oggi al ritorno dal lavoro sempre dentro lo sckifo errore 9995
ciao si infatti ieri sono stati palliati un sacco di 09cd . ma normalmente nel loro cess non dovrebbe darti il 9995 sicuramente prima che la sfilavi dal dream avevi preso gia la Bomba e nell´ora esatta tie scoppiata questo e successo anche ad altri pur troppo. per quando ne so la soluzione ce` per questo dannato errore ma non vogliono tirarla fuori almeno per adesso
AW: errore 9995 ancora

da quando o capito se nn la mettevo nel cessobox sarebbe ancora in vita mannagggia a me che lo tolta magari durava qualche mese ancora ma se come dici tu c e la soluzione be se se la tengono in cassa fanno maleperche cosi nn si collabora e si comincia con li iu nenti sacciu e nenti vogliu sapiri
AW: errore 9995 ancora

Anche a me, piallata appena adesso. Preciso che la mia lo skyfobox non lo ha mai visto. Attivata dentro il sogno
AW: errore 9995 ancora

da quando o capito se nn la mettevo nel cessobox sarebbe ancora in vita mannagggia a me che lo tolta magari durava qualche mese ancora ma se come dici tu c e la soluzione be se se la tengono in cassa fanno maleperche cosi nn si collabora e si comincia con li iu nenti sacciu e nenti vogliu sapiri

No, non è vero avresti ricevuto comunque la piallatura.
Finora ho letto di queste piallature:
1) card attivata in cielobox usata in sognobox anche solo una volta e riportata in skybox
2) card attivata in cielobox e usata in sognobox (con aggiornamenti su cielobox e/o sognobox).
3) carta attivata e usata solo in dream
AW: errore 9995 ancora

Cosa ne pensate
preso da unaltro sito

2. for card
if you have already the error,
2.0-- you need to stop the
update keep card out from Oscam if you want to keep the Tiers inside.

Italiens , in small numbers, privat forums, they can edit by EMM , any line
from card to correct the card....
2.1. second: is to read your damaged card
, and a other card that is functional- to see SO DA what , was modified inside by the
...and you will find some lines- that will have different info.
need to be corrected-- rewrite, each line that is modified.
Editing the card

3.1. for this you need a program for editing the epprom from card

3.2.second alternative is
to" make"your EMM for your line that you want
to edit, or to collect a EMM from provider and to modify - suitable for your
serial card- and to sent inside to card---with anyinterface ( example phoenix,
or others using function 3-th programing ...).
to create this EMM- you need
to see some example- and to understand the secvence of 8 bit instructions, from
EMM, --- because this EMM , will have inside info--what line to write , and what
info to write inside that line to Eeprom ... ....CPU will recognize the
instruction from beginning of EMM, and will write this info...
here you need
to understand - how is made the EMM, and each group of 8 bits from EMM, what
does, after is sent to card --in total of EMM...for this you need to have a very
mathematical thinking , to understand ... job or hobby for a soft developer ...

this is the theory.

Provider use this EMM tehnic, to write the
(only one or a group of lines ) line that they want from card , with any reader
from inside an rec.
they can put in EMM also the serial of card to write
only that card.

PS: I will not provide soft for editing ...to all
people... because in that case provider will change the norme instant.
don't have any program like this...
how want to play and know somethings
regarding HOW to write a software can look on youtube- how to crack a program,
and to start to play with a old soft for editing - for Nds2 , and step by step-
you will get to actual map....

this is all, I can't help you,... but I
give you a feedback-- where to start.

or you can ask our
friend....Deltafox...for a EMM tutorial
AW: errore 9995 ancora

Che ne dobbiamo pensare! si sa che una soluzione ce, solo bigosgno avere esperienza di progammare un fix....
AW: errore 9995 ancora

certo forze sono quasi vicino .......................
AW: errore 9995 ancora

si ricomincia?...... pensavo che ora era finito con questo errore e sene parlava prossimo anno.....
AW: errore 9995 ancora

come non detto ........... la nuova carta ca.3 mesi di vita e morta di nuovo 9995 :emoticon-0183-swear
AW: errore 9995 ancora

Non disperarti da me in 3 mesi due carte.
Comunqhe viene cambiata o sostituita senza Problemi.
AW: errore 9995 ancora

Grazie per Info

ho visto nei miei oscam-log che in un giro di 30min la scheda si e bloccata tutta.
AW: errore 9995 ancora

Cosa ne pensate
preso da unaltro sito

2. for card
if you have already the error,
2.0-- you need to stop the
update keep card out from Oscam if you want to keep the Tiers inside.

Italiens , in small numbers, privat forums, they can edit by EMM , any line
from card to correct the card....
2.1. second: is to read your damaged card
, and a other card that is functional- to see SO DA what , was modified inside by the
...and you will find some lines- that will have different info.
need to be corrected-- rewrite, each line that is modified.
Editing the card

3.1. for this you need a program for editing the epprom from card

3.2.second alternative is
to" make"your EMM for your line that you want
to edit, or to collect a EMM from provider and to modify - suitable for your
serial card- and to sent inside to card---with anyinterface ( example phoenix,
or others using function 3-th programing ...).
to create this EMM- you need
to see some example- and to understand the secvence of 8 bit instructions, from
EMM, --- because this EMM , will have inside info--what line to write , and what
info to write inside that line to Eeprom ... ....CPU will recognize the
instruction from beginning of EMM, and will write this info...
here you need
to understand - how is made the EMM, and each group of 8 bits from EMM, what
does, after is sent to card --in total of EMM...for this you need to have a very
mathematical thinking , to understand ... job or hobby for a soft developer ...

this is the theory.

Provider use this EMM tehnic, to write the
(only one or a group of lines ) line that they want from card , with any reader
from inside an rec.
they can put in EMM also the serial of card to write
only that card.

PS: I will not provide soft for editing ...to all
people... because in that case provider will change the norme instant.
don't have any program like this...
how want to play and know somethings
regarding HOW to write a software can look on youtube- how to crack a program,
and to start to play with a old soft for editing - for Nds2 , and step by step-
you will get to actual map....

this is all, I can't help you,... but I
give you a feedback-- where to start.

or you can ask our
friend....Deltafox...for a EMM tutorial

na su qulae forum lei preso???
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