HI ich habe mir eine Nagelneue Vu+ Ultimo 4K gekauft sie mit OpenAtv 6.2 geflasht und gemerkt an manchen Zeiten Hängt sie sich voll auf ,nichts geht
Sender liste anwählen dann gefühlte 20 min nach einer zeit geht das wieder ich hänge mall die Crashlog datei mit bei vielleicht weiß ja jemand was
Kann das auch an meiner Nas Festplatte hängen die ich eingebunden habe als festplatte die habe ich wieder rausgenommen um zu testen ob es an ihr gelegen hatt
openATV Enigma2 crash log
Sender liste anwählen dann gefühlte 20 min nach einer zeit geht das wieder ich hänge mall die Crashlog datei mit bei vielleicht weiß ja jemand was
Kann das auch an meiner Nas Festplatte hängen die ich eingebunden habe als festplatte die habe ich wieder rausgenommen um zu testen ob es an ihr gelegen hatt
openATV Enigma2 crash log
crashdate=Do Okt 18 01:38:00 2018
compiledate=Oct 16 2018
kernelcmdline=root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=journal rootwait rw coherent_pool=2M vmalloc=622m bmem=630m@394m bmem=383m@1665m bmem=443m@2625m
nimsockets=NIM Socket 0:
imageissue=Welcome to openATV for %h
BarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:03.6840 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions ok
01:37:03.6945 { } Screens/WizardLanguage.py:26 updateLanguageDescription ('de_DE', ('Deutsch', 'de', 'DE', 'ISO-8859-15'))
01:37:03.7029 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen NetworkWizard:
01:37:03.7138 { W } Components/GUISkin.py:35 createGUIScreen warning, skin is missing element wizard in <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.NetworkWizard.NetworkWizard.NetworkWizard'>
01:37:03.7447 { } Screens/Wizard.py:36 createSummary WizardCreateSummary
01:37:03.7452 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen WizardSummary:
01:37:03.7476 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] WizardSummary
01:37:03.7491 { } Screens/Rc.py:88 selectKey selectPic: arrowup
01:37:03.7495 { } Screens/Wizard.py:591 afterAsyncCode setZPosition
01:37:03.7502 { } Screens/Wizard.py:616 afterAsyncCode showing config
01:37:03.7507 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkWizard
01:37:03.9141 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:03.9154 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:04.8541 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1
01:37:04.8553 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 0 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:04.8555 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions back
01:37:04.8577 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen MessageBox:
01:37:04.8678 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen MessageBox_summary:
01:37:04.8693 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['MessageBox_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:04.8697 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['MessageBox']
01:37:04.8709 { } Screens/Rc.py:88 selectKey selectPic: arrowup
01:37:04.8712 { } Screens/Wizard.py:591 afterAsyncCode setZPosition
01:37:04.8718 { } Screens/Wizard.py:616 afterAsyncCode showing config
01:37:05.0852 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1
01:37:05.0864 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 1 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:06.0004 { } Plugins/Extensions/Volume_adjust/plugin.py:468 __evUpdatedInfo [Volume Adjust] Update Info
01:37:06.0005 { } Plugins/Extensions/Volume_adjust/plugin.py:472 __evUpdatedInfo [Volume Adjust] Volume = 58
01:37:06.0006 { } Plugins/Extensions/Volume_adjust/plugin.py:446 loadXML [Volume Adjust] load xml...
01:37:06.0690 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:06.0701 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:06.0703 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> MsgBoxActions ok
01:37:06.0713 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] WizardSummary
01:37:06.0739 { } Screens/Rc.py:88 selectKey selectPic: arrowup
01:37:06.0742 { } Screens/Wizard.py:591 afterAsyncCode setZPosition
01:37:06.0748 { } Screens/Wizard.py:616 afterAsyncCode showing config
01:37:06.0754 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkWizard
01:37:06.0767 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['QuickMenu_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:06.0814 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] QuickMenu
01:37:06.3002 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:06.3015 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:06.6071 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:06.6082 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:06.6083 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions down
01:37:06.8382 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:06.8395 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:07.1454 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:07.1464 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:07.1466 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions ok
01:37:07.1539 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen NetworkAdapterSelection:
01:37:07.1727 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen PluginBrowserSummary:
01:37:07.1745 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:07.1752 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkAdapterSelection
01:37:07.3762 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:07.3775 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:08.0392 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:08.0406 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:08.2701 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:08.2714 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:08.3859 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:08.3868 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:08.3869 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> OkCancelActions ok
01:37:08.3902 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.3914 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen AdapterSetupConfiguration:
01:37:08.4245 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen PluginBrowserSummary:
01:37:08.4261 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:08.4270 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetupConfiguration
01:37:08.4317 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.4327 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.4334 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.4339 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 82(16)
01:37:08.5102 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:08.5115 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:09.0802 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:09.0813 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:09.0816 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions ok
01:37:09.0818 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9e942f90>
01:37:09.0818 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:09.0820 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a60af90>
01:37:09.0821 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:09.0823 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a6011b0>
01:37:09.0823 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:09.0825 { } Plugins/SystemPlugins/WirelessLan/Wlan.py:397 stopWlanConsole [iStatus] killing self.WlanConsole
01:37:09.0903 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen AdapterSetup:
01:37:09.1137 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen SimpleSummary:
01:37:09.1146 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['AdapterSetup_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:09.1154 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetup
01:37:09.2052 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:09.2065 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:11.0855 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1
01:37:11.0867 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 0 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:11.0869 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions cancel
01:37:11.0870 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action SetupActions/cancel! typo in keymap?
01:37:11.0871 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions cancel
01:37:11.0872 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action SetupActions/cancel! typo in keymap?
01:37:11.0872 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> OkCancelActions cancel
01:37:11.0890 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:11.0926 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetupConfiguration
01:37:11.0947 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1273 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1290 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1297 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1303 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 82(16)
01:37:11.3162 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1
01:37:11.3175 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 1 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:11.6931 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:11.6943 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:11.6945 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions down
01:37:11.8172 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:11.8186 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:12.0310 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:12.0322 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:12.0324 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions down
01:37:12.1552 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:12.1567 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:12.7540 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:12.7552 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:12.7554 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions ok
01:37:12.7555 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a518e30>
01:37:12.7555 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:12.7561 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a5e8950>
01:37:12.7562 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:12.7563 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a5e8770>
01:37:12.7564 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:12.7599 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen NetworkAdapterTest:
01:37:12.8017 { W } Components/GUISkin.py:35 createGUIScreen warning, skin is missing element InfoTextBorder in <class 'Screens.NetworkSetup.NetworkAdapterTest'>
01:37:12.8168 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen SimpleSummary:
01:37:12.8177 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['NetworkAdapterTest_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:12.8185 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkAdapterTest
01:37:12.9852 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:12.9864 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:14.0526 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 18f 1
01:37:14.0538 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 399 0 KEY_GREEN GREEN
01:37:14.2831 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 18f 1
01:37:14.2843 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 399 1 KEY_GREEN GREEN
01:37:14.2845 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions green
01:37:14.2845 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action ShortcutActions/green! typo in keymap?
01:37:14.2846 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions green
01:37:15.5853 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:15.8859 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:15.8861 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:15.9143 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 82(16)
01:37:16.8867 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:17.8874 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:17.8876 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:17.8880 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:17.8885 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:49.6698 [ ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1743 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift
01:37:49.6699 [ E ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1760 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift /media/autofs/PublicMYCLOUDSS11E1// statfs failed: No such file or directory
01:37:49.6701 [ ] dvb/demux.cpp:90 openDemux [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
01:37:49.6701 [ ] dvb/demux.cpp:286 start [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=18
01:37:50.6701 [ ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1743 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift
01:37:50.6702 [ E ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1760 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift /media/autofs/PublicMYCLOUDSS11E1// statfs failed: No such file or directory
01:37:50.6703 { E } Components/Timeshift.py:575 autostartAutorecordTimeshift [TIMESHIFT] - tune lock failed, so could not start.
01:37:57.7274 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 190 1
01:37:57.7286 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 400 0 KEY_YELLOW YELLOW
01:37:57.8521 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 190 1
01:37:57.8532 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 400 1 KEY_YELLOW YELLOW
01:37:57.8533 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions yellow
01:37:57.8534 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action ShortcutActions/yellow! typo in keymap?
01:37:57.8535 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions yellow
01:37:59.5275 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1
01:37:59.5286 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 0 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:59.5289 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions back
01:37:59.5303 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:59.5339 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetupConfiguration
01:37:59.7582 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1
01:37:59.7595 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 1 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:38:00.5945 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1
01:38:00.5957 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 103 0 KEY_UP UP
01:38:00.5959 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions up
01:38:00.7191 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1
01:38:00.7205 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 103 1 KEY_UP UP
01:38:00.9341 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 88(17)
01:38:00.9355 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 85(16)
01:38:00.9476 { D } Traceback (most recent call last):
01:38:00.9477 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/BoundFunction.py", line 9, in __call__
01:38:00.9479 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Console.py", line 58, in finishedCB
01:38:00.9481 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Network.py", line 443, in checkNetworkStateFinished
01:38:00.9483 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/NetworkSetup.py", line 1551, in NetworkStatedataAvail
01:38:00.9484 { D } KeyError: 'IP'
01:38:00.9485 [ E ] python/python.cpp:209 call [ePyObject] (PyObject_CallObject(<Tools.BoundFunction.boundFunction instance at 0x9a5ba058>,(1,)) failed)
compiledate=Oct 16 2018
kernelcmdline=root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=journal rootwait rw coherent_pool=2M vmalloc=622m bmem=630m@394m bmem=383m@1665m bmem=443m@2625m
nimsockets=NIM Socket 0:
imageissue=Welcome to openATV for %h
BarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:03.6840 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions ok
01:37:03.6945 { } Screens/WizardLanguage.py:26 updateLanguageDescription ('de_DE', ('Deutsch', 'de', 'DE', 'ISO-8859-15'))
01:37:03.7029 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen NetworkWizard:
01:37:03.7138 { W } Components/GUISkin.py:35 createGUIScreen warning, skin is missing element wizard in <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.NetworkWizard.NetworkWizard.NetworkWizard'>
01:37:03.7447 { } Screens/Wizard.py:36 createSummary WizardCreateSummary
01:37:03.7452 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen WizardSummary:
01:37:03.7476 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] WizardSummary
01:37:03.7491 { } Screens/Rc.py:88 selectKey selectPic: arrowup
01:37:03.7495 { } Screens/Wizard.py:591 afterAsyncCode setZPosition
01:37:03.7502 { } Screens/Wizard.py:616 afterAsyncCode showing config
01:37:03.7507 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkWizard
01:37:03.9141 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:03.9154 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:04.8541 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1
01:37:04.8553 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 0 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:04.8555 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions back
01:37:04.8577 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen MessageBox:
01:37:04.8678 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen MessageBox_summary:
01:37:04.8693 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['MessageBox_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:04.8697 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['MessageBox']
01:37:04.8709 { } Screens/Rc.py:88 selectKey selectPic: arrowup
01:37:04.8712 { } Screens/Wizard.py:591 afterAsyncCode setZPosition
01:37:04.8718 { } Screens/Wizard.py:616 afterAsyncCode showing config
01:37:05.0852 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1
01:37:05.0864 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 1 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:06.0004 { } Plugins/Extensions/Volume_adjust/plugin.py:468 __evUpdatedInfo [Volume Adjust] Update Info
01:37:06.0005 { } Plugins/Extensions/Volume_adjust/plugin.py:472 __evUpdatedInfo [Volume Adjust] Volume = 58
01:37:06.0006 { } Plugins/Extensions/Volume_adjust/plugin.py:446 loadXML [Volume Adjust] load xml...
01:37:06.0690 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:06.0701 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:06.0703 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> MsgBoxActions ok
01:37:06.0713 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] WizardSummary
01:37:06.0739 { } Screens/Rc.py:88 selectKey selectPic: arrowup
01:37:06.0742 { } Screens/Wizard.py:591 afterAsyncCode setZPosition
01:37:06.0748 { } Screens/Wizard.py:616 afterAsyncCode showing config
01:37:06.0754 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkWizard
01:37:06.0767 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['QuickMenu_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:06.0814 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] QuickMenu
01:37:06.3002 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:06.3015 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:06.6071 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:06.6082 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:06.6083 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions down
01:37:06.8382 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:06.8395 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:07.1454 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:07.1464 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:07.1466 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions ok
01:37:07.1539 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen NetworkAdapterSelection:
01:37:07.1727 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen PluginBrowserSummary:
01:37:07.1745 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:07.1752 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkAdapterSelection
01:37:07.3762 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:07.3775 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:08.0392 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:08.0406 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:08.2701 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:08.2714 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:08.3859 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:08.3868 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:08.3869 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> OkCancelActions ok
01:37:08.3902 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.3914 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen AdapterSetupConfiguration:
01:37:08.4245 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen PluginBrowserSummary:
01:37:08.4261 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:08.4270 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetupConfiguration
01:37:08.4317 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.4327 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.4334 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:08.4339 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 82(16)
01:37:08.5102 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:08.5115 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:09.0802 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:09.0813 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:09.0816 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions ok
01:37:09.0818 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9e942f90>
01:37:09.0818 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:09.0820 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a60af90>
01:37:09.0821 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:09.0823 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a6011b0>
01:37:09.0823 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:09.0825 { } Plugins/SystemPlugins/WirelessLan/Wlan.py:397 stopWlanConsole [iStatus] killing self.WlanConsole
01:37:09.0903 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen AdapterSetup:
01:37:09.1137 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen SimpleSummary:
01:37:09.1146 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['AdapterSetup_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:09.1154 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetup
01:37:09.2052 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:09.2065 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:11.0855 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1
01:37:11.0867 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 0 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:11.0869 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions cancel
01:37:11.0870 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action SetupActions/cancel! typo in keymap?
01:37:11.0871 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> SetupActions cancel
01:37:11.0872 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action SetupActions/cancel! typo in keymap?
01:37:11.0872 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> OkCancelActions cancel
01:37:11.0890 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:11.0926 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetupConfiguration
01:37:11.0947 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1273 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1290 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1297 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:11.1303 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 82(16)
01:37:11.3162 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1
01:37:11.3175 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 1 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:11.6931 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:11.6943 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:11.6945 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions down
01:37:11.8172 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:11.8186 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:12.0310 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1
01:37:12.0322 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 0 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:12.0324 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions down
01:37:12.1552 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1
01:37:12.1567 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 108 1 KEY_DOWN DOWN
01:37:12.7540 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1
01:37:12.7552 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 0 KEY_OK OK
01:37:12.7554 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions ok
01:37:12.7555 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a518e30>
01:37:12.7555 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:12.7561 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a5e8950>
01:37:12.7562 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:12.7563 { } Components/Console.py:63 kill [Console] killing: <eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer object at 0x9a5e8770>
01:37:12.7564 [ ] base/console.cpp:149 kill [eConsoleAppContainer] user kill(SIGKILL)
01:37:12.7599 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen NetworkAdapterTest:
01:37:12.8017 { W } Components/GUISkin.py:35 createGUIScreen warning, skin is missing element InfoTextBorder in <class 'Screens.NetworkSetup.NetworkAdapterTest'>
01:37:12.8168 { } skin.py:1354 readSkin [SKIN] processing screen SimpleSummary:
01:37:12.8177 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] ['NetworkAdapterTest_summary', 'SimpleSummary']
01:37:12.8185 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] NetworkAdapterTest
01:37:12.9852 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1
01:37:12.9864 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 352 1 KEY_OK OK
01:37:14.0526 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 18f 1
01:37:14.0538 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 399 0 KEY_GREEN GREEN
01:37:14.2831 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 18f 1
01:37:14.2843 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 399 1 KEY_GREEN GREEN
01:37:14.2845 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions green
01:37:14.2845 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action ShortcutActions/green! typo in keymap?
01:37:14.2846 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions green
01:37:15.5853 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:15.8859 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:15.8861 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:15.9143 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 82(16)
01:37:16.8867 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:17.8874 { E } Components/Label.py:93 setForegroundColorNum setForegroundColorNum(1) failed! defined colors: []
01:37:17.8876 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:17.8880 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:17.8885 [ ] base/console.cpp:110 execute [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
01:37:49.6698 [ ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1743 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift
01:37:49.6699 [ E ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1760 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift /media/autofs/PublicMYCLOUDSS11E1// statfs failed: No such file or directory
01:37:49.6701 [ ] dvb/demux.cpp:90 openDemux [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
01:37:49.6701 [ ] dvb/demux.cpp:286 start [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=18
01:37:50.6701 [ ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1743 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift
01:37:50.6702 [ E ] service/servicedvb.cpp:1760 timeshift [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift /media/autofs/PublicMYCLOUDSS11E1// statfs failed: No such file or directory
01:37:50.6703 { E } Components/Timeshift.py:575 autostartAutorecordTimeshift [TIMESHIFT] - tune lock failed, so could not start.
01:37:57.7274 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 190 1
01:37:57.7286 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 400 0 KEY_YELLOW YELLOW
01:37:57.8521 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 190 1
01:37:57.8532 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 400 1 KEY_YELLOW YELLOW
01:37:57.8533 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions yellow
01:37:57.8534 { W } Components/ActionMap.py:53 action unknown action ShortcutActions/yellow! typo in keymap?
01:37:57.8535 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> ShortcutActions yellow
01:37:59.5275 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1
01:37:59.5286 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 0 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:37:59.5289 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions back
01:37:59.5303 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] PluginBrowserSummary
01:37:59.5339 { } Screens/Screen.py:151 show [SCREENNAME] AdapterSetupConfiguration
01:37:59.7582 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1
01:37:59.7595 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 174 1 KEY_EXIT EXIT
01:38:00.5945 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1
01:38:00.5957 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 103 0 KEY_UP UP
01:38:00.5959 { } Components/ActionMap.py:46 action action -> WizardActions up
01:38:00.7191 [ ] driver/rcinput.cpp:38 handleCode [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1
01:38:00.7205 { } Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py:205 actionA KEY: 103 1 KEY_UP UP
01:38:00.9341 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 88(17)
01:38:00.9355 [ ] base/ebase.cpp:279 processOneEvent [eMainloop:rocessOneEvent] unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 85(16)
01:38:00.9476 { D } Traceback (most recent call last):
01:38:00.9477 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/BoundFunction.py", line 9, in __call__
01:38:00.9479 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Console.py", line 58, in finishedCB
01:38:00.9481 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Network.py", line 443, in checkNetworkStateFinished
01:38:00.9483 { D } File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/NetworkSetup.py", line 1551, in NetworkStatedataAvail
01:38:00.9484 { D } KeyError: 'IP'
01:38:00.9485 [ E ] python/python.cpp:209 call [ePyObject] (PyObject_CallObject(<Tools.BoundFunction.boundFunction instance at 0x9a5ba058>,(1,)) failed)
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