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Musik Vinyl - the Real Record Player


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
Vinyl - the Real Record Player

Kompatibel mit iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3. Generation), iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, iPad (4. Generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4. Generation), iPad mini und iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular. Erfordert iOS 5.0 oder neuer.


Vinyl - the Real Record Player - turns your iPad into a vintage record player. Listen to your music the old-fashioned way, while enjoying a crisp design, high-quality sound and cool technical gizmos.

Vinyl consists of seven different record players, from plastic toy player to full-fledged hi-fi. Every record player allows you to travel back to an old-school music experience. From the 1940’s to the start of the new millennium: Vinyl gives you the unique look, feel and sound.

What's more, records get gray and scratchy when played frequently. But don’t worry, you can restore them anytime by tapping the magical clean button. And wait ’till you shake your iPad! Give it a try.

Check out the support URL for a full demo video.

ATTENTION: This app doesn't work with iTunes Match, only local stored music! As soon as it is technically possible we will integrate this!

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