ich habe bei mir vor einigen Tagen einen Ubuntu 12.04.4 x64 headless als Server installiert. Als Repositories habe ich folgende hinzugefügt:
ppa:yavdr/stable-vdr (für den aktuellen vdr und media-build-experimental)
ppa:gandalf-der-grosse/stable-vdr (sc-plugin)
ppa:yavdr/main (soll laut vdr-doku immer zur stable-vdr dazu)
-Damit habe ich dann vdr (mit plugins: sc, xvdr wirbelscan, live, streamdev-server, svdrpservice) installiert.
-in der /etc/vdr/plugins/order.conf den sc eingetragen
-cccam server in der cardclient.conf eingetragen ccam2:"server":"port":1/0000/0000:"user":"pass"
Im Server steckt eine Digital Devices Cine S2 v6.5 (derzeit nicht genutzt) und daran geklemmt eine Digital Devices DuoFlex C/T.
Mein TV-Signal bekomme ich derzeit über KabelDeutschland
Nun bleibt aber alles schwarz, unabhängig davon ob ich das über XBMC oder den Browser/Streamdev probiere.
Ich hoffe mir kann hier jemand helfen, bin hier total am verzweifeln. :emoticon-0121-angry:emoticon-0106-cryin
ich habe bei mir vor einigen Tagen einen Ubuntu 12.04.4 x64 headless als Server installiert. Als Repositories habe ich folgende hinzugefügt:
ppa:yavdr/stable-vdr (für den aktuellen vdr und media-build-experimental)
ppa:gandalf-der-grosse/stable-vdr (sc-plugin)
ppa:yavdr/main (soll laut vdr-doku immer zur stable-vdr dazu)
-Damit habe ich dann vdr (mit plugins: sc, xvdr wirbelscan, live, streamdev-server, svdrpservice) installiert.
-in der /etc/vdr/plugins/order.conf den sc eingetragen
-cccam server in der cardclient.conf eingetragen ccam2:"server":"port":1/0000/0000:"user":"pass"
AlwaysSortFoldersFirst = 1
AntiAlias = 1
AudioLanguages =
ChannelEntryTimeout = 1000
ChannelInfoPos = 0
ChannelInfoTime = 5
ChannelsWrap = 0
ColorKey0 = 0
ColorKey1 = 1
ColorKey2 = 2
ColorKey3 = 3
CurrentChannel = 1
CurrentDolby = 0
CurrentVolume = 255
DefaultLifetime = 99
DefaultPriority = 50
DelTimeshiftRec = 0
DeviceBondings =
DiSEqC = 0
DisplaySubtitles = 0
EmergencyExit = 1
EPGBugfixLevel = 3
EPGLanguages =
EPGLinger = 0
EPGScanTimeout = 5
FoldersInTimerMenu = 1
FontFix = Courier:Bold
FontFixSize = 14
FontFixSizeP = 0.030000
FontOsd = Sans Serif:Bold
FontOsdSize = 15
FontOsdSizeP = 0.031000
FontSml = Sans Serif
FontSmlSize = 13
FontSmlSizeP = 0.028000
InitialChannel =
InitialVolume = -1
InstantRecordTime = 180
JumpPlay = 0
JumpSeconds = 60
JumpSecondsSlow = 10
LnbFrequHi = 10600
LnbFrequLo = 9750
LnbSLOF = 11700
MarginStart = 2
MarginStop = 10
MarkInstantRecord = 1
MaxVideoFileSize = 2000
MenuKeyCloses = 0
MenuScrollPage = 1
MenuScrollWrap = 0
MinEventTimeout = 30
MinUserInactivity = 300
MultiSpeedMode = 0
NameInstantRecord = TITLE EPISODE
NextWakeupTime = 0
NumberKeysForChars = 1
OSDAspect = 1.000000
OSDHeight = 403
OSDHeightP = 0.840000
OSDLanguage =
OSDLeft = 58OSDLeftP = 0.080000
OSDMessageTime = 1
OSDSkin = lcars
OSDTheme = default
OSDTop = 38
OSDTopP = 0.080000
OSDWidth = 624
OSDWidthP = 0.870000
PauseKeyHandling = 2
PauseLastMark = 0
PauseLifetime = 1
PauseOnMarkSet = 0
PausePriority = 10
PlayJump = 0
PrimaryDVB = 2
ProgressDisplayTime = 0
RcRepeatDelay = 300
RcRepeatDelta = 100
RecordingDirs = 1
ResumeID = 0
SetSystemTime = 0
ShowChannelNamesWithSource = 0
ShowInfoOnChSwitch = 1
ShowRemainingTime = 0
ShowReplayMode = 0
SplitEditedFiles = 0
StandardCompliance = 0
SubtitleBgTransparency = 0
SubtitleFgTransparency = 0
SubtitleLanguages =
SubtitleOffset = 0
SupportTeletext = 0
SVDRPTimeout = 300
TimeoutRequChInfo = 1
TimeSource =
TimeTransponder = 0
UpdateChannels = 2
UseDolbyDigital = 1
UseSmallFont = 1
UseSubtitle = 1
UseVps = 0
VideoDisplayFormat = 1
VideoFormat = 0
VpsMargin = 120
WarEagleIcons = 1
ZapTimeout = 3
sc.AutoUpdate = 1
sc.ScCaps = 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
AlwaysSortFoldersFirst = 1
AntiAlias = 1
AudioLanguages =
ChannelEntryTimeout = 1000
ChannelInfoPos = 0
ChannelInfoTime = 5
ChannelsWrap = 0
ColorKey0 = 0
ColorKey1 = 1
ColorKey2 = 2
ColorKey3 = 3
CurrentChannel = 1
CurrentDolby = 0
CurrentVolume = 255
DefaultLifetime = 99
DefaultPriority = 50
DelTimeshiftRec = 0
DeviceBondings =
DiSEqC = 0
DisplaySubtitles = 0
EmergencyExit = 1
EPGBugfixLevel = 3
EPGLanguages =
EPGLinger = 0
EPGScanTimeout = 5
FoldersInTimerMenu = 1
FontFix = Courier:Bold
FontFixSize = 14
FontFixSizeP = 0.030000
FontOsd = Sans Serif:Bold
FontOsdSize = 15
FontOsdSizeP = 0.031000
FontSml = Sans Serif
FontSmlSize = 13
FontSmlSizeP = 0.028000
InitialChannel =
InitialVolume = -1
InstantRecordTime = 180
JumpPlay = 0
JumpSeconds = 60
JumpSecondsSlow = 10
LnbFrequHi = 10600
LnbFrequLo = 9750
LnbSLOF = 11700
MarginStart = 2
MarginStop = 10
MarkInstantRecord = 1
MaxVideoFileSize = 2000
MenuKeyCloses = 0
MenuScrollPage = 1
MenuScrollWrap = 0
MinEventTimeout = 30
MinUserInactivity = 300
MultiSpeedMode = 0
NameInstantRecord = TITLE EPISODE
NextWakeupTime = 0
NumberKeysForChars = 1
OSDAspect = 1.000000
OSDHeight = 403
OSDHeightP = 0.840000
OSDLanguage =
OSDLeft = 58OSDLeftP = 0.080000
OSDMessageTime = 1
OSDSkin = lcars
OSDTheme = default
OSDTop = 38
OSDTopP = 0.080000
OSDWidth = 624
OSDWidthP = 0.870000
PauseKeyHandling = 2
PauseLastMark = 0
PauseLifetime = 1
PauseOnMarkSet = 0
PausePriority = 10
PlayJump = 0
PrimaryDVB = 2
ProgressDisplayTime = 0
RcRepeatDelay = 300
RcRepeatDelta = 100
RecordingDirs = 1
ResumeID = 0
SetSystemTime = 0
ShowChannelNamesWithSource = 0
ShowInfoOnChSwitch = 1
ShowRemainingTime = 0
ShowReplayMode = 0
SplitEditedFiles = 0
StandardCompliance = 0
SubtitleBgTransparency = 0
SubtitleFgTransparency = 0
SubtitleLanguages =
SubtitleOffset = 0
SupportTeletext = 0
SVDRPTimeout = 300
TimeoutRequChInfo = 1
TimeSource =
TimeTransponder = 0
UpdateChannels = 2
UseDolbyDigital = 1
UseSmallFont = 1
UseSubtitle = 1
UseVps = 0
VideoDisplayFormat = 1
VideoFormat = 0
VpsMargin = 120
WarEagleIcons = 1
ZapTimeout = 3
sc.AutoUpdate = 1
sc.ScCaps = 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] VDR version 2.0.3 started
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] switched to user 'vdr'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] codeset is 'UTF-8' - known
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] found 0 locales in /usr/share/locale
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'deu,ger'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'slv,slo'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ita'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'dut,nla,nld'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'prt'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'fra,fre'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'nor'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'fin,suo'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'pol'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'esl,spa'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ell,gre'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'sve,swe'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'rom,rum'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'hun'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'cat,cln'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'rus'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'srb,srp,scr,scc'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'hrv'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'est'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'dan'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'cze,ces'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'tur'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ukr'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ara'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-sc.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] cTimeMs: using monotonic clock (resolution is 1 ns)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.debug] using new 1.7.11+ capture code
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-svdrpservice.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-wirbelscan.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-xvdr.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-live.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [live] INFO: validating server ip ''
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-streamdev-server.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/sources.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/diseqc.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/scr.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/timers.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/commands.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/reccmds.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/svdrphosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/keymacros.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'A - ATSC'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10482] video directory scanner thread started (pid=10481, tid=10482, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'C - DVB-C'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'S - DVB-S'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'T - DVB-T'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10482] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10482)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10483] video directory scanner thread started (pid=10481, tid=10483, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10484] epg data reader thread started (pid=10481, tid=10484, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10483] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10483)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10484] reading EPG data from /var/cache/vdr/epg.data
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] probing /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.debug] capturing device 3/0 (subsystem ID dd010021)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.debug] creating standard device 3/0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] new device number 4
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] DVB API version is 0x050A (VDR was built with 0x0504)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] frontend 3/0 provides DVB-C,DVB-T,DVB-T2 with QAM16,QAM32,QAM64,QAM128,QAM256 ("CXD2837 DVB-C DVB-T/T2")
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] found 1 DVB device
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: sc (1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown): A software emulated CAM
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown initializing (VDR 2.0.3)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: svdrpservice (1.0.0): SVDRP client
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: wirbelscan (0.0.7): DVB and pvrinput channel scan for VDR
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: xvdr (0.9.9): XVDR Server
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10486] tuner on frontend 3/0 thread started (pid=10481, tid=10486, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10487] section handler thread started (pid=10481, tid=10487, prio=low)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: Loading 2 channels from cache
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: channel cache garbage collection ...
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: before: 2 channels in cache
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: after: 2 channels in cache
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: live (0.3.0): Live Interactive VDR Environment
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: streamdev-server (0.6.1-git): VDR Streaming Server
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 2
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] setting primary device to 1
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] assuming manual start of VDR
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] setting current skin to "lcars"
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/themes/lcars-default.theme
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: sc
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown starting (VDR 2.0.3)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] loading cardclient config from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/cardclient.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10484] epg data reader thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10484)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10488] Netwatcher thread started (pid=10481, tid=10488, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10489] CCcam2 reader thread started (pid=10481, tid=10489, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.error] failed open /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/override.conf: No such file or directory
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] loading ecm cache from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/ecm.cache
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: svdrpservice
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: wirbelscan
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: xvdr
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: XVDR Server started
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: Channel streaming timeout: 3 seconds
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: live
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] VDR XVDR Server thread started (pid=10481, tid=10491, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] LIVE: initial file cache has 82 entries and needs 377394 bytes of data!
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: streamdev-server
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10490] SC housekeeper thread started (pid=10481, tid=10490, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/streamdev-server/streamdevhosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] remote control KBD - learning keys
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10492] [live] INFO: attempt to listen on ip = ''
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10492] [live] ERROR: Unable to load cert/key (/var/lib/vdr/plugins/live/live.pem//var/lib/vdr/plugins/live/live-key.pem): No such file or directory
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10494] KBD remote control thread started (pid=10481, tid=10494, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10493] streamdev server thread started (pid=10481, tid=10493, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10493] Streamdev: Listening (VTP) on port 2004
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10493] Streamdev: Listening (HTTP) on port 3000
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: no OSD provider available - using dummy OSD!
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xvdr/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 0 connected.
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Welcome client 'XVDR Client' with protocol version '5'
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Preferred language: deu,ger / type: 2
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Channellist filter:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Free To Air channels: Yes
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Only native language: Yes
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Enabled CaIDs:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Setting channel update method: 2
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Connected to wirbelscan plugin ...
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: wirbelscan plugin version: 0.0.7
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xvdr/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 1 connected.
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Welcome client 'XVDR Client' with protocol version '5'
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Preferred language: deu,ger / type: 2
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Channellist filter:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Free To Air channels: Yes
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Only native language: No
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Enabled CaIDs:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Setting channel update method: 3
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Connected to wirbelscan plugin ...
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: wirbelscan plugin version: 0.0.7
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] switching to channel 1
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] setting watchdog timer to 60 seconds
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] OSD size changed to 720x480 @ 1
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: no OSD provider available - using dummy OSD!
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: Channel locked (recording)!
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Checking for channel updates ...
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client 1: no channels - sending request
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Done.
Feb 26 14:40:28 kuebel vdr: [10481] max. latency time 2 seconds
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10491] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xvdr/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 2 connected.
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Welcome client 'XVDR Client' with protocol version '5'
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Preferred language: deu,ger / type: 2
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: --------------------------------------
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Channel streaming request: 1 - Das Erste HD
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Found available device 1
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Channel information found in cache
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Creating demuxers
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: H264 PID: 5101 1280x720 DAR: 1.78 FPS: 50.000 (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5102 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5103 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: mis (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: TELETEXT PID: 5104 TXT (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: DVBSUB PID: 5105 Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Successfully switched to channel 1 - Das Erste HD
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10506] receiver on device 4 thread started (pid=10481, tid=10506, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10505] XVDR: LiveQueue started
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Started streaming of channel Das Erste HD (timeout 3 seconds, priority 90)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] cLiveStreamer stream processor thread started (pid=10481, tid=10507, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10508] TS buffer on device 4 thread started (pid=10481, tid=10508, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: streaming of channel started
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stored channel information in cache:
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: H264 PID: 5101 1280x720 DAR: 1.78 FPS: 50.000 (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5102 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5103 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: mis (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: TELETEXT PID: 5104 TXT (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: DVBSUB PID: 5105 Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 0 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10507] cLiveStreamer stream processor thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10507)
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10505] XVDR: LiveQueue stopped
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10504] buffer stats: 162056 (1%) used
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR-Error: Unable to decrypt channel 4 - SAT.1 HD
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10508] TS buffer on device 4 thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10508)
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10506] buffer stats: 161680 (3%) used
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10506] receiver on device 4 thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10506)
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10504] buffer stats: 0 (0%) used
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 2 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] VDR version 2.0.3 started
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] switched to user 'vdr'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] codeset is 'UTF-8' - known
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] found 0 locales in /usr/share/locale
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'deu,ger'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'slv,slo'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ita'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'dut,nla,nld'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'prt'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'fra,fre'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'nor'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'fin,suo'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'pol'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'esl,spa'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ell,gre'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'sve,swe'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'rom,rum'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'hun'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'cat,cln'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'rus'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'srb,srp,scr,scc'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'hrv'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'est'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'dan'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'cze,ces'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'tur'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ukr'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] no locale for language code 'ara'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-sc.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] cTimeMs: using monotonic clock (resolution is 1 ns)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.debug] using new 1.7.11+ capture code
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-svdrpservice.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-wirbelscan.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-xvdr.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-live.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [live] INFO: validating server ip ''
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-streamdev-server.so.2.0.0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/sources.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/diseqc.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/scr.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/timers.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/commands.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/reccmds.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/svdrphosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/keymacros.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'A - ATSC'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10482] video directory scanner thread started (pid=10481, tid=10482, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'C - DVB-C'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'S - DVB-S'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] registered source parameters for 'T - DVB-T'
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10482] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10482)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10483] video directory scanner thread started (pid=10481, tid=10483, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10484] epg data reader thread started (pid=10481, tid=10484, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10483] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10483)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10484] reading EPG data from /var/cache/vdr/epg.data
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] probing /dev/dvb/adapter3/frontend0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.debug] capturing device 3/0 (subsystem ID dd010021)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.debug] creating standard device 3/0
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] new device number 4
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] DVB API version is 0x050A (VDR was built with 0x0504)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] frontend 3/0 provides DVB-C,DVB-T,DVB-T2 with QAM16,QAM32,QAM64,QAM128,QAM256 ("CXD2837 DVB-C DVB-T/T2")
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] found 1 DVB device
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: sc (1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown): A software emulated CAM
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown initializing (VDR 2.0.3)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: svdrpservice (1.0.0): SVDRP client
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: wirbelscan (0.0.7): DVB and pvrinput channel scan for VDR
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: xvdr (0.9.9): XVDR Server
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10486] tuner on frontend 3/0 thread started (pid=10481, tid=10486, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10487] section handler thread started (pid=10481, tid=10487, prio=low)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: Loading 2 channels from cache
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: channel cache garbage collection ...
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: before: 2 channels in cache
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: after: 2 channels in cache
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: live (0.3.0): Live Interactive VDR Environment
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] initializing plugin: streamdev-server (0.6.1-git): VDR Streaming Server
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 2
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] setting primary device to 1
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] assuming manual start of VDR
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] setting current skin to "lcars"
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/themes/lcars-default.theme
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: sc
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown starting (VDR 2.0.3)
Feb 26 14:40:15 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] loading cardclient config from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/cardclient.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10484] epg data reader thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10484)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10488] Netwatcher thread started (pid=10481, tid=10488, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10489] CCcam2 reader thread started (pid=10481, tid=10489, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.error] failed open /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/override.conf: No such file or directory
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] [general.info] loading ecm cache from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/ecm.cache
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: svdrpservice
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: wirbelscan
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: xvdr
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: XVDR Server started
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] XVDR: Channel streaming timeout: 3 seconds
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: live
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] VDR XVDR Server thread started (pid=10481, tid=10491, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] LIVE: initial file cache has 82 entries and needs 377394 bytes of data!
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] starting plugin: streamdev-server
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10490] SC housekeeper thread started (pid=10481, tid=10490, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/streamdev-server/streamdevhosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] remote control KBD - learning keys
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10492] [live] INFO: attempt to listen on ip = ''
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10492] [live] ERROR: Unable to load cert/key (/var/lib/vdr/plugins/live/live.pem//var/lib/vdr/plugins/live/live-key.pem): No such file or directory
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10494] KBD remote control thread started (pid=10481, tid=10494, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10493] streamdev server thread started (pid=10481, tid=10493, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10493] Streamdev: Listening (VTP) on port 2004
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10493] Streamdev: Listening (HTTP) on port 3000
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: no OSD provider available - using dummy OSD!
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xvdr/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 0 connected.
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Welcome client 'XVDR Client' with protocol version '5'
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Preferred language: deu,ger / type: 2
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Channellist filter:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Free To Air channels: Yes
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Only native language: Yes
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Enabled CaIDs:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Setting channel update method: 2
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: Connected to wirbelscan plugin ...
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10502] XVDR: wirbelscan plugin version: 0.0.7
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xvdr/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 1 connected.
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Welcome client 'XVDR Client' with protocol version '5'
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Preferred language: deu,ger / type: 2
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Channellist filter:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Free To Air channels: Yes
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Only native language: No
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Enabled CaIDs:
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Setting channel update method: 3
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: Connected to wirbelscan plugin ...
Feb 26 14:40:16 kuebel vdr: [10503] XVDR: wirbelscan plugin version: 0.0.7
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] switching to channel 1
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] setting watchdog timer to 60 seconds
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] OSD size changed to 720x480 @ 1
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: no OSD provider available - using dummy OSD!
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10481] ERROR: Channel locked (recording)!
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Checking for channel updates ...
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client 1: no channels - sending request
Feb 26 14:40:26 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Done.
Feb 26 14:40:28 kuebel vdr: [10481] max. latency time 2 seconds
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10491] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/xvdr/allowed_hosts.conf
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 2 connected.
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Welcome client 'XVDR Client' with protocol version '5'
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Preferred language: deu,ger / type: 2
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: --------------------------------------
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Channel streaming request: 1 - Das Erste HD
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Found available device 1
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Channel information found in cache
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Creating demuxers
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: H264 PID: 5101 1280x720 DAR: 1.78 FPS: 50.000 (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5102 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5103 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: mis (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: TELETEXT PID: 5104 TXT (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Stream: DVBSUB PID: 5105 Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Successfully switched to channel 1 - Das Erste HD
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10506] receiver on device 4 thread started (pid=10481, tid=10506, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10505] XVDR: LiveQueue started
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR: Started streaming of channel Das Erste HD (timeout 3 seconds, priority 90)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] cLiveStreamer stream processor thread started (pid=10481, tid=10507, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10508] TS buffer on device 4 thread started (pid=10481, tid=10508, prio=high)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: streaming of channel started
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stored channel information in cache:
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: H264 PID: 5101 1280x720 DAR: 1.78 FPS: 50.000 (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5102 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: AC3 PID: 5103 48000 Hz, 2 channels, Lang: mis (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: TELETEXT PID: 5104 TXT (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10507] XVDR: Stream: DVBSUB PID: 5105 Lang: deu (parsed: yes)
Feb 26 14:40:48 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 0 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10507] cLiveStreamer stream processor thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10507)
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10505] XVDR: LiveQueue stopped
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10504] buffer stats: 162056 (1%) used
Feb 26 14:40:56 kuebel vdr: [10504] XVDR-Error: Unable to decrypt channel 4 - SAT.1 HD
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10508] TS buffer on device 4 thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10508)
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10506] buffer stats: 161680 (3%) used
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10506] receiver on device 4 thread ended (pid=10481, tid=10506)
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10504] buffer stats: 0 (0%) used
Feb 26 14:40:57 kuebel vdr: [10491] XVDR: Client with ID 2 seems to be disconnected, removing from client list
/etc/vdr$ sudo vdr -w 60 -D 3 -u vdr -P sc -P svdrpservice -P wirbelscan -P xvdr -P "live -i" -P streamdev-server
Feb 26 14:40:15.830 [general.debug] using new 1.7.11+ capture code
INFO: validating live server ip ''
Feb 26 14:40:15.841 [general.debug] capturing device 3/0 (subsystem ID dd010021)
Feb 26 14:40:15.841 [general.debug] creating standard device 3/0
Feb 26 14:40:15.844 [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown initializing (VDR 2.0.3)
vdr: no primary device found - using first device!
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown starting (VDR 2.0.3)
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Plugin config:
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Key updates (AU) are enabled (active CAIDs) (no prestart)
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Local systems DON'T take priority over cached remote
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Concurrent FF recordings are NOT allowed
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Force transfermode with digital audio
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** ECM cache is set to enabled
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** TsBufferSize is 4 MB
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** ScCaps are 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [general.info] loading cardclient config from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/cardclient.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0c crypt mode now 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2] logout from server initiated
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] reader thread stopped
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] network shut down
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0c crypt mode now 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] logout done
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] hostname=xxxx port=xxxx emm=1 emmCaids 0000/0000
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] cccam2: username=xxxxxxx password=xxxxxxx
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] our nodeid: 97 81 26 57 99 d2 09 8b
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] pretended CCcam version '2.0.11' build '2892'
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] client 'cccam2' ready
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2] logout from server initiated
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] reader thread stopped
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] network shut down
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0c crypt mode now 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] logout done
Feb 26 14:40:16.149 [core.net] connecting to xxxxx:xxxx/tcp (xxxxxxx)
Feb 26 14:40:16.242 [cardclient.cccam2extra] welcome checksum correct
Feb 26 14:40:16.327 [cardclient.login] CCcam login succeed
Feb 26 14:40:16.327 [general.error] failed open /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/override.conf: No such file or directory
Feb 26 14:40:16.327 [general.info] loading ecm cache from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/ecm.cache
Feb 26 14:40:16.328 [core.load] ** registered systems:
Feb 26 14:40:16.328 [core.load] ** Cardclient (pri -15)
Feb 26 14:40:16.369 [cardclient.login] cccam2: server version 2.2.1 build 3316 nodeid d5 28 1c 55 10 0e 13 c0
Feb 26 14:40:16.369 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0B aes key d5 28 1c 55 10 0e 13 c0 32 2e 32 2e 31 00 00 00
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000154 hops 0 maxdown 0 caid 09c7 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000065 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 09c7 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000066 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 09c7 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000156 hops 0 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000068 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000069 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 0000006a hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000158 hops 0 maxdown 0 caid 1834 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 0000006c hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1834 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 0000006d hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1834 ua 0000000000000000
/etc/vdr$ sudo vdr -w 60 -D 3 -u vdr -P sc -P svdrpservice -P wirbelscan -P xvdr -P "live -i" -P streamdev-server
Feb 26 14:40:15.830 [general.debug] using new 1.7.11+ capture code
INFO: validating live server ip ''
Feb 26 14:40:15.841 [general.debug] capturing device 3/0 (subsystem ID dd010021)
Feb 26 14:40:15.841 [general.debug] creating standard device 3/0
Feb 26 14:40:15.844 [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown initializing (VDR 2.0.3)
vdr: no primary device found - using first device!
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [general.info] SC version 1.0.0pre-HG-Unknown starting (VDR 2.0.3)
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Plugin config:
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Key updates (AU) are enabled (active CAIDs) (no prestart)
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Local systems DON'T take priority over cached remote
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Concurrent FF recordings are NOT allowed
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** Force transfermode with digital audio
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** ECM cache is set to enabled
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** TsBufferSize is 4 MB
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [core.load] ** ScCaps are 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [general.info] loading cardclient config from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/cardclient.conf
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0c crypt mode now 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2] logout from server initiated
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] reader thread stopped
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] network shut down
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0c crypt mode now 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] logout done
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] hostname=xxxx port=xxxx emm=1 emmCaids 0000/0000
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] cccam2: username=xxxxxxx password=xxxxxxx
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] our nodeid: 97 81 26 57 99 d2 09 8b
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] pretended CCcam version '2.0.11' build '2892'
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.core] client 'cccam2' ready
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2] logout from server initiated
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] reader thread stopped
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] network shut down
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0c crypt mode now 0
Feb 26 14:40:15.845 [cardclient.cccam2extra] logout done
Feb 26 14:40:16.149 [core.net] connecting to xxxxx:xxxx/tcp (xxxxxxx)
Feb 26 14:40:16.242 [cardclient.cccam2extra] welcome checksum correct
Feb 26 14:40:16.327 [cardclient.login] CCcam login succeed
Feb 26 14:40:16.327 [general.error] failed open /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/override.conf: No such file or directory
Feb 26 14:40:16.327 [general.info] loading ecm cache from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/sc/ecm.cache
Feb 26 14:40:16.328 [core.load] ** registered systems:
Feb 26 14:40:16.328 [core.load] ** Cardclient (pri -15)
Feb 26 14:40:16.369 [cardclient.login] cccam2: server version 2.2.1 build 3316 nodeid d5 28 1c 55 10 0e 13 c0
Feb 26 14:40:16.369 [cardclient.cccam2extra] cmd 0B aes key d5 28 1c 55 10 0e 13 c0 32 2e 32 2e 31 00 00 00
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000154 hops 0 maxdown 0 caid 09c7 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000065 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 09c7 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000066 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 09c7 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.107 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000156 hops 0 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000068 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000069 hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 0000006a hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1722 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 00000158 hops 0 maxdown 0 caid 1834 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 0000006c hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1834 ua 0000000000000000
Feb 26 14:40:18.108 [cardclient.cccam2shares] ADD share 0000006d hops 2 maxdown 0 caid 1834 ua 0000000000000000
Im Server steckt eine Digital Devices Cine S2 v6.5 (derzeit nicht genutzt) und daran geklemmt eine Digital Devices DuoFlex C/T.
Mein TV-Signal bekomme ich derzeit über KabelDeutschland
Nun bleibt aber alles schwarz, unabhängig davon ob ich das über XBMC oder den Browser/Streamdev probiere.
Ich hoffe mir kann hier jemand helfen, bin hier total am verzweifeln. :emoticon-0121-angry:emoticon-0106-cryin