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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem


Ist oft hier
30. November 2013
Schönen Abend euch.

Ich habe hier letztens von meinem Problem mit 600ms gesprochen ( https://www.digital-eliteboard.com/340911-hd02-ueber-600ms-ansprechzeit.html ) , jetzt habe ich aber ein viel schlimmeres Problem ^^

Ich habe mir einen Raspberry Pi B+ und 2 x ne Easymouse 2 geholt, da ich Homesharing für 3 Clienten betreiben will und auch mal an meiner Kiste rumspielen will.

Was auf der Vu+ Duo² lokal gut klappte läuft jetzt mit dem Server überhaupt nicht mehr...

Ich habe den Raspberry mit der Anleitung eingerichtet (außer DOSCam, da ich ja die Karten habe)

Jetzt wollte ich mit Hilfe von Wikis den Server und die Clienten modifizieren, nun ist es aber so weit, dass nichts hell wird...

Die Karten werden zwar im WebIF angezeigt, das war es aber auch schon :(

Auf dem Server sollte doch auch kein DVBApi laufen, oder? Das war bei den Wikis nämlich der Fall das es eingetragen war.

Habt ihr eine vernünftige Anleitung um den Server (Raspberry mit 2x Easymouse 2 ,eine V14 Sky und eine HD+02 Karte) und die Clienten einzurichten?

Am besten OScam only?

Oder könnt ihr mir helfen?

Ich poste einfach mal meine Daten:


# OSCam Konfiguration IPC - oscam.conf

logfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc//emm.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/ipc/cw
usrfile = /var/log/ipc/oscamuser.log
nice = -1
serverip =
disablelog = 0
maxlogsize = 2480
cachedelay = 0
saveinithistory = 1
loghistorysize = 4096

httpport = 83
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
httposcamlabel = Oscam WebInterface

port = 44357

# OSCam Konfiguration IPC - oscam.server

label = skyv14
description = NDS VideoGuard Sky Germany (098C) easymouse
services = !hdplus_skyde
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
group = 1
mhz = 600
ndsversion = 2
emmcache = 1,1,15
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-u = 1
saveemm-u = 1

label = hdplus02
description = Nagravision HD+ 02 Germany (1843) easymouse
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
caid = 1843
rsakey = BF3....DD5
boxkey = A76...37C
detect = cd
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1843:000000,003411,008011
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2
blockemm-unknown = 1

# OSCam Konfiguration IPC - oscam.user

user = Wohnzimmer
pwd = vu+duo2
group = 1,2
au = 1

user = Daniel
pwd = vu+duo2
group = 1,2
au = 0

user = Schlafzimmer
pwd =
group = 1,2
au = 0

caid = 09C4,098C # HD+ über Sky (V13/V14 Smartcards)
srvid = 126E,126F,1519,151A,157C,157F,1581,2774,2E9B,2EAF,5273,5274,EF10,EF11,EF14,EF15,EF74,EF75,EF76,EF77,EF78


nice = -1
WaitForCards = 0
preferlocalcards = 0
saveinithistory = 0
disablelog = 1
disableuserfile = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = Daniel

httpport = 83
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
httposcamlabel = Oscam Client Daniel


label = skyv14
protocol = cs378x
device = 192.1xx.xxx.33,44357
group = 1
user = Daniel
password = vu+duo2

label = hdplus02
protocol = cs378x
group = 2
device = 192.1xx.xxx.33,44357
user = Daniel
password = vu+duo2


user = Daniel
group = 1,2

## HD02 = P: 1843
## SkyV14 = P: 098C
P: 1843
P: 098C
I: 1830
I: 09c4
I: 0

Ich bedanke mich schon mal im vorraus für die Hilfe.

MfG Daniel

Edit: Habe nochmal die Codes aktualisiert, läuft aber immer noch nicht :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem


ohne mir die einzelnen Konfigs angeschaut zu haben, wo ist das zugehörige Logfile?
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

nutze auf dem client mal bitte einen reader der so aussieht


label = Raspi
protocol = cs378x
device = 192.1xx.xxx.33,44357
caid = 098C,1830
group = 1
user = Daniel
password = vu+duo2

den anderen reader schmeißt du mal raus
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

Danke, der Log kommt ein bisschen später....
Eine Frage habe ich aber noch, wie kann ich die OScam Version von IPC auf die aktuellste updaten und meine eigens installierte löschen?
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

habe ich auch eben entdeckt, aber in der rc.ocal stand ja mit der ipc version das :

#Oscam starten
/bin/oscam start &

Meine eigene Version sah so aus:

/usr/local/bin/oscam -b

Dann habe ich doch jetzt zweimal oscam installiert, oder nicht?

Edit: Habe erst Oscam selber compiliert und danach erst IPC entdeckt ^^

Edit²: Komisch, habe mit o compile die neueste Version compiliert. Im WebIF wird aber immer noch "OSCAM 1.10rc-svn build #6089" angezeigt...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

Beim Restart über das Webif läuft weiterhin der alte, selbst wenn die Binary längst nicht mehr existiert.
Ist 'ne Unix-Macke oder - wenn man es nicht Macke nennen will - ein Cheat.

Die Pimmelprothesenuptimes von unixoiden Systemen ("Wie neustarten? Ich hab mein Debian doch letztes Jahr erst neu gestartet!") kriegt man nur hin, weil diese Systeme auf immer und ewig mit Kopien im Haupt-Speicher weiterarbeiten können, selbst wenn eine Datei auf der Festplatte längst ersetzt wurde, ggf. auch durch eine defekte ... ein Unix kann laufen und doch schon lange nicht mehr lauffähig auf "Festplatte" sein.
Wenn man Pech hat, kriegt man dann beim nächsten Systemstart nur noch einen schwarzen Bildschirm zu sehen, weil eines der letzten 4973. Updates der letzten 4 Jahre inkompatible Libs/Module/Binaries eingebracht hat.

Deshalb muß man Windows nach dem Einspielen von Updates neustarten, wenn sie in Benutzung befindliche Dateien ersetzen. Dann beschränkt sich die Fehlersuche auf die letzten 17 Updates vom letzten Patch Day :)

o restart
solltest Du in der Lage sein, oscam wirklich neu zu starten.
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

Danke, habe es eben hinbekommen, da habe ich deinen Beitrag noch nicht gesehen.

Habe es so gemacht:

Über das IPC WebIF Oscam beendet.
Die alte OScam Datei per Shell komplett gelöscht.
O Compile gestartet.
Alles nochmal durchlaufen lassen.

Jetzt steht "OSCam r9908" im WebIF und ich habe nur noch eine OScam Datei auf dem Raspberry.
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

falsch :emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc//emm.log
richtig: emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc/

und denke auch dran die Reader per UDEV fest einzubinden!

au beim user am besten mit labelnamen

user beim client au = 1
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

Hier die Log File:
2014/10/05 12:27:46 F232A0 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/10/05 12:27:46 F232A0 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0BB8 |2014/06/26 |2014/11/20 |
2014/10/05 12:27:46 F232A0 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] FuseByte: 05
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] Pincode read: 7189
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] ready for requests
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] card detected
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006a, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:47 F21878 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/05 12:27:49 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/10/05 12:27:49 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/10/05 12:27:54 F34258 c encrypted cs378x-client granted (Daniel, au=off)
2014/10/05 12:27:54 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:A40DA6A02D5DCA3DAF9BEE57076E1F33): found (390 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:00 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D2DF936906711137A501415CE048224F): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:07 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:386476B37BE700D8FCED4C884807E5A3): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:14 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:60D77A3962641EA117C8F3211C4CF5EC): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:21 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:1471C4EC6C69726422BD00467429893A): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:28 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:29A053590BEB418DA1E0CFC2A0DF789F): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:35 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:EBD67E8320BCA8B55F05F2E053C8A8D2): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:42 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:746CB7DD0725FA672B663CFFAEAFC797): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:49 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:33AEE15585B323A872E5A2307B6307B9): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:28:56 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F1938F8B2E485179BD7266ED597F6A11): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:29:03 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5EE189E723B800C9BA9F98120D12D583): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/05 12:29:10 F34258 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F67E7CE6AB6DED9F6151BEB117346A86): found (376 ms) by hdplus02

Sky und HD+ laufen jetzt.

So sehen meine jetzigen Configs aus:


serverip =
usrfile = /var/log/ipc/
logfile = /var/log/ipc/
cwlogdir = /var/log/ipc/
emmlogdir = /var/log/ipc/
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 2480
saveinithistory = 1

port = 44357

httpport = 83
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,

# OSCam Konfiguration IPC - oscam.server

label = skyv14
description = NDS VideoGuard Sky Germany (098C) easymouse
services = !hdplus_skyde
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/SkyDeV14
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
group = 1
mhz = 600
ndsversion = 2
emmcache = 1,1,15
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-u = 1
saveemm-u = 1

label = hdplus02
description = Nagravision HD+ 02 Germany (1843) easymouse
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/HD+02
caid = 1843
rsakey = BF35...4DD5
boxkey = A7.......7C
detect = cd
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1843:000000,003411,008011
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2
blockemm-unknown = 1

# OSCam Konfiguration IPC - oscam.user

user = Wohnzimmer
pwd = vu+duo2
group = 1,2
au = skyv14,hdplus02

user = Daniel
pwd = vu+duo2
group = 1,2

user = Schlafzimmer
pwd =
group = 1,2

Services sind gleich geblieben.


nice = -1
WaitForCards = 0
preferlocalcards = 0
saveinithistory = 0
disablelog = 1
disableuserfile = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = Daniel

label = raspberry
protocol = cs378x
device =,44357
caid = 098C,1843
group = 1,2
user = Daniel
password = vu+duo2

user = Daniel
group = 1,2

dvbapi ist gleich geblieben.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

client user noch au = 1 hinzufügen und NUR group = 1

client reader NUR group = 1

hast am clienten doch nur 1 Raeder
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

Muss au=1 nicht nur bei dem Clienten hinzugefügt werden der die EMMs senden soll?

mit dem Reader stimmt.

Beim server in der oscam.conf gibt man also nur den Pfad für die Logs an? nicht die Datei?
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

So, seit Sonntag läuft der Server.

Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Abfragezeit bei der HDPlus immer schwankt.
Eben war die bei 350ms eine Zeile darunter sofort bei 750ms.
So schwankt es die ganze Zeit.
Ist das normal?

Hatte auch schon 3 Mini-Ruckler beim Entschlüsseln gehabt.

Hier mal der Log von eben (nach einem Neustart)

>> OSCam << cardserver log switched at Tue Oct 7 14:39:29 2014
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9908 (arm-linux-gnueabihf)
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 2275
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9908 (arm-linux-gnueabihf)
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 1 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s userdb reloaded: 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s cs378x: initialized (fd=6, port=44357, ip=
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Irdeto module - no EMM processing for Irdeto possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Conax module - no EMM processing for Conax possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Cryptoworks module - no EMM processing for Cryptoworks possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Seca module - no EMM processing for Seca possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Viaccess module - no EMM processing for Viaccess possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without DRE Crypt module - no EMM processing for DRE Crypt possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without TONGFANG module - no EMM processing for TONGFANG possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Bulcrypt module - no EMM processing for Bulcrypt possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without Griffin module - no EMM processing for Griffin possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s Binary without DGCrypt module - no EMM processing for DGCrypt possible!
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s skyv14 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/SkyDeV14
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s hdplus02 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/HD+02
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/10/07 14:39:29 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/10/07 14:39:29 1633A98 h webif: decompressed 150387 bytes back into 367016 bytes
2014/10/07 14:39:29 1633A98 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2014/10/07 14:39:30 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/HD+02, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2014/10/07 14:39:30 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/SkyDeV14, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=357)
2014/10/07 14:39:30 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] card detected
2014/10/07 14:39:30 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] card detected
2014/10/07 14:39:32 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2014/10/07 14:39:32 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=4, N=2
2014/10/07 14:39:32 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 38400 bps
2014/10/07 14:39:32 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 20.15 us reader mhz = 600
2014/10/07 14:39:32 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 6.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/10/07 14:39:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/10/07 14:39:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/10/07 14:39:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2014/10/07 14:39:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 11.30 us reader mhz = 368
2014/10/07 14:39:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.68 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/10/07 14:39:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 13 to 15
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] card detected
2014/10/07 14:39:33 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/10/07 14:39:33 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] detect native nagra card
2014/10/07 14:39:34 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR: 3F FD 15 25 02 50 80 0F 41 B0 0A 69 FF 4A 50 F0 00 00 50 31 03
2014/10/07 14:39:34 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
2014/10/07 14:39:34 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2014/10/07 14:39:34 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 5.04 us reader mhz = 600
2014/10/07 14:39:34 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 6.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] ready for requests
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [mouse] found card system nagra
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] SER: ############
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] active to: 2014/12/08 01:08
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0066 |2011/09/22 |2012/09/22 |
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/10/07 14:39:34 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0BB8 |2014/06/26 |2014/11/26 |
2014/10/07 14:39:35 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Credit available on card: 0 euro
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Extended 4C detected
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] FuseByte: 05
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] Pincode read: 7189
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] ready for requests
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] card detected
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098C)
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006a, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:35 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2015/01/02-00:00:00
2014/10/07 14:39:37 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/10/07 14:39:37 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/10/07 14:39:49 163B060 c encrypted cs378x-client granted (Wohnzimmer, au=on (2 reader))
2014/10/07 14:39:49 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=0, cnt=1: written (580 ms)
2014/10/07 14:39:50 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: no cw --> Tier expired
2014/10/07 14:39:50 163B060 c Wohnzimmer emm-request sent (reader=skyv14, caid=098C, auprovid=000000)
2014/10/07 14:39:50 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (098C&000000/07D1/EF74/98:84EACDB93ED8F63A0759BE5F6BE7736C): not found (87 ms) by skyv14
2014/10/07 14:39:51 163B060 c Wohnzimmer emm-request sent (reader=hdplus02, caid=1843, auprovid=003411)
2014/10/07 14:39:51 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F618AE33491DBFBE43F8A84DB5EF85F5): found (388 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:39:52 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:AFEC6DE4EBBD1C3FDDF409E483DC8B99): found (645 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:39:53 163F268 c encrypted cs378x-client granted (Daniel, au=off)
2014/10/07 14:39:53 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] Not a valid ecm
2014/10/07 14:39:53 163F268 c Daniel (098C&000000/74D4/EF75/8A:0D61313BAE56C64CA70CEBF15F65910B): not found (3 ms) by skyv14
2014/10/07 14:39:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=1, cnt=1: written (595 ms)
2014/10/07 14:39:57 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] Not a valid ecm
2014/10/07 14:39:57 163F268 c Daniel (098C&000000/6380/EF75/BF:3B5ACA31688A610486B84C46A4189E36): not found (2 ms) by skyv14
2014/10/07 14:39:58 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=0, cnt=2: written (580 ms)
2014/10/07 14:39:59 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:661F39865FE4180A57685981A1611F68): found (717 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:03 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=1, cnt=2: written (593 ms)
2014/10/07 14:40:05 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:0DB68A2079F39ED186025B50D3A9F7C1): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:07 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=0, cnt=3: written (580 ms)
2014/10/07 14:40:12 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=1, cnt=3: written (599 ms)
2014/10/07 14:40:13 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B6E9A4BE519848AC1168A711F270376B): found (796 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:19 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:53CAD6536E419311BFBB5505745970E0): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:26 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7D651296228A4CFF96B51E4025810233): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:31 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/85:11653B18ED510AEE60FA5FA76576757F): not found (2 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:33 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:8DCF92F615C8015361F49718CAD790D7): found (370 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:40 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] Not a valid ecm
2014/10/07 14:40:40 163F268 c Daniel (098C&000000/E8AD/EF75/98:01C25E9305FFF7A96C4729DD3D72B8AD): not found (3 ms) by skyv14
2014/10/07 14:40:40 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:C08C5CB8974D8B7CA072538932F8A156): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:47 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D1C4C94BF4BB3F2108DDCCFED9BD8D3C): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:40:48 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=2, cnt=1: written (582 ms)
2014/10/07 14:40:52 1628890 r skyv14 [videoguard2] Not a valid ecm
2014/10/07 14:40:52 163F268 c Daniel (098C&000000/7485/EF75/91:29C19D50064D380D1BDB7DA5877B30FB): not found (2 ms) by skyv14
2014/10/07 14:40:54 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B103483982EEF4CB6BBA2BF49860B363): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:00 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=3, cnt=1: written (583 ms)
2014/10/07 14:41:01 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9801BC246AC759E5ACF0CAE5582C79A1): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:08 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:C2613DFC298D19BACFE5A5F380EDCFA8): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:15 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F754B96B036963B92DFB66FC1EB96494): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:22 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:83D066DD5255BEC5676A7B51A48D01E9): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:29 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:143E16118625351B68C02730EE3F927A): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:36 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9C4B60FAC70DA9CCA32AD5B9ED4BD81B): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:43 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F7A9F930767A4D58FC0DB49736247B60): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:50 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B9811E145CC52BAAA461C8B1C3AEC338): found (382 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:57 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:FC879EC3D170F73BC7D8D92171BA2661): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:41:58 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:FC879EC3D170F73BC7D8D92171BA2661): cache1 (0 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:04 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:8B81157994F2199928C6E09D26765EAA): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:04 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B556D7A93E4155547DB17A69523E20E2): found (548 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:05 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:3164683C278BF202F526A9752E3EA7F8): found (908 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:11 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9720300369516011B8BD02BABAEE9616): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:12 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:76AFC04E0BA5F4E25855756B86FD067F): found (735 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:18 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:DC790C24098C0F48567AECB41E947293): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:19 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5BCE7CB17A659B2F5BCB9FB2D75214A2): found (736 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:25 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:488C99D9C68A7F3AE4BCB0AB0C9ECBB9): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:26 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:8FFF8DF4731FCFAECC55E8A8B99092DE): found (730 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:32 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D50A9BB7C586F6736AB32095FCC29BF9): found (382 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:33 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:1CCCFF22B10CBDDA18833C3D85E913C9): found (721 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:39 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D132A9A82185AAF47D044D46B6891C67): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:40 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:C99AE5A978DB6DFADE56405583C686C2): found (712 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:46 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:885D9BDE8B536C4F36FC832DD6ABE333): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:47 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5CCFF85873831AC74CEDD368E5B81C03): found (713 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:53 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:889A59DE79AB3736065AD374C0864A12): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:42:54 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:117DA1F5950FCBFC891AC873CC154ABB): found (714 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:00 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B1D94C17B61EB9CCBEAB8E13F165DAA1): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:01 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:E2DF28BE78069F7CB83BA6755E8F9CAD): found (714 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:07 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:3999D3C2176E2E3D1CBF38617A2ABACD): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:08 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:B0B76E05C183D18F936635FCCE754700): found (717 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:14 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:030D4F0E21967B7A9F81E42778503623): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:15 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:94622ECE3BC867479E07C5FC0D7FA5DF): found (717 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:21 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:0476F346FCA74308E506CB59151540F0): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:22 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0133121740C07F83EDF42F9EA2921CCF): found (714 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:28 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:78AE4D5EFBF16E8955CE394CD6529584): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:29 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:326505EA9A2D3BC4CF0B19E2C082E1B0): found (717 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:35 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D41DEC513701163DE4CD382567AD622D): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:36 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:ECCA6D47BCC46770C9A30EF4E4221EE8): found (713 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:42 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:8BC0CAA4233A8987E9218D61005A770F): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:43 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:1260485A03D5C8ABE33B3FAF1B186010): found (715 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:49 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:69DFEDBD9D82C17A749DB0C40651A685): found (370 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:50 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:4BE72919E1354C71F35112FB60C56FE2): found (716 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=shared, len=139, idx=4, cnt=1: written (587 ms)
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] SER: ############
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/10/07 14:43:53 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] active to: 2014/12/08 01:08
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0066 |2011/09/22 |2012/09/22 |
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0BB8 |2014/06/26 |2014/11/26 |
2014/10/07 14:43:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/07 14:43:56 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:4AE850714AEF3833D9283D94428B2570): found (386 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:43:57 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0A317DAB72E9CE79095C6F26345E4F50): found (742 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:03 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:5561BEE65BA649FFEA508915DD53894D): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:04 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6C847018C3880128653651578C6E6D36): found (735 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:10 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:4A70DA7D1BA62C3C8713656670AE5EB3): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:11 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:76C8D4560B7AEBC7E5D656C3CAC35499): found (732 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:17 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:69EBE430C3CD23A46CD5765D9E28F3EB): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:18 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:C0DEBE76CE7A01573F975C495B0101A1): found (725 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:24 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:791CC96A52461F9886F76C348961A090): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:25 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6D93A29054D0BBCC1D0158039B10BD50): found (731 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:31 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:1503777C46F5050C0C62BB3B4050D6D4): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:32 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9BCCF0AA89B9DB3230BFD211C9290A9B): found (733 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:38 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:086605FF57C2DBF9B619FCC428F2F921): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:39 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:CFF634E391AB17F87B40C375E7F4EB38): found (753 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:45 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B54910309D0AD294AC04BE3CAFC621AA): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:46 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:765B45609C6B624F610A76FCBCD5AD4A): found (748 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:52 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:BA195392061DAE2EFF3A8BA1C57B39CD): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:53 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:FE43C2FFCCBF908C689B770253B843CA): found (748 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:44:59 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:AFC93DCE199927CCEDDC99C3D55F6EC5): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:00 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7F7FD8F83B0A101F185377F9E2771BAA): found (744 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:06 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:FFCCEC730E59D0DC319909244E56A3AF): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:07 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:989DDBD9A3154E669F6C8E1F9972CD61): found (738 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:13 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:EE4F0B4EE2AE9D2C69D7AB2CB12E17D9): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:14 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D10007CD5E3CD45EB869F8DDF1991E38): found (741 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:20 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F6C18EBC17241D1062BF38D1C76AE13C): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:21 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:22CF65317A12A6FC7FAE1ACF008C25E4): found (745 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:27 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:1CF6523C5F34AD28AB4A04E215844895): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:28 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:BF6F92BBD47DE0BE36E6AC4EA863BBA4): found (733 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=5, cnt=1: written (584 ms)
2014/10/07 14:45:34 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D79BFAB22625603B25076A078BEC44EC): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:35 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:36DC0FE370843CFE875225E9D4C5DE8A): found (725 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:41 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:54F1019352CFDD45CA59E5D18EDF551B): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:42 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:55D468B9B9BAEED84E55A39202774C19): found (731 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:48 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:DB14863E83369587AB824530CC6839D6): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:49 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:3793BE90392932B7E2BBFF6B5AF7EBAA): found (728 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:55 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F9A7951A520A5385E4BE45FBE986B95E): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:45:56 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0444867E9951DDB10750422ABDF12EBD): found (750 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:02 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F5796C18CC8055272B56A8AEBB4D978B): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:03 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:30F71FF62874FAC1D0203B9A23A44FE4): found (755 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:09 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:3E77BD80D9406E57586FF6F98A8183B1): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:10 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:AB0B92501563C92F82937359516A50BE): found (751 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:16 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:3241219216ADAFC186797417973FE6AB): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:17 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:DB62AFFDDD808A9C60DDE41704A72193): found (745 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:23 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:0CEA95ECDDFE6271BE1B48030B6AF20D): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:24 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:2500AEACEAA3465DBF2D777EBDAF0BC9): found (766 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:30 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:30CA0C2C6F1797FA916AFD9211C1CEAA): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:31 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:1BD3AB4581480A86B3A27623C3EA65B0): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:37 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:803099A5E4270B82C86BBBAFA55967C0): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:38 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:23FE97440759D84648EBAB8909798C72): found (766 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:44 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F0821BDE3C00CBE0C4A3F99E5C872DDF): found (382 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:45 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:92B13E2C659FF3B34B6CB365923AAF4B): found (773 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:51 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:84BB7CB19950094CD7DF740E50BE37EF): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:52 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:DFCC910915CA5494CC7A88E4453DBB11): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:58 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:03064BC9DC90E8CE27B3A692BB329262): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:46:59 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:60E8BCC71D6BD807D44C81EC8F37A842): found (765 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:05 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:6E16F3D78EA46EB485338969A39C1DB9): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:06 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:8022314AE007EA4F4F2EC0EB76CAB92A): found (762 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:06 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=6, cnt=1: written (579 ms)
2014/10/07 14:47:12 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:CB580DCC3F9F65DC0F0C1EAA49F813CF): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:13 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7A62FD6E6E73F16672288D9D94DF2963): found (768 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:17 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=7, cnt=1: written (578 ms)
2014/10/07 14:47:19 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:84EDA3EB206623A25F06B76916C9EEC0): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:20 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:EE59F3C112E318FFB934764AFF7FEF04): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:26 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:65554C8418FA9D2227E9E6D9ECEA56C3): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:27 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D1263C9D84B49223598455C53DA667A1): found (767 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:29 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=8, cnt=1: written (582 ms)
2014/10/07 14:47:33 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7F345A1A27D699C4254EEB24798409C3): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:34 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:C9B65ADA503B21819C1D602A544E88A2): found (762 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:40 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9DF988BE1690C3D6A236CAD9EEBA8C35): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:41 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:483D913A37F977BE39F7146590765897): found (767 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=9, cnt=1: written (577 ms)
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=shared, len=139, idx=10, cnt=1: written (587 ms)
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] SER: ############
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2014/10/07 14:47:42 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] active to: 2014/12/08 01:08
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0066 |2011/09/22 |2012/09/22 |
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] |8011|0BB8 |2014/06/26 |2014/11/26 |
2014/10/07 14:47:43 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/10/07 14:47:47 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F2B22E3B501F69237189C2767C0F8EFB): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:48 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F89324621FB0D4A342E113FA69B690DB): found (768 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:54 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=11, cnt=1: written (581 ms)
2014/10/07 14:47:54 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:13BA4FE10B4A9441DF42B6B0D6971AF3): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:47:55 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:027D5A4DD9FE6EA02521F79F94E124BE): found (769 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:01 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:2316A9B2F01F266249E11E398E1037C9): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:02 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:637D24BDC483ECCD3DD757A5CDDCF1B5): found (768 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:08 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:45A400C5BC2B9406987EB15176B4EB06): found (382 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:09 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:982F0924CC27572E3395F21101DA3321): found (773 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:15 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:E7FBBD27EEB9F70DB70F2C76D9702602): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:16 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:8271215466CACD2034584F63E2CC2436): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:22 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:2CB881E04D6031930260C35103E9951A): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:23 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:CD3D375F5568CAED96520DBF756E7189): found (763 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:29 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7BFD7926FF0EE03A5F1CAF3BA21D0489): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:30 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7AACB8AF7EBA3BB9403C6D5CE70D6CB1): found (763 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:36 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:517A4A79425A79B492DF44C0B11B94AC): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:37 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:61E08E4D90186C198CE75386ABE6BA6D): found (763 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:43 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:2F90DEF6EFA0AAE358D39A4B6D0802B1): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:44 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6917D43E0FDF5884F48D60403F1E5D82): found (767 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:50 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F9EFB3C1633601AC913CD658E4045404): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:51 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9CDE6F9D393E223D2216A3761AE3DB48): found (764 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:57 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:15BFBB4C2B1609780F12A9EFF2A3151D): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:48:58 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:56B96DB38DBF8081D4295AE4B6F4F878): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:04 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9C0534ED7F1D531B4451F6B2AAD281CF): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:05 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:8707401287C57CEDBF61CA556DF88922): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:08 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=12, cnt=1: written (580 ms)
2014/10/07 14:49:11 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7AC80B7CF109F5F5681180C987358F50): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:12 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:A9B27EB8EABA4FF3A243C3286215A82B): found (764 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:18 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:619ADE44DC6C2726F4AA4908E2D0EB75): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:19 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9D900193F2EB1AD86AAF9C0013F766A7): found (764 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:21 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=13, cnt=1: written (580 ms)
2014/10/07 14:49:25 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:6BEE1D37B74DEA6B4C2B6A1BD2C6FC46): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:26 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:24448F0D53F04A5F9409723B2E6EF2D6): found (769 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:32 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=14, cnt=1: written (584 ms)
2014/10/07 14:49:33 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:BD42AF3E3F38DBA98CE0572574AF0F1B): found (833 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:33 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:CE3912B2BF1C64D6B2A64F5F3D00D99B): found (1224 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:39 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:6C31C86C372F6BD2EEF6867D23D49B31): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:40 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:2063C714A3A4D0B9476EA18E49560B21): found (760 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:46 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7F73149408DFC49175FC83EDBCAB2227): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:47 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:20D21135CBF72D92E64C272242793D82): found (762 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:53 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B7E956400FA58CB0DE3148661B3D7455): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:49:54 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:59A8724DF2765E6757C3BB20223B8C80): found (761 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:00 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:FBB0D5B782AA3CE1CE3309188C60B23D): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:01 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:1B386A2FC8A002D1D7D3CDC3C236D70E): found (761 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:07 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:2D6629648AEE26751A604715E8E2D3FA): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:08 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7031CE7B69FFCF095B23B14D79BCB1AE): found (762 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:14 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:97CEBA4DF4428E0A51AAC57EF5D4169B): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:15 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6D119D2C958C5DFE9E48C1D391B478A0): found (770 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:21 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=15, cnt=1: written (581 ms)
2014/10/07 14:50:21 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:479DF626470F1F15C5ACDA70DD59BBCC): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:22 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:BF7F2BE940C2030E420DF9A2BE80285F): found (763 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:28 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:4740CA8800F43F370ECD3AE0EBF14D1E): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:29 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:3C72CF9C20A169E06CB91D2701D26F54): found (762 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:35 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:32708FFCF0BDE6D613134719B7168C8D): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:36 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:430F7FA0A47275BBDDA84513FFEDF50F): found (764 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:42 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:03F7C05581895D3BFB3A82146CF4A53A): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:43 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:4E4ED2333B76E1EECADAD7F8F425F0F8): found (765 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:49 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:58EBEF6A2FA193CF705E3D399ACD900A): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:50 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0474B5648A51A7CC7D8607997F7E54ED): found (768 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:51 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=16, cnt=1: written (583 ms)
2014/10/07 14:50:56 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:0D41473C1779D77027292455CBDC8CB6): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:50:57 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:E12B6091C9A7E8C196BE2E9855180D94): found (774 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:03 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=17, cnt=1: written (579 ms)
2014/10/07 14:51:03 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:4B7C56F74769086CBE9932C32BF42174): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:04 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9B527818A3F665AC721D64240EF345D6): found (761 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:10 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:36FA37136DD652B970C7E7E1290185BB): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:11 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0C945D3ECF33CC56E57ECB5F4C3D998D): found (763 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:17 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:FD980AFCD7EBDB504F930C067D9ED05A): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:18 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9A4776CC94449281EFEC5DC90B5ECC08): found (753 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:24 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7F550ECCFB30B1CB47EBDEDA2555584A): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:25 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:5C5A97ED09E54F1E49A4C924C73FA29A): found (752 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:31 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:FFE9531BF7CD409F2B3A142F0880220D): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:32 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:A2E727AAA60DCCB310AE9A4BA8D58121): found (751 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:38 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:905AC120D1E32E66D67074B0BCB0F4ED): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:39 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:E720175E9AAD85BBE201A4F7A4DA4B9B): found (751 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:45 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:CF3447E9858DF0B37BDE509D39CCBB76): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:46 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:33E482D90C5CAE3AF5EF495639068A85): found (751 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:52 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:4E6718C3EB9F7C27F3361E8648A91D02): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:53 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:295CC96482BFA6316C3818B00A16AEA7): found (750 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:51:59 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:E61897259A604A5760C4E771E696F099): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:00 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:2BC8EFB3146F8B65EAF064872564DAFC): found (749 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:06 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:AB6F73230E98413AF00891C020F4E42A): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:07 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7A2A32FF3285F853AF9A7123B0B2648C): found (751 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:13 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D2F47C9FD62D87707EF3E8CD67D8A3A4): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:14 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:DDCE8FF9288E169C60FF3CB0F84146D2): found (744 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:20 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F6DF7F31195C884C095E846660032765): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:21 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7FE81DFFE036F238B385D431F6B82FBA): found (734 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:27 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:15EBF090CB45EC7AEC8D6480F0369A4E): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:28 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:BEF619D0C40FDF6CEE5EAF08450ADC94): found (739 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:34 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:A8560FA1DB460460682118B516D295FC): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:35 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B01A6F7A96F0CBB0C220C695C209F432): found (738 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:41 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:7CDCEFE4704E5AF933D8EB13CB4FA2CF): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:42 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:287837A329EEBD94A4B8449507741F2F): found (753 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:48 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:3B23F6C27E889034DDA8F614048A0B21): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:49 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9F43E8DB5251259249EEEEE59075FE72): found (748 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:55 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:0C9040D5F01DDF7FBCC553562BC2DDFF): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:52:56 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:940A93DD466D91A8ABB1FF3DE0C3260B): found (741 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:02 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:000044F981AB49F2F5D02980601596AC): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:03 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:2166FC5D9ABC767384B62884FD58B21C): found (733 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:09 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:68BE95D5758069D850AC72D1C014B51F): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:10 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B78913FEBF8875CF929147076CC9CE08): found (734 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:16 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D3D3C6E9E6D02EF4F5E61D70469F194C): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:17 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:13C1FF407659F02B01526A1D0CAB7F1D): found (720 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:23 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:9D27AF1613AD1FE8001EE4BA711F39B2): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:24 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:9D56CC64F719954288080367CA495EDA): found (719 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:30 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:65135C241F82C2E598BB0AAF305C6AEE): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:31 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:51D16026AE4B0C9351BA22FE999B140E): found (713 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:37 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:4C76996A6EFB0D2C05382087EE2ADD0B): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:38 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:423E060DD422FBFC5EF3019C3FE7F732): found (711 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:44 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:DBF2F55C5FE148B187322D3284B35A8D): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:45 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:C05722890BB1CCA520146942EEF621D1): found (706 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:51 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5DC04A99619DD3A9D13E0EDE7A95DB89): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:52 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:E658FB65CC10C9BEAF2FC26EF5F0A591): found (697 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:58 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:4144D5FBB9282B4F68891D5D27FF8F86): found (370 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:53:59 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F26A876BBDC689CCA73B1A8F8CE11953): found (683 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:05 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:C436AC5B09AAAF684582458D557B4FD0): found (373 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:06 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7D34CA0E52A4A2B9C8B2E72E15ED6413): found (680 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:12 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:4F85813F795E3A8150775BA17D2C3851): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:13 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:C96074AF8080041F3C4565F0ED5E76A7): found (683 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:19 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:556E600CFC51C18794778EA3565DCFF9): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:20 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7F5CFA50352C71860259A5B6FA386129): found (954 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:26 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D64ED495923A97BB22FB92FA1CFE77D1): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:27 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:0EF15DE31AE906CC29DCE7CE04939F54): found (670 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:33 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:89039D5E3F7E66D71105402E576A271D): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:34 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D98B58B422DE639C39169C71521B057C): found (664 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:40 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:17DC344EF43B325DABBD5FCA3A005F4F): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:41 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:699D563456BF6EB495FF3CDE6C785EE6): found (660 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:47 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:981BAF728EE15B67BADA22E4C75B692A): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:48 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:D949DF353057B6D694B99DFCD28075BF): found (645 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:54 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:EC7D93FA8A1ED68FE9688D96ECD467C9): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:54:55 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:FE7DD57B35C764CD2E2D0FC3DC23E838): found (644 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:01 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6B9AFE0D6F38BFD8720F22188B51EC3F): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:02 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:44ACA6602331777131531744A8F91053): found (634 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:08 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:82FC1272D33F1C31145AF22F551FC4D3): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:09 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:B04119FED141E8E3CD589B1A8B035042): found (614 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:15 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:5C5D6AFA50994421735E0E72EE3EC46E): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:16 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:7FC53CDA2F845E743D6CA864D6A6C33D): found (616 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:22 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:AE51905393E3FA71800DBA7CB8F27638): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:23 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:AB75F9BE6B3F98670D60A22167FA5165): found (613 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:27 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=18, cnt=1: written (582 ms)
2014/10/07 14:55:29 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:D9045C146662E71489A6B40657547AFD): found (378 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:30 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:0983CD60BBAA9B0FD32A3D84921576C7): found (617 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:36 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:858A93F7E80B2857DAD43E10D690D16D): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:37 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:63C4BBE6B1769C745C99BD4A3793C417): found (614 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:39 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=19, cnt=1: written (580 ms)
2014/10/07 14:55:43 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:96FC3114949159CEA0410BBD75115CA9): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:44 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:5E78D53AD57EA55FA4F5C43D089E056B): found (600 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:50 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:89DD5295F145D7AB9B1DC32AD4C334F0): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:51 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=20, cnt=1: written (583 ms)
2014/10/07 14:55:51 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:E2CEF1053586D7EFFAE11E800B59CB7E): found (1181 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:58 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:04E41DF15FA6BC722BE66E8566BAB81D): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:55:58 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:50838F690A56F7AF14E00A5D1118E0EE): found (613 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:03 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=21, cnt=1: written (584 ms)
2014/10/07 14:56:05 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:B0427771FEE544B5140C89EED1F72035): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:05 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:114ABE3D15CD9C6980737533BE09335F): found (620 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:12 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6B7ED31139AEE1A5A32E80CFA90D2081): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:12 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:6EE79DDE00CF51EFB9588A1BD0C8F97B): found (615 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:15 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=22, cnt=1: written (583 ms)
2014/10/07 14:56:19 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:EC19341570B987BFA1D6F260FCA7EBFB): found (377 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:19 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:BB3F510F4D6814716F3628459410584A): found (619 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:26 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F342927516EB5E7647086F4B41692215): found (379 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:26 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:AA9B36FD0994D053199E3CA67533F766): found (623 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:27 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=23, cnt=1: written (584 ms)
2014/10/07 14:56:33 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:32EAAEE1621297C89C670314315754C6): found (380 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:33 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:89443C2A8B8162813286B9FFC2F9FBE8): found (619 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:39 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=24, cnt=1: written (584 ms)
2014/10/07 14:56:40 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:193ED5CB4C5775F0574509F191B2E405): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:40 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:ECCDC75FDA3E06BA90EDB149A6C9126A): found (636 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:47 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:AC552025B99FF71A6DA4F79A798A1313): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:47 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:8EB536FA8EEF8EF7C1CAF7015F791251): found (632 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:51 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=25, cnt=1: written (581 ms)
2014/10/07 14:56:54 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:6939A0A3524B5C033A8B7EB40D39F12D): found (374 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:56:54 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:67AFCDA59B3D31BB2C91427D526B62CC): found (628 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:01 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:628D8B6E4B576F031A7FEE8907233D93): found (371 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:01 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:C4C38D83572ABB08A66EF53964DEB529): found (646 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:03 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=26, cnt=1: written (579 ms)
2014/10/07 14:57:08 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:F7F04821FD98C732AD6E3BF4C37FD7E4): found (375 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:08 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:F9959E4013E7F20DF8E2F1619A35EC06): found (655 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:15 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:586C5FD5DA1CF717A2E83714CFEDFE86): found (376 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:15 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=27, cnt=1: written (584 ms)
2014/10/07 14:57:16 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:93D0AF238C8B10EFB3D84E439657D3D9): found (1234 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:22 163F268 c Daniel (1843&000000/0000/EF75/89:83AC22DBBB540EC5095CC21305398D4E): found (372 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:22 163B060 c Wohnzimmer (1843&000000/0000/EF74/89:38543F116A8E8D30B894D4865FADCE98): found (641 ms) by hdplus02
2014/10/07 14:57:27 162A2B8 r hdplus02 [nagra] Wohnzimmer emmtype=global, len=139, idx=28, cnt=1: written (579 ms)
AW: Oscam Server (Raspberry Pi B+) und Clienten Vu+ Duo² Problem

die Zeiten sind soweit OK, die zeit steigt da 2 Sender auf dem gleichem Transponder abgefragt werden