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Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

besttt gama loader with emk 5.1 - bugs von 5.0 behoben!

all bags fixed suport now coco GRC MCR ARE button send comand is ok
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

canal_digitaal_nl 18/10/2009 fast au .bes version

load it with besttt loader 2.1 stay to film 1 or rtl at 1 minute do zapping and done enjoy
================================= ================= ===
Tested myself on RTL4
channels cleared in under 1 minute
Regards Compass
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

Gamma Card Update 18.10.2009

CY ok

Load it with Gamma Loader 1.1
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

Canal digitaal NL besttt file to Gamma style by Dana , in case it can help some poeple loading card or using vertuial port proggers etccc.

thanks dear besttt
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

emk loader does not suported only gammaloader and usb loader stay to rtl 4 at 1 minute do zaping and enjoy the new release
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

canal_digitaal_nl 22/10/2009 fast au .gam version

emk gamaloader and cas usb loader stay to rtl 4 1 minutes do zaping and enjoy the new release
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

suports emk gamaloader and cas usb loader stay to rtl 4 1 minutes do zaping and enjoy the new release

thanks dear besttt
AW: Neusten Testfiles für Gammacard

Gamma Card Latest Files
Thx besttt
tested working
use besttt loader 5.1
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