; PSI Config File
; @category PHP
; @package PSI
; @author Michael Cramer <BigMichi1@users.sourceforge.net>
; @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo
; @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License
; @version SVN: $Id: phpsysinfo.ini.new 705 2012-11-11 00:33:29Z namiltd $
; @link http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net
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; Turn on debugging of some functions and include errors and warnings in xml and provide a popup for displaying errors
; - false : no debug information are stored in xml or displayed
; - true : debug information stored in xml and displayed *be careful if set this to true, may include sensitive information from your pc*
; Turn on logging/unlogging of functions executeProgram() and rfts()
; example : executeProgram () and rfts () record the results to the "/tmp/phpsysinfo.log" file
; LOG="/tmp/phpsysinfo.log"
; example : executeProgram () and rfts () read the results from the "/tmp/phpsysinfo.log" file
; LOG="-/tmp/phpsysinfo.log"
; Turn on/off compression for JavaScript file
; - JS_COMPRESSION=false //no compression (recommended with slow processor)
; - JS_COMPRESSION="None" //code minimizing
; - JS_COMPRESSION="Normal" //code packing
; Additional paths where to look for installed programs
; Example : ADD_PATHS="/opt/bin,/opt/sbin"
; Plugins that should be included in xml and output
; List of plugins should look like "plugin,plugin,plugin". See /plugins directory
; - PLUGINS="MDStatus,PS" //list of plugins
; - PLUGINS=false //no plugins
; included plugins:
; - MDStatus - show the raid status and whats currently going on
; - PS - show a process tree of all running processes
; - PSStatus - show a graphical representation if a process is running or not
; - Quotas - show a table with all quotas that are active and there current state
; - SMART - show S.M.A.R.T. information from drives that support it
; - BAT - show battery state on a laptop
; - IPMIInfo - show IPMI status
; - UpdateNotifier - show update notifications (only for Ubuntu server)
; - SNMPPInfo - show printers info via SNMP
; ********************************
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; Define the default display mode
; auto: let user browser choose the mode
; dynamic: use javascript to refresh data
; static: static page (use metatag to reload page)
; Define the default language
; Define the default template
; Show or hide language picklist
; Show or hide template picklist
; Define the interval for refreshing data in ms
; - 0 = disabled
; - 1000 = 1 second
; - Default is 60 seconds
; Show a graph for current cpuload
; - true = displayed, but it's a performance hit (because we have to wait to get a value, 1 second)
; - false = will not be displayed
; Display the virtual host name and address
; - Default is canonical host name and address
; - Use USE_VHOST=true to display virtual host name.
; Controls the units & format for network, memory and filesystem
; - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes = 1,024 bytes
; - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes = 1,000 bytes
; - "B" everything is in Byte
; - "PiB" everything is in PeBiByte
; - "TiB" everything is in TeBiByte
; - "GiB" everything is in GiBiByte
; - "MiB" everything is in MeBiByte
; - "KiB" everything is in KiBiByte
; - "auto_binary" everything is automatic done if value is to big for, e.g MiB then it will be in GiB
; - "PB" everything is in PetaByte
; - "TB" everything is in TeraByte
; - "GB" everything is in GigaByte
; - "MB" everything is in MegaByte
; - "KB" everything is in KiloByte
; - "auto_decimal" everything is automatic done if value is to big for, e.g MB then it will be in GB
; Format in which temperature is displayed
; - "c" shown in celsius
; - "f" shown in fahrenheit
; - "c-f" both shown first celsius and fahrenheit in braces
; - "f-c" both shown first fahrenheit and celsius in braces
; ********************************
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; Define the motherboard monitoring program
; We support the following programs so far
; - LMSensors http://www.lm-sensors.org/
; - Healthd http://healthd.thehousleys.net/
; - HWSensors http://www.openbsd.org/
; - MBMon http://www.nt.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/shimizu/download/download.html
; - MBM5 http://mbm.livewiredev.com/
; - Coretemp
; - IPMI http://openipmi.sourceforge.net/
; - K8Temp http://hur.st/k8temp/
; - PiTemp No addon tool neded
; Example: If you want to use lmsensors : SENSOR_PROGRAM="LMSensors"
; Define how to access the monitor program
; Available methods for the above list are in the following list
; default method "command" should be fine for everybody
; !!! tcp connections are only made local and on the default port !!!
; - LMSensors command, file
; - Healthd command
; - HWSensors command
; - MBMon command, tcp
; - MBM5 file
; - Coretemp command
; - IPMI command
; - K8Temp command
; - PiTemp command
; Hddtemp program
; If the hddtemp program is available we can read the temperature, if hdd is smart capable
; !!ATTENTION!! hddtemp might be a security issue
; - HDD_TEMP="tcp" //read data from hddtemp deamon (localhost:7634)
; - HDD_TEMP="command" //read data from hddtemp programm (must be set suid)
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; Show mount point
; - true = show mount point
; - false = do not show mount point
; Show mount option
; - true = show mount option
; - false = do not show mount option
; Show mount credentials
; - true = show mount credentials
; - false = do not show mount credentials
; Show inode usage
; - true = display used inodes in percent
; - false = hide them
; Hide mounts
; Example : HIDE_MOUNTS="/home,/usr"
; Hide filesystem types
; Example : HIDE_FS_TYPES="tmpfs,devtmpfs,usbfs"
; Hide partitions
; Example : HIDE_DISKS="rootfs"
; ********************************
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; Hide network interfaces
; Example : HIDE_NETWORK_INTERFACE="eth0,sit0"
; Show network interfaces infos for Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku and WinNT
; Example : SHOW_NETWORK_INFOS=true
; ********************************
; ********************************
; Define the ups monitoring program
; We support the following programs so far
; - 1. Apcupsd http://www.apcupsd.com/
; - 2. Nut http://www.networkupstools.org/
; Example: If you want to use Apcupsd : UPS_PROGRAM="Apcupsd"
; Apcupsd supports multiple UPSes
; You can specify comma delimited list in the form <hostname>:<port> or <ip>:<port>. The defaults are:
; See the following parameters in apcupsd.conf: NETSERVER, NISIP, NISPORT
; Apcupsd has a CGI monitoring utility called apcupsd-cgi
; You can set the parameter below to true if you have it installed - this will add apcupsd-cgi links to the UPS tree
; ********************************
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; BAT Plugin configuration
; define how to access the battery statistic data
; - "command" read /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info and read /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
; or for Android some files from /sys/class/power_supply/battery
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "bat_info.txt" and "bat_state.txt"; content is the output from "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info" and "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state")
; define the battery device (no matter for Android)
; ipmiinfo Plugin configuration
; define how to access the IPMI statistic data
; - "command" ipmitool command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build
; if access error execute first: chmod 666 /dev/ipmi0
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "ipmiinfo.txt"; content is the output from "ipmitool sensor")
; MDStatus Plugin configuration
; define how to access the mdstat statistic data
; - "file" /proc/mdstat is read
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "mdstat.txt"; content is the output from "cat /proc/mdstat")
; PS Plugin configuration
; define how to access the ps statistic data
; - "command" ps command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build / on WINNT information is retrieved everytime through WMI
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "ps.txt"; content is the output from "ps -axo pid,ppid,pmem,args")
; PSStatus Plugin configuration
; define how to access the psstatus statistic data
; - "command" pidof command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build / on WINNT information is retrieved everytime through WMI
; - "data" a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "psstatus.txt"; content is the output from
; <code>ps=("apache2" "mysqld" "sshd"); for((i=0;i<${#ps};i++)); do echo ${ps[$i]} "|" `pidof -s ${ps[$i]}` ;done</code>
; @var string
; controls which processes are checked if they are running
; @var string contains a list of process names that are checked, names are seperated by a comma (on WINNT names must end with '.exe')
PROCESSES="mysqld, sshd, explorer.exe"
; Quotas Plugin configuration
; define how to access the repquota statistic data
; - "command" repquota command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "quotas.txt"; content is the output from "repquota -au")
; SMART Plugin configuration
; Smartctl program
; If the smartctl program is available we can read S.M.A.R.T informations
; - "command" smartctl command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build
; if error: Smartctl open device: /dev/sda failed: Permission denied
; Not recommended method:
; execute: chmod 4755 /usr/sbin/smartctl
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the
; phpsysinfo installation with the filename "smart{disk_number}.txt";
; content is the output from "smartctl --all device")
; Smartctl devices to monitor
; If the smartctl support is enabled, those disks information will be displayed
; - DEVICES="/dev/hda,/dev/hdb" //Will display those two disks informations
DEVICES="/dev/sda, /dev/sdb"
; Smartctl --device option value
; If the smartctl support is enabled, enter the --device option value for smartctl command
; - DEVICE=false //If this option is not needed
; - DEVICE="marvell" //If marvell
; Smartctl ID# and column name from "Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds" table
; If the smartctl support is enabled, enter the ID#-COLUMN_NAME from "Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds" table from smartctl output.
; or for no SCSI devices: ID#-COLUMN_NAME-REPLACEMENT_ID# where REPLACEMENT_ID# is an alternative ID number.
; COLUMN_NAME of this ID# will be displayed in the phpsysinfo S.M.A.R.T table. If you want RAW_VALUE to be displayed for the temperature (ID# 194) enter 194-RAW_VALUE
; SNMPPInfo Plugin configuration
; define how to access the SNMP Printer Info statistic data
; - "php-snmp" execute php snmprealwalk function (php-snmp module must be installed)
; - "command" execute snmpwalk command
; - "data" a file must be available in the data directory of the
; phpsysinfo installation with the filename "snmppinfo{printer_number}.txt";
; content is the output from:
; snmpwalk -On -c public -v 1 {printer_address} > snmppinfo{printer_number}.txt
; snmpwalk -On -c public -v 1 {printer_address} >> snmppinfo{printer_number}.txt
;define the Printer devices
; @var string contains a list of printer addresses that are checked
; Update Notifier Plugin configuration
; define the update info file format
; - true: Ubuntu Landscape format (file: /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available)
; - false: universal format (format: A;B)
; A: total packages to update
; B: security packages to update
; define the update info file