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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO


Ist oft hier
3. Februar 2011
Hallo, an alle !
Ich habe ein Update von IPC 11.5 auf

[TD="class: tab"]11.5 (2013-05-29) gemacht !

Nun hab ich aber einen Fehler in der PHPSYSINFO:
                [h=2]Oh, I'm sorry. Something seems to be wrong.[/h]       [B]errorHandlerPsi :[/B]

PHP throws a error
Level : 2 Message : fopen(/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq): failed to open stream: Permission denied File : /var/www/ipc/phpsysinfo/includes/class.CommonFunctions.inc.php Line : 237[HR][/HR][B]errorHandlerPsi :[/B]

PHP throws a error
Level : 2 Message : fopen(/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq): failed to open stream: Permission denied File : /var/www/ipc/phpsysinfo/includes/class.CommonFunctions.inc.php Line : 237[HR][/HR]

Gibt es da eine Lösung?

AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Ok, ich habe mein Problem selbst lösen können !

Zuerst hab ich hier chmod 777 gesetzt -

dann gab es aber noch probleme mit dem Template von phpsysinfo.
Es war alles schwarz und es war fast nichts zu sehen, also hab ich die phpsysinfo.ini geändert: (Von false auf true setzen !)
; Show or hide template picklist

Nun ist es möglich auf der pypsysinfo seite (ipc) direkt ein Template zu wählen
und siehe da, es läuft.

Vor der Änderung:

Nach der Änderung:
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Den cookie vom alten phpsSinfo zu löschen, hätte gereicht, dann funktioniert das template.
Auch der chmod auf 777 ist nicht nötig,... leserechte reichen!!! (444)

Wie hier auch schon zu hauf drüber diskutiert wurde. Die Boardsuche hilft.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I8190 mit Tapatalk 2
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

wie löcht man phpsinfo.bitte ich um hilfe
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Wieso willst du das löschen?
Wenn du den Befehl dazu nicht kennst, wird mir einiges klar
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

so habe ich geändert
immer noch das gleiche dunkel
automatich geht das nicht Template zu wählen
mus ich immer selber wälen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Die Zeile für's Template ist 4 Zeilen weiter oben und sollte so aussehen:
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

das ist richtig ich habe es kontroliert.ist so geschrieben.

trotzdem mus ich immer selber ändern.geht nicht automatich.
ich finde keine lösung.
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

So sieht meine phpsysinfo.ini aus und die funktioniert auch:
; PSI Config File
; @category  PHP
; @package   PSI
; @author    Michael Cramer <BigMichi1@users.sourceforge.net>
; @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo
; @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU General Public License
; @version   SVN: $Id: phpsysinfo.ini.new 705 2012-11-11 00:33:29Z namiltd $
; @link      http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net

; ********************************
; ********************************

; Turn on debugging of some functions and include errors and warnings in xml and provide a popup for displaying errors
; - false : no debug information are stored in xml or displayed
; - true : debug information stored in xml and displayed *be careful if set this to true, may include sensitive information from your pc*

; Turn on logging/unlogging of functions executeProgram() and rfts()
; example : executeProgram () and rfts () record the results to the "/tmp/phpsysinfo.log" file 
; LOG="/tmp/phpsysinfo.log"
; example : executeProgram () and rfts () read the results from the "/tmp/phpsysinfo.log" file 
; LOG="-/tmp/phpsysinfo.log"

; Turn on/off compression for JavaScript file
; - JS_COMPRESSION=false  //no compression (recommended with slow processor)
; - JS_COMPRESSION="None"  //code minimizing
; - JS_COMPRESSION="Normal"  //code packing

; Additional paths where to look for installed programs
; Example : ADD_PATHS="/opt/bin,/opt/sbin"

; Plugins that should be included in xml and output
; List of plugins should look like "plugin,plugin,plugin". See /plugins directory
; - PLUGINS="MDStatus,PS"  //list of plugins
; - PLUGINS=false  //no plugins
; included plugins:
; - MDStatus       - show the raid status and whats currently going on
; - PS             - show a process tree of all running processes
; - PSStatus       - show a graphical representation if a process is running or not
; - Quotas         - show a table with all quotas that are active and there current state
; - SMART          - show S.M.A.R.T. information from drives that support it
; - BAT            - show battery state on a laptop
; - IPMIInfo       - show IPMI status
; - UpdateNotifier - show update notifications (only for Ubuntu server)
; - SNMPPInfo      - show printers info via SNMP

; ********************************
; ********************************

; Define the default display mode
; auto: let user browser choose the mode
; dynamic: use javascript to refresh data
; static: static page (use metatag to reload page)

; Define the default language

; Define the default template

; Show or hide language picklist

; Show or hide template picklist

; Define the interval for refreshing data in ms
; - 0 = disabled
; - 1000 = 1 second
; - Default is 60 seconds

; Show a graph for current cpuload
; - true = displayed, but it's a performance hit (because we have to wait to get a value, 1 second)
; - false = will not be displayed

; Display the virtual host name and address
; - Default is canonical host name and address
; - Use USE_VHOST=true to display virtual host name.

; Controls the units & format for network, memory and filesystem
; - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes = 1,024 bytes
; - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes = 1,000 bytes
; - "B"    everything is in Byte
; - "PiB"    everything is in PeBiByte
; - "TiB"    everything is in TeBiByte
; - "GiB"    everything is in GiBiByte
; - "MiB"    everything is in MeBiByte
; - "KiB"    everything is in KiBiByte
; - "auto_binary" everything is automatic done if value is to big for, e.g MiB then it will be in GiB
; - "PB"    everything is in PetaByte
; - "TB"    everything is in TeraByte
; - "GB"    everything is in GigaByte
; - "MB"    everything is in MegaByte
; - "KB"    everything is in KiloByte
; - "auto_decimal" everything is automatic done if value is to big for, e.g MB then it will be in GB

; Format in which temperature is displayed
; - "c"    shown in celsius
; - "f"    shown in fahrenheit
; - "c-f"  both shown first celsius and fahrenheit in braces
; - "f-c"  both shown first fahrenheit and celsius in braces

; ********************************
; ********************************

; Define the motherboard monitoring program
; We support the following programs so far
; - LMSensors  http://www.lm-sensors.org/
; - Healthd    http://healthd.thehousleys.net/
; - HWSensors  http://www.openbsd.org/
; - MBMon      http://www.nt.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/shimizu/download/download.html
; - MBM5       http://mbm.livewiredev.com/
; - Coretemp
; - IPMI       http://openipmi.sourceforge.net/
; - K8Temp     http://hur.st/k8temp/
; - PiTemp     No addon tool neded
; Example: If you want to use lmsensors : SENSOR_PROGRAM="LMSensors"

; Define how to access the monitor program
; Available methods for the above list are in the following list
; default method "command" should be fine for everybody
; !!! tcp connections are only made local and on the default port !!!
; - LMSensors  command, file
; - Healthd    command
; - HWSensors  command
; - MBMon      command, tcp
; - MBM5       file
; - Coretemp   command
; - IPMI       command
; - K8Temp     command
; - PiTemp     command

; Hddtemp program
; If the hddtemp program is available we can read the temperature, if hdd is smart capable
; !!ATTENTION!! hddtemp might be a security issue
; - HDD_TEMP="tcp"  //read data from hddtemp deamon (localhost:7634)
; - HDD_TEMP="command"  //read data from hddtemp programm (must be set suid)

; ********************************
; ********************************

; Show mount point
; - true = show mount point
; - false = do not show mount point

; Show mount option
; - true = show mount option
; - false = do not show mount option

; Show mount credentials
; - true = show mount credentials
; - false = do not show mount credentials

; Show inode usage
; - true = display used inodes in percent
; - false = hide them

; Hide mounts
; Example : HIDE_MOUNTS="/home,/usr"

; Hide filesystem types
; Example : HIDE_FS_TYPES="tmpfs,devtmpfs,usbfs"

; Hide partitions
; Example : HIDE_DISKS="rootfs"

; ********************************
; ********************************

; Hide network interfaces
; Example : HIDE_NETWORK_INTERFACE="eth0,sit0"

; Show network interfaces infos for Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku and WinNT
; Example : SHOW_NETWORK_INFOS=true

; ********************************
; ********************************

; Define the ups monitoring program
; We support the following programs so far
; - 1. Apcupsd  http://www.apcupsd.com/
; - 2. Nut      http://www.networkupstools.org/
; Example: If you want to use Apcupsd : UPS_PROGRAM="Apcupsd"

; Apcupsd supports multiple UPSes
; You can specify comma delimited list in the form <hostname>:<port> or <ip>:<port>. The defaults are:
; See the following parameters in apcupsd.conf: NETSERVER, NISIP, NISPORT

; Apcupsd has a CGI monitoring utility called apcupsd-cgi
; You can set the parameter below to true if you have it installed - this will add apcupsd-cgi links to the UPS tree

; ********************************
; ********************************

; BAT Plugin configuration

; define how to access the battery statistic data
; - "command" read /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info and read /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
;             or for Android some files from /sys/class/power_supply/battery
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "bat_info.txt" and "bat_state.txt"; content is the output from "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info" and "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state")

; define the battery device (no matter for Android)

; ipmiinfo Plugin configuration

; define how to access the IPMI statistic data
; - "command" ipmitool command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build
;     if access error execute first: chmod 666 /dev/ipmi0
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "ipmiinfo.txt"; content is the output from "ipmitool sensor")

; MDStatus Plugin configuration

; define how to access the mdstat statistic data
; - "file" /proc/mdstat is read
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "mdstat.txt"; content is the output from "cat /proc/mdstat")

; PS Plugin configuration

; define how to access the ps statistic data
; - "command" ps command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build / on WINNT information is retrieved everytime through WMI
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "ps.txt"; content is the output from "ps -axo pid,ppid,pmem,args")

; PSStatus Plugin configuration

; define how to access the psstatus statistic data
; - "command" pidof command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build / on WINNT information is retrieved everytime through WMI
; - "data" a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "psstatus.txt"; content is the output from
;   <code>ps=("apache2" "mysqld" "sshd"); for((i=0;i<${#ps};i++)); do echo ${ps[$i]} "|" `pidof -s ${ps[$i]}` ;done</code>
; @var string

; controls which processes are checked if they are running
; @var string contains a list of process names that are checked, names are seperated by a comma (on WINNT names must end with '.exe')
PROCESSES="mysqld, sshd, explorer.exe"

; Quotas Plugin configuration
; define how to access the repquota statistic data
; - "command" repquota command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the phpsysinfo installation with the filename "quotas.txt"; content is the output from "repquota -au")

; SMART Plugin configuration

; Smartctl program
; If the smartctl program is available we can read S.M.A.R.T informations
; - "command" smartctl command is run everytime the block gets refreshed or build
; if error: Smartctl open device: /dev/sda failed: Permission denied
;      Not recommended method:
;          execute: chmod 4755 /usr/sbin/smartctl
; - "data" (a file must be available in the data directory of the
; phpsysinfo installation with the filename "smart{disk_number}.txt";
; content is the output from "smartctl --all device")

; Smartctl devices to monitor
; If the smartctl support is enabled, those disks information will be displayed
; - DEVICES="/dev/hda,/dev/hdb"  //Will display those two disks informations
DEVICES="/dev/sda, /dev/sdb"

; Smartctl --device option value
; If the smartctl support is enabled, enter the --device option value for smartctl command
; - DEVICE=false  //If this option is not needed
; - DEVICE="marvell"  //If marvell

; Smartctl ID# and column name from "Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds" table
; If the smartctl support is enabled, enter the ID#-COLUMN_NAME from "Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds" table from smartctl output.
; or for no SCSI devices: ID#-COLUMN_NAME-REPLACEMENT_ID# where REPLACEMENT_ID# is an alternative ID number.
; COLUMN_NAME of this ID# will be displayed in the phpsysinfo S.M.A.R.T table. If you want RAW_VALUE to be displayed for the temperature (ID# 194) enter 194-RAW_VALUE

; SNMPPInfo Plugin configuration

; define how to access the SNMP Printer Info statistic data
; - "php-snmp" execute php snmprealwalk function (php-snmp module must be installed)
; - "command" execute snmpwalk command
; - "data" a file must be available in the data directory of the
; phpsysinfo installation with the filename "snmppinfo{printer_number}.txt";
; content is the output from:
;    snmpwalk -On -c public -v 1 {printer_address} > snmppinfo{printer_number}.txt
;    snmpwalk -On -c public -v 1 {printer_address} >> snmppinfo{printer_number}.txt

;define the Printer devices
; @var string contains a list of printer addresses that are checked

; Update Notifier Plugin configuration

; define the update info file format
; - true: Ubuntu Landscape format (file: /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available)
; - false: universal format   (format: A;B)
;          A: total packages to update
;          B: security packages to update

; define the update info file
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

das ist meine phpsysinfo.ini


; ********************************
; ********************************

; Define the default display mode
; auto: let user browser choose the mode
; dynamic: use javascript to refresh data
; static: static page (use metatag to reload page)

; Define the default language

; Define the default template

; Show or hide language picklist

; Show or hide template picklist

; Define the interval for refreshing data in ms
; - 0 = disabled
; - 1000 = 1 second
; - Default is 60 seconds

; Show a graph for current cpuload
; - true = displayed, but it's a performance hit (because we have to wait to get a value, 1 second)
; - false = will not be displayed

; Display the virtual host name and address
; - Default is canonical host name and address
; - Use USE_VHOST=true to display virtual host name.
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

egal mus ich immer selber ändern.keine andere wahl
danke dir um schnelle antwort.und hilfe
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

kann mir jemand sagen wo ich die phpsysinfo.ini finden kann weil das Bild im WebMenu bei System auch Schwarz ist wie auf den Bild oben oder kennt jemand einen anderen grund warum es so ist , ich habe gestern ein IPC Update gemacht , ich habe auch schon überall diese datei gesucht aber nicht gefunden.
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Du musst nur die Cookies von PHPSysInfo im Browser löschen, dann sollte das alles wieder korrekt angezeigt werden.

Aber um trotzdem deine Frage wegen phpsysinfo.ini zu beantworten, mit diesem Befehl kannst du Dateien suchen:
locate phpsysinfo.ini
AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Tausend Dank:good:
an alle die irgendwann das selbe problem haben sollten es hat geholfen nur den BrowserCache zu lehren.

AW: Nach IPC update fehler in PHPSYSINFO

Das Problem ist schon seit Mai beaknnt, da haben wir die PHPSysInfo - Version in IPC geupdatet ;)