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my custom firmware


12. März 2008

My cable provider uses non standart frequencies. Globo 7100 ccx uses fixed TPs.

Does any body know is it possibile to change something somewhere somehow

For examlpe - "blindscan" to scan in 1 MHz steps, or to edit fixed stored frequencies of TPs ?

AW: my custom firmware

why do not post here your sysinfo,for better understanding,its possible,with new firm,we can help you for fixed your objections
AW: my custom firmware

Manufacturer: GLOBO POLSKA
Firmware: GLOBO DVB_C 5119 VG 2.4.12
AW: my custom firmware

For example:

When I go to Menu->Installation->Manual Installation

Here I have possibility to change:

"TP" (transponder???)
"Sym."(Symbol rate)

But I can't change the Freq. - it is fixed to the TP number.
Freq=(TP-1)*8+105 MHz

So I need of some solution

1. the best will be - to have possibility to change the freq in steps of 1 MHz or smaller.
2. if the number of transponders is important or limited - to have possibility to create custom pairs TP-Freq
3. or to have an editor - to edit firmware and create custom list of TP-Freq

Thanks again.
AW: my custom firmware

you know,thats a cable settop box,isnt for satellite
you can find here settings,when you have cable german

Link veralten (gelöscht)
AW: my custom firmware

thanks to all.

maybe it was my foult. when i press the "green" button on the "manual scan" menu i have the possibility to define my custom TP-s

so my problem is solved

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