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Mgcamd 1.35a


DEB Inventar
4. August 2011
Mgcamd 1.35a

* Fix some EMM issues

Damit sollte jetzt auch emm auf 1830, ohne mapping auf 1801, gehen!
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

MGcamd 1.35a Offline-Update PB-Enigma

Mgcamd 1.35a

* Fix some EMM issues

Damit sollte jetzt auch emm auf 1830, ohne mapping auf 1801, gehen!
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

MgCamd 1.35a Complete

Ab Gemini 3.x
Addon to / tmp / copying and manually install via Blue Panel

This is a Completversion.
This now provides as follows:

- Mgcamd 1.35a (bin)
- RonaldCS start script incl corresponding Uninstallscript
- NewCS 1.67 start script (including relevant Uninstallscript Those who do not use)
- Delscript-Complete

The Config of emus are being singled out, therefore, can / need to install it on a new installation, either create one or Manual.

This then has the advantage that it is now safe to update keys and emus without a individuellvorhandene setting will be overwritten.

Fix some issues EMM

MgCamd 1.35a Complete_2

Ab Gemini 3.x
Addon to / tmp / copying and manually install via Blue Panel

This is a Completversion.
This now provides as follows:

- Mgcamd 1.35a (bin)
- RonaldCS start script incl corresponding Uninstallscript
- NewCS 1.67 start script (including relevant Uninstallscript Those who do not use)
- Delscript-Complete

The Config of emus are being singled out, therefore, can / need to install it on a new installation, either create one or Manual.

This then has the advantage that it is now safe to update keys and emus without a individuellvorhandene setting will be overwritten.

Fix some issues EMM

MgCamd 1.35a Complete

Addon to / tmp / copying and manually install via Blue Panel

This is a Completversion.
This now provides as follows:
- Mgcamd 1.35a (bin)
- RonaldCS start script incl corresponding Uninstallscript
- NewCS 1.67 start script (including relevant Uninstallscript Those who do not use)
- Delscript-Complete

The Config of emus are being singled out, therefore, can / need to install it on a new installation, either create one or Manual.

This then has the advantage that it is now safe to update keys and emus without a individuellvorhandene setting will be overwritten.

Fix some issues EMM

AW: Mgcamd 1.35a


Fix some EMM issues
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

hallo gibt es auch schon was neuen für die ip91hd weil ich nach 10 min immer wider sehr starke aussetzer habe
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

mgcamd 1.35a for Azbox HD

Fix some EMM issues
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

die azbox hd datei funzt doch aber nicht bei der ipbox91hd ist doch sh4 oder irre ich mich jetzt
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

was ist EMM ? Ob weitere andere PayTV hell? z.b. RTVi, SF usw?
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

Mgcamd 1.35a

For Edg Nemesis
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

MGcamd1.35 for DBox2 Neutrino GLI IMG
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

For Triple Dragon
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

MGcamd 1.35

MGcamd 1.35 + Newcs(slyfix) for Sifteam Image

MGcamd 1.35 + Newcs for Sifteam Image - 18.03.2010
Sky - Ita fix
Put in var / tmp and install manually
AW: Mgcamd 1.35a

Wird die MgCamd eigentlich weiterentwickelt ?
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