Hi Leute da schau ich mir heute den Log vom Webif an und da sind ein paar Sachen aufgefallen wo ich so recht nichts mit anfangen kann. wäre Nett wenn sich das mal einer von Euch anschauen kann. Beispiele wäre da Anonymus acount Igel not found und die Um2 karte
01/15 09:23:46 9EB78C8 c bs (1830&000000/000000000000000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:23:47 9E524B0 c mini (1702&000009C5ECD154EA567B): found (599 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:47 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0003F615EAAFAD2D38C904958965): found (711 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:48 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/EB07BAE9868C4A2662): found (129 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:23:48 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002577D1766E9): found (140 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:23:49 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:4B606411E6C39D64E051): found (203 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:23:49 9DE4C48 c gi (1702&000000/0000/363C/93:00000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=shared, len=150, idx=39, cnt=1: written (461 ms)
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] ROM: D N A S 4 2
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] REV: R eG 0 6
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] CAID: 1838
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 01 (sysid)
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 11 03
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] active to: 2015/04/13 12:59
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|5924 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|3084 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:87F468758B8960F): found (302 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|585D |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 192.1.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9ED5B70 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 192.8.81
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9EB3CE8 c encrypted cccam-client 78.0.100 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9EB3CE8 c password for 'ko100' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9EB3CE8 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:23:53 9E595B0 c bte (1702&000000/000A2450D0877421C0C6F3D93E): found (704 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:23:54 9E524B0 c ni (1702&000000/0000/00FB49A2): found (603 ms) by sat,bra0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:54 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/006D5537CDAEC5A93FB164C09BD): found (709 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:55 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/BA70718D8B7B91E62): found (130 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:23:56 9E55D30 c p1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:0018E599C328531): found (205 ms) by Sat,baa - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:23:56 9D62D18 c baa (1702&000000/0000/00833EE94BB307BDE1A7A43D25C7): found (725 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:23:57 9DE4C48 c igh (1830&000000/0000/EF7F91156B62083A2AC4D3): found (304 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EB78C8 c blcs (09C4&000000/0644/EF15/B3:2052EED7E): rejected group (0 ms) - RTLII HD (no matching reader)
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9400 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EC8688 c password for 'ho100' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:24:00 9E595B0 c bte (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:81B7A269F384D67E50BEF9DAC4A3
2015/01/15 09:24:01 9E524B0 ci (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:3D4570FF8B3505D1CB530): found (599 ms) by sat,00 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:01 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:5DCB486EF6AD781CE1AEB0006A8CE8AB): found (708 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:02 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:060BA220F4770516316ACC5EEC05): found (145 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9EBBA88 c encrypted cccam-client 192.8.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9EBBA88 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9EBBA88 c anonymous disconnected from 192.18.81
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9E55D30 c p1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:9E7455CFDE7DC347A19E1BFF): found (206 ms) by Sat,ia - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9D62D18 c baa (1702&000000/0000/0083/93770240841E4AD00F12E6A4): found (739 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:04 9DE4C48 c ggi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:204FB6ECD1D509028): found (305 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:06 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9100 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:06 9ED5B70 c password for 'k00' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:06 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 78.9100
2015/01/15 09:24:07 9E595B0 c brte (1702&000000/00004CE5E87439AE0EA30): found (706 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:08 9E524B0 c dffi (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:E6177B8): found (591 ms) by sat,br100 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:08 9D62D18 c baa (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:2C9449BD451D373C33): found (712 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:09 9D3DB10 p Kab,A1 [cccam] connecting to ndbjxiskqiovqwetzvbhui.jumpingcrab.com:56732
2015/01/15 09:24:09 9D3DB10 p Kab,A1 [cccam] connect failed: Connection refused
2015/01/15 09:24:09 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:07FBBE03C6186664BEB2117411): found (127 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:10 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:C7912D2969D467353F924F5): found (723 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:10 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/983F613B3455425DC8AA023): found (207 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:11 9D14BF8 p Sat,Do [cccam] connecting to dueno96.dyndns.org:12000
2015/01/15 09:24:11 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:38AD56267DCBE3D0AE8EEEDFA94): found (301 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9400 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9EC8688 c password for 'k1no100' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tok_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tk_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9D10F98 p Kabel,Tk [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: sent (1 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9D0F168 p Kabel,No [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9D1A688 p HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,Bcs [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bls_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bls_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9D14BF8 p Sat,Do [cccam] connect failed: Connection timed out
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:B71F87B9B38BAEA07A67F435): found (708 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9EB3CE8 c encrypted cccam-client 192.181 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9EB3CE8 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9EB3CE8 c anonymous disconnected from 192.8.81
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: written (460 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:15 9E524B0 c mini (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:15533042DE52584A): found (602 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:15 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:FB2A2CF94E58A399CA2AED045D3AF847): found (706 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:16 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:26FD68E80DAF554EBBF95FD3C): found (129 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:16 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002B/B3:7CD60091F340CC08A4A915): found (191 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:7E4424C1EFD8C81BBF500928C7512031): found (729 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:07BCC1092E5356FE5856AE9): found (212 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D0F168 p Kabel,No [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tk_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tk_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D10F98 p Kabel,Tk [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D1A688 p HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bs_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,s [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bls_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:18 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: written (458 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:18 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:C7BF763E6FFC1A9974A0BDDB6D): found (304 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:20 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 78.00 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:20 9ED5B70 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:20 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:24:21 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:654B52E158288C892793DB): found (711 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:22 9EB78C8 c bs (1702&000000/0000/5214/6E:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (1 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:24:22 9E524B0 c di (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:2C459EEBEDB3E148A4E): found (593 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:22 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:ED0034DCEB7B2AEC021478C38F8BBBAC): found (709 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:23 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:FE15ECF83A3197178FCFD52DB4): found (126 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:23 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002B/B3:8AEA21308E28D28B9634121820): found (126 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:24:24 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:3BA0B54A9AF804ECCE73BF79641): found (201 ms) by Sat,a - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:24 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93F082E330E2D6FA3AD22B2CD0F1A): found (732 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 192.16881 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9EC8688 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 198.81
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:29A7A153AAC4E69BAFD34): found (301 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=shared, len=150, idx=40, cnt=1: written (458 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] ROM: D N A 2
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] REV: R eG 0 6
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] CAID: 1838
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 001 (sysid)
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 000 00
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 001 03
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] active to: 2015/04/13 12:59
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|5924 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|3084 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|585D |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9EBBA88 c encrypted cccam-client 78.00 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9EBBA88 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9EBBA88 c anonymous disconnected from 78.00
2015/01/15 09:24:28 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:B84FC53429A7E173A85569): found (707 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:29 9E524B0 c i (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:850700A3E3D85A1B1438): found (593 ms) by sat,b0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:30 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:48A0ED63FAE4FFE761848B98406FFB26): found (707 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:30 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:243041BE6EE540062BD3E97C9C): found (125 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:31 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:940C1860C879DDF0DAE9CB38A45F): found (218 ms) by Sat,bia - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:31 9D62D18 c bia (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:4494790CECD2181280519C51D): found (722 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:32 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:4AE1CBEDF064733E6EE8A558A): found (304 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:34 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 78.00 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:34 9ED5B70 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:34 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 78..100
2015/01/15 09:24:35 9E595B0 c dfe (1702&000000/0000/0017/938C671351FDEB57186DD87): found (706 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9EB3CE8 c encrypted cccam-client 192.1.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9EB3CE8 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9EB3CE8 c anonymous disconnected from 192.1.81
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9E524B0 c mi (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:A3A8F21DC305EFEFA): found (600 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:CD560C99233DF8E957C2D94C6): found (711 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:37 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:EB70B14E83F3583C1515): found (126 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:38 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:8281A65ECBD64DD855D89E): found (213 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:38 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:797E89B776F7CB3C3EAE1126B4): found (729 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:38 9E00930 c oro (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:69DAD9A1EFE79626108049AB0E9DB70E): found (296 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/01/15 09:24:39 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:E87FB274D42869C911E731): found (303 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:41 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9400 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:41 9EC8688 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:41 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 78.900
2015/01/15 09:24:42 9E595B0 c bre (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:E315B211A8012E5EF517B): found (705 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:43 9E524B0 c mi (1702&000000/0000/001D/9388179DF8BC): found (601 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:43 9D62D18 c bia (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:EFBDD3082AFB0953B9B504CDFDE7E64E): found (709 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:44 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:0FBA0806F3FDE02BF1EB79F4): found (132 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:45 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:247963738FE51B130843044D33A83458): found (729 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:45 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:72573EB1E43BD8102C71F2): found (284 ms) by Sat,bavaria - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:45 9DE4C48 c gi (1702&000000/0000/33FC/93:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:24:46 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:28AA3BC48920E2B): found (302 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:47 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 192.1.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:47 9ED5B70 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:47 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 192.8.81
2015/01/15 09:24:48 9EBBA88 c encrypted cccam-client 78.100 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:48 9EBBA88 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:48 9EBBA88 c anonymous disconnected from 78.9100
2015/01/15 09:24:49 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:E81523692F231): found (708 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:49 9DE4C48 c gi (1702&000000/0000/C362/93:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:24:50 9E524B0 c mi (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:3D30A3D909): found (598 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:50 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:315CA13AC3F7C364D7372D52C76A4A03): found (707 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:51 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:BB855347F9DA5C34D13DAAA): found (132 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:51 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002B/B3:435CAB6EA1D76936B502D5D4): found (154 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:24:52 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/9826E54B6494C5E6C87EAA76F22F): found (239 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:52 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:36DDA07A1B05096433E74F36D5A): found (726 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:53 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:2FAE3D7CE4BC6EDB0ED8AB4F7): found (302 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:23:47 9E524B0 c mini (1702&000009C5ECD154EA567B): found (599 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:47 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0003F615EAAFAD2D38C904958965): found (711 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:48 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/EB07BAE9868C4A2662): found (129 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:23:48 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002577D1766E9): found (140 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:23:49 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:4B606411E6C39D64E051): found (203 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:23:49 9DE4C48 c gi (1702&000000/0000/363C/93:00000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=shared, len=150, idx=39, cnt=1: written (461 ms)
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] ROM: D N A S 4 2
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] REV: R eG 0 6
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] CAID: 1838
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 01 (sysid)
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 11 03
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] active to: 2015/04/13 12:59
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|5924 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|3084 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:87F468758B8960F): found (302 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|585D |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:23:50 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 192.1.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9ED5B70 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 192.8.81
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9EB3CE8 c encrypted cccam-client 78.0.100 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9EB3CE8 c password for 'ko100' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:23:52 9EB3CE8 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:23:53 9E595B0 c bte (1702&000000/000A2450D0877421C0C6F3D93E): found (704 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:23:54 9E524B0 c ni (1702&000000/0000/00FB49A2): found (603 ms) by sat,bra0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:54 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/006D5537CDAEC5A93FB164C09BD): found (709 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:23:55 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/BA70718D8B7B91E62): found (130 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:23:56 9E55D30 c p1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:0018E599C328531): found (205 ms) by Sat,baa - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:23:56 9D62D18 c baa (1702&000000/0000/00833EE94BB307BDE1A7A43D25C7): found (725 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:23:57 9DE4C48 c igh (1830&000000/0000/EF7F91156B62083A2AC4D3): found (304 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EB78C8 c blcs (09C4&000000/0644/EF15/B3:2052EED7E): rejected group (0 ms) - RTLII HD (no matching reader)
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9400 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EC8688 c password for 'ho100' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:23:59 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:24:00 9E595B0 c bte (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:81B7A269F384D67E50BEF9DAC4A3
2015/01/15 09:24:01 9E524B0 ci (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:3D4570FF8B3505D1CB530): found (599 ms) by sat,00 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:01 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:5DCB486EF6AD781CE1AEB0006A8CE8AB): found (708 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:02 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:060BA220F4770516316ACC5EEC05): found (145 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9EBBA88 c encrypted cccam-client 192.8.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9EBBA88 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9EBBA88 c anonymous disconnected from 192.18.81
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9E55D30 c p1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:9E7455CFDE7DC347A19E1BFF): found (206 ms) by Sat,ia - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:03 9D62D18 c baa (1702&000000/0000/0083/93770240841E4AD00F12E6A4): found (739 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:04 9DE4C48 c ggi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:204FB6ECD1D509028): found (305 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:06 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9100 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:06 9ED5B70 c password for 'k00' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:06 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 78.9100
2015/01/15 09:24:07 9E595B0 c brte (1702&000000/00004CE5E87439AE0EA30): found (706 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:08 9E524B0 c dffi (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:E6177B8): found (591 ms) by sat,br100 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:08 9D62D18 c baa (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:2C9449BD451D373C33): found (712 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:09 9D3DB10 p Kab,A1 [cccam] connecting to ndbjxiskqiovqwetzvbhui.jumpingcrab.com:56732
2015/01/15 09:24:09 9D3DB10 p Kab,A1 [cccam] connect failed: Connection refused
2015/01/15 09:24:09 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:07FBBE03C6186664BEB2117411): found (127 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:10 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:C7912D2969D467353F924F5): found (723 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:10 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/983F613B3455425DC8AA023): found (207 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:11 9D14BF8 p Sat,Do [cccam] connecting to dueno96.dyndns.org:12000
2015/01/15 09:24:11 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:38AD56267DCBE3D0AE8EEEDFA94): found (301 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9400 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9EC8688 c password for 'k1no100' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tok_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tk_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9D10F98 p Kabel,Tk [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: sent (1 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9D0F168 p Kabel,No [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9D1A688 p HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,Bcs [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bls_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:13 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bls_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9D14BF8 p Sat,Do [cccam] connect failed: Connection timed out
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:B71F87B9B38BAEA07A67F435): found (708 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9EB3CE8 c encrypted cccam-client 192.181 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9EB3CE8 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9EB3CE8 c anonymous disconnected from 192.8.81
2015/01/15 09:24:14 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=0, cnt=3: written (460 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:15 9E524B0 c mini (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:15533042DE52584A): found (602 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:15 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:FB2A2CF94E58A399CA2AED045D3AF847): found (706 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:16 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:26FD68E80DAF554EBBF95FD3C): found (129 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:16 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002B/B3:7CD60091F340CC08A4A915): found (191 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:7E4424C1EFD8C81BBF500928C7512031): found (729 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:07BCC1092E5356FE5856AE9): found (212 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D0F168 p Kabel,No [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tk_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c Kabel,Tk [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/Kabel,Tk_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D10F98 p Kabel,Tk [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9D1A688 p HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: sent (0 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,Bs [cccam] Successfully added EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bs_global_emm.log
2015/01/15 09:24:17 9E4F438 c HD+,Kab,s [cccam] Successfully added binary EMM to /var/log/HD+,Kab,Bls_global_emm.bin
2015/01/15 09:24:18 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=global, len=150, idx=1, cnt=3: written (458 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:18 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:C7BF763E6FFC1A9974A0BDDB6D): found (304 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:20 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 78.00 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:20 9ED5B70 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:20 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 78.100
2015/01/15 09:24:21 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:654B52E158288C892793DB): found (711 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:22 9EB78C8 c bs (1702&000000/0000/5214/6E:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (1 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:24:22 9E524B0 c di (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:2C459EEBEDB3E148A4E): found (593 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:22 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:ED0034DCEB7B2AEC021478C38F8BBBAC): found (709 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:23 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:FE15ECF83A3197178FCFD52DB4): found (126 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:23 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002B/B3:8AEA21308E28D28B9634121820): found (126 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:24:24 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:3BA0B54A9AF804ECCE73BF79641): found (201 ms) by Sat,a - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:24 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93F082E330E2D6FA3AD22B2CD0F1A): found (732 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 192.16881 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9EC8688 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 198.81
2015/01/15 09:24:25 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:29A7A153AAC4E69BAFD34): found (301 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] kabel emmtype=shared, len=150, idx=40, cnt=1: written (458 ms)
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] ROM: D N A 2
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] REV: R eG 0 6
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] CAID: 1838
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 001 (sysid)
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 000 00
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] Prv.ID: 001 03
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] active to: 2015/04/13 12:59
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|5924 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|3084 |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] |1103|585D |2014/09/24 |2015/04/13 |
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9D0D338 r UM02 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9EBBA88 c encrypted cccam-client 78.00 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9EBBA88 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:27 9EBBA88 c anonymous disconnected from 78.00
2015/01/15 09:24:28 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:B84FC53429A7E173A85569): found (707 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:29 9E524B0 c i (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:850700A3E3D85A1B1438): found (593 ms) by sat,b0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:30 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:48A0ED63FAE4FFE761848B98406FFB26): found (707 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:30 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:243041BE6EE540062BD3E97C9C): found (125 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:31 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:940C1860C879DDF0DAE9CB38A45F): found (218 ms) by Sat,bia - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:31 9D62D18 c bia (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:4494790CECD2181280519C51D): found (722 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:32 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:4AE1CBEDF064733E6EE8A558A): found (304 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:34 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 78.00 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:34 9ED5B70 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:34 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 78..100
2015/01/15 09:24:35 9E595B0 c dfe (1702&000000/0000/0017/938C671351FDEB57186DD87): found (706 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9EB3CE8 c encrypted cccam-client 192.1.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9EB3CE8 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9EB3CE8 c anonymous disconnected from 192.1.81
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9E524B0 c mi (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:A3A8F21DC305EFEFA): found (600 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:36 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:CD560C99233DF8E957C2D94C6): found (711 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:37 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:EB70B14E83F3583C1515): found (126 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:38 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:8281A65ECBD64DD855D89E): found (213 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:38 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:797E89B776F7CB3C3EAE1126B4): found (729 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:38 9E00930 c oro (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:69DAD9A1EFE79626108049AB0E9DB70E): found (296 ms) by hdplus - RTL HD
2015/01/15 09:24:39 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:E87FB274D42869C911E731): found (303 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:41 9EC8688 c encrypted cccam-client 78.9400 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:41 9EC8688 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:41 9EC8688 c anonymous disconnected from 78.900
2015/01/15 09:24:42 9E595B0 c bre (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:E315B211A8012E5EF517B): found (705 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:43 9E524B0 c mi (1702&000000/0000/001D/9388179DF8BC): found (601 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:43 9D62D18 c bia (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:EFBDD3082AFB0953B9B504CDFDE7E64E): found (709 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:44 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:0FBA0806F3FDE02BF1EB79F4): found (132 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:45 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:247963738FE51B130843044D33A83458): found (729 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:45 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/98:72573EB1E43BD8102C71F2): found (284 ms) by Sat,bavaria - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:45 9DE4C48 c gi (1702&000000/0000/33FC/93:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:24:46 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:28AA3BC48920E2B): found (302 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD
2015/01/15 09:24:47 9ED5B70 c encrypted cccam-client 192.1.81 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:47 9ED5B70 c account 'Igel' not found!
2015/01/15 09:24:47 9ED5B70 c anonymous disconnected from 192.8.81
2015/01/15 09:24:48 9EBBA88 c encrypted cccam-client 78.100 rejected (invalid access)
2015/01/15 09:24:48 9EBBA88 c password for 'k0' invalid!
2015/01/15 09:24:48 9EBBA88 c anonymous disconnected from 78.9100
2015/01/15 09:24:49 9E595B0 c be (1702&000000/0000/0017/93:E81523692F231): found (708 ms) by sky (L/1/3/3) - Sky Krimi
2015/01/15 09:24:49 9DE4C48 c gi (1702&000000/0000/C362/93:00000000000000000000000000000000): invalid (0 ms) (invalid SID)
2015/01/15 09:24:50 9E524B0 c mi (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:3D30A3D909): found (598 ms) by sat,br0 (P/3/3/3) - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:50 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/001D/93:315CA13AC3F7C364D7372D52C76A4A03): found (707 ms) by sky - RTL Passion
2015/01/15 09:24:51 9EC6858 c n2 (09C4&000000/012E/000B/B3:BB855347F9DA5C34D13DAAA): found (132 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +1
2015/01/15 09:24:51 9EC4550 c tk (09C4&000000/012F/002B/B3:435CAB6EA1D76936B502D5D4): found (154 ms) by sky-v13 - Sky Cinema +24
2015/01/15 09:24:52 9E55D30 c v1 (098C&000000/0D5D/006A/9826E54B6494C5E6C87EAA76F22F): found (239 ms) by Sat,ba - Pro7 FUN HD
2015/01/15 09:24:52 9D62D18 c ba (1702&000000/0000/0083/93:36DDA07A1B05096433E74F36D5A): found (726 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/15 09:24:53 9DE4C48 c gi (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:2FAE3D7CE4BC6EDB0ED8AB4F7): found (302 ms) by hdplus - kabel eins HD