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Kljucevi za digiTv

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

DigiTV (1°W) 17.06.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2]

DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: E0 72 9C DA F3 50 6C 8D 26 1A 73 DC 2A 08 20 D2

Key 00 in HEX: E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2
Key 00 in DEC: 224 114 156 218 243 080 108 141 038 026 115 220 042 008 032 210

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:00:E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2 ; IDEA 86

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 00 E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2 ; IDEA 86

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211100::E0 72 9C DA F3 50 6C 8D 26 1A 73 DC 2A 08 20 D2 ; IDEA 86

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 00 E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2 ; IDEA 86

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 00 { E0 72 9C DA F3 50 6C 8D 26 1A 73 DC 2A 08 20 D2 }} # IDEA 86

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 00 E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2 ; IDEA 86

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 00 E0729CDAF3506C8D261A73DC2A0820D2 ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
00-0: E0 72 9C DA F3 50 6C 8D
00-1: 26 1A 73 DC 2A 08 20 D2

CAM Module DEC Key
00-0: 224 114 156 218 243 080 108 141
00-1: 038 026 115 220 042 008 032 210

00: E0 72 9C DA F3 50 6C 8D (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10)
01: 26 1A 73 DC 2A 08 20 D2 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11)

04: E0 72 9C DA F3 50 6C 8D
05: 26 1A 73 DC 2A 08 20 D2
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

DigiTV (1°W) 21.06.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2]

DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: 6F ED 6A F5 D1 BE EA E9 66 AE 9A 79 36 05 58 94

Key 01 in HEX: 6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A7936055894
Key 01 in DEC: 111 237 106 245 209 190 234 233 102 174 154 121 054 005 088 148

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:01:6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A79 36055894 ; IDEA 96

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 01 6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A7936055894 ; IDEA 96

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211101::6F ED 6A F5 D1 BE EA E9 66 AE 9A 79 36 05 58 94 ; IDEA 96

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 01 6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A7936055894 ; IDEA 96

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 01 { 6F ED 6A F5 D1 BE EA E9 66 AE 9A 79 36 05 58 94 }} # IDEA 96

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 01 6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A7936055894 ; IDEA 96

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { 6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A7936055894 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 01 6FED6AF5D1BEEAE966AE9A7936055894 ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
01-0: 6F ED 6A F5 D1 BE EA E9
01-1: 66 AE 9A 79 36 05 58 94

CAM Module DEC Key
01-0: 111 237 106 245 209 190 234 233
01-1: 102 174 154 121 054 005 088 148

02: 6F ED 6A F5 D1 BE EA E9 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20)
03: 66 AE 9A 79 36 05 58 94 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21)

06: 6F ED 6A F5 D1 BE EA E9
07: 66 AE 9A 79 36 05 58 94
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: EC B6 25 69 4A D0 22 04 7B D5 1C 0D F8 D6 47 80

Key 00 in HEX: ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780
Key 00 in DEC: 236 182 037 105 074 208 034 004 123 213 028 013 248 214 071 128

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:00:ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780 ; IDEA 86

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 00 ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780 ; IDEA 86

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211100::EC B6 25 69 4A D0 22 04 7B D5 1C 0D F8 D6 47 80 ; IDEA 86

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 00 ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780 ; IDEA 86

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 00 { EC B6 25 69 4A D0 22 04 7B D5 1C 0D F8 D6 47 80 }} # IDEA 86

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 00 ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780 ; IDEA 86

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 00 ECB625694AD022047BD51C0DF8D64780 ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
00-0: EC B6 25 69 4A D0 22 04
00-1: 7B D5 1C 0D F8 D6 47 80

CAM Module DEC Key
00-0: 236 182 037 105 074 208 034 004
00-1: 123 213 028 013 248 214 071 128

00: EC B6 25 69 4A D0 22 04 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10)
01: 7B D5 1C 0D F8 D6 47 80 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11)

04: EC B6 25 69 4A D0 22 04
05: 7B D5 1C 0D F8 D6 47 80
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: B1 F5 39 12 41 24 E4 82 D7 CA 20 0D 90 F9 D3 4E

Key 01 in HEX: B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E
Key 01 in DEC: 129 245 057 018 065 036 228 130 215 202 032 013 144 249 211 078

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:01:B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E ; IDEA 96

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 01 B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E ; IDEA 96

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211101::B1 F5 39 12 41 24 E4 82 D7 CA 20 0D 90 F9 D3 4E ; IDEA 96

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 01 B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E ; IDEA 96

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 01 { B1 F5 39 12 41 24 E4 82 D7 CA 20 0D 90 F9 D3 4E }} # IDEA 96

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 01 B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E ; IDEA 96

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 01 B1F539124124E482D7CA200D90F9D34E ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
01-0: B1 F5 39 12 41 24 E4 82
01-1: D7 CA 20 0D 90 F9 D3 4E

CAM Module DEC Key
01-0: 129 245 057 018 065 036 228 130
01-1: 215 202 032 013 144 249 211 078

02: B1 F5 39 12 41 24 E4 82 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20)
03: D7 CA 20 0D 90 F9 D3 4E (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21)

06: B1 F5 39 12 41 24 E4 82
07: D7 CA 20 0D 90 F9 D3 4E
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

KEY 01

DigiTV (1°W) 01.07.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2]

DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: 70 5F D1 12 E4 37 1E D0 E6 91 FD 7B 4F E8 36 68

Key 01 in HEX: 705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B4FE83668
Key 01 in DEC: 112 095 209 018 228 055 030 208 230 145 253 123 079 232 054 104

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:01:705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B 4FE83668 ; IDEA 96

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 01 705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B4FE83668 ; IDEA 96

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211101::70 5F D1 12 E4 37 1E D0 E6 91 FD 7B 4F E8 36 68 ; IDEA 96

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 01 705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B4FE83668 ; IDEA 96

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 01 { 70 5F D1 12 E4 37 1E D0 E6 91 FD 7B 4F E8 36 68 }} # IDEA 96

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 01 705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B4FE83668 ; IDEA 96

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { 705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B4FE83668 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 01 705FD112E4371ED0E691FD7B4FE83668 ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
01-0: 70 5F D1 12 E4 37 1E D0
01-1: E6 91 FD 7B 4F E8 36 68

CAM Module DEC Key
01-0: 112 095 209 018 228 055 030 208
01-1: 230 145 253 123 079 232 054 104

02: 70 5F D1 12 E4 37 1E D0 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20)
03: E6 91 FD 7B 4F E8 36 68 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21)

06: 70 5F D1 12 E4 37 1E D0
07: E6 91 FD 7B 4F E8 36 68
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

00 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E : DIGI TV

pozdrav baxi
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

DigiTV (1°W) 03.07.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2]

DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: 8B 45 40 6B 60 2D FF 83 9C 81 67 40 AD B9 16 6E

Key 00 in HEX: 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E
Key 00 in DEC: 139 069 064 107 096 045 255 131 156 129 103 064 173 185 022 110

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:00:8B45406B602DFF839C816740 ADB9166E ; IDEA 86

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 00 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E ; IDEA 86

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211100::8B 45 40 6B 60 2D FF 83 9C 81 67 40 AD B9 16 6E ; IDEA 86

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 00 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E ; IDEA 86

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 00 { 8B 45 40 6B 60 2D FF 83 9C 81 67 40 AD B9 16 6E }} # IDEA 86

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 00 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E ; IDEA 86

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 00 8B45406B602DFF839C816740ADB9166E ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
00-0: 8B 45 40 6B 60 2D FF 83
00-1: 9C 81 67 40 AD B9 16 6E

CAM Module DEC Key
00-0: 139 069 064 107 096 045 255 131
00-1: 156 129 103 064 173 185 022 110

00: 8B 45 40 6B 60 2D FF 83 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10)
01: 9C 81 67 40 AD B9 16 6E (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11)

04: 8B 45 40 6B 60 2D FF 83
05: 9C 81 67 40 AD B9 16 6E
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

DigiTV (1°W) 06.07.2009
ident 2111 [Nagra2]

DigiTV (1°W) Key 01: 79 2D CE 0B EA 42 01 40 1E A6 B9 40 B7 B3 02 57

Key 01 in HEX: 792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257
Key 01 in DEC: 121 045 206 011 234 066 001 064 030 166 185 064 183 179 002 087

For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
1801:002111:0000000000:01:792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257 ; IDEA 96

For CCcam (SoftCam.Key):
N 2111 01 792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257 ; IDEA 96

For Newcamd (keylist):
1801:000000:211101::79 2D CE 0B EA 42 01 40 1E A6 B9 40 B7 B3 02 57 ; IDEA 96

For EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
N 2111 01 792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257 ; IDEA 96

For GBox (nagra):
I: { 21 11 01 { 79 2D CE 0B EA 42 01 40 1E A6 B9 40 B7 B3 02 57 }} # IDEA 96

For MGcamd (Softcam.Key):
N 2111 01 792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257 ; IDEA 96

scam (nagra2):
N: { 2111 00000000 46 08 10 { 792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257 }}

For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
N 2111 01 792DCE0BEA4201401EA6B940B7B30257 ;DigiTV (1°W)

CAM Module HEX Key
01-0: 79 2D CE 0B EA 42 01 40
01-1: 1E A6 B9 40 B7 B3 02 57

CAM Module DEC Key
01-0: 121 045 206 011 234 066 001 064
01-1: 030 166 185 064 183 179 002 087

02: 79 2D CE 0B EA 42 01 40 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 20)
03: 1E A6 B9 40 B7 B3 02 57 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 21)

06: 79 2D CE 0B EA 42 01 40
07: 1E A6 B9 40 B7 B3 02 57
AW: Kljucevi za digiTv

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