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Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

You will have to use the Siemens cable as the other one probably uses RS232 and not TTL-Levels.
You can get the pinout for your connector here:
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So you will need to find which cables go to pins 1,5 and 6.
In my case these were:
White = GND
Blue = TX
Green = RX
(Red = VCC 5V)
You might have to try and switch TX and RX if it doesn't work right away.
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

dirtyharry123 thank you very much, will try tomorrow.
I've never done this, I understand I have to connect the cable and try to connect ttl, then give power to the external module and see the results in the putty console.
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!


ich habe hier noch ein jungfreuliche Matrix, ich würde gerne das cam auslesen und die Datei zur Verfügen stellen.

Da brauche ich aber mal einen Schup in die Richtung.



AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

I tried the serial port connection, the result is continually error trying to connect.
without SD card there is no response in console.
with SD card for update, in console asccii symbols appear.

Could you clarify exactly how you do it, power, times, ..
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

What kind of symbols do appear? If it seems like garbage, you may have set the wrong baudrate.
When using putty, the settings should look somewhat like this:
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With the exception of the baudrate (speed) which needs to be set to 115200.
And of course you will have to select the correct COM-port (but since you are allready getting something it is probably the right one)
As long as the serial-cable/com-port is detected it shouldn't matter in what order you start putty/mca.
If you still have trouble you may have swapped TX and RX.
Although according to your description it is most likely that you are using the wrong baudrate.
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

log of the update by SD.
at that point the LED stays red.

log of the boot with special SD boot.
at that point the LED stays red.

without SD inserted, no log in putty.
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

Are you saying it just stops at "Booting kernel at 0x30008000..."?
How long did you wait?
Since it doesn't even load APEX when no sd-card is insertet, either the sd slot is really broken (card-detect-switch),
or since it doesn't seem to load the kernel from flash there may be a problem with your flash-memory.
According to the log it only complains about block 808 which shouldn't cause apex/kernel not to load...
(apex and kernel are located between blocks 1 and 48)

Did you just copy and paste the logfiles?
this line should look differently:
ATAG_CMDLINE: (43 bytes) 'conwole=ttyW0,155604n< vamdmso_wi~e=14040O'
this is how it should look like:
ATAG_CMDLINE: (43 bytes) 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 ramdisk_size=14000K'
another hint, that your flash-memory is broken
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

I tested all three cases (without SD, with SD Boot, With SD uptate) again waiting 15 minutes and get nothing more.
Without SD, Serial conection not receive any data, no LED lights in CAM, only LED Wifi card.

it can use the SD card instead of flash memory?
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AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

Technically it is possible, this would mean significant reworking of the firmware though.
One other chance you have is only loading the kernel from sd,
if you are lucky the part of the flash-memory containing the rootfs and settings is intact.
I will try to create an image for you that does this.
As my time at the moment is limited it will take me a while however.
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

would be easier to adapt this Linux distribution for a check of the flash?
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perhaps mini linux (puppy,..) I will investigated, my knowledge is very limited.
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AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

I tried installing grub in SD and has not ripped but I can run any command, is there anything I can do from here?

apex> lpcnand scan
Block 808 bad
1 of 2048 blocks are bad
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AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

I don't get what you are trying to do?!
You can try the following though:
- Take the update-sd-card and rename mca_card.bin to mcaxcard.bin
- Boot the MCA with this card until you are in the Apex-console.
- Type the following commands to boot the kernel from SD-card:
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AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

I tried to boot a mini linux to repair / mark the error memory.

I tried it and it did not work.
AW: Ich habe meins geschrottet!!

I have been researching for the MCA boot from SD, I found this page (
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and Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.).
I understand that I have to create two partitions on the SD (one fat and one linux partition Boot).
in fat partition copy all files from the firm.
I do not know if I'm in the right direction or how to continue.
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