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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

HS funzt nicht mehr / 2 S*y-Sender werden nicht hell (V15)


Ist gelegentlich hier
9. Dezember 2014

1. Problem

Nach Umstellung meines TV-Anbieters von VF/KD auf htp und Wechsel meiner D02 und G09 auf eine V15 wird diese , dank der Hilfe im Forum, nun endlich wieder hell.

Allerding funzt nun das Homesharing nicht mehr.
Die Slave-Box zeigt ein funktionierendes Netzwerk an (grün). Ich erreiche die Box auch übers Laptop per Browser (Open WebIF) und ftp.
Auch kann ich mit der Master-Box aufgenomme Filme (interne HDD) mit der Slave Box abspielen.

Aber die verschlüsselten Sender, die auf der Master Box hell werden, bleiben auf der Slave-Box dunkel.

Vor dem Wechsel des TV-Anbieters lief alles einwandfrei.

Die Master-Box läuft mit OScam r11518, die Slave mit CCCcam 2.3.0.

user = meinebox
uniq = 3
au = 1
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 15
cccreshare = 15
cccignorereshare = 1

disabled = 1
user = xtrend
pwd = xxxxxxxx
group = 1

disabled = 0
user = unibox
pwd = xxx
uniq = 0
caid = 098D
#au = V15
group = 1


#label = D02
#enable = 0
#protocol = internal
#device = /dev/sci0
#autospeed = 0
#caid = 1722,1834
#boxkey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#detect = cd
#mhz = 600
#cardmhz = 600
#group = 1
#emmcache = 1,3,2,0

#label = G09
#protocol = internal
#device = /dev/sci1
#autospeed = 0
#caid = 09C7
#boxid = xxxxxxxx
#detect = cd
#ident = 09C7:000000
#group = 1
#emmcache = 1,3,2,0

label = V15
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 098D
boxid = xxxxxxxx
ins7e11 = 14
detect = cd
mhz = 600
group = 1
emmcache = 1,999,7,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
disablecrccws = 1


#P: 1722
#P: 09C7
P: 098D


logfile = /tmp/.oscam/oscam.log
clienttimeout = 9000
unlockparental = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 200
waitforcards = 0
dropdups = 1
#lb_save = 100
#lb_min_ecmcount = 4
#lb_savepath = /tmp/.oscam/oscam.stat
failbantime = 15
failbancount = 3


Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
Keepalive = 1
Port = 50002@098D:000000

port = 24110
nodeid = A83FC0EB100614DC
version = 2.3.0
#reshare_mode = 1
#stealth = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = meinebox
boxtype = dreambox
extended_cw_api = 2

httpport = 83
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 15
httpallowed =,,

C: 24110 unibox xxx

Zur Netzwerktopologie:

An der Fritzbox hängt per WLAN-Bridge ein Netgear R6400. Daran wiederum hängen alle anderen Geräte, bis auf das Laptop, per LAN an der R6400.

In der Slave-Box ist es egal ob die Fritzbox oder die R6400 als Gateway eingetragen ist. Beides funzt nicht.

Im WebIF der OScam wird der User der Slave-Box als "offline" angezeigt.

2. Problem

Mit der V15 werden bis auf 2 Sender alle hell.
Dunkel Bleiben S*y 1 HD und S*y Atlantic HD.

Hat jemand eine Erklärung und eine Idee zur Behebung?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Mit CCcam 2.3.0 als Clients geht's schon seit 3 Monaten nicht mehr.
Deine Karte läuft doch sowieso nur maximal 60 Tage in OSCam.
Danke für den Hinweis zu den Senders. Dann ist es halt so.

Mit CCcam 2.3.0 als Clients geht's schon seit 3 Monaten nicht mehr.
Deine Karte läuft doch sowieso nur maximal 60 Tage in OSCam.

Aber was Du zu CCcam sagst gilt zumindest nicht für die G09 und D02. Das hat bis zuletzt funktioniert.
Und mit der V15 funzt kein HS mit CCcam?
Wie dann?
In diesen Thread geht's aber um deine V15 und darauf bezog ich mich und da geht mit der CCcam 2.3.0 seit mitte April schon nichts mehr.
Welches Protokoll funktioniert denn für HS?

Newcamd bekomme ich leider auch nicht zum Laufen. Ein anders?


N: 31000 unibox unibox 0102030405060708091011121314


protocol = newcamd
user = unibox
pwd = xxx
hostname =
group = 1


protocol = newcamd
port = 31000@098D:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
keepalive = 1
Master und Slave müssen OScam nutzen.
Welches Protokoll du dann zwischen den beiden verwendest obliegt dir.

Du machst es allen einfacher, wenn du oscam.config, oscam.user, oscam.server von Master und Slave postest.
Wozu der Aufwand? Weil.......

Nachdem ich newcamd auch nicht zum Laufen bekommen habe hab ich es mit cs3768x versucht. Leider auch ohne Erfolg.
Hier die Configs. Vielleicht findet ja jemand meinen Denkfehler:


logfile = /tmp/.oscam/oscam.log
clienttimeout = 9000
unlockparental = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 200
waitforcards = 0
dropdups = 1
#lb_save = 100
#lb_min_ecmcount = 4
#lb_savepath = /tmp/.oscam/oscam.stat
failbantime = 15
failbancount = 3


#protocol = newcamd
#port = 31000@098D:000000
#key = 0102030405060708091011121314
#keepalive = 1

port = 12345

port = 24110
nodeid = A83FC0EB100614DC
version = 2.3.0
#reshare_mode = 1
#stealth = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = meinebox
boxtype = dreambox
extended_cw_api = 2

httpport = 83
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 15
httpallowed =,,

user = meinebox
uniq = 3
au = 1
group = 1
cccmaxhops = 15
cccreshare = 15
cccignorereshare = 1

protocol = cs378x
user = unibox
pwd = unibox
hostname =
group = 1

label = V15
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 098D
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 14
detect = cd
mhz = 600
group = 1
emmcache = 1,999,7,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
disablecrccws = 1

#P: 1722
#P: 09C7
P: 098D


logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
disablecrccws_only_for = 098D:000000


port = 12345
serverip =

enabled = 1
pmt_mode = 0
user = local
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = 83
httpallowed =,,,
http_status_log = 1

user = local
au = 0
group = 1

#disabled = 0
#au = D02
User = unibox
Pwd = unibox
Group = 1
hostname =

label = cs378xRemote
enable = 1
protocol = cs378x
device =,12345
user = unibox
pwd = unibox
group = 1

P: 098D
Was sagen denn die Logs bei den entsprechenden Sendern?

Zeitgleiche Logs wären gut.

Edit: Das Sky1 HD nicht geht ist normal, die gehen nur mit wenigen V13 in alternativer Hardware, und Sky Atlantic..... könnte an Deinem Abo liegen.......
Laß mich raten.... Du hast Welt + Cinema + ggf irgendwas...... dann ist das klar.......
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
OK. Die Live-Logs mache ich nachher.

Was das Abo angeht hast Du schon Recht.
Allerdings hatte ich bisher, über VF/KD, beides hell (D02). Und meiner Meinung nach gehörte beides auch zum Abo.
Seit 01.07. hab ich allerdings, zwangsweise durch den Vermieter, auf htp Hannover wechseln müssen und von S** die V15 bekommen. Eingespeist wird, zumindest was die privaten HD-Sender und einige andere, z.B. 13th Street HD angeht, durch Wilhelm.tel.
Ich habe aber auch keine Nachricht bekommen, dass sich mein Abo geändert hat. Allerdings hat S** sich auch nicht aktiv bei mir gemeldet.
Wenn Du Welt + Cinema hast, kriegst Du Sky Atlantic nicht.
Wenn Du Welt + Film hast, dann melde Dich im Sky&Friends Forum, die beheben das unkompliziert..... die Hotline ist damit "überfordert".

Aber Sky1HD über V15 keine Chance in alternativer Hardware.
Hier die Logs:

  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Host name = sf3038
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Release = 4.1.24
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Wed Jan 23 15:20:16 CET 2019
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Machine = mips
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm800se
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Stb vumodel = vuultimo
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) Stb boxtype = sf3038
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 29592
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded, rejected 0
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (net) cs378x: initialized (fd=5, port=12345)
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=24110)
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (reader) V15 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /tmp/.oscam/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=357)
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Reader sci internal, detected box type: sf3038
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 55A60234 c (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (meinebox, au=auto (1 reader))
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 55A60234 c (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /usr/keys/oscam_atv_deb/oscam.ccache
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 55A60234 c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1 maximum number of filters is 64 (oscam limit is 64)
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 55A60234 c (dvbapi) ERROR: ioctl(CA_GET_DESCR_INFO): Invalid argument
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 58B70359 h (webif) webif: decompressed 180541 bytes back into 445448 bytes
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:44 58B70359 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:45 55A60234 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 0 ECMpids and 11 STREAMpids in caPMT
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:45 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] card detected
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:45 55A60234 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 0 ECMpids and 11 STREAMpids in PMT
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:46 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] ATR: 3F FD 14 25 02 50 80 0F 55 B0 02 69 FF 4A 50 F0 80 00 50 31 03
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Card type: P1TV
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Rom version: 30C2
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Credit available on card: 0 euro
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Extended 4C detected
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] FuseByte: 05
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Region Code: 00BO0102
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Country Code: DEU
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Pincode read: 2659
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] Parental control disabled
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098D), caid: 098D
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] ready for requests
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [internal] found card system videoguard2
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max allotted of 1
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] card detected
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (098D)
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0018 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 001b --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 001c --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 001d --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0016 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0017 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0038 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 003e --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0068 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0069 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006a --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006b --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0067 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0070 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007b --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0081 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e4 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2019/08/26-00:00:00 |
  • 2019/07/22 18:27:53 398F2418 r (reader) V15 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
2019/07/22 18:30:40 55C56865 c (client) resolved ip=
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:40 55C56865 c (client) encrypted cs378x-client granted (unibox, au=off)
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:40 55C56865 c (camd35) checksum error (wrong password ?)
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:43 4AD586B7 c (client) encrypted cs378x-client granted (unibox, au=off)
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Host name = uniboxhde
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Release = 3.14.21
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Version = #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 19:52:21 CET 2015
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Machine = mips
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Stb model = dm800se
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Stb vumodel = vuultimo
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) Stb boxtype = unibox-hde
  • 1970/01/01 01:00:52 00000000 s (main) The current system time is smaller than the build date (May 22 2019). Waiting up to 60 seconds for time to correct
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:37 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 308
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:37 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded, rejected 0
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:37 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:37 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:37 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 119 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:38 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 118 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:39 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 117 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:40 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 116 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:41 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 115 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:42 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 114 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:43 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 113 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:44 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 112 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:45 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 111 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:46 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 110 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:47 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 109 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:48 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 108 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:49 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 107 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:50 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 106 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:51 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 105 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:52 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 104 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:53 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 103 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:54 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 102 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:55 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 101 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:56 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 100 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:57 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 99 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:58 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 98 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:28:59 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 97 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:00 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 96 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:01 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 95 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:02 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 94 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:03 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 93 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:04 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 92 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:05 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 91 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:06 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 90 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:07 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 89 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:08 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 88 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:09 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 87 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:10 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 86 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:11 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 85 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:12 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 84 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:13 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 83 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:14 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 82 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:15 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 81 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:16 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 80 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:17 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 79 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:18 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 78 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:19 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 77 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:20 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 76 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:21 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 75 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:22 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 74 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:23 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 73 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:24 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 72 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:25 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 71 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:26 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 70 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:27 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 69 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:28 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 68 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:29 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 67 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:30 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 66 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:31 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 65 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:32 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 64 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:33 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 63 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:34 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 62 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:35 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 61 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:36 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 60 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:37 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 59 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:38 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 58 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:39 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 57 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:40 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 56 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:41 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 55 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:42 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 54 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:43 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 53 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:44 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 52 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:44 00000000 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20_svn, build r11518 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:45 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 51 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:46 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 50 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:47 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 49 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:48 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 48 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:49 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 47 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:50 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 46 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:51 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 45 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:52 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 44 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:53 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 43 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:54 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 42 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:55 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 41 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:56 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 40 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:57 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 39 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:58 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 38 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:29:59 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 37 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:00 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 36 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:01 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 35 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:02 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 34 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:03 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 33 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:04 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 32 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:05 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 31 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:06 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 30 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:07 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 29 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:08 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 28 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:09 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 27 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:10 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 26 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:11 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 25 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:12 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 24 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:13 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 23 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:14 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 22 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:15 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 21 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:16 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 20 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:17 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 19 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:18 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 18 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:19 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 17 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:20 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 16 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:21 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 15 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:22 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 14 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:23 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 13 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:24 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 12 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:25 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 11 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:26 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 10 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:27 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 9 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:28 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 8 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:29 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 7 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:30 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 6 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:31 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 5 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:32 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 4 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:33 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 3 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:34 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 2 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:35 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), waiting another 1 seconds
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:36 00000000 s (net) cs378x: Bind request failed (Cannot assign requested address), giving up
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:36 00000000 s (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] creating thread for device
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:36 00000000 s (main) waiting for local card init
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:36 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] proxy
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:36 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] proxy initialized, server
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 450BBE96 h (webif) webif: decompressed 180541 bytes back into 445448 bytes
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 450BBE96 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmcache disabled since no reader is using it!
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 00000000 s (emmcache) loading emmstats disabled since no reader is using it!
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 4ED1FAB1 c (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (local, au=off)
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) dvbapi channelcache loaded from /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ccache
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1 maximum number of filters is 64 (oscam limit is 64)
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:37 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 device, total available descramblers: 7
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 0 CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1B19 PROVID: 000000
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 1 CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1A19 PROVID: 000000
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 2 CAID: 098D ECM_PID: 1C19 PROVID: 000000
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 3 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in caPMT
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 2 CAID 098D PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1C19 ANY CHID PMTPID 0069 VPID 09FF
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 3 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in PMT
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 43FA7D28 p (reader) resolved ip=
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:38 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] connecting to
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:39 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] disconnected: reason disconnect
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:41 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] connecting to
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:42 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] disconnected: reason disconnect
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:43 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098D@000000/0C28/007C/A0:DD3C32BBA76F8CC2F30CCEFA5386A0A5): timeout (5003 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:46 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098D@000000/0C28/007C/A0:80C38482DC678E7B2FE09334A0315B23): timeout (5001 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:46 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098D@000000/0C28/007C/A0:80C38482DC678E7B2FE09334A0315B23): not found (3002 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:46 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1B19 ANY CHID PMTPID 0069 VPID 09FF
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:46 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] connecting to
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:46 00000000 >> OSCam << cardserver log switched, version 1.20_svn, build r11518 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:49 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] disconnected: reason disconnect
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:51 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (09C4@000000/0C28/007C/A7:5C63173D8067375EB7E5C3C4EADBB1A4): timeout (5000 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:53 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (09C4@000000/0C28/007C/A7:98EC437A2ADBAE08635DC5AEB49B8D99): timeout (5001 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:53 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (09C4@000000/0C28/007C/A7:98EC437A2ADBAE08635DC5AEB49B8D99): not found (1252 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:53 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 098C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1A19 ANY CHID PMTPID 0069 VPID 09FF
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:54 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] connecting to
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:55 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] disconnected: reason disconnect
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:55 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] connecting to
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:56 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] disconnected: reason disconnect
  • 2019/07/22 18:30:59 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098C@000000/0C28/007C/9F:3CF08024166CB0EC3E19E8E352D874D5): timeout (5000 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:00 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098C@000000/0C28/007C/9F:E56B7B57679E008CE3D297858EB1E4C8): timeout (5001 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:00 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098C@000000/0C28/007C/9F:E56B7B57679E008CE3D297858EB1E4C8): not found (1003 ms) by cs378xRemote
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:00 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 1 ms with 3 enabled and 0 disabled ecmpids!
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:00 4ED1FAB1 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 2 CAID 098D PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1C19 ANY CHID PMTPID 0069 VPID 09FF
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:00 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] connecting to
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:03 43FA7D28 p (reader) cs378xRemote [cs378x] disconnected: reason disconnect
  • 2019/07/22 18:31:05 4ED1FAB1 c (ecm) local (098D@000000/0C28/007C/A0:00E45A5B517D3E6DA199B89EA55E3797): timeout (5000 ms) by cs378xRemote