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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad


Ist gelegentlich hier
6. November 2009
Hallo zusammen
habe die configs soweit das die Hd02 erkannt und an Cccam weiter gegeben wird,
leider entsclüsselt es nicht,in der cccaminfo wird die Nline als online angezeigt.

Danke schon mal für jede Hilfe.


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Dec 30 15:00:00 2013
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9146 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 20498
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s signal handling initialized
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=34000)
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s -> CAID: 1843 PROVID: 000000, 003411, 008011
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s hdplus [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2013/12/30 15:00:00 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/12/30 15:00:00 526840 r hdplus [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2013/12/30 15:00:00 521060 h webif: decompressed 55133 bytes back into 157704 bytes
2013/12/30 15:00:00 521060 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=88
2013/12/30 15:00:01 526840 r hdplus [internal] card detected
2013/12/30 15:00:02 526840 r hdplus [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2013/12/30 15:00:02 526840 r hdplus [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2013/12/30 15:00:02 526840 r hdplus [internal] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2013/12/30 15:00:07 526840 r hdplus [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/12/30 15:00:07 526840 r hdplus [internal] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2013/12/30 15:00:08 526840 r hdplus [internal] detect native nagra card
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [internal] found card system nagra
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2014/02/20 11:59
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0066 |2010/12/19 |2011/12/21 |
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/01/04 |2014/02/09 |
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2013/12/30 15:00:09 526840 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2013/12/30 15:00:12 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/12/30 15:00:12 0 s anti cascading disabled
2013/12/30 15:00:29 52A9C0 c client connected to 34000 port
2013/12/30 15:00:29 52A9C0 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (user1, au=auto (1 reader))
2013/12/30 15:00:29 52A9C0 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2013/12/30 15:00:29 52A9C0 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2013/12/30 15:00:46 52A9C0 c user1 disconnected from
2013/12/30 15:00:46 52ED40 c client connected to 34000 port
2013/12/30 15:00:46 52ED40 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (user1, au=auto (1 reader))
2013/12/30 15:00:46 52ED40 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2013/12/30 15:00:46 52ED40 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2013/12/30 15:00:51 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2013/12/30 15:01:01 526840 r hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2013/12/30 15:01:06 526840 r hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2013/12/30 15:01:06 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2013/12/30 15:01:06 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2013/12/30 15:01:11 526840 r hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/12/30 15:01:11 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2013/12/30 15:01:15 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2013/12/30 15:01:25 526840 r hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2013/12/30 15:01:31 526840 r hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2013/12/30 15:01:31 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2013/12/30 15:01:31 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2013/12/30 15:01:36 526840 r hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/12/30 15:01:36 526840 r hdplus [nagra] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160


logfile = /media/hdd/OScam.log
fallbacktimeout = 2000
failbantime = 5
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 512
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
waitforcards_extra_delay = 3000
waitforcards = 1

port = 34000@1843:000000,003411,008011
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

httpport = 88
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 20
httpuser = user
httppwd = pass
httpallowed =,
httphideidleclients = 1


label = hdplus
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 1843
detect = cd
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1843:000000,003411,008011
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
rsakey = B............--....5
boxkey = A.....C


user = user1
pwd = pass1
group = 1
au = 1
caid = 1843

die Nline
N: 34000 user1 pass1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Ich weiss nicht mehr weiter,könnte bitte jemand mal schauen hob sich da irgendwo fehler ist?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

das geht doch alles mit oscam alleine ohne cccam,

in der oscam.conf den DVBapi abschnitt aktivieren und einen passenden User dazu einrichten in der oscam.user, der sollte so heissen wie in der oscam.conf

an deinem loh sieht man auch das deine karte aussteigt (resync error) probier mal eine andere oscam version
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

Ich habe schon 5 verschiedene Oscam versionen probiert darunter auch stable 1.20,
mit oscam alleine habe ich es über DVBapi zum laufen bekommen,da ich haber Cline im share
habe würde ich es eben über die Nline laufen lassen wollen was mir bis jetzt nicht gelingt.
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

das ist schon wieder was neues,wie werden die C und F lines erstellt?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

Ok danke schon mal,werde mich einlesen und es versuchen.
Sollte ich es nicht schaffen,werde dann wieder versuchen die Nline zum laufen zu bringen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
vergleiche mal die configs, da fehlt bei dir ja nicht viel,
vor allem cccam und dvbapi in oscam.conf, und natürlich die user, die sonst f-line waren
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

Leider habe ich es bis jetzt noch nicht geschaft es zum laufen zu bringen,wie schon erwähnt habe es vesucht nur mit Oscam,
Hd+ karte läuft un client über proxy reader eingebunden haber nicht zum laufen gebracht.Bin dann wieder Nline zurück leider
auch hier kein erfolg,über dvbapi lüpt die Karte und wenn es über nline an cccam übergeben wird lüpt es wieder nicht?????

hier noch oscam log und configs


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Jan 12 12:28:59 2014
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9291 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 19249
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=15151)
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s -> CAID: 1843 PROVID: 000000, 003411, 008011
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s hdplus [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/01/12 12:28:59 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/01/12 12:28:59 77700728 r hdplus [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=500, cardmhz=357)
2014/01/12 12:28:59 527090 h webif: decompressed 64295 bytes back into 185528 bytes
2014/01/12 12:28:59 527090 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=88
2014/01/12 12:29:00 77700728 r hdplus [internal] card detected
2014/01/12 12:29:00 77700728 r hdplus [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/12 12:29:00 77700728 r hdplus [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/12 12:29:00 77700728 r hdplus [internal] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2014/01/12 12:29:05 77700728 r hdplus [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/12 12:29:05 77700728 r hdplus [internal] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2014/01/12 12:29:06 77700728 r hdplus [internal] detect native nagra card
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [internal] found card system nagra
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2014/01/12 12:29:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2014/03/05 11:59
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0066 |2010/12/19 |2011/12/21 |
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/01/04 |2014/02/09 |
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/01/12 12:29:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2014/01/12 12:29:08 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/01/12 12:29:08 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/01/12 12:29:27 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:29:27 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:29:27 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:29:27 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:29:33 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:29:33 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:29:33 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:29:33 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:29:33 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:29:38 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/12 12:29:38 77704C70 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:29:38 777069D8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:29:38 777069D8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:29:38 777069D8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:29:38 777069D8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:29:48 777069D8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:29:48 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:29:48 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:29:48 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:29:48 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:29:48 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/12 12:29:53 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2014/01/12 12:29:58 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/12 12:29:58 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2014/01/12 12:30:02 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/12 12:30:03 77704C70 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:03 777069D8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:03 777069D8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:03 777069D8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:03 777069D8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:08 777069D8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:08 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:08 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:08 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:08 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:11 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/12 12:30:18 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:18 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:18 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:18 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:18 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:21 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/12 12:30:21 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/12 12:30:21 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2014/01/12 12:30:23 77704C70 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:23 777069D8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:23 777069D8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:23 777069D8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:23 777069D8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:31 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/12 12:30:34 777069D8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:34 777087E8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:34 777087E8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:34 777087E8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:34 777087E8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:39 777087E8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:39 77703028 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:39 77703028 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:39 77703028 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:39 77703028 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:46 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/12 12:30:49 77703028 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:49 777069D8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:49 777069D8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:49 777069D8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:49 777069D8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:55 777069D8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:30:55 777087E8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:30:55 777087E8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:30:55 777087E8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:30:55 777087E8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:30:57 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/12 12:31:04 777087E8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:04 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:04 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:04 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:04 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:07 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/12 12:31:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/12 12:31:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/12 12:31:08 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2014/01/12 12:31:10 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:10 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:10 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:10 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:10 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:13 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/12 12:31:19 77704C70 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:19 777087E8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:19 777087E8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:19 777087E8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:19 777087E8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:25 777087E8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:25 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:25 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:25 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:25 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:28 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/12 12:31:34 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:34 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:34 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:34 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:34 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:40 77704C70 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:40 777069F0 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:40 777069F0 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:40 777069F0 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:40 777069F0 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:51 777069F0 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:51 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:51 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:51 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:51 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:31:53 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/12 12:31:56 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:31:56 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:31:56 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:31:56 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:31:56 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:32:04 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/12 12:32:06 77704C70 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:32:06 777069D8 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:32:06 777069D8 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:32:06 777069D8 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:32:06 777069D8 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:32:12 777069D8 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:32:12 77702F98 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:32:12 77702F98 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:32:12 77702F98 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:32:12 77702F98 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus
2014/01/12 12:32:14 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/12 12:32:14 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/12 12:32:14 77700728 r hdplus [nagra] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2014/01/12 12:32:21 77702F98 c user1 disconnected from
2014/01/12 12:32:21 77704C70 c client connected to 15151 port
2014/01/12 12:32:21 77704C70 c encrypted newcamd:15151-client granted (user1, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:32:21 77704C70 c user user1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/01/12 12:32:21 77704C70 c AU enabled for user user1 on reader hdplus

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Jan 12 12:34:07 2014
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9291 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 20524
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s hdplus [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/01/12 12:34:07 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/01/12 12:34:07 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=500, cardmhz=357)
2014/01/12 12:34:07 5266F0 h webif: decompressed 64295 bytes back into 185528 bytes
2014/01/12 12:34:07 5266F0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=88
2014/01/12 12:34:08 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] card detected
2014/01/12 12:34:08 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/12 12:34:08 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/12 12:34:08 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] Calculated work ETU is 6.40 us reader mhz = 500
2014/01/12 12:34:13 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/12 12:34:13 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2014/01/12 12:34:14 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] detect native nagra card
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [internal] found card system nagra
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2014/03/05 11:59
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0066 |2010/12/19 |2011/12/21 |
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/01/04 |2014/02/09 |
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/01/12 12:34:16 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2014/01/12 12:34:17 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/01/12 12:34:17 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dvbapi, au=on (1 reader))
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [DVBAPI] Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [DVBAPI] Receiver sends PMT command 3 for channel EF15
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid EF15 on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0065
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1830 ECM_PID: 1CAA PROVID: 000000
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1843 ECM_PID: 19AA PROVID: 000000
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1BAA PROVID: 000000
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1AAA PROVID: 000000
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [ADD PID 4] CAID: 1860 ECM_PID: 1EAA PROVID: 000000
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c Found 5 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid EF15 on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0065
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c New program number: EF15 (1830:EF15 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #1 CAID 1843 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 19AA ANY CHID PMTPID 0065 VPID 05FF
2014/01/12 12:34:17 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C50164EB1CF9695AE77C5552F5DB1C25): found (402 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:34:20 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:96E4D54F0D73A06C63FB46FAAF1FA601): found (384 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:34:27 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5C9501CD3E4CE33DE290C7FFBDF6144B): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:34:34 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:F18511008A0F541A4300CF72B58AFB6A): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:34:41 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6A515042CA81E336688C0F47F10A46F4): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:34:49 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] dvbapi emmtype=global, len=139, idx=0, cnt=1: written (614 ms)
2014/01/12 12:34:49 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:F8290C76B4458CDEE008154C9C91E71E): found (972 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:34:52 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] dvbapi emmtype=global, len=139, idx=1, cnt=1: written (599 ms)
2014/01/12 12:34:55 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:27FCE9028748043279FD9FE90C089828): found (400 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:02 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D9EFDB967FF7CE9573945B1E2F782E51): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:09 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5BD8B738FCC4500F836DD5A093C2BDCE): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:16 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:AB700B73D852554D93DE84B415A38B67): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:23 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:9B47E98DF0D79ED87233690C9AE68F9C): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:30 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:4687A125E5825E6CCF44E0164D7FBD06): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:37 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:522F35E8C794CD3D91577E643631C8DF): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:44 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0C80070CFBAF45D6412D75D549AA17DE): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:51 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:59102F161C80265D1FD79FE9DE8660DA): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:35:58 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7AE6CA1B9360FE7D4266171D25E128F6): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:05 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1BF281F4496BDF45974980C719039B6E): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:12 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A62F5526EB89A6965B038C2CBA0615D7): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:19 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:B82FF45A8DE3D50488FD1457A0C97977): found (395 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:26 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E70ACA20B7CCEFA26C714451CB683D89): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:33 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:048280F530D04A90C485745DABD4ADB6): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:40 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1E6D1890DE8117DE869BD40CF180B88F): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:47 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:169637512263C3C465883B060098666A): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:36:54 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:038EB3FE8AD05CF4FD177A7654CD2866): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:01 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:F085E572907626CEFBE66F32B412D6CB): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:08 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7ABEE594E102D0F245BEF5565FAA5F2D): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:15 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E9552E1C7AA3CB35A20BE34A2514EFC7): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:22 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6D6AD1EB2B36BD90D8CF1DBB251D818F): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:29 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:38A608EFE64867E56B8D3BA215002771): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:36 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3AA550702BB57AFD3E806D2681814C52): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:43 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:BD26412CB42D122C5EF651BFB158FDEC): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:50 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3C6305A41684375B32925A0BA198373A): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:37:57 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:DDE96383BD37B5E1260D0867A5982C71): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:00 52BED0 r hdplus [nagra] dvbapi emmtype=global, len=139, idx=2, cnt=1: written (603 ms)
2014/01/12 12:38:04 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D06763C5AA1FFC18621BC8F8D5061184): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:11 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8B2B6AF30F4308CD43926522F405D2C4): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:18 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:F31AA1B916A14ACDFE52A4AD463F2E06): found (382 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:25 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:289FD2693EB37F6A3D38B9488C315B10): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:32 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3B1AAAC3B50F6DA02678D744B47C1710): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:39 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1F9C7FE5B083598D08223914A81EEBC7): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:46 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3CAF0F16162CDDF23D4E9061D533A9F1): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:38:53 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A5E5CB9BE80F74671DB0309FDFE68D11): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:00 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:172679CD5E94B0899F2AA6ED8557AA36): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:07 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5459EEE0C21BCDFFCBBBB48EDF9EF116): found (394 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:14 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:2997FEB7847712B0A5061C3AF4DC956B): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:21 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E330B4BC84E77C06DAAB1AA1E3D4DE5F): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:28 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:AB44A21F930322524112FF07973DBF49): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:35 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0933FA5479A57FE946B50DDAF89BE9C6): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:42 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E5883DFDE373C573D06E575DA09159D6): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:49 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8AA2A6DF68F5F81A8FA9C224A6FDA3C2): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:39:56 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:62D6368F45B423EFE71D7F460BFF2674): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:03 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7AD46DE604058C7E67F2EECBE1912190): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:10 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:9D83BDE6098D308EFE7BFC3D04CD3A8D): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:17 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A06AF09D5E3DC13100B16A22F46EFB67): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:24 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FC93A6DEF7649BCD96E8FE5591B2522B): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:31 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:56EA2E8CAB6B4C34C3CA404326DC55E6): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:38 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C27E8DBAE0CECCFF9D39A3969E8ABAF3): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:45 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:9DD697E1ECA795BC7C2AF8AE29E83580): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:52 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:DEBA3B72BB54C4789BC995BA745B67F3): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:40:59 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:AF0EFCDD89B67BF63F1B23FE185171CA): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:06 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:83D16EAA35C0B388245FE322C64E5BE0): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:13 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:89C8BD670C44ED722BDEF6AD48DB253C): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:20 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0434C1C5B388E6322928AA2E8D061348): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:27 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:84F733FDD59D15600E206E47728AC5DD): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:34 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:396339A54F1498BD9DAE537D147E311B): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:41 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:ED3C862F19AA14D84574AF5A29474148): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:48 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:9CDA5D97503104DABD96DF0F99CA98A9): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:41:55 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:4D8FD65F63B761F75B631BA16243E665): found (394 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:02 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D2470901A3CDE4DB10E46F489E3FC2B7): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:09 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0C5D2D3A059D22A95FB1541A17980483): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:16 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A7B12D3C62B2D3072A9F82A85E84EB13): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:23 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6E3EFE3A2F548CD1B1F4191AC444C666): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:30 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:EEE1A48A354AAB5D19BF36E75442B9E5): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:37 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A7D06BCFC0872BB94C623C762EEEA516): found (408 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:44 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:4CD1F5E37BE1D13DF41F3B9A1C51880C): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:51 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7CC3ECBBA9DCAF661A33A7357BC23240): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:42:58 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:616387CB4308C68F6B0D255917235DFE): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:05 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3A25D170B44F30F132A09B6A91DB43BF): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:12 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:AEFB7E1536EE5A834CEBBAC32EB0BEB9): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:19 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:981AAF78C7B969F43CD71D9F3B41269D): found (394 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:26 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C13DB0182838BF811041826D9AF36411): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:33 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1D173F89984E497EE53261746B2471FA): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:40 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:AC0FCA623D2963B2989FB2920A9DA40F): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:47 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:ABEB8AE690219593CE0912265D6F1174): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:43:54 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C00B369CA67F9FD4F795D8D7BE9808BB): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:01 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FC47EA199CD7FA720730411DF1E15439): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:08 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:45B57FAA8E0BD145B51B33A399E781F4): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:15 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E80F02C07633BF1845EC645C3154FBDD): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:22 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D165A48A56B9AE75297011A44FE1635A): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:29 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:412586712455B7ED35225AF691AAC5FF): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:36 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0A9ABF1C777F12BE146A52122A0DB5A6): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:43 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C7DE73517B62C9F1A97D591791A91877): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:50 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7FD211BE2371FC4481F527B8CAE81742): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:44:57 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:CAF379000237542F43F74B00CFBC6F2D): found (383 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:04 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:4EA9B364254D87FA66D0471BD8DEF420): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:11 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8D973846F81405015BF6291FAAAC4613): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:18 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:CD54FEF7042FCE53FC8D91A7FF6028DF): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:25 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7F6A56F6B98D6212B6354001E76BB802): found (395 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:32 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1A281EB91B5B5AD983E6DD6489AA5DAA): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:39 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E70C7A32686A0BA9361BF75507964DC2): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:46 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E7138EEBC77CEA337EBBD00F8947CA44): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:45:53 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8C296A428C2C327371C24816C9AED582): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:00 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FFA14AF4022E5674455BAF89015EABDD): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:07 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E414FEFD355F8CE7B54262C371EBE04E): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:14 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D13CAC698BFB6A309C17A9FF515CA75D): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:21 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:4F3C2F678B9FEB2CC1EA4F08AC5D2620): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:28 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6BE307B1F99CEA1B7980D5E051F75A6C): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:35 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:05A6DEE34D6EA4E74CB9C0ACDB0D57C4): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:42 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6F611FBA09570856A03D981940CC8FD6): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:49 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:ED0DF51C331A92993D06A08B28FAA160): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:46:56 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8E423B13715720BDD6F691D3F29FC834): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:03 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E55A2EC685646405391EA160EC910363): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:10 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7D44DA9C023D73CD5D800EAD6D2B1F92): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:17 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1CAA18AF818D7BBB74B578791018FD05): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:24 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5BBA8FB08EEFD7097915E2515BDF9C91): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:31 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:EB6D276058EA73121AE7B3832DB0B3F0): found (395 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:38 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:9CE99CBB7843F14BC5BD4EFFF19F9EB2): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:45 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6381A6FAEED5FB33BCE58DC78169A113): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:52 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:DDF3EA64A77B3DD43A8138DF3C592493): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:47:59 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7C912F551EE3018D9E30960A5AA1E9FA): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:06 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7D1404913DB39580ABE083A132BF6069): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:13 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5B54568BDA868827E677005581CD9743): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:20 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:7A06303FA8BA1314216F57546CB01821): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:27 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0FF726BDBEA9D8863FA64AAFD601C4EB): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:34 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5C524997A65BA987E0B1962BF5EFAC22): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:41 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:2CAF980913A50C1D9969217DEEE3191A): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:48 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:647B622D2ADDFD73FED420D9330BADD9): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:48:55 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:471D2C43F44DD206C3F467CEA7BCBD52): found (394 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:02 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:6F84DF0A2DCFAAB276FC55B210AADC6F): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:09 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FD5BCE8E1F486BB10210D8EFBFF9191A): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:16 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C7D971736FC9DD6225205FCC0E404518): found (384 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:23 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3A705B53E2AE0B31410BF5C099F9E6B3): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:30 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:80B9099CFD88205BA13C231EFB74B5E6): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:37 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8FA26CD61EFEB550105C94A5ED33FB74): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:44 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:186F43AC2665CEB5D3F90479E9570845): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:51 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:26FB852EF6BC64030465CC9F01A3C33C): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:49:58 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:BD2443A17D3456B7F403832CBA841B51): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:05 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FC2048A9FEFBD863E86BF9F51F54878F): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:12 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:46D70EE2AEC3D85D854B9F0C5AAB4817): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:19 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E55B05C8B964A221530E6179ABFF57FD): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:26 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A911B4E858E0B23C505EE41C38BA7FF6): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:33 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8E4F40390480467CD182988D65033907): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:40 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:92C59D72910D25C4FADF2ECC2795357A): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:47 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FD2ADE1CA6E5E93FFBDAE69DEBCBC402): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:50:54 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8AC7F3F7882B8ED433461A5C23CDEBEF): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:01 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:C94AD85409D3B3E04B438749F0E10348): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:08 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:066ED8851C610D2F6AC8DA4C5E6E771D): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:15 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:88E6BA579C25E1723954C56ABEA376A7): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:22 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:ACF6F3DDFFEA92A40182788EA3C383C8): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:29 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D0F73E504CB033BFCD243E9C98EF4FC4): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:36 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:B596F63C6E7A80FE0B64FD931C8E8234): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:43 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FA5913F363E3C99C39755E7E111C9528): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:50 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:424B5C86047B2A089704B663D6CEF6A9): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:51:57 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1AA1909E341FBDE5B275C8CE31F2785F): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:04 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:9F5CAC542EC0082AAEC9427F14E7B0DE): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:11 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:DAF564B3F5BD26CB8D48EC6A2E6D74F3): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:18 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8F33C02DD1309FC4FD735C1FAE55DBEB): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:25 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:3B50E38C49F6E91B0CAEF1BCA77DC255): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:32 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E694A0AFDA39DA31BB2A2C432A38EECE): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:39 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8A36377F56C0885E52DA35C1227D37D4): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:46 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:24C312D64232B0B9C850385FBBFD9372): found (385 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:52:53 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0200894E63AD0852435D0E0586796D28): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:00 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E5F2DFF7074238251754F79B3BA8E98D): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:07 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D8AE21EF095889A57AF56AB935B54FC9): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:14 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E974AA7D9B2981D5D30FB443C78F3074): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:21 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:528BA08B7132C854879F69354B2D5EC4): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:28 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:CDAC26C0B5419457D3AA39B06114FBAD): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:35 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:454A78BCB76854FFD4EE24A0F597564A): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:42 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:0D43AB3F1FA446F23D7F9A3B23F83AFA): found (384 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:49 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:506472317612B323CC20DF03E9B33301): found (395 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:53:56 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A59BB86C3AE090EFE699E4D959CAB880): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:03 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:D3EF7F5A77B0E8BFCE077B3E5F606C2C): found (394 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:10 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:75CA1592E75ABC742C48DA0F3CDC4D7C): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:17 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:A81B4ED14089E7C98A73607492C1C0CB): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:24 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:146FDCBCC9FED99A8F2B108579498AC8): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:31 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:28A2912296A9C3FF099896959DDC638A): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:38 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:8F55FDCCCCF3990F2DA5115BE7DF3A85): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:45 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:99836AEC7800BDFFC59C2877FA81BA8B): found (387 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:52 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:22DD54615B5222B44886D22DD0639E0C): found (396 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:54:59 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:F3A6CC6B6EF3DBEE94BA86B93E716320): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:06 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:5F11D7706E5A0C08534F573DB0597EFF): found (389 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:13 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:BFBBB3C10E7118C33B7761D7A18F5EDD): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:20 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:372166C3FB989E72E93020270884A6C7): found (383 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:27 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:20B62D0342E1C4A82262D0B5B694BD7F): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:34 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:854337C43D72D847F4EC055684D2AC10): found (393 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:41 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:12171364AD7E4E0F7F69ED9469D4685F): found (386 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:49 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:AE9129F3EC92FAD560F01CBC20E75AEB): found (392 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:55:56 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:FAF699DF71C422B90AC366C2B66A9253): found (396 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:56:03 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:2B35F5E4EDD7E95D10A58F0951D49F20): found (391 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:56:10 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:E2AE008146C9F6E33290279CC3E9472D): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:56:17 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:2C73FD60AB1D6FDDD37482D0EF2FF804): found (390 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:56:24 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:42E8826DCF35A8C5DDCE1B1BE23A3CF8): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:56:31 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:B0119E6EAF19E24A6769AD82BC6C5B19): found (388 ms) by hdplus
2014/01/12 12:56:38 52ECB8 c dvbapi (1843&000000/0000/EF15/89:1600F04630643C80DC6AC0CE2A1C808E): found (393 ms) by hdplus


logfile = /media/hdd/oscam.log
disableuserfile = 0
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 5000
preferlocalcards = 1
usrfile = userlog
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 1000
failbantime = 1440
failbancount = 5


port = 15151@1843:000000,003411,008011
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = dvbapi

httpport = 88
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 20
httphideidleclients = 1
httpallowed =,


label = hdplus
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 1843
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
detect = cd
mhz = 500
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2


user = dvbapi
pwd =
au = hdplus
group = 1
caid = 1843

user = user1
pwd = pass1
au = hdplus
group = 1
caid = 1843
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

der cccam abschnitt mit port für die c-lines der client fehlte wohl in oscam.conf,
dann geht es sofort ohne newcamd und nlines, wenn port und dyndns funktionieren
lb_mode=1 ist aber unsinnig bei nur einer karte, logfile auf hdd zu schreiben ist wenig sinnvoll
sieh dir noch einmal die korrekten configs in meiner anleitung an
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

du kannst nicht beide user aktiviert lassen, entweder den dvbapi aktieviert lassen und ohne cccam oder umgekehrt, dvbapi aus und mit cccam
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

Ich habe die user auch auskommentiert,es ist entweder dvbapi oder newcam active gewesen,
und wie erwähnt über dvbapi lüpt es nur über die nline nicht.
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

wieso lässt du es nicht dann mit dem dvbapi am laufen
wenns um den proxy (cline) geht dann poste denn mal mit (dyn, user, pass abändern) wenn der nicht läuft oder hast du den 2x irgendwo auch eingetragen?
AW: HD02 oscam/cccam Gigablue quad

proxy's habe ich wie im beispiel angegeben

user = user2
pwd = pass2
group = 3
hostname = user2.dyndns.com
uniq = 1
monlevel = 0
suppresscmd08 = 2
cccmaxhops = 1
cccreshare = 1


label = user
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device = user.dyndns.com,12000
user = user1
password = pass1
inactivitytimeout = 1
reconnecttimeout = 300
fix9993 = 0
group = 3
lb_weight = 100
cccversion = 2.2.1
cccmaxhops = 2
cccmindown = 0
ccckeepalive = 1

haber da verbinden sich einige user und ander nicht,da ich mich nicht so besonders auskenne wollte ich den weg über die nline gehen
da es für mich einfacher wäre.
Ich hatte es auch schon über nline in eine Dream800hd gehabt,die haber kaputt ist.
Haber auf der GigablueQuad lauft es nicht,warum auch immer.