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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Freezer beim hs mit oscam


Ist oft hier
10. März 2015
Habe seit einiger zeit freezer bei s...y und hd+.beide Karten sind in einer vu+solo2 drin.
Hier meine configs.ich hoffe das ist das was ihr benötigt.Karte ist eine v13 und hd01
Oscam config
disablelog = 1
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
unlockparental = 1
nice = -10
maxlogsize = 100
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 2
dropdups = 0
usrfile = /tmp/user.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/
emmlogdir = /etc/tuxbox/config/
lb_mode = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapi_local
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = xxxxxxxxx
httpuser = xxxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxxx
httpallowed =
httposcamlabel = Oscam WebInterface

port = xxxxx
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 0
recv_timeout = 5000

port = xxxxxxxx

Oscam server
label = SKY_V13
description = V13 or V14 (NDS)
caid = 09C4,098C
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
emmcache = 1,2,2
ins7e11 = 15
ndsversion = 2
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-u = 1
mhz = 534
cardmhz = 357
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
group = 1
ndsversion = 2
services = !sky-hd+

label = HD+_HD01
description = HD01 or HD02 (NAGRA)
caid = 1830,1843
detect = cd
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = xxxxxxxxxxxx
mhz = 534
cardmhz = 369
emmcache = 1,2,2
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
group = 2
services = !hd04-hd+

Oscam version Unix starttime: 1452343563
Starttime: 09.01.2016 13:46:03
Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r10627
Compiler: mipsel-oe-linux-ssl-libusb
Box type: vusolo2 (generic)
ConfigDir: /etc/tuxbox/config/
WebifPort: xxxxx

Web interface support: yes
LiveLog support: yes
jQuery support intern: yes
Touch interface support: yes
SSL support: yes
DVB API support: yes
DVB API with AZBOX support: no
DVB API with MCA support: no
DVB API with COOLAPI support: no
DVB API with STAPI support: no
Irdeto guessing: yes
Anti-cascading support: yes
Debug mode: yes
Monitor: yes
Loadbalancing support: yes
Cache exchange support: yes
CW Cycle Check support: yes
LCD support: yes
LED support: no
Emulator support: yes
Clockfix with realtime clock: yes
IPv6 support: no

camd 3.3x: yes
camd 3.5 UDP: yes
camd 3.5 TCP: yes
newcamd: yes
CCcam: yes
CCcam share: yes
gbox: yes
radegast: yes
scam: yes
serial: yes
constant CW: yes
Pandora: yes
ghttp: yes

Reader support: yes

Nagra: yes
Irdeto: yes
Conax: yes
Cryptoworks: yes
Seca: yes
Viaccess: yes
NDS Videoguard: yes
DRE Crypt: yes
Bulcrypt: yes
Griffin: yes
DGCrypt: yes

cardreader_phoenix: yes
cardreader_internal_azbox: no
cardreader_internal_coolapi: no
cardreader_internal_sci: yes
cardreader_sc8in1: yes
cardreader_mp35: yes
cardreader_smargo: yes
cardreader_pcsc: no
cardreader_smartreader: yes
cardreader_db2com: yes
cardreader_stapi: no
cardreader_stinger: yes

ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen

AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

wie sehen die Freezer im Log aus?
die V13 kann nur eine Caid, 09C4
die HD01 nur die 1830

die anderen raus...
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

Freezer heißt das Bild bleibt stehen.manchmal bis zu 30 sec.werde deinen tipp gleich mal angehen

so gemacht jetzt mal abwarten
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

das es zum Bild Stillstand kommt bei einem Freez ist uns auch klar,
was steht aber im oscam.log zu der Zeit wenn es stehen bleibt
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

Teste mal mhz = 450 und cardmhz = 2700
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

hab es gemacht.mal gucken was passiert.melde mich dann wieder

AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

bitte mal ein Stück mehr vom log....
bei dir sieht man nur das Kabel eins HD angefragt wird und dazu kein passender Reader gefunden wird,

was kommt davor?
welche Caid wird angefragt?
danach wieder alles OK?
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

  • (1843&000000/0000/EF76/89:2BBFF4FDA8CBF709B57263498BA36990): rejected group (0 ms) - kabel eins HD (no matching reader)
  • 2016/01/11 18:27:36 5AF600 c (ecm) (1860&000000/0000/EF76/8F:8F620911A94D7FE3AD6F4BB8C7BDC56B): rejected group (0 ms) - kabel eins HD (no matching reader)
  • 2016/01/11 18:27:36 5AF600 c (ecm) (1860&000000/0000/EF76/8F:C8C05C75CEDA3445290D984D0A2C3D5E): rejected group (0 ms) - kabel eins HD (no matching reader)
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

es werden alle möglichen Caids abgefragt, welche die Karte nicht beantworten kann, 1843 und 1860 laut log stückchen
das log ist immer noch seeeeehhhhhr kurz
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

poste doch einfach mal ein stück vom log wo es noch geht , dann hängt und wieder geht.
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam


Ohne deine Configs und einen brauchbaren Auszug aus deinem Log .... werdet ihr hier noch Stunden / Tage rumraten !!!! :JC_hmmm:
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

cwlogdir = /var/log/
Yeah, cws loggen bis das Image platzt!

Verstehst du wenigstens die Hälfte der Parameter in deinen Configs? :emoticon-0156-rain:

AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam

  • 2016/01/12 10:33:21 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:E363D122984626A6F330928C54648877): cache1 (401 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:22 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:F5C53E82610D1025BB5DE0B69F89D11C): found (1244 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:27 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:EDE4A80A1ED97776EDADA9522511BCFC): found (299 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:28 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:1AFD6C83C4E73E65183EADE52BB44DC5): found (403 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:28 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:1AFD6C83C4E73E65183EADE52BB44DC5): cache1 (407 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:29 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:280934C56D90BCD9B7B457396B6F13A6): found (988 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:29 585C58 c (ecm (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:75932524A03F0A38DB6FB4D9D38E4285): found (1242 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:35 5A9580 c (ecm (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:C20B36BBC384C596156DBA68ABAD4A40): found (405 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:36 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:A49FF8290DD4DAB5E6B9A8D5D942ADDD): found (663 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:36 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:AF4FF71393858C8D02E9A703D2DC660E): found (769 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:36 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:AF4FF71393858C8D02E9A703D2DC660E): cache2 (1015 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:37 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:F4578C32A260B741377B531E22817369): found (300 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:42 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:09F896AEA7A2506DFB342FCE7B2810C1): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:42 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:09F896AEA7A2506DFB342FCE7B2810C1): cache1 (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:9A7B0DD302EA06EBAC5DB0797F398020): found (988 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:43 585C58 c ( (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:5C87F06EE91CFDD8CEF73347B4B34B7A): found (1223 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:47 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:DCE9E59E095F71F0818E0022A21D4315): found (300 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:49 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:BAB1324407A720A182D2DEBA906E4F92): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:49 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:BAB1324407A720A182D2DEBA906E4F92): cache1 (396 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:50 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:226A1B7190E60FA1AC28C3063858F9F5): found (988 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:50 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:FB6AE402313C4422E37C0D40D4190E03): found (1226 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:56 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:1833E7C3399ACC98DAB61874C8E30E0A): found (403 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:56 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:1833E7C3399ACC98DAB61874C8E30E0A): cache1 (403 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:33:57 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:5AFB8555A69B4DD48735B88EB4A7E5E8): found (710 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:5B2E009D236C8045A517CA96FC6B5241): found (948 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:03 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:50D38D7632188C960E33AB4583934562): found (403 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:03 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:50D38D7632188C960E33AB4583934562): cache1 (396 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:04 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:EE049AE2E35E4AB053EBC0D23BF1CC49): found (710 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:04 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:A3A05150F6030C94D1B778D6BBA7DCB9): found (964 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:10 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:7CA8A1CEF3BF8577E23DC34F213A9343): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:10 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:7CA8A1CEF3BF8577E23DC34F213A9343): cache1 (400 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:11 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:220950E8B8956D20C2ABDA143F615A66): found (709 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:11 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:892FB3FEB6A40DFAE891F99F57F6A083): found (966 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:12 5AF600 c (ecm (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:220950E8B8956D20C2ABDA143F615A66): cache1 (0 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:12 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:A09CBBF57F9A09A6B2D885220D20AF18): found (300 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:13 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:11BA8F09A14B545B59E155405DC66B81): found (886 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:14 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:11BA8F09A14B545B59E155405DC66B81): cache1 (1 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:17 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:01C645C37B1B2BB07E2EF77E32E5EF43): found (403 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:17 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:01C645C37B1B2BB07E2EF77E32E5EF43): cache1 (398 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:18 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:75B1152DB74D4ACBC065E4087010EF83): found (987 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:18 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:51B1DEFA521E769EFBB7FC558DF0A3EA): found (1233 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:19 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:4ADF8DCBDC9BB0FCA770F65ED0ACDE97): found (1532 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:24 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:612D2B1AA82CF06537448A61E0874610): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:24 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:612D2B1AA82CF06537448A61E0874610): cache1 (401 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:25 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:3ED3A0207D147FA171607282B85AE1DF): found (989 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:25 585C58 c ( (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:0E95BE1D600F1AF8CF8559AABBD2AB94): found (1244 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:27 5AF600 c (ecm (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:F8AAF12FC1363C6967CBAAA56122CB1F): found (300 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:31 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:D88365EE93FA1C47C87F60508C8F9175): found (403 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:31 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:D88365EE93FA1C47C87F60508C8F9175): cache1 (401 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:32 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:E36B701CFC527CCEA0D3246FD47F3A3A): found (989 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:32 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:944C7BCDE43F00D5A73F5F8FBF79F839): found (1216 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:37 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:CE656B21085F27E9AEBDDEAE9ADD7D98): found (299 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:38 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:23883FF47A3B502B0AD1186ED81E7262): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:38 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:23883FF47A3B502B0AD1186ED81E7262): cache1 (395 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:39 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:7534676D25F4D5976CF8083DD0117F0C): found (988 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:39 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:80BED740CCEBB9469AF021024FA4BA28): found (1227 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:45 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:D36AC3ABB3A712BE62872B3B7216F6A1): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:45 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:D36AC3ABB3A712BE62872B3B7216F6A1): cache1 (398 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:46 5A9580 c (ecm) 2(1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:B2828C746C2A685A6D9A97F92637AE92): found (709 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:46 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:2B339D2EE086751D9191151BEA676421): found (949 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:47 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:4C5656A161D2D1FDD7EDF53A0577DB98): found (300 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:52 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:694AF3F27BDCCAE3E483E06B911BE745): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:52 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:694AF3F27BDCCAE3E483E06B911BE745): cache1 (407 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:53 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:F6F7F746915CDCACD4B1783127395C7A): found (988 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:53 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:20AFDC01EC7EAACA08FDC2C032CD15A2): found (1228 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:57 5AF600 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF10/92:7B315F999887D7FC63A018269413783E): found (299 ms) by HD+_HD01 - RTL HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:59 5A5BF8 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:4B7728EDEC443B2A69E1A4EE6E6D5986): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:34:59 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:4B7728EDEC443B2A69E1A4EE6E6D5986): cache1 (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:35:00 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:76CFE7F996CC4D1BC7C1A748270A0E73): found (989 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:35:00 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:8D751D248C11BF1B7D51051BE28CD65E): found (1222 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:021376E4725FFD247E93BDFA2ADB3F7A): found (404 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:35:06 594818 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF75/92:021376E4725FFD247E93BDFA2ADB3F7A): cache1 (396 ms) by HD+_HD01 - ProSieben HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:35:07 5A9580 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF74/92:8E18AF29E56F4AC4EAD9364ECB34FF76): found (711 ms) by HD+_HD01 - SAT.1 HD
  • 2016/01/12 10:35:07 585C58 c (ecm) (1830&000000/0000/EF76/92:D888B2114C6E4245913D6B228828B073): found (931 ms) by HD+_HD01 - kabel eins HD

- - - - - - - - - -

cwlogdir = /var/log/ Wie sollte ich das einstellen??
wenn ich das wüsste würde ich mich nicht an euch wenden

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Freezer beim hs mit oscam


[COLOR=#ff0000]disablelog = 1
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid[/COLOR]
unlockparental = 1
nice = [COLOR=#0000ff]-1[/COLOR]
maxlogsize = 100
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 2
[COLOR=#ff0000]dropdups = 0
usrfile = /tmp/user.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/[/COLOR]
emmlogdir = [COLOR=#ff0000]/etc/tuxbox/config/[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000]lb_mode = 0[/COLOR]
enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapi_local
boxtype = dreambox
httpport = xxxxxxxxx
httpuser = xxxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxxx
httpallowed =
httposcamlabel = Oscam WebInterface
port = xxxxx
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
reshare_mode = 0
recv_timeout = 5000
port = xxxxxxxx


label = HD+_HD01
description = HD01 or HD02 (NAGRA)
caid = 1830[COLOR=#ff0000],1843[/COLOR]
detect = cd
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = xxxxxxxxxxxx
mhz = [COLOR=#0000ff]540[/COLOR]
cardmhz = [COLOR=#0000ff]2700[/COLOR]
emmcache = 1,[COLOR=#0000ff]3[/COLOR],2
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
group = 2
services = !hd04-hd+

Das "Rote" komplett raus !!

Das "Blaue" ändern !!

Nach den Änderungen Receiver neu starten !!!
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