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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben


Freetz/DM800 & G02

AW: Freetz/DM800 & G02

2011/07/18 23:32:42 2DE214B0 c anonymous (09C7&000000/D17B/75:1D97): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:32:42 2DE214B0 c anonymous (1861&000000/D17B/8E:93F6): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:32:42 2DE214B0 c anonymous (1722&000000/D17B/54:37E7): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:32:42 2DE214B0 c anonymous (1801&000000/D17B/4A:46F3): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
da liegt der fehler. er will innerhalb von 1 Sekunde 4 Caids durchprobieren.
vermutlich ist deine oscam.dvbapi falsch. leere sie mal bitte und starte OScam mal neu. wie sehen jetzt die logs der dm800 aus?
AW: Freetz/DM800 & G02

2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.10rc-svn, build #5652 (mips-tuxbox-linux)
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s version=1.10rc-svn, build #5652, system=mips-tuxbox-linux, nice=-1
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s client max. idle=60 sec, debug level=0
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s max. logsize=100 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s client timeout=10000 ms, fallback timeout=4900 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 2 services loaded, rejected 0
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s userdb reloaded: 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.srvid" (err=2 No such file or directory), no service-id's loaded
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (err=2 No such file or directory), no tier-id's loaded
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2 No such file or directory), no provids's loaded
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) irdeto guessing not loaded
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s monitor: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s camd33: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s camd35: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s cs378x: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s newcamd: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s cccam: initialized (fd=8, port=12000, crypted)
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s radegast: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s http thread started
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s creating thread for device
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s waiting for local card init
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2C6114B0 h HTTP Server listening on port 8888
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2CE114B0 p proxy thread started (thread=2CE114B0, label=freetz, server=
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2CE114B0 p connecting to
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2CE114B0 p resolved ip=
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2AAC6800 s init for all local cards done
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2AAC6800 s anti cascading disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2D6114B0 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: 0 entries read from oscam.dvbapi
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s cs378x: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s newcamd: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s cccam: initialized (fd=8, port=12000, crypted)
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s radegast: disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s http thread started
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s creating thread for device
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2AAC6800 s waiting for local card init
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2C6114B0 h HTTP Server listening on port 8888
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2CE114B0 p proxy thread started (thread=2CE114B0, label=freetz, server=
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2CE114B0 p connecting to
2011/07/18 23:48:40 2CE114B0 p resolved ip=
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2AAC6800 s init for all local cards done
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2AAC6800 s anti cascading disabled
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2D6114B0 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2011/07/18 23:48:41 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: 0 entries read from oscam.dvbapi
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 0AF5 PROVID: 000000
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1722 ECM_PID: 1769 PROVID: 000000
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1801 ECM_PID: 1768 PROVID: 000000
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 3] CAID: 1834 ECM_PID: 0AF8 PROVID: 000000
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 4] CAID: 09C7 ECM_PID: 0AF9 PROVID: 000000
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: new program number: D17B (1861:D17B unknown)
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1861&000000/D17B/8E:E41D): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:44 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1722&000000/D17B/54:8EC2): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:45 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1801&000000/D17B/4A:3BAF): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:45 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1834&000000/D17B/89:C3C4): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:45 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: try pids again #1
2011/07/18 23:48:45 2D6114B0 c anonymous (09C7&000000/D17B/75:0614): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:45 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1861&000000/D17B/8E:E41D): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:45 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1722&000000/D17B/54:8EC2): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:46 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1801&000000/D17B/4A:3BAF): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:46 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1834&000000/D17B/89:C3C4): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:46 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: try pids again #2
2011/07/18 23:48:46 2D6114B0 c anonymous (09C7&000000/D17B/75:0614): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:46 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1861&000000/D17B/8E:E41D): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:46 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1722&000000/D17B/54:8EC2): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:47 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1801&000000/D17B/4A:3BAF): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:47 2D6114B0 c anonymous (1834&000000/D17B/89:C3C4): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/07/18 23:48:47 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: try pids again #3
2011/07/18 23:48:47 2D6114B0 c dvbapi: can't decode channel
2011/07/18 23:48:47 2D6114B0 c anonymous (09C7&000000/D17B/75:0614): rejected group (121 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)

Was ist denn damit -- no matching reader?
AW: Freetz/DM800 & G02


hat sich schon eine Lösung zu dem Problem finden lassen? Habe die gleiche Konstelation wie oben beschrieben, bekomme aber auch kein Bild. Könntet hier vielleicht die OSCAM Dateien einmal posten, die zum Erfolg geführt haben?
